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Aryan & Aishyah (A20C)

Most of the people’s behaviors, attitudes and personalities could be reflected by the place they have
been raised. Undoubtedly, different places serve different experiences hence the exposure of the
cultures. People said, a person like me who have been raised at developed city will tend to have an
open minded thinking if being compared wuth someone who has been raised in impoverished life.
Living in Kuala Lumpur, most developed city in Malaysia for almost 10 years, it has impacted me a lot
especially in the cultures I practice, educations, and my personal values in life.

First and foremost, being raised in Kuala Lumpur, I managed to learn and practice different
cultures. Kuala Lumpur could be described as a salad bowl because there are many people from
different races live together in one community without changing their identities. As a Malay, I
basically practice Malay’s cultures such as celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri and enjoy Malay’s foods
such as ketupat and rendang. Same goes to others, the Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year while
the Indians celebrate Deepavali or also known as the Festival of Lights. However, what makes it
special is that we are not forgetting each other during the celebrations, meaning that we share the
cultures by inviting people from all races during Aidilfitri’s Open House, receive oranges and angpao
during Chinese New Year and also get the opportunity to get the taste of scrumptious Maruku during
Deepavali. Therefore, I could indirectly learn all of these cultures and practice it when I grew up in
Kuala Lumpur,

In addition, growing up in Kuala Lumpur has also affected my life by enabling me to enjoy an
excellent quality of education. At my school and college, the students are equipped with all the
educational infrastructures such as convenient classrooms, a conducive library and also the
adequate field,courts, or even gymnasium for sports activities hence could improve the efficiency of
learning lesson. I also get access for the current technologies such as computer labs with strong
internet connection that assists me a lot whenever I look for any information. Besides, during the
learning session, I am also being taught by well-experience teachers that implement the 21 st
century’s teaching approach that are very fun and suits well with the current generation’s ways of
learning. Thus, it is proven that I could get an excellent quality of education when I am studying in
Kuala Lumpur.

Last but not least, I was also able to shape some exceptional values in myself when I grew up in a
globalized and well-developed city. Living with people from different backgrounds and identities, I
learned how to respect each other and being a tolerable person when I inadvertently need to deal
with the sensitivity that existed in the society. Other than that, having a working parents with the
hevtic work schedules, I learned how to be independent to manage my daily routine such as using
public transport if I want to go anywhere and also learned how to cook by myself to satisfy my belly.
Getting access for the fast spreading information in my city, I eventually become a person who is
more open-minded and well aware with the current issues. Hence, these values have well developed
in myself when I grew up in Kuala Lumpur.

To wrap it all up, having Kuala Lumpur as a place that I grew up has influenced my life a lot. I am
able to put myself in different cultures and lifestyle hence I get the opportunity to learn these
cultures and practicing it in my life. Besides, living in Kuala Lumpur has also serves me the best sort
of education and lastly becoming a person with great education backgrounds. Lastly, I could also
developop a few vital values in myself that will benefit me in the rest of my life. All in all, these
effects and impacts from the place I grew up have contribute to the well-rounded and decent
person as I am now.

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