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y SAIVgp

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This is oae of a series efsm ai) pocket

books which will come ont ender tbe title
of Ii ghts of Sohusa.
[t is called a Vreasury because eaeh
story, each smaB articfe is a Treasore.
A' Treasore is somethiig you keep
locked away, and if you can becomepart
of this little book, seeing yonrself in rela-
t:anship to thee o rds, tbda this treasore
~ill be sotred within yoor heart.
Take somethiag each d0y and Xive it,
le th is w ay a bo ak .such .as tbiy ean
chaage your Jife..
ft can snake yoo )ook~within, ~vbieh is
the .only way that yoM wiQ Snd the
goMon mean.
To be ab)e to laok at yoa.. to bccome AN OLD GAELIC SI.ESSING
aeace of everyactioa eve~y thaught and May the road rise up to meet you.
every reactioa. May the wisd be ahvays at yoorback,
Use this Tfeasore as a steppinN stooe May the soo sbiae warn upan yaor face,
to take vou. Out of yooc' confusioa aad
conflict into a aeo' worM of Peace and. Aud the rains fil l soft upon your fieids,
Love.. of Harmony and Understauding. .Amd ueti) w'e meet alaia,
May yoer being be tomed always to 'May God hoM-you io the Pa)m of His hand.
the Light. .
Wa)k in ihc Light..
Live in the Light,
Abvays face the Light. .ADORAM.E PR'ESENCE
Aad you vrBi come to feeegnise that Thou w'ho art mithia aod without,
you Are the Light.
above aad below and. aB aroood.
May God Siess yov a'll.
Thou who ar t i a terpenetrating the
At yoor fcek in Love..
Mother Narayani. very ce/1s of ovr being.
NOTE: These woah mme frmn many sooceee. Thou who art theKye of our eyes,
%hem there is no Name-The soMeeeis the ear of our ears, the Heart of o ur
hearts, the Miid of Our minds, the Sreath
of our breaths, the Life of our lives and:.
the Soul of our souls. gu the early hours of the moming
Bless us dear God, to be aware of Thy- I tb~ak of the Self which shlnes~nthe
ytesence No~v aad Here. T his is a)l that. chambers of my heart.
me ask of Thee. %h~ch <s ihe nature of E x i stence,
May all o f u s b e aware af Thy Knovr/edge, $1iss Absolute,
presence. Vfhicb is the goa) of t h e Parama-
In t h e East aa d t h e %est, in the 'hamsas and w hich is the fourth state of
North aad the Soo.ih. wonsiousness.
May p eace and Goodavil) abide k am that absolute which is Nigurna
among iadividua)s as eelt as commmities aad Ktemal.
aad oatioas.
Which isbeyond thethree states of
This is our earnest prayer. May peace.
consciousness, waking, dreaming and
be oato al}.
deep sleep.
ans not composed of t h e fi ve
ln the early hours of the moming VASHlSYA
I adare Him mho is the God of God.s Craving is the root o f a l l s orrow
Nbo is beyoad the reach of xaisd aad, 0 Rama.
speech, and by whose grace alone Aad tbc oe)y intejjileat e a v i s t o
speech is illumiaated. reneuace alj cravisgs comy)etely and n00
%bom seriptures discribe by the aeti to iadu)ge in them.
oeti formula. Let be what has to be. H e welcomes
%bo i s u s b orn, achota aad t he. whatever come to him uasoolht aad is at
Primodeal Being. peace within himself.
fa the eaf)y hours of t h e morhiDg,
Ib ow down t o t hat Pumsb mho is' YESTERDAY .. TO-DAY AND
beyond darkness, TO-NORR0%
Who is of the briNaacc of the soa. There are tmo days in every week
%'ho is fo)I, etema1 aad in vrhom this- Sb00t iViblCb EVC SbcQM Qot W ofry, flVOW
days mhicb sboutd be kept free from fear
Universeappears as a snake appears
and apyrehcnsioa.
ia the roye.
One of these days is Vesterlay, vrith
its mistakes and cares, its faults and
blonders, its aches anci yains. Yesterday This leaves on)y one day-To-4ay.
has passed forever bc;yoad our controL Any man can Sght the battles of just one
day. [ t is onlyehen you and K add the
All t he aioney in the wofid caonot burdeas of t h ose two a wfol eternities
brtng back Yestealay. %'c caanot uado a — Yesterdav and Yo -mocrow — thatme
sinmfe act we performed; ee canaot erase 'breakdown.
a single ~vord we said. Yesterilay is Ioue
Jt is adt t b e experience of To-day'
that drives men mad-it i s r emorse or
Tbe otherday w'cshouM not eorry
bitterness for something which happend
about is To -morroe, wi th i t s p o ssib)e
Y esterday, a a d th e dread of w h at
adversities, its burdeps, its large promise
To-morrow may briog.
and poor performamce. To-morroe is also
beyoad aar immediate coatroI. Let us, therrfore, live bur one day
et e tiaie.
To-morroe's soa wiJi rise, either i n
splendour ar behind a m ask o f clouds Brother I .awrence found washing
— but it wi|) rise. U a til it does, ~ve hsve dozens and dozens of plates and dishes and
no stake in 'f o-morrow, for i t i s as.yet answering the beck and caH of all the other
unborn. monks, day im and day out, a terrible
drudgery, and his life was miserable until' Throolh t his attitude to hi s ~iork'„
he learnt this secret. H i s misery came other moaks started to come to him foe
beeause he was reseatiog the other moaks advice, and the ivisdom he expresse5'
and thefact of having to do t his eork, becarse a blessIng, to the moaastery and„
and so he was Slled with self-pity. iadeed, even now centuries Iatcr, is stilf~
blessiag maak~nd.
Then it came to him one day: " Stop Soon the qoality of his living raised
eommiseratinN with your self. Th i s, even hiax out of the dishwashing Ievel. Y et, it
if very lowIy, is a way of serving God and was on the chaBenge of the menial job
of serviag your fejfow men. S omeoae aed the lessons he learnt in the process,
