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Infants & Young Children

Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 74–85
c 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Early Intervention in Autism

Christina M. Corsello, PhD
We now know that professionals can diagnose children with autism when they are as young as 2
years of age (Lord, 1995). Screening and the role of the pediatrician have become even more critical
as we have recognized the stability of early diagnosis over time and the importance of early inter-
vention. At this point, experts working with children with autism agree that early intervention is
critical. There is professional consensus about certain crucial aspects of treatment (intensity, family
involvement, focus on generalization) and empirical evidence for certain intervention strategies.
However, there are many programs developed for children with autism that differ in philosophy
and a lack of research comparing the various intervention programs. Most of the programs for
children with autism that exist are designed for children of preschool age, and not all are widely
known or available. While outcome data are published for some of these programs, empirical stud-
ies comparing intervention programs are lacking. In this review, existing intervention programs
and empirical studies on these programs will be reviewed, with a particular emphasis on the birth
to 3 age group. Key words: autism, early intervention, treatment

BACKGROUND et al., 2000; Lord & McGee, 2001). Included

among them are 2 disorders that are defined
Autism is a developmental disorder that was by a regression in skills: Rett syndrome and
first described by Leo Kanner in 1943, in a childhood disintegrative disorder. These will
classic article that included case studies of 11 not be the focus of this article. Recently, a
children. Since that time, the diagnostic cri- specific gene has been linked with Rett syn-
teria have evolved based on continued ob- drome (Cheadle et al, 2000). Childhood disin-
servations and research, resulting in the cur- tegrative disorder is a very rare disorder, with
rent criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical reported prevalence rates of 0.6 per 100,000
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (Chakrabarti & Fombonne, 2001). This dis-
or DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, order involves a period of normal develop-
1994) and the International Classification ment in the first 2 years of life, followed by
of Diseases or ICD-10 (World Health Orga- a regression in a number of skill areas prior
nization, 1993). At the present time, autistic to the age of 4 years, resulting in autistic
disorder is defined in terms of qualitative symptoms.
impairments in social interaction and commu- The other 2 ASD diagnoses are Asperger’s
nication, and restricted, repetitive, and stereo- disorder and pervasive developmental disor-
typed patterns of behaviors, interests, and der – not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). As-
activities, with impairments in one of these ar- perger’s disorder, like Autistic disorder, in-
eas prior to the age of 3 years. cludes qualitative impairments in reciprocal
In addition to autistic disorder, there are 4 social interactions, and restricted, repetitive,
other specific diagnoses included within the and stereotyped patterns of behaviors, inter-
autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) category, ests, and activities. However, unlike Autistic
which is a term now preferred by most par- disorder, it does not require qualitative im-
ents and professional organizations (Filipek pairments in communication. In addition, this
diagnosis requires that there is no clinically
significant language delay prior to 3 years of
From the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. age, no cognitive delays, and that the crite-
ria for another specific PDD have not been
Corresponding author: Christina M. Corsello, PhD, Uni-
versity of Michigan, 1111 East Catherine St, 2nd Floor, met. If children who have ever met criteria for
Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (e-mail: autistic disorder are ruled out, the diagnosis
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Early Intervention in Autism 75

