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load flow 1


2. 2. INTRODUCTION Power (Load) flow study is the analysis of a power system in
normal steady-state operation This study will determine:  Voltages  Currents In a
power system under a given set of load conditions  Real power  Reactive power
Why we need load flow study? POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 2
3. 3.  The power flow problem was originally motivated within planning environments
where engineers considered different network configurations necessary to serve an
expected future load. Later, it became an operational problem as operators and
operating engineers were required to monitor the real-time status of the network in
terms of voltage magnitudes and circuit flows. POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 3
4. 4.  A power flow solution procedure is a numerical method that is employed to solve
the power flow problem. A power flow program is a computer code that implements
a power flow solution procedure. The power flow solution contains the voltages and
angles at all buses, and from this information, we may compute the real and reactive
generation and load levels at all buses and the real and reactive flows across all
circuits. POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 4
5. 5. Terminology The above terminology is often used with the word “load”
substituted for “power,” i.e., load flow problem, load flow solution procedure, load
flow program, and load flow solution. However, the former terminology is preferred
as one normally does not think of “load” as something that “flows.” POWER
SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 5
6. 6. Power system components Generator Transmission Lines Load POWER
SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 6 Figure 1
7. 7. Generator Generators have maximum and minimum real and reactive power
capabilities. Maximum reactive power capability:  maximum reactive power that
the generator may produce when operating with a lagging power factor. minimum
reactive power capability:  maximum reactive power the generator may absorb when
operating with a leading power factor. These limitations are a function of the real
power output of the generator,  as the real power increases, the reactive power
limitations move closer to zero. POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 7
8. 8. Figure 2POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 8
9. 9.  Figure 2 illustrates several important elements of the power flow problem. First,
identify each bus depending on whether generation and/or load is connected to it. A
bus may have  generation only (buses B1, B2, and B3),  load only (buses B5, B7,
and B9),  neither generation or load (buses B4, B6, and B8).  both generation and
load (leads us to define “bus injection”) POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 9
10. 10. Basic Technique for Load FlowStudies In a load flow study, assumptions are
made about:  Voltage at a bus or For each bus in the system  Power being supplied
to the bus POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 10
11. 11. Types of Buses For each bus, there are four possible variables that characterize
the buses electrical condition. The four variables are  real and reactive power
injection, Pi and Qi,  voltage magnitude and angle, |Vi| and δi , respectively POWER
SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 11
12. 12. Types of Buses (cont..) Generation Bus  Also called the P-V bus or voltage-
controlled buses  Voltage magnitude |Vi| and real power Pi are specified  Able to
specify (and therefore to know) the voltage magnitude of this bus.  Most generator
buses fall into this category, independent of whether it also has load Load Bus 
Also called the P-Q bus  Real power Pi and Qi are specified  All load buses fall
into this category, including buses that have not either load or generation. POWER
SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 12
13. 13.  Slack or Swing Bus  Known as reference bus  Voltage magnitude |Vi| and
phase angle δi are specified  There is only one swing bus, and it can be designated
by the engineer to be any generator bus in the system.  This generator “swings” to
compensate for the network losses, or, one may say that it “takes up the slack.”