must lo this job! L e t me thea do it with that he came into his own.
joy and better tban it has ever been daoe
before. L et me express the spirit of Ged Wha made tbe xnountains, who made the
trees ?
in the doiag of i t " . S o h e started to
%ho msde the river Sow to the sea 'P
express himse)f in service and mbilehe
worked he saal praises to God aad medi- Asd ~ho huag the moon in the starry sky'P
tated upon the nature of God and His Somebody bigger thas yos aad E.
)ove aad His purpose for mankind. Who made tbe ftowers bloom in the spring?'
'%ho writes the song for the robin to sing? If you can t rust yourself, when alP
mea doubt you.
%ho makes the raio ehen the earth is dry?
But make a)lowance for their dou-
Somebody bigger than you and I,
btiag too.
He lights the way when the road is long.
I fyoucan waitand not b e t ired of '
Keeps you company. waitial,
%'ith love to guide you,
Or being lied about, dont deal in lies..
He malks beside you. O r being bated, dont g ive w a y t o .
Just like He walks xvith me. hating.
%hcn 7 am mc,ary, 5)led with despair, And yet dont look too good, nor
Vfho gives me courage to go on from three? talk too wise.
Aad who give me faith that will aever die? tf you can dream and not make
'Somebody biggertham you and I. dreams your master,
ff you can think and aot make thro-
ught yoor aim.
Ifyou can keep your head when aII Ifyou can meet with triumph and
-about you are losisg theirs and bIaming disaster aad treat these two imposters just
Ot oa yOu. the same.
The feIlow ~vhose verdict counts xnost You xaav fool the who)e vrorM dowa
is your life ~the pathway of life
Esthe on.e staring back froxn the glass. And get pats on your back as you
Some people may think you a PRSS,
sttaight-shootin' chum Sut your fina1 reward wilI be heart-
And cali you a wonderful gay, -aches and tears
kf you've cheated the man in the g1ass.
Sut the man ia the gIass says .you're
onfy a bom
If y oncan't, look hirn straight in the t vrill start aaew this rnomiag with a
'higher fairer creed.
He's the fe/Iow to p/ease. never miad I wili cease to stand complaining of
afl the rest, my rothless neighbours greed
k willcease to sit repIsing whilemy
For he's w'ith you clear up to the end. doty.'s caB is ciear,
And you've passed your most danger- k wiB w'aste so xnoment vrhiaiag aad
ous, dillcult test my heart shall know no fear.
If the man in the glass is your friend. I will look sometimes about me for
the things that mesit praise,
The old minister who had been his
f vvi0 search for hidden beauties thaT
teacheraad pastor was there aad on com-
elode the gromblers gaze,
pletiag his lecture the Professor asked the
l will try to Snd contentment in the
old minister to reyeat the psahn.
paths that f must tread.
There were a fee titters in the croed.
I eill cease to have resentment xvhea
How' faohsh to ask this country preacher,
aaother rnoves ahead.
of Jittle edocation to speak, after listesing
I eill mot be swayed by envyvrhea my to soch a graad performaace.
rival streogtb is shoma,
The o/d mao, stood aad s/owly reye-
I ~vilI not deay his merit, b u t i ' )I' ated the psalm in the same simp)e feeliog
strive to prove my owa. vray be had aleays doae.
I w ill try t o see the bcaoty spread %'hes he6mshed there was a hosh
beforemc-raio or shiae. ..a pin dray silence.
I wiH cease to preach Yoer duty,
The Professor stood up and very quie-
And be xnore cosceryed vith Mise.
ily Sa1d:
"Ladies and gentlernen. J. know the
An english professor delivered a taL gsa1m, but He knows the Shepherd.
on the ethics of the tw'enty third Psajm.
It was a Literary triumph.
If you can bear to hear the t ruth 1fyou can force your heart and merve
youvespoken, aod sioew
Twisted by knaves to rnake a trap for To serve your tu m I ong after ihey
Voo/s, have gooe,
Orvratch the thiags you gave yoor Aad so boM on wheo there is nothiag
16 P'OU
9ife to broken,
Aad stoo.p aad buiki em up with Ezcept the will which says to them
-vrarn Out tools. "Hold on".
If you caa talk with cromds and keep
If you caa make oae heap of all yoor your virtoe,
Or walk w i t h k i ngs, nor lose the
And risk it on one turn of pitch and common touch.
lf ne~ther focs nor laviog fr~ends cas
And lose, and start again at your hurt yoo.
~beginniogs kf alj men couat mith you, bot noae
And never breathe a word about your ~oo much.
10SSe If can Sl the unforgiving minute
%ith sixty secosds marth of distance Laugh aad be glad for ai) that )ife is
rus. I,lvl8g,
Yours is t h e earth and everything.
Aad I though dead ei)l share your
that is it
joy ia I.IVlNG.
ADd what is more .. Sesrc,e Uekeoers
Youll be a Man my son.
Though I am dead, grieve not for me- %hea you Iet what yom ivant in your
eith tears, strugglefor self
Think not o f death with sorrowing
And theworM makes you king fora
and fears,
I am so near that every tear you shed
Jusi I o f o a m i r ror an d 1ook at
Touches and tortures axe, thoolh you yourself
thiak me dead, And see ~haf THAT maa has to say.
Sut when you laugh and sing in glad'. For it i sa't your f ather or I' o ther
delight, or vrife
My soul is )ifted upmard to the Light: %bo judgment opon you most pass;
The URGE for the repetitioo of an; PoNDER GN THIS
experience bomever p/easmnt, beautiful, or Caa, you be neither..
fruitf'ul is the soil in vrhicb sorrows Nmms Just ia the middle ia Aeareaess ".
J; C. ECrishnanurii
Things are as they are..
Brabmacharia meaos liviag as God. Accept this and you are home.
* g