of Asperger’s disorder is very rare (Miller & from controlled empirical studies, which are
Ozonoff, 1997). Nevertheless, the diagnosis designed to determine if the program or spe-
of Asperger’s disorder is often used for milder cific aspects of the program are clearly respon-
cases of high-functioning autism. The final di- sible for the changes observed.
agnosis within this general category is PDD- When reviewing research on intervention
NOS. This disorder is characterized by qual- for children with ASDs, there are several im-
itative impairments in social interaction, ac- portant considerations. These include the age
companied by either qualitative impairments groups included in the study, the control
in communication or restricted, repetitive, group, the control condition, and the out-
and stereotyped patterns of behaviors, inter- come measures (Table 1). When reviewing
ests, and activities. There is still controversy programs, there are several components to
about this diagnosis, including whether it is cover, including method of intervention, the
“almost autism” or “atypical autism” (Towbin, format, the setting, who implements the pro-
1997). gram, and whether it is child- or adult-directed
Recent epidemiological studies have re- (Table 2). Within this review, we will first fo-
ported rates of ASDs as high as 66 per 10,000 cus on issues relevant to early intervention,
(Fombonne, 2002), which is a surprising in- followed by a review of programs and empiri-
crease over rates reported in the past. Early cal support for programs, and suggested next
identification has increased in importance, as steps with regard to intervention with very
many studies have found that children with young children.
ASDs who receive services prior to 48 months
of age make greater improvements than those
who enter programs after 48 months of age INTERVENTIONS
(Harris & Weiss, 1998; Sheinkopf & Siegel,
1998). Over the years, there have been many
Over the past 10 to 15 years, there has been treatments developed for children with
evidence that children with ASDs can be re- autism, evolving from different philosophies.
liably diagnosed as young as 2 years of age These include behavioral interventions,
(Lord, 1995). One of the largest errors in diag- developmental interventions, and cognitive-
noses of 2-year-olds referred for autism is un- behavioral interventions. While each program
derdiagnosing children on the basis of clinical is based on a different philosophy and uses
impression when their scores on standardized unique intervention strategies, there is also
measures are consistent with a diagnosis of considerable overlap in components of the
autism (Lord & Risi, 1998). Possible contribu- programs.
tors to this bias are the variability in behaviors Two aspects of intervention that are com-
of 2-year-olds who have ASDs (Lord, 1995) mon to most intervention programs designed
and the lack of repetitive behaviors in autism for ASDs and have empirical support include
that are often present in 3-year-olds, but may the intensity of the program and the age
not be present in 2-year-olds with autism at which children should begin intervention.
(Cox et al., 1999; Lord, 1995; Stone et al., Dawson and Osterling (1997), based on a re-
1999). view of programs for children with autism,
In this review, early intervention programs report that most programs involve 15 to 25
and empirical studies available on each of the hours of intervention a week. There is also
programs (Table 1) will be reviewed, with a empirical evidence that children who en-
specific focus on the birth to 3 age group. ter programs at younger ages make greater
When reviewing empirical support and pro- gains than those who enter programs at older
grams, it is important to differentiate program ages (Harris & Handleman, 2000; Sheinkopf
outcome studies, which are designed to deter- & Siegel, 1998). These studies generally com-
mine if a program is having the desired effect, pare children who are older than 4 or 5 years


Table 1. Intervention studies∗


Method Authors Subjects/groups Age, mo Outcome measure Findings

TEACCH Home Ozonoff & Cathcart 11 TEACCH 31–69 PEP-R TEACCH had significant
Program (1998) 11 control gains in PEP-R scores
when compared with
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Discrete Trial Lovaas (1987) 19 for 40 h M = 32 IQ score Intense intervention group:

19 for 10 h M = 35 Educational placement 47% in regular education
21 no treatment Educational support 31 point IQ gain

Discrete Trial McEachin, Smith, & 19 for 40 h M = 32 IQ score Intense intervention group:
Lovaas (1993) 19 for 10 h M = 35 Adaptive behavior score IQ higher
Vineland score higher
Discrete Trial Smith, Groen, & 15 for 30 h 18–42 IQ 27% in regular education
Wynn (2000) 13 for 5 h by parents, Language 16 point IQ gain
15 h special classes Behavioral measure Little difference in behavior
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Adaptive measure Little difference in adaptive


Class placement scores

Discrete Trial & Luiselli, Cannon, Ellis, 8 younger than 3 y M = 2.63 y ELAP or LAP Duration of treatment was
Incidental Teaching & Sisson (2000) 8 older than 3 y M = 3.98 y only predictor of change
Applied Behavior Harris & Handleman 27 subjects 31–65 Class placement IQ and age predicted class
Analysis (2000) No control group placement
Incidental Teaching McGee, Morrier, & 28 subjects 29 Verbal sample 82% using meaningful
Daly (1999) No control group Peer proximity words
71% improved in peer
LEAP Strain & Hoyson 6 subjects 30–53 Class placement Improvements in all areas
(2000) No control group LAP

∗ PEP-R, Psychoeducational Profile – Revised; M, mean; ELAP, Early Learning Accomplishment Profile; LAP, Learning Accomplishment Profile; IQ, intelligence quotient; LEAP,

