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Homework- Sport Project-

Name: Ashley N. Capellan L.

My sport is: American Football

1-¿Write an explanation of how to play your sport?

Two teams meet in a field and they fight each other to
take the ball and score an touch down. The one player
passes the ball to the quarterback(the most important
person) and the other players prevent the opposing
team having the ball.

2-¿What is wore to play this sport?

A helmet, teeth guard, kneepads, chest and shoulder
protector, elbow pads and wristbands, sport boots
specials for this sport and mule.

3-¿Write a rule of this sport?

-Hit someone intentionally
4-¿What objects are used to play your sport?
An American ball, a report, sport boots and bandages.

5-¿How many people can play at the same time?

Two teams and eleven players

6-¿In which weathers could be played your sport?

-In hot (summer)
-In cold (winter)
-In spring
-And in the fall
(All year)

7-Mention 3 countries where American football is

- Canada
-New york
-Mexico (internet say that)

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