Yonr whole eaergy i~ Prayer. k is nothiog but al) yoor noise put together.
Yout whale eacrgy is Grace, * 4 k

Yaor who)e energy is Love. %hen yoo are silent, it speaks.

You b ecome t o aI), s b eaedictioa When you speak, it is sileat.
because of yavr Purity, and your Eatemrity. 4 «t

Become a listener. Either Von are or It is.

Right and Wrong faB away, and every
action isin harmoay ivith t his moment,. Dissolve aad you wil) hear It everymhere.
with the Cosauc Law, with the %hoIe and No competitios. No dialogue.
is therefore Divine. No searching. No seeking.
* 9e
No kaawing. No demaadisg.
Needed you feel good. No becomiag.No achieving.
Not needed you feel miserab)e. No porpose.. You jost are.
D ilsolve and h ear t h e m usic o f th e He restoreth my sooI.
He Ieadeth me in the paths of r igbt-
God is the total sum of all that tbere is.
cousncss for his sames rake.
Mnd. is thebarrier, miad meaaing thex,
the My, the Me and the Mine. Yea,thoo I walk through the val)ey
4 of theshadoe of death.
Think Nith the Miod of love. I will fear so evil, for thou ar t ~ ith
FeeI ~vith the Heart of Love, me.
A,ct wii.h the Hand of K,ove. Thy rod and Thy sta8; they comfort
In moving toward Love you move tovrard me.
God. Thom preparest a table before me in
%e create by our thoagbts aad w'e must 4he presence of mine eaemies.
leacn hoiv to live and create Xa Love.
Thou anointest my head with o i ).
THE 23rd PSALM ly c up ruaneth over.
The Lord is may shepherd, I shall Surely, goodness ae8 mercy sha/I
aot want. follow me all tbo days of my 1ife.
He maketh me to IIe doivn in green. And I shall dwell in the house of the
pastores. X.ord forever.
He Ieadeth me besich the stiB waters,
26 27
AFTER GLOW It is as endless silence, in I a endless.
You came and made small ta/k wiOs sound.
me, The inner music, in an eadless empti--
You tooched a cup, a cbair. xiess of purity. Ching Lo~.
* *
Yoo brought abook for me to see. PONDER ON THESE
A merry joke to sbare. W hen l a m a o i i a c o a ict wit
You did not speak to ne of God, someone else's ego
Sut afteryou had Ione, I am sptrltuaf.
Within the Srelight where you stood„ *
You wjH Sad yourself in ather.
His Presence lingers on. . . . .