Lifeskills and Education for Students with Autism and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders; CARS, Childhood Autism Rating Scale; mo, months; and h, hours.
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Early Intervention in Autism 77

Table 2. Intervention programs

Adult- or
Method Authors/program H/wk Format Setting Implementer child-directed
Incidental Walden Infant 30+ Group Child care Parents Child
Teaching Toddler Program center
1 to 1 Home Educational staff
Social Pragmatic Wetherby & Prizant Variable 1 to 1 Home Parent Child
Developmental Therapist
Approach Teacher
Structured Teaching TEACCH Variable Group Classroom Parents Adult
Home School staff
Discrete Trial Lovaas (1987) 40 1 to 1 Home Student therapists Adult
Trained consultants
Discrete Trial Douglass 35–45 1 to 1 Class School staff Adult
Developmental Small Home Parents
Disabilities Center group Student therapists
Pivotal Response Koegel, Koegel, & Variable 1 to 1 Inclusive Highly skilled specialists Child
Intervention Harrows (1999) Group setting Family
Home School staff
Behavioral and LEAP∗ 15 Group Integrated Teacher Adult and child
Inclusion classroom
Developmental Greenspan Variable 1 to 1 Home Parents, educational staff Child
Developmental Denver Model 22 Group Classroom Trained staff Child

LEAP indicates Lifeskills and Education for Students with Autism and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders.

with those who are younger than 4 or 5 years. followed by widely available preschool pro-
One study comparing children younger than grams, and finally preschool programs that are
3 years with those older than 3 years did not less widely available.
find age differences in improvement (Luiselli,
Cannon, Ellis, & Sisson, 2000), which may sug-
gest that 4 years of age is young enough to EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAMS
lead to significant gains. A potentially com- DESIGNED FOR TODDLERS
plicating factor is that children tend to make
intelligence quotient (IQ) gains regardless of Walden Toddler program
intervention at the younger ages (Gabriels, The Walden Toddler Program (McGee, Mor-
Hill, Pierce, & Wehner, 2001; Lord & Schopler, rier, & Daly, 2001) is a program designed
1989). This also leads to difficulties in inter- specifically for toddlers with autism. The pro-
preting changes in IQ scores, which are often gram is based on a typical daycare model,
used as an outcome measure. with a focus on using incidental teaching
Most early intervention programs are de- and social inclusion. Incidental teaching is a
signed for preschool-aged children, although method of applied behavior analysis (ABA)
they may include younger children in their that uses behavioral principles within natural
programs as well. It is only more recently learning contexts. The environment includes
that we have been able to identify children toys and activities that are appealing to young
with autism as young as 2 years of age. There children, and the adult expands on requests
are a few programs that are specifically de- and activities that the child initiates. The pro-
signed for children between birth and 3 years gram is very structured and works on individ-
of age. We will first cover the programs de- ual goals within planned activities. The pro-
signed specifically for the birth to 3 age group, gram includes typical toddlers and toddlers
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with autism, between the ages of 15 and 36 it was designed specifically for toddlers. Most
months. There are no controlled empirical of the research on the available models is
studies of this program, but program evalua- descriptive rather than based on empirical
tion data found that 82% of the toddlers used studies. Currently, there is no empirical
meaningful words when they left the program evidence that one program is superior to
and 71% of the children showed improve- another.
ments in their proximity to other children. There are many common elements of these
programs, although they differ considerably
Social pragmatic communication in philosophy. All of these programs include
approach young children (mean ages between 30 and
Amy Wetherby (Wetherby & Prizant, 1999) 47 months), active family involvement, and
has also developed strategies for teaching are intensive in hours (12–36 hours a week).
communication to young children with ASDs, In addition, in most of the model programs,
based on a pragmatic communication devel- staff is well trained and experienced in work-
opmental approach. She has not developed ing with children with autism and the phys-
a comprehensive intervention program; how- ical environment is supportive. It is impor-
ever, she has focused her intervention strate- tant to note, however, that level of experience
gies on social pragmatic communication de- and training can vary considerably, particu-
velopment for children younger than 3 years. larly when adapting or incorporating model
Within this approach, the importance of programs into the public domain. All of the
teaching in naturalistic contexts, using a facil- programs focus on developmental skills and
itative rather than a directive style, providing goals, and contain ongoing objective assess-
opportunities for communication, and consis- ment of progress. The programs also use
tently and contingently reinforcing communi- teaching strategies designed for the general-
cation attempts are emphasized (Wetherby & ization and maintenance of skills, individu-
Prizant, 1999). Other strategies used in teach- alized intervention plans based on a child’s
ing communication to young children include strengths and needs, and planned transitions
incorporating environmental supports to cre- from preschool to school age. While there are
ate a predictable environment and teaching many similarities, each program also has a dif-
peers to initiate and respond to children with ferent emphasis and defining features. Each of
ASDs. the programs will be reviewed below.


