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Task 1: Write down at least three reasons for and three against having your own car.

I included all your ideas in the following table. Ideas are great and there are several mistakes
regarding grammar and style. I have only marked them red so you can think about the mistakes
and correct them before I send you “the correct” version.
-You don't depend on public transport -It is expensive to buy and mantain
schedule (and you can avoid some strange -It pollutes the environment
smells as well) -You waste time being stuck in traffic
-You can travel far -Well, bed thing about having your own car is
-It is useful if you have family that YOU pay for evrything, gass repairs...
-First good reason of having your own car is -Thing I hate the most about having your own
that you don’t need to aks anyone to take you car is that YOU wash it, or pay for that and
somewhere, you do that by your own. wait until it’s over.
-Second is that if you crush the car, you don’t -Third one is if you are the only one who have
respond for that to anyone. car in your area, you will be busy about doing
-Third good reason would be that you can a favors.
take your car, put your music in it, and drive - In some case, fuel is expensive.
all nigth alone. - In my opinion, walking is healthier.
-If you have your own car, you can go - If you have car plus anoying relatives,
anywhere you want. congratulations you’ re taxi driver.
-When it’s cold and you want __ go out (I
mean in the club), you will not freeze.
- In my case, when you have too much stuff
and you need to go in Banjaluka, ___ car is
___ better option than bus.
You always have some extra time, because
___ car is faster than a bus.

think about these statements as well. Are they true or false?

1. You are more likely to have an accident within a year of passing your test than at any
other time.
2. In Britain, more women than men pass their test first time.
3. In Britain, more than 70% of all journeys of more than 1.5 km are made by car.
4. Traffic lights are the most common objects hit in single-vehicle accidents in Britain.
5. Five trees need to be planted to balance the air pollution produced by one car.
Task 2: page 68, exercise 3 – reading comprehension
1B - it is essential…. running their own car as soon as they can ….. they know the disadvantages of
buses…. they are given a positive view of driving ….young adults need to be shown …. – the point of
the whole text
2C In their early teens, many have depended on the car and know the disadvantages of bus and rail travel
from their personal experience.
3D …when they move to new places and meet new people, such as at university.
4A … saying what they produce is bad for the environment.
5C .. which transport choices will be sustainable…

Task 3: page 70, exercise 1 – name all the forms of transport in the pictures.
1- ferry, 2 – helicopter, 3 – plane, 4 – taxi; 5- train; 6 – bus; 7 – coach
Ako su vas posljednja dva zbunila, ovo je objasnjenje: bus is more commonly used for public
transport in a city/ town (u ovom slucaju je double decker pa je jasna asocijacija na gradski
prevoz u Londonu), a coach je autobus koji se koristi za dalja putovanja.
Task 4: page 70, exercise 2

1- on foot; 2 – in/ on time; 3 – at that moment; 4 – in danger; 5- by accident; 6 – at least; 7 – on

board; 8 – for lunch

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