That is your mirror.

* 4 *
t arrL fof'ever laugtliag. You carry your woonds within you.
When you are SBed with laughter, yotn None can vrauad you.
* 4' 4'
wi)l kaow your realisation is cornplete.
If you have no resistance in your
It is an isncr laugtber. heart.
It is a vibratioe of end/ess joy, noh The world beloags to you.
laughter as the worM knows it. * *
A great man briags the qualiiy of
Somebody did a IoMen d'eed,
Somebady proved a friead in need.'
foto everything he is doing. Somebody saag 3 beautiful soag,
Somebody sailed the w'hole day loag;
Go and sit aod sit and sit. Somebody thought, it is sweet to )ive,.
And alloiv it aH to settle. Somebody said. '1'm glad to give'.
Somebody fought a ialiant fIght,
Somebody lived to shield the right.
TOU N EVER KNO% fs that Somebody You?
Never Sad faolt with the man who Your true self'is the xvhole of life, ancL
kimps as he struggles aloag the road, the wrongs of a]l others are your owa
Until you have wom the shoes that he guilt. D o not b lame men when they err,
mears, aad staggered beaeath his load. but purify yaur o v a heart. D o n o t b c;
Hc may have some nails in his shoes aagry when the whole wor)d forgets the
' law ' and ceases to abide by the ' way '.
that burt, Hi dden away from your view.
Look for the faolt in yourself. T h e root
And the borden be bears upon his af all evH is in yoo.
'baek Might cause you to stumble too.
30 3l
'THE PACE OF JUDAS Years s]ipped by but ia vaia. The
e/d man was stifl searching for a face tbat
Centuries al o a g reat artist mas mould serve to sbo>v Judas as he had
engaged to yaint a mural for a Cathedral envisioaed him....a man marped by Hfe
ia Sicily. The subject being the life of enfeebled by surrender to greed and iust.
3csus the Christ.
Dae aftemooa as he sat m the tavern
Many years he laboured and at last .a tattered 51ure stallcred aver the thre-
t he picture was complete except for t he shold. " Wine eine" h e begged. The
faces of th e Christ Ch ihi a ad Jodas painter Iifted him up and was startled.
Escariot. Here was a face that seemed to bear the

Hc~earched far and wide aad oae marks of every sin af mankind. The old
day while walkingin apoor yart of the man took him home, and gave him food,
~ity he faund what be was seeking. A boy clothes and wine, and then for many days
of tmelve,with the flce of an anlel. The a od night> h e e'orked feverishIy to
artist took tbe child home aad day after complete his maslergiece.
day he sat yatieot1y umtil the Christ child
mas complete. He was happy. Nom to A s the days went by, t h e modem
4nd the face of 0'udas. M and hi s, bloodshot eyes
Sut for yoor ow'o.. , r
became fi xed meth harror an the paiate4 This world is a Crqiiitqf, We gre it's
llkcaess of himself. debtors.
Nyhatma Candhi
My son said the old paister. "%hat *
t roublesyou. I w ant t o h elp you." T h e C

yomg man sobbed, his face buried ia his. I; xaet God ia the morning
hasds. He )ifted pleadIag eyes to the OM . KVhen my day was of its best
painters face: " Do you not the n And his Presence came 'lifce snnrise,
remember me? Years ago l mas yoor- i.ike a g1ory itt my hreast.: '":
• • •

model for the Christ ChilL Alt day Ioog the Preseace hajei'ed
* * Ala day leng. He stsjed with me,
T alkto one, who does not talk t e Aad we saile6 in ycrfect eh/mnbss
)/OU, 0'er a very .troob/ed sea.,
60 to one, who does aot Come to- So I: thisk ) know the secret
you, Learnedfrem maay a t&eb)ed'way.
Make up with one, who is displease4 You must seek Him in the morainI
with you. tf you want Him throngh-the day.
• •