The TEACCH program is a statewide,
There are many comprehensive programs community-based intervention program that
for children with ASDs, among the most emphasizes environmental organization and
widely known are the Developmental Inter- visual supports, individualization of goals, and
vention Model or Greenspan approach the teaching of independence and develop-
(Greenspan & Wieder, 1997), the TEACCH mental skills. The setting in which the pro-
Model (Marcus, Lansing, Andrews, & gram is implemented varies, depending on
Schopler, 1978; Mesibov, 1997; Schopler, the abilities and needs of each child (self-
Mesibov, & Baker, 1982), the UCLA Young contained classroom, included classroom,
Autism Project (Lovaas, 1987), the LEAP home). Teaching strategies are designed to be
(Lifeskills and Education for Students with meaningful to the child with autism, and are
Autism and other Pervasive Developmental therefore taught within the natural environ-
Disorders) Program, and the Denver Model. ment and within context. The TEACCH pro-
Most of these programs have been developed gram views ASDs as lifelong. From the begin-
for children of preschool age or older. The ning, it emphasizes skills that are important
Walden Toddler Program is an exception, as for future independence. One of the strengths
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Early Intervention in Autism 79

of the TEACCH program is a focus on the lifes- not only in autism but also in psychology in
pan and community-based intervention. One general.
of the weaknesses is the lack of empirical stud- The UCLA Young Autism Project uses the
ies of the program. Lovaas method of intervention, specifically
While the TEACCH program has been in discrete trial intervention, implemented in a
existence for more than 30 years, there are one-to-one setting by trained ABA therapists,
relatively few empirical studies of the pro- supervised by trained professionals. The fo-
gram. Two studies, comparing TEACCH inter- cus of the first year is on imitation, interac-
ventions with only public education interven- tion, play, and response to basic requests. In
tion, found significant differences in scores the second year, the focus shifts to contin-
on the Psychoeducational Profile – Revised on ued work on language, descriptions of emo-
follow-up testing (Ozonoff & Cathcart, 1998; tions and preacademic skills. To teach gen-
Panerai, Ferrante, & Zingale, 2002). Only one eralization, the children practice the skills
of these studies focused on younger children in other situations and with other people,
(Ozonoff & Cathcart, 1998) and compared once they have mastered them in a one-to-one
a TEACCH home program, involving 10 ses- setting.
sions, in addition to services provided by the The UCLA Young Autism Project has been
public school, to solely public school ser- empirically studied, and the most commonly
vices for children between 2 and 6 years of cited article is Lovaas’ article (Lovaas, 1987).
age. Children in the TEACCH group had sig- At the time treatment began, the children had
nificantly higher scores on the PEP-R than a mean age of 35 months in the experimen-
the children in the control group following tal group and 41 months in the control group.
4 months of intervention. The groups in this The experimental group received one-to-one
study were small, but were matched on age, intervention 40 hours a week, and the control
PEP-R pretest scores, and severity of autism group received intervention 10 hours a week
and not randomly assigned. for 2 to 3 years. It was this article that started
the belief that autistic children required in-
Applied behavioral analysis programs tervention at least 40 hours a week. Lovaas
One of the most widely known and sought- (1987) used the term “normal functioning” in
after types of intervention is applied behav- this article (p. 9), and he used IQ and class
ior analysis (ABA). Parents and professionals placement as outcome variables in this study.
frequently associate the name Ivar Lovaas Understandably, parents have been quite in-
and the discrete trial format of instruction fluenced by this study. In a follow-up study of
with ABA intervention. The popularity of the the children, between 9 and 19 years of age,
Lovaas intervention is partly the result of the experimental group continued to have
his 1987 study (Lovaas, 1987) and Catherine significantly higher IQs and Vineland scores
Maurice’s (Maurice, 1993) book, both of than the control group (McEachin, Smith, &
which provide accounts of remarkable im- Lovaas, 1993).
provements and use the term “normal func- There have been numerous criticisms of
tioning” in the best outcome group of chil- this study, including nonrandom selection of
dren with autism who received discrete trial groups (the age restriction was lower for chil-
intervention. dren without language and children had to
In reality, discrete trials and the Lovaas achieve a certain mental age to be included),