14. 14. Bus types Quantities Unknown specified valuesGenerator Bus |Vi| , Pi Q i ,
δiLoad Bus Pi , Qi |Vi| , δiSlack Bus |Vi| , δi Pi , Qi POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643
15. 15. Bus injection An injection is the power (P or Q), that is being injected into or
withdrawn from a bus by an element having its other terminal (in the per-phase
equivalent circuit) connected to ground. Such an element would be either a generator
or a load. Positive injection is defined as one where power is flowing from the
element into the bus. Negative injection is then when power is flowing from the bus,
into the element. POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 15
16. 16. Bus injection (cont..) Generators normally have positive real power injections,
although they may also be assigned negative real power injections when they are
operating as a motor. Generators may have either positive or negative reactive power
injections:  positive if the generator is operating lagging and delivering reactive
power to the bus,  negative if the generator is operating leading and absorbing
reactive power from the bus, and  zero if the generator is operating at unity power
factor. POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 16
17. 17. Loads Loads normally Pk=100 Qk=30 Pk= - 40 Qk= -20 have negative real and
reactive power injections. (a) (b) Figure 3: Illustration of (a) Pk=100+(-40)=60
positive injection, (b) Qk=30+(-20)=10 negative injection, and (c) net injection (c)
18. 18.  Figure 3 illustrates the net injection as the algebraic sum when a bus has both
load and generation; In this case, the net injection for both real and reactive power is
positive (into the bus). Thus, the net real power injection is Pk=Pgk-Pdk, and the net
reactive power injection is Qk=Qgk-Qdk. We may also refer to the net complex
power injection as Sk=Sgk-Sdk, where Sk=Pk+jQk. POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643
19. 19. Power Flow solution Most common and important tool in power system analysis
 also known as the “Load Flow” solution  used for planning and controlling a
system  assumptions: balanced condition and single phase analysis The utility
wants to know the voltage profile  the nodal voltages for a given load and generation
schedule From the load flow solution –  the voltage magnitude and phase angle at
each bus could be determined and hence the active and reactive power flow in each
line could be calculated POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 19
20. 20.  The currents and powers are expressed as going into the bus  for generation the
powers are positive  for loads the powers are negative  the scheduled power is the
sum of the generation and load powers POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 20
21. 21. The Bus Admittance Matrix The matrix equation for relating the nodal voltages
to the currents that flow into and out of a network using the admittance values of
circuit branches is given by :- POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 21
22. 22. Forming the Admittance Matrix 1 y13 3 4 I1 y34 2 I4 y12 y23 I2 I3 y1 y4 y2 y3
23. 23. From Kirchoff’s Current Law (KCL) – the current injections be equal to the sum
of the currents flowing out of the bus and into the lines connecting the bus to other
buses,or to the ground. Therefore, recalling Ohm’s Law, I=V/Z=VY, the current
injected into bus 1 may be written as: I1=(V1-V2)y12 + (V1-V3)y13 + V1y1 POWER
SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 23
24. 24.  I2 = (V2 - V1)(y21) + V2 y2 + (V2 – V3)y23 I1= V1( y1 + y12 + y13) + V2(-
y12) + V3(-y13) I2= V1(-y21) + V2( y2 + y21 + y23) + V3(-y23) I3= V1(-y31) +
V2(-y32) + V3( y3 + y31 + y32+ y34) + V4(-y34) I4= V3(-y43) + V4( y4 + y43)
25. 25. Admittance Matrix  ( y1 + y12 + y13 ) - y12 - y13 0   - y 21 ( y 2 + y 21 + y
23 ) - y 23 0     - y31 - y32 ( y3 + y31 + y32 + y34 ) - y34     0 0 - y 43
( y 4 + y 43 ) POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 25
26. 26. Matrix Equation  I1   ( y1 + y12 + y13 ) - y12 - y13 0   V1  I   - y
21 ( y 2 + y 21 + y 23 ) - y 23 0   2 V   2 =   I3   - y31 - y32
( y3 + y31 + y32 + y34 ) - y34   V3        I4   0 0 - y 43 ( y 4 + y
43 )  V4  POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 26
27. 27. Y-Bus Matrix Building Rules The matrix is symmetric, i.e., Yij=Yji. A
diagonal element Yii = Self Admittance  is obtained as the sum of admittances for
all branches connected to bus i, including the shunt branch N Yii = y i + ∑y k =1, k ≠
i ik The off-diagonal elements are the negative of the admittances connecting buses i
and j, i.e., Yij=-yji = mutual admittance. POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 27
28. 28.  E.g. for a 4 bus system Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14  Y Y22 Y23  Y24  Y =
21 Y31 Y32 Y33 Y34    Y41 Y42 Y43 Y44  POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO
643 28
29. 29. The power flow equations The net complex power injection into a bus Sk=Sgk-
Sdk Sk=VkIk* Vk=| Vk|∠δk Ik =Σ | Ykj|∠θkj | Vj|∠δj Ik =Σ | Ykj|| Vj|∠ (θkj + δj) Ik*
=Σ | Ykj|| Vj|∠ -(θkj + δj) POWER SYSTEM 2 - EPO 643 29
30. 30. Sk=VkIk*Sk= | Vk|∠δk x Σ | Ykj|| Vj|∠ -(θkj + δj)Sk= Σ | Ykj| | Vk|| Vj|∠ (δk - δj
- θkj )Pk= Σ | Ykj| | Vk|| Vj|cos (δk - δj - θkj )Qk= Σ | Ykj| | Vk|| Vj|sin (δk - δj - θkj )

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