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Comparative study of hauling capabilities of Railways traction

systems vis-a-vis Road transport

1.0 Rail transport is almost 6-10 times energy efficient

compared to road transport in terms of;·energy consumed~ (Mega
Joules)/Net tonne km (NTKM} as may be seen f.rom below> ·,.-

Mode of *Energy consumed/NTKM km

transport in Mega Jbules (lVIJ);
Rail 0.12 to 0.39
Road 1.13 to 1.58

*(Ref Para 3.2 (a) Chapter-III of National transport development policy·

committee- working group on Railwiiys Fin'al report June 2012 and Planning
Commission approach paper for XII five yearplan}.

2.0 Within the railway system, electric traction is ·3 times

energy efficient --compared to die~el for fr~i.ght as may be seen ffbril
below: ·

Energy Parameters -Diesel. '• .......

_Electric)·,. -
Specific Energy /Fuel Consumption 2.2 lit:' -- 6:-43 Kwh
(per 000 GTKM)

Calorific value of fuel

35.9 :MJ /lit-- ·:3.o MJ./Kwh-
I' . '
Energy consumed/000 GTKM 79.0 23.15

Ratio of energy consumptio,n _ 3.4 =···_·1

3.0 One loaded freight train~. with:· 59 BOXiN·i + 1 Brake van is hauled
by one Electric loco of 5000 I 6000 Horse Power (HP) or two ··Diesel f

locos of 3000/4000 HP .. Loarl:ed <SC+9+1 train with 59' BOXN wa·gon

weigh 5400 tonnes ,.and an~eitr.rpty . train in the· same formation weighs···
1340 tonnes, thus net payload carried by one train· is 4060 torines.
The details are given· below:

59 BOX-N + 1 BV with CC+9+1 loading-~~--. -i

(i) Gross weight of one -BOX::;N::~w.a.;gon; .. 91.28 t '
(ii) Tare weight of one BOX-N wa_goh ,>.· ~. ~:~~ · 22~47 .f; /
(iii) Pay load per wagon ; '·
68 31 t
Net carry1ng capac1ty. _oif.,: tra1:q.
. . . ' • ' ·I ;

(iv) 59 X 68.8 = 4060 t'

For carrying the safue payload)~ \kr~f need about. 400.'. tru:cks ~of
carrying capacity 10 tonne~~{anci havtng 150 HP)e:acrt. 'Thus, a total-&f
60,000 HP is needed by road vehicles against 6000 HP by Railway
system for carrying the same pay load.


1. Rail system is highly energy efficient compared to road

as it needs only 10o/o the horse power of the road to
carry the same pay load. One electric or two diesel
locomotives replace 400 trucks of 10 t capacity for
carrying 4060 t pay load.

2. Within Railway system, electric traction is 3 times

energy efficient compared to diesel.

3. Rail transport is not only environment friendly, but

·cheaper also and uses indigenous source of energy, e
including renewable energy, thus enhancing energy
security and reducing dependence on imported fossil


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