method is only one specific type of ABA inter- nonrandom assignment to groups, and a large
vention. Applied Behavior Analysis includes a discrepancy between the number of hours of
number of other intervention strategies and intervention between the control and exper-
programs that are based on behavioral prin- imental groups. However, it was one of the
ciples. Many treatment studies are based on first empirical studies of an intervention pro-
behavioral interventions, which is the case gram for children with autism.
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More recently, another study on the Lo- with a 2:1 ratio and then to a class with typ-
vaas method of intervention has been pub- ical peers, using a model similar to the LEAP
lished and addresses some of the concerns of program, which is described later in this arti-
the original article (Smith, Groen, & Wynn, cle. A follow-up study of the children in the
2000). In this study, the experimental group program reported that age and IQ predicted
received approximately 25 hours a week of in- outcome (Harris & Handleman, 2000). Ap-
tervention while the control group received proximately 33% of the children had average
5 hours a week of parent training. In the IQs upon discharge from the program. It is im-
parent-training condition, the parents were portant to note that 22% of the children (6 out
asked to work with the children 5 hours a of 27) had IQ changes from the range of men-
week at home, and they were enrolled in spe- tal retardation to average. Of these 6 children,
cial education classrooms for 10 to 15 hours 4 (67%) were between 3 and 4 years of age and
a week. The children with ASDs in this study 2 (33%) were between 4 and 5 years of age at
had IQ scores between 35 and 75, and an age the time they started the program. Upon exit
range of 18 to 42 months at the time of enroll- from the program, 3 of these children were in
ment in the program. special education, 2 were in integrated class-
As in the Lovaas study, the experimental rooms with support, and 1 child was fully in-
group had higher IQs than the control group cluded without support.
on follow-up. At the time of follow-up, be- More recently, embedded trials, pivotal re-
tween the ages of 7 and 8 years, 27% of the sponse training, and incidental teaching have
children in the experimental group were in emerged from the ABA literature. These tech-
regular education and had made a 16-point IQ niques are less well known and less widely
gain. There were little differences in Child Be- available at the present time, but hold some
havior Checklist (CBCL) scores and Vineland promise for intervention for very young chil-
scores between the 2 groups. The outcome dren with autism. Contemporary ABA strate-
was not as impressive as in Lovaas’ original gies include naturalistic teaching methods,
study, as only 27% of the children in this such as natural language paradigms (Koegel,
study were defined as best outcome (IQ > 85 O’Dell, & Koegel, 1987), incidental teaching
and in regular education without support) as (Hart, 1985; McGee, Krantz, & McClannahan,
opposed to 47% in the McEachin (McEachin 1985; McGee, Morrier, & Daly, 1999), time
et al., 1993) study. The average IQ gain was delay and milieu intervention (Charlop,
half that reported in the McEachin study, and Schriebman, & Thibodeau, 1985; Charlop &
the behavior and adaptive skills ratings were Trasowech, 1991; Hwang & Hughes, 2000;
still reported as problematic in the experi- Kaiser, 1993; Kaiser, Yoder, & Keetz, 1992),
mental group in the Smith study. Clearly, chil- and pivotal response training or teaching core
dren made gains in this program, but not the behaviors, with the idea that they will lead to
same degree of progress described in the orig- changes in other behaviors and skills (Koegel,
inal Lovaas and McEachin studies. The Smith 1995; Koegel, Camarata, Koegel, Ben-Tall,
study, with better controls and design, sug- & Smith, 1998). These methodologies have
gests that children improve more than they commonalities, including teaching within
would with early education and focused par- natural contexts (during play, snack, work,
ent support or education, but do not re- within the classroom, at home), the use of
cover when they receive approximately 25 natural reinforcers (reinforcing children for
hours a week of intensive one-to-one ABA requesting by giving them what they are
intervention. asking for), and systematic trials that are
Another model ABA program is the Dou- initiated by the child (the child makes the
glass Developmental Center at Rutgers in New initial attempt).
Jersey. This program has different levels, start- Contemporary behavioral approaches have
ing with a one-to-one format for the youngest resulted in good outcomes for teaching
children, then moving to a small classroom language content, including single word
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Early Intervention in Autism 81

