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Section: SW-21
Date: SEPT 27, 2020

1. Submit an essay on the importance of statistics  by giving five examples. Provide analytic rubrics for
each examples.


     Even if our chosen program is B.S. in Social Work, we still have the course, Statistics. Numbers and
computations are still here. It's one of our majors - Social Work Statistics. Statistics is the study that deals
with the collection and analysis of data. It is mostly used to keep records, calculate probabilities, and
provide knowledge. We might not prefer it, but we can't hide the fact that Statistics helps us in certain
ways. Here are the examples: First, in our Medical Field - certain drugs and other types of medication
are carefully formulated through data produced by a chemist with the use of chemistry and statistics.
Second, in our Safety - we rely on announcements from certain agencies or departments to send out
reports regarding information on natural calamities. Earthquake, weather, and volcanic predictions are all
calculated through a series of statistical methods. Statistics, in this sense, gives us a heads up so we can
prepare better in case of emergencies. Third, in Sports -  without Statistics, we may not be able to enjoy
sports as much as we wouldn’t be able to keep track of scores and team standings. In the world of sports,
statistics is the main tool used to measure an athlete’s level of skill and tendency. It is the metric to
evaluate efficiency of teams as well. Fourth, for our Researchers - Statistics mostly used by the
researcher. They use their statistical skills to collect the relevant data. Otherwise, it results in a loss of
money, time and data. Lastly, in Information and Technology, Statistics data allow us to collect the
information around the world. The internet is a devise which help us to collect the information. The
fundamental behind the internet is based on statistics and mathematics concepts.

2.  Explain the five reasons, why you should study statistics?

      As a Social Work major, the first reason is to be  able to effectively conduct research. Next
year as 3rd year College, we would have a Research. That's why I think, it's very important.
Without the use of statistics it would be very difficult to make decisions based on the data
collected from a research project. Second, is to be able to read journals. Most technical journals
we will read contain some form of statistics. Without an understanding of statistics, the
information contained in this section will be meaningless. An understanding of basic statistics
will provide you with the fundamental skills necessary to read and evaluate most results sections.

        Third, is to further develop critical and analytic thinking skills. It's very very important for
us, as we are the future Social Workers. Surely, we would deal with a lot of people, cases and
challenges. The study of statistics will serve to enhance and further develop these skills. Fourth,
to study statistics is for us, students  to be an informed consumer. Like any other tool, statistics
can be used or misused. If we know some of the basic statistical concepts, we will be in a better
position to evaluate the information we have been given. Fifth, to know when you need to hire
a Statistician. When we need help, and can't do it accurately within our own selves. We wanted
to make sure that we are on the right track with our chosen Statistician.

 3. In your own opinion, how will you survive on the course?

    Indeed, academic learning today is really challenging, because of the pandemic. But, we need to keep
going, and continue pursuing our studies. So, how would I survived this course?

 Be determined and disciplined. I know in myself that I am not that too good in Statistics, but, I
will take this as a challenge. I still believe, that if you really wanted something to happened, then
we must really be determined and disciplined about it.

 Understand the lessons, taking-down notes, and listening to the Professor, very well. I know
that, it's not that just us, students who are affected by this "new normal". I see, how our
Professors, adjust and exert much effort too, to be able to teach us, via online. If we really wanted
to learn, then we must listen and take-down notes.

 Time-Management. Statistics is personally, one of my weaknesses. I must really reserve time to

study and learn it. To practice solving statistical problems by myself.

 Have Faith and Believe in Yourself. This course might be challenging and we are in a extra-
challenging situation, but know, that we would survived this. Trust yourself. Someone from
Above, Sees all our hard works and efforts.

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