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CHEMISTRY 12 Past papers (2008-2017)

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Section A
Q1. Encircle the correct option among the given choices.

(i) Baeyer’s reagent is

(a) Dilute Alkaline KMnO4 (b) HCl+ZnCl2
(c) Br2 in CCl4 (d) All of these
(ii) Addition of hydrogen accompanied by a bond cleavage is called
(a) Hydrogenation (b) Hydrolysis
(c) Hydroxylation (d) Hydrogenolysis
(iii) Vinyl acetylene combines with HCl to form
(a) Chloroprene (b) Benzene (c) Neoprene (d) Polyacetylene
(iv)Synthetic rubber is made by polymerization of
(a) Chloroform (b) Acetylene
(c) DivinylAcetylene (d) Chloroprene
(v) Which compound is the most reactive
(a) Benzene (b) Ethene (c) Ethyne (d)Ethane
(vi) Preparation of vegetable ghee involves
(a) Hydrogenation (b) Dehydrogenation
(b) Hydroxylation (d) Halogenation
(vii) The presence of double bond in a compound is a sign of
(a) Saturation (b) Alkylation
(b) Unsaturation (d) Substitution

Section B
Q2. Answer the following short questions

i. How mustard gas is prepared from ethane? Also write IUPAC name of mustard gas 2008
ii. Give equation with conditions of reaction to give cyclic polymerization of acetylene 2008
iii. Write structural formula of the following compounds 2009
a) Isobutylene b) 1,3-Pentadiene
iv. How will you convert 2-Butyne into cis-2-Butene? 2010
v. How common names of alkenes are derived? Give common names of CH2=CH2
and CH3-CH=CH2 2011
vi. Why ethane is more reactive than ethyne towards addition reactions? 2011
vii. Write the structural formula of the given compounds
a) 2,2-Dimethyl Hexane b) 4-Isopropylheptane
viii. Give the mechanism of ozonolysis of ethane 2013
ix. How does ethyne reacts with 2012
a) Hydrogen b) halogen acids
x. What is Baeyers test? How it is used to check the presence of carbon carbon double bond 2012
xi. What is Lindlar’s catalyst? Where it is used? 2014
xii. Why pi bond is more reactive than sigma bond? 2014
xiii. When double and triple bond are present in a compound how are they named? 2015
xiv. What are clemmenson and wolf kishner’s reduction reactions? How they differ? 2015
xv. Convert acetylene into 2016
a) Acetaldehyde b) benzene
xvi. Write mechanism for Kolbe’s Electrolytic method for preparation of alkanes 2016
a) Give the mechanism of Bromination of Ethene 2017
xvii. write the structural formula of neo-pentane and 3-Ethylpentane 2017

Section C

(i) How will you prepare the following compounds from Ethyne? 2008
a) Benzene b) Acetaldehyde c) Chloroprene d) ethane e) ethane nitrile
(ii) Write down any three methods of preparation and any two chemical reactions of alkanes 2009
(iii) Describe any five rules for naming alkanes. Give examples 2010
(iv) Desribe how will you distinguish between ethane ethane and ethyne from one another by means of
chemical reactions? 2011
(v) What is Markownkoves rule? Give two examples? 2012
(vi) Explain the addition reaction of ethane with examples 2013
(vii) Show by two reactions that ethane and ethyne are unsaturated? How can they be
distinguished from each other? 2014

(viii) How will you synthesize the following compounds starting from ethyne 2015
a) Acetaldehyde b) Methyn nitrile c) Ethane d) Acrylonitrile
(ix) Explain the acidic behavior of ethyne 2016
(x) How will you convert ethyne into
a) Ethane b) Acetaldehyde c) Divinyl acetylene d) Glyoxal
(xi) Make the following changes 2017
a) Ethyne into chloroprene b) ethyne into benzene

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