vocabulary, describing objects and pictures, peers is an essential component of both the
responding to questions, and increasing the LEAP program and the Walden Toddler pro-
intelligibility of speech (Goldstein, 1999; gram. The LEAP program includes 10 typical
Koegel et al., 1998; Krantz, Zalewski, Hall, children and 6 children with autism between
Fenski, & McClannahan, 1981). McGee and the ages of 3 and 5 years in each classroom.
colleagues (1999) also reported good out- The children are in class for 15 hours a week.
comes through natural reinforcers of vocaliza- The classroom is structured and incorporates
tion, speech shaping, and incidental teaching. incidental teaching and other ABA methods
Contemporary behavioral approaches have of intervention. Interventions are both child-
also been applied with some success to and adult-directed. Peers are considered to be
teach broader communication skills, such as an essential element of the program (Harris &
functional communication, that may lead to Handleman, 1994). Peer-mediated techniques
decreases in challenging behaviors (Horner for increasing interactions involve teaching
et al., 1990; Horner, Carr, Strain, Todd, & peers to be “play organizers.”These strategies
Reed, 2000; Koegel, Koegel, & Surratt, 1992). have been shown to be effective in increas-
Spontaneous language is more difficult to ing social interactions, which have general-
teach and requires a number of naturalistic as ized to some extent and been maintained over
well as developmental methods of instruction time (Goldstein, Kaczmarek, Pennington,
(Watson, Lord, Schaffer, & Schopler, 1989). & Shafer, 1992; Hoyson, Jamieson, & Strain,
Children who use more spontaneous lan- 1984; Strain, Kerr, & Ragland, 1979; Strain,
guage earlier in treatment have more favor- Shores, & Timm, 1977).
able language outcomes.
Very few intervention strategies have DEVELOPMENTAL INTERVENTIONS
demonstrated success using behavioral in-
terventions in teaching skills, such as joint Developmental intervention is a specific
attention and symbolic abilities, that focus on term used to describe a philosophy and spe-
what are considered core deficits to children cific strategies for working with children with
with autism. However, there are a few studies autism. One common feature of develop-
that documented some success in teaching mental interventions is that they are child-
symbolic play skills through pivotal response directed. In developmental interventions, the
training (Stahmer, 1995; Thorp, Stahmer, & environment is organized to encourage or
Schreibman, 1995). Other studies that have facilitate communicative and social interac-
demonstrated some improvements in these tions. The child initiates and the adult re-
skills include increase in gaze to regulate sponds. There is limited empirical support
social interactions, joint attention, shared for developmental approaches, but there is
positive affect, and the use of conventional some support for language outcomes using
gestures. Recently, there has also been such strategies (Hwang & Hughes, 2000;
documentation that naturalistic teaching of Lewy & Dawson, 1992; Rogers & Lewis,
communication skills leads to improvements 1989) and many case studies (Greenspan
in joint attention in children with autism & Wieder, 1997) using these approaches.
(Buffington, Krantz, McClannahan, & Rogers and Lewis (1989) have documented
Poulson, 1998; Hwang & Hughes, 2000; improvements in symbolic play as a result
Pierce & Schreibman, 1995). of structured, development-based programs,
and Lewy and Dawson (1992) also demon-
The LEAP program strated improvements in gaze, turn taking,
There is an emphasis on including peers object use, and joint attention with a child-
in intervention programs, because children directed imitation strategy.
with autism have difficulty generalizing skills There are some limitations to developmen-
learned with adults to interactions with peers tal interventions. Because the intervention
(Bartak & Rutter, 1973). Including typical approach is child-directed, it requires that
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the child engage in behaviors to which the ment the program in the community. This dif-
adult can respond. Many children with autism fers from many behavioral approaches, which
do not explore the environment in the way have a prescribed pattern of responses and
that typical children might. They may become adult-initiated teaching trials. There are cur-
stuck on certain activities or not play with rently no controlled studies of this program.
the toys present in their environment. Devel-
opmental methods require considerable effort The Denver model
and skill on the part of the teacher or ther- The Denver model (Rogers & Lewis, 1989)
apist, as she or he must know what child is also based on a developmental model of in-
