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Music – Grade 4

Alternative Delivery Mode

Second Quarter – Module 1

At the end of this module, learners are expected to:
 recognizes the meaning of the G-Clef (treble clef)
 identifies the pitch names of the G-clef staff including the ledger lines and spaces (below middle C)
 identifies the movement of the melody as:
- no movement
- ascending stepwise
- descending stepwise
- ascending skipwise
- descending skipwise
 identifies the highest and lowest pitch in a given notation of a musical piece to determine its range
 sings with accurate pitch the simple intervals of a melody

 G clef
 Tonal Movements
 Range

Let’s Study:

Melody serves as the soul of music. The thoughts and ideas of the composer are expressed through
melody.It is the most expressive elements in music. Music is read and written on a series of alternative lines
and spaces called a staff . The staff has five lines and four spaces. Each line or space on the staff has a
specific pitch or tone.

The exact pitch or tone of a note is determined by another musical symbol called clef. There are
many signs and symbols in music.These are used to indicate how a musical composition should be sung or
The Treble Clef is a musical symbol that can be found at the beginning of the staff. This is also called
the G clef because it wraps around the G on the second line of the staff. The treble clef indicates where the G
is, that is on the second line Thus you will know the notes that come before and after it.
The notes on the staff are named as A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.

Above is the pitch name for each soace note of the staff.
So-Fa Syllables
The pitch names of the lines and spaces of the staff are often used to read notes. However, if the notes
are to be sung on pitch, the so – fa syllable must be used.
Each pich name on the staff has an equivalent so – fa syllable.
C major Scale

The Tonal Movements:

The melody of music is not stationary. It moves and this is known as tonal movement which gives
a feeling of excitement among those who are listening. A melody could go ascending (upward) skips or
steps.Stepwise movement between notes utilizes
The next lower or higher note of the underlying scale.

It could go descending (downward) by skips and steps, too. Stepwise skips the next note in the
Scale and chooses a larger interval and offers something unexpected.


This is another important characteristic of melody.Range is the distance between the melody’s
lowest and highest notes.which can be describe as narrow, medium, or wide.Most children songs have narrow
range. Those tones that move from low to high pitch have wide tonal ranges.An example is “ten little Indians”

Activity 1:
A. Direction: Use the G clef staff below as your reference. Write the pitch name in the blank that the owl see.


2. 4.

B. Trace the G clef

C. Write 4 times the G clef on the staff.

1. 3.


Activity 2:
Activity 3:
Activity 4:

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