%Nyli Cnihman
Do ali tbese not for their good, 4
Rise up Thine eye to the Eteroat sky.
fn Thy hontlage strike out to be free. Before the voice can speak in the
I'resence of the masters,
Hush the ia6aite voice of the whispe-
ring "%'by" It most have lost the power to wound.
%ith.- .." I was and f ever wilt be." Sefore the Sou) caa stand in the Pre-
sence of the mastcr.
For one soo1 that ezclaims: Its feet must be washed in the b1ood
"Speak Lord for Thy servant heareth, of the heart.
~ There are ten that say,
Tt is not what yoo have Lest that
"Hear Lord for Thy servant speaketh.
Aed there ~s no rest for these.
It is what you have Left.
gn which category ar'e you}
Harold Russell. (A man with no hands.$
. Sefotc ihe eyescaa aee,
I shali aot waat for company,
" > fhey zeost be iacapabfe of tears.
Nor pitch my tent alone.
Sefore the ears can hear, 'For the IndweBial Iod goes with me,
; Tbey must have lo~t their seositiveaess.
And gives me of His own.
Maa is not a praduct of accidcnt. Hc:
has mithin him tbc same power that surges. Sometime, when yoU're feeliog impor-
in the oceaa, aod vegulates the caurgesof tant,
the winds. He has within him the same- Sometimc, when your cgo's in bloom,
inte1ligence that bringsorder and hansony
Sometime, when you take it f o r
in every function of the Nature. H e has.
within himthe Light, by the unfoldment
aod rea.lization of vrhich, becan uaravek Yov.'re the best qua,ii6ed in the room,
his essential nature and fealizchis unity. Sornetimc, ehen you feei that your
with the eatire oaiverce. He has vrithin going, Vfou)d leave an un6lable hoie,
him theLove, by which he can coxmnunc." 3ost foBow this simple iastruction,
with the catire exisiemce. He bas eithie' .And see how it hombies yoor soul.
hixn the Bliss, by the rea)izatioa of which.
Take a bucket and Sl it with water,
hc can attain mastery over his ovra seif,
Put your hand 'm it, up to the wrist,
his owa circumstaaces, his osvnpersoaality.
Hc baseitbin him fhe Seaoty, by mhich Poll i t ou t, a n6 t b e ho le t hat's
he can destroy all limitatioas aad af6ictions. temainiog, Is a measofe of how yoe'l) be
You may splash all you please whea l sov am wise, I now am Tme,
you enter, Y a o can stir u p t h e water Patient, kind aad Jovial too.
galore, A)l tbinls i am, cao do, or be,
Sut stop, aed you'll Sad in a rninute, Through God, the Truth that is ia me.
'That i t l o oks quite the same as before.
The moral in this quaint example is,.
33o jost the best you can, It hapyesed in Nazereth..
Be prood of yourse/f. but remember,. A dog Jay dead in the gutter.
"There is Do iedispeasable maa. "How loatbsome," some said.
" How nauseating" said another. .
God is my he1p in every need, And so the crawd kept comdemnisg.
God does my every huager feed. Thea a shadow appeared.
God walRs beside me, guides my may,. Someooe had apyroached the Iteup
Through every moment of the day. aad just by bis vibratioas
God. is my health [can't be sich', they know His Presence.
God is my strealth unfailing qoick. )t was Jesus, the Christ.
"Pearls are aot equal to the wbiteaess
God is my all l know no fear, I