behaviors to respond as well as how to re- tervention. This program is delivered within
spond. When the child engages in behaviors a classroom setting that is on a 12-month cal-
that the therapist can respond to, and the endar and meets 4 to 5 hours a day, 5 days
therapist is skilled, it may be an effective a week. The focus is on positive affect, prag-
intervention. matic communication, and interpersonal in-
teractions within a structured and predictable
The Greenspan model environment. Almost all activities and thera-
One of the most well-known developmen- pies are conducted within a play situation.
tal approaches is the Greenspan approach, Goals of the program include using positive af-
also known as the Developmental Individ- fect to increase a child’s motivation and inter-
ual Difference (DIR) Model (Greenspan & est in an activity or person, using reactive lan-
Wieder, 1997). The Greenspan model is de- guage strategies to facilitate communication,
scribed as a “relationship-based model,” in and teaching mental representation.
which the goal is to help the child develop in- There is outcome data available on the
terpersonal connections that will lead to the program, based on 31 children between 2
mastery of cognitive and developmental skills, and 6 years of age with ASDs. Children
including (1) attention and focus, (2) engag- demonstrated significant developmental im-
ing and relating, (3) nonverbal gesturing, (4) provements in cognition, language, social/
affect cuing, (5) complex problem solving, emotional development, perceptual/fine mo-
(6) symbolic communication, and (7) abstract tor development, and gross motor develop-
and logical thinking. The program is based ment after 6 to 8 months in the program, af-
on following the child’s lead and looking for ter accounting for expected developmental
opportunities to “close the circle of commu- progress. While only 53% of the children had
nication” or respond in a way that leads to functional speech when they entered the pro-
expanding a skill or interaction. Within this gram, 73% had functional speech at follow-up.
model, it is recommended that a child spend
at least 4 hours a day in spontaneous play in- CONCLUSION
teractions with an adult, at least 2 hours a
day in semistructured skill building activities The available evidence from a variety of
with an adult, and at least 1 hour a day in programs and studies suggests that early in-
sensory-motor play activities. The Greenspan tervention leads to better outcomes. As we
program is supplemented by time in an inclu- have seen, a number of studies have demon-
sive preschool program, speech and occupa- strated that children make greater gains when
tional therapy. they enter a program at a younger age. It is im-
The DIR method of intervention is highly portant to keep in mind that most of the em-
dependent on the skills of the parent or pro- pirical support for the difference in gains is
fessional implementing the program. It re- comparing children younger than 4 or 5 years
quires that the adult recognizes when and to children older than 4–5 years of age. The
how to respond to a child’s actions and be- preschool years are still considered “early”
haviors, which can make it difficult to imple- when it comes to early intervention.
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Early Intervention in Autism 83

There are many strategies for working with there is a great deal of interest in the com-
children with autism and not all of them are mon elements in the programs when making
equally known or available. Most of the empir- recommendations, including parent involve-
ical studies have been conducted on ABA in- ment, intensity, a predictable environment,
terventions. While there is evidence that cer- incorporating the child’s interests, actively
tain strategies can be effective for teaching engaging the child, and focusing on indi-
specific skills to children with autism, there vidualized developmental goals. It is impor-
is not currently evidence that one program is tant that professionals and parents are in-
better than any other. Furthermore, most of formed about the progress they can expect
the programs are developed for children aged for their child, as well as remain aware that
3 and older, and many interventionists are most research does not support a “cure”
currently attempting to adapt their programs or “recovery” from autism. At this point,
to better meet the needs of the 0 to 3 age most of the programs focus on children of
group. This leads to complications when rec- preschool age, and there is still much to learn
ommending intervention programs to parents about intervention for the birth to 3 age
of young children with autism. At this time, group.


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