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284r. A water system composed of a source, reservoir, distribution system, and communal faucets.

Usually, one faucet serves 4 to 6 households, generally suitable for rural and urban-fringe areas
where houses are clustered densely to justify a simple piped-system.
(A) Level |
(B) Level II
(C) Level III
(D) Level IV
285r. Any system or network of pipelines, ditches, canals, channels, or conduits including
pumping stations, lift stations, force mains, digestive cesspools, other devices and appliances
appurtenant thereto, which involves the collection, transport, pumping and treatment of liquid
waste to a point of disposal.
(A) drainage
(8) sewage treatment plant
(C) sewerage
(D) septage
286r. Which law exempts, in Section 20, cremation, siga, bonfires, traditional cultural
practices, etcetera from the total ban on incineration?
(A) RA 8749
(B) RA 9003
(C) RA 6969
(D) RA 9275
287r. This defines the extent of land corridor that can be used for carriageway, curb, sidewalk,
drainage canals, etc.
(A) linear easement
(B) buffer and gutter
(C) right of way
(D) setback
288r. A highway is a multi-lane, high-speed, controlled-access road that handles 'crosstown' or
'through-traffic' across multiple cities/towns; listed below are examples of highway except one.
(A) freeway
(B) expressway
(C) tollway
(D) causeway
289r. What class of road is not part of a hierarchy?
(A) artenal
(B) venial
(C) collector
(D) distributor
290r. An'avenue' is the main approach thoroughfare of most cities/towns; it is
usually called a 'boulevard' when
(A) it has historic significance and symbolic function
(B) it is used for ceremonial parades and functions of State
(C) it has medians which are carefully beautified
(D) all the above
291r. The classic 4-step model of Transport Planning integrated with Land Use has all but one of
the following phases:
(A) Activity Systems
(B) Trip Generation & Trip Distribution
(C) Modal Split
(D) Traffic Assignment
292r. What planning measures contribute to the evolution and development of a "sustainable
transportation system"?
(A) Reduce need to travel
(B) Change people's travel behavior
(C) Integrate different modes of transport
(D) Give people more choices and more accessibility
(E) Provide transport with new sources of energy
(F) All of the above
293r. In the physical design of roads, which of the following increases the possibility of
accidents and mishaps?
(A) prescribed dimensions according to hierarchy of roads
(B) conforms to natural topography
(C) conforms to BP 344 Accessibility Law
(D) blind corners (E) moderate slope/grade
(F) adequate sight distance

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