Siace God and Truth aad Love are of bIs teeth h e sa~d.
I:F I CAN ' Kord, make me an i nstromcat o f t h y
If I can throw a stngle ray'of lig'ht peace..
t, • I
Apross the darkened pathway of another; %here there is hatred,. Iet me sow love;
kf K can aid some sool to clearer sight %here there is injory, pardon',
Of Iight aad duty and t h v s O'Iessmy %'here there is discord, Uxuty;
brother, %'here there is doubt, faith;
lfI can w ipe ffpm any haman cheek atear Where there is error, iruth;
I shaH not hsve, then, 'Hved in vaia while %'here there is despair, hope;
. stil i .
here Vfhere there is sadness,joy;
If by l i f e's roadside I can plant a t r e e %'here there is darkness, Iigbt.
Seaeath whes~ shade some weaoed head
0 Divine Master,
may rest
Though I may never share its shade or see Qrant that I may aot so much seek
Its beauty I shall yet be truly blessed To be caasoled, as to coasole
Thoughno one knows my name. To be understood, as to understand
Jf To be Loved as ta K.ove
42 43
For Cosqueriog desire gives you this rigbt.
Et is ie giving, that we receive. laquire of the lnmost, theoae,
tt is in yardonisg, that we are pardoned. of its Fiaal Secret which it-haM for you
Hold fast to tbat which has neither
ft is in dying,
substance nor existance
that we are born to eternal life.
St. Eraecb. Listen oaly to the voice whieh is soundless
Look only on that which is invisible
A)ike to the inaer Iad the outer seaccs.
Regard earaest/y a)1 the iife that surrounds
$09q Light on the Path.
Learn to )ook iatelligently into the hearts
of men.
From the Centre of aI1 Love I stand,
Relatd most earnestly your oma heart.
Aod Iaolbt caa touch me here.
Eaquire of the earth, the air, and the e'ater, And from this centre I go forth,
Of thesecretsthey holdfor you. To Ioveaad serve and cheer.
Enquire of the HoJy oaes of the secreta-
They ho)d for yoo.
%hatsoever tbiags are True. A smile creates hapyiness in the home,
'V(hatsoever things are Hooest. Fosters goodwiB in Businessand is t he
%hatsoever things are Sust, coustersigs of friendship.
V'batsoevcr things are yore
More than the above it brings rest to
%hatsoever tbiags are of good report,
fhe meary, eheer to ihe liseourage8,
Tf there be aay virtue,
sonshine to the sail, and is eature's besf
I f there be sny Praise... .
antidote for frouble.
'Think on these ihiogs.
Paol, Corinrhians, Bible. Yet it camot be boughf, begged,
borrowed or stolen,
' Hsve yoo ever thooght about th e For it is somethisg ihaf is of no vallje
value of a smile to anyone until it is gives sway.
t enriches those who receive, without Some yeoyle are too tired 46 gi v e
mak~ng yoorer those who give. you a smile.
lt takes buf a momenf, but the memory' Give them oIIe of yours asnone oeeLs
of it someiimes)asts for years. asmile somuch ashe eho has no more
Noseis serich orso mighfy fhathe to give,"
caa get aloag without it, aa4 moae is so
Author Uaknovo
yoor that he cannot be made ricb by it
46 47
A SGLBIBR'3 PRAYER : I woa.der Qod if You'd shake my gaad-
The followiog verse was arritten on Somehow l feel You w'oold onderstand.
4he back of a eigarette bex by an Americaa Fuuny j. had to come to this hellish place,
coldier killed on th e Se)d of battle ia Sefore I had time to see Your face.
Viforfd War B, aad found by a stretcher- %'eIl E guess there isn't very much more
4earer. They are as fo/lows '.
"L ook Gad t have aever spoken to you, to say,
33ot I'I I j a d, God I met You today.
Sut now f eant to say "Hoe Bo you do?"
4 guess the "Zero Hour" will sooa be here,
Too see God, they told me Yo u didn't
exist, 33ut I'm aot afraid since I kaow Yoo are
.And like a fool, l believed all this, near.
st aight from s sheI)-hole I sa.v Your The si8nal: %ell, God, l')l have to go:
sky, I Bke You fots; and f waat You to tcoow.
2 5gured right then they told tne a lie.
Look, aow, this vnH be a horribfe Sgbt
Had I taken the time to wee thingsYou
%ho know's ~ I may cozoe to Your home
1Vd haVe kamvn they weren't caOisg a tonight;
wpadc a spm,clc Though I easm't frieedly fo Yoo before,
I mooder, God if You'll wait at Yoor door. And to k oee, r ather coasists is
opening out a way,
Look, 1'I crying: Me-sheddiag tears;
Whence th e i m prisoned splendoar
I wish k bad kooen You all these yeafs.
ma9 escape,
Well,I have (0 go now, God: Goodbye;
Than in effecting entry for a light
Stfaage-siace Imet yoo, supposed. to be eithost.
Ivm not afraid tO die. . . .

. Robert Srowning

Truth is eithin ourselves, Tolstoy was. vralking wjth his old

ft takes no r ise f rom oubNard tbiags. <riend, and hc..vras talking to. tjte hossqs
%hatc,'ef we may believe. aad he ttee3..:.-.,
There is aa inaermost ccatre withis us all. "Soeads. hke.,yoo,,vefe a herse is
Where truth abides in fullness. yoor last )ife"
Aed all arouad wa11 by wall, the gross Tolstoy replied: "Wo but the day l
Sesh hems it in,
came.accrosssnyotyn i~ide
This cIear perceptioa vrbicb is Truth.
l .came acerqss.everybodys inside.
A baSing' and perverting carnal mesh
t r• •
binds it and makes all error •
• o
Tf you aspire for iibtsation nty child, Reot it asunder with the sword of
• I

