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Based on the document RA 8293 Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, write your position paper involve the following;

1. As a student, how will use the concept of IP code in protecting your rights as innovators/ inventor?

Intellectual Property Rights are the rights given to individuals for the development of their minds. For a certain period of time,
the author is normally given an exclusive license to use his/her creation. A specific product or creation of an individual or a
company can be classified as proprietary or copyrighted whether it is granted or authorized by an official government body.

As a student with a Science Investigation Project (SIP), we need to verify whether it is qualified on the basis of RA 8293. In
order to secure my SIP, it should be accredited as pioneer or innovated, there is no plagiarism planned for any other work or
SIP, if it is functional and convenient in our industry, and, lastly, if whether it has passed in the standard or in the credentials.
If yes, then it is time that we are now in a position to file our SIP with the relevant government department. In that situation,
we already have the right to secure our product. Let us say, if my work is already "patented," I have the power to prohibit
someone from copying, selling, producing or using it without my consent. And for us students, with the aid of our teachers or
supervisors who assist in matters pertaining to this SIP, we are in a position to obtain the IP rights.

2. Who should be credited with the ownership of the science investigatory project, the student or the teacher/adviser?

Schools are usually given Science Investigatory Project, wherein the minds of the teachers and students are being evaluated
for thinking about a pioneer topic that would be beneficial and functional, or they could also innovate someone else’s work.
Crediting an SIP to someone should be based upon the situation; if the certain topic was from the teacher, then we should
consider it as the teacher’s work. But if the idea or topic was from the student, then it should be credited to them. If a teacher
and a student worked together on a topic, it should be credited to the both of them. The teacher or adviser should be there to
encourage and nourish the student’s mind, hence the student can strive harder in order to achieve a significant invention or

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