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Research Design

For this research, the researchers used a quantitative method. Also,

according to Jackson (2011, p.17) the viewpoint of practicality the most popular

variations of surveys include questionnaires, interviews, and documentation

review. Also, he stated that the essence of survey method can be explained as

"questioning individuals on a topic or topics and then describing their responses”.

Aside from this, the researchers used a descriptive statistic, it is used to describe

and summarize data in ways that are meaningful and useful way which they use

tables, graphs, and the data they gathered. (Boere, 2005) Also, they used figures

to show their results and discussion in accordance to their survey questionnaires.

Respondents of the study

This study focuses on the preferred buying method between online

shopping and physical shopping among Generation Z. Wherein, Generation Z is

composed of individuals that were born between 1997-2012 and are now at the

ages of 8-23. Also, in this research, there will be only 150 random respondents

who are going to respond to be the subject to this research.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used and followed their procedure in order to gather all

the needed answers to their research. First, the researchers created sets of

question for the 150 respondents that will come from individuals that belong to

Generation Z. Also, the researchers created an online survey by the use of

Google Forms to be able to conduct this research. Aside from this, there are 150

respondents, and each was given a link individually that consists of several

questions regarding to their preferred buying method. There was no time

limit, and the respondents answered the questions by simply choosing their own

options or by checking their preferred answers. Lastly, after the questions were

answered by the respondents the researchers collected, and presented the data


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