' Rcjcct the bbjects of the senses as the Irnowledge

yoihon, I A54 CONSCXOUSNKSS and be happy'.
And seek forgiveness, straightforward
stess,kindness, Extract from Kaitiatien hy Elisaheth Haiteh.
Chccrfuisess aad 71.uth as Imeotar, E feit that I NI'Outdhave to f r ee my
You are 6either earth, nor water, nor soul of every selRsh attitude:if i wanted to
fire, aar air, Aoc space. see the truth with pcrl'ect clarity, just as a
fn ordbr tn 'attttN! freedom kt!ow the wihdbe'yaae must be c/esaed in order for
self'as the witn!rss Of sll thedk, the embo- us to see the sunshine clearly through it
diment of pure cossciousness itsdf. The Stst step ia this direction was to
1f you detadh'ydursbtf from the body kmow what was resiJy iaside im.
and abide in canscioussess. As soon as l k no~ my iaocr self
You will al' dace beco'me happ!J, pea- thoroughly, I can,cIet!nte and purify i! •
ceful, and free fr'oii! bdddale m'y deat son. i began to investigate the source and
Y ou havelong' been bound w'!th the !nner motivation of all my thoughts, my
rope of your body censciousne~~. words,my movements and deeds.
52 53
What R~ad of uncoascious power is ioquacoiusness,when feeling reserved, I
at work withinme? Where do my thou- ~ooght the l'easoas $0r my tsctuinktf.
ghts come fram? What is it within mc l aaalyscd everyvrord that caee out
that wills me to say ooe thiag or another? of ray mooth to see vrhether it Sas comp-
~y d o I w ant to dojustihis thing,not letely true, whether it could prove hortfu)
somethiomelse '? to Say oac.
%hen Iwashaypy about sometbisg I observed the c6'ects of my words
I investigated Why I was happy about it. ~md my deeds oa others around me.
When I was depressed or angry, I sought.
out the reasons for fhese fee)iags. %hes I constantly tried to trade piaces in
I fe)t attracted toward Inather persoo, or my imaginatioo with the person to ivhom
repelled by him, l immediately analyseck E was syeakimg. What eoold I feel if He
xnyself to. discover the characteristi®„ were sayiog to Me the eor8s I eas sayiag
responsible for this feeling. fo him ".
I Rept myself under constant observa-
Cvnstaatly, unintcrrupted/y, l k ept
tion as to why I liked to do some things.
and dishlted doirig bthers. myse) I' under observatioa.
When I was feeling talkative, I sought Tl~e cverJastiog self scrutiny brought
to find the reasons and motives b'ehind m'jr me uocoonted riches,
l came to recognise the various mami- Man too attracls to b imaelf, conch-
festatioas of OIIe and fhe same Foree, from tioos sirnilar to those i~o conslantly ct'eates
tbe loeest urges on up to t h e highest mithin himself.
spiritual self. Vyhiie Esmle
I came to realise that we have a free
cboiee. poverty is aot to he saked or hungry.
lvVe can idestify ourselves with Our m~~~~~lo~s b~~~~~~~~ ~~~"I
instincts or remaie master of them-, that:
where the miad is free.
is to say, remy,ia Oursefves.
No seekiag. No desire. No asking.
I Jearned that t o b e a 'free homao
No coa6ict.
being means to control one's issNncts and
aot become the sjave of oae's passio~s, It is osly i n t his poveety that >oo
desires and ivishes. s ceihe'Buth of a life in e h ich thew i l
N o maa can escape eitber the joy or no con6ict.
pain vrhich he has earoed. Svcha life Is a bcnidiction, aot to
Man is Iike a magnet, aod attracts te feond in a Church or a Temple.
hiwlself tbat wbich is himself. Yhis is aa L C. Kmishaammthi
inescapable law'.
Shye/dst tbjou.see another sin opcoly, The sea is A)migbty Povver.
or commit some grievions oS'ence, do not
g can feel it as a massive force of EnsrgY.
decm thyseff beitet' than he,
as it rises in a wave t hen crashes
For thou lrnowest not how long thou against the shore, sbowial hoiv great
vell remaia virtoous. it really is.
%eate ail frail aod there is sone
This encrgy can b e s omcthing soft,
more frail thao tbyself.
beautifv,I asd Ieetlc,
T40Mss A KemyII.
Or somethial hard, harsh aad distructive.
Sometimes it is like a raging tilcr aad
I haveIeamt, Ia e hatsoever state [ sometimes )ike a Fairy, steppiag lightly
RlN,M, froxn oae water lily to the next.
Thecewjih to be content.
% love the sea wbea it is peaceful,
' Plut. ¹ w T estameat, It is as if l am hypnotised by that mighty
Power, by something loving asd Iaod..
Xt is ss ifit is drawiog me inwards, iato
Helping me t o u n derstand what f am To Iive as You wou1d have me live,
why I ars here To speak as Yoo would have me speaR„
And vrhst the worM aroond me is. To act as You ivould have me act.
Show me the way that YOU woo)d have-
feel very humble aod smail i n t he-. me go, so that t m a y r emove aH
yresemco o$ this great Pow'etr obstroctions that a p pear, prevontiag
May be God )ives in the sea, or your good fron maaifestiog im me.
May be Hejust seems strongest to us Opeo my ears that f may hear Your Divine.
%hen we feel His Preseace in the ihiags, Harmoay above thediscord Of humas.
And the pjaces wc, Iave aest. endeavoor.
Teach me to speak wordsof praise and,
For me....God )ives ia the Sea. encouralemeat to alI.
Sally Kruger (14 years~ Aad Pather, over)ook my fai/ures,
as tbat fhey alay becorne
Steppiag stones which ivi/1 )ead me to
My Fatber....
Deep ia the meditatioas ef m y h eart„ A b in l sings..listen to t h e s ilence he:
is the desire: Ieaves.
The song is goae, but exist8ncc is stH) Has every'thing.
singisg. I salute the Self.
Someone is here....he goes....feel his Salutations to M yself, t h e uodi viduL
absence. Consciousaess, the 3nve) of aIl the seee
'Hc bas left something behind. aad mseea worlds.
' What do you 1eave bebind.. . .
Even as syace is uoa8'ccted by the dus<
The song of LOVE ".
particles Qoatiog in it,
Even as a )otus is uataiut.ed by ~vatcr,
.Ex<lact of Spsg pf Palada, Vashista. So eveo I am not affected by anything.
[ do aot entertain craving far pleasore.
salute m y o~ i n S elt w hich i s t h e
fndv e)ler io all beings, Nor do k eish to be rid of it.
Wbatever comes ..)et It copae.
%hich is the consciousne~s frced from
abjectivity Whatever goes....let it No.
Aad which is th'e tnteiligence in all beiags. Through my exceltent Self EN'art
have I aitaiaed tbIs %isdom.
He who has aothing but bas ihis Self
Koowlcdge, I naw remain as the supreme Lord
• Gh Self, the sun that dIspels the darkness Tio have no rc.sistaooe.
of igaorance in the heart, To h ave n a i A~ard b arriers against
%h Self, the prompter of supreme love anythiog,
and the sustainer of all things in the To be rea)ty free, <ompktely, from all
the miaor urges, eomputsioas, dernaads
kalutatioas to Thee. mtb all the conAicts and bypocrisies,
Qs to ivnIL. ia life with open anas. T hat
~Waiiing the word of the Master, is meditatioa.
'Watching the Hidden Light.
Q.isteniag to catch H|s orders, Can we o o t b e a ware of everyihiag
8a the very midst of the Sght. AS ITrse
Seeing His slfghtest signal. To Iel to xvhat $S, is the eod of. strolgle.
To be AS'ARE, to koow mhat one t$,
.Across the heads of the throng.
is the beginniag of misdom.
Hearisl His faiatest ibisper
%'e can have underetanding of what is,
Above Earfhs loudest song.
&nly when we recogniseit withont con-
demnarion, identilcntion.
%'e must begin ta uuderstanc} ourselves. Knoeial, that Thoe art that Trsth ebich
We must Rnovr ourselvesas vre ARE, has kind)ed the Light of Reason ia
my mind.
Not as we wishto be.
The understanding of oneself is seeing 1~4all ever try, to drive all evih away
oneself from moment to momeut in the from my heart,
mirror of relatiomships to proyerty, to
Aad keep my body ia b)oom, knoeisg
thisls, to peapie and to ideas.
that Thou has Thy seat in the inmost
J. C. Krishnamurri. shrhe of my heart.
Aad it sbal) be. my eadeavour, to reveal
Thee in my actioas
Life of my life.. KaowiN, that it is 7hy Povrer
I shall ever try to keep my body pure,
Which gives me the strength to act.
Knovring thal Thy Liviag touch is upaa
all my limbs. Oituege?i. 'Vhgore
I shalt ever try to keep alt untruths out of
xny thboghts,
Thou art thq Lover of T hy devotees,
'O! r.Oan OF Tm U M V XRSE
Refugeof the helpless.
( Sri Swami Ramadas)
Redeemer and Saviour of those who
0 I ord of the uoiverse '. 0 Crearor, resiga T'hee f ''

Protector and Destroyerof the Worlds!

Let .me dedicate. my liTe to Thee and
t come in all humifity to thy holy feet to 75y service.
a88 'surrende'k myself entirely to Thee.
Sy Thy grace, may peace and joy
Deige t o b less me ever with Tby
atways dme)l in my heart.
O. Merciful Divii)c Master! Give me Thou art h4okher;. Master. S I iend
streogth, purity and Pelce. aed s)I to me.
A ccept me as Thy c4i!d and T h y
Thoo arc seated ia the hearts Of
all, all, aH.,
Grant me yower to love Thee with
Thoq, are all purity, all I,oodaess asd aH my heart.
aI1 Love.
Let phateqer f, do. Ip a Ptting oimfering
Thou are a veritahle ocean of peaoe.
at Thy holy feet. •
aad bfiss.
Make me psre i a t hrougb, eot'd I beg of Thee,I prostrate before Thee,
and deed. hearken to this heartfelt prnyer of mine.
I lay my mind at Thy feet, ,5ll it And make me Thine only forever
almays mith Yhy mmembraece. aud ever! Yhy gtorious iteht illumiae my OM OM OM
0, Sustiiler oa' the worlds,0, kind
and compassionate Kerd, God of CkocL
Gave me thy diviae visioa Io that I
ssay be Sold Thee im all, as aH. May yoo Ali happy
Make rne ever feel Thy t:ohstant May you Always be true to yourself
fdlovehiy. May you Give oat
May my iife be guided aod eostrolied Love —Love - Wve.
by Thee. SIels you - Sless you,
May Thy Presenee be ever with me.
ia me and eveyvrhere aroun6 cae.

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