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Act I

1. Who does Duncan name as his successor?

2. Lady Macbeth calls on supernatural powers to ______________________.

3. Who will the Macbeths frame as Duncan’s murderer?

4. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth “When you durst do it, then _______________________.

5. What does Lady Macbeth say she would do with her child if she had to?

6. What does Banquo think about the witches’ predictions?

7. What does Macbeth think he sees floating in front of him as he goes to kill Duncan?

8. What can’t Macbeth say when he hears the bodyguards praying?

9. Where does the porter imagine he is guarding the gate?

10. Who discovers Duncan’s body?

11. Who is proclaimed king after Duncan is murdered?

12. Who will kill Banquo?

13. The two murderers are joined by __________________________.

14. What is going on at Macbeth’s castle while the murderers are killing Banquo?

15. What vision does Macbeth see at the table?

16. What does the first apparition tell Macbeth?

17. What does the second apparition tell Macbeth?

18. What does the third apparition tell Macbeth?

19. That is the last vision that the witches show Macbeth?

20. Who warns Lady Macduff to leave her house?

21. How do the Weird Sisters greet Banquo?

22. The Weird Sisters greet Macbeth as ______________________.

23. What does Macbeth do to Macdonald after he defeats him?

24. What new title does Macbeth receive early in Act one?

Act II
25. Macbeth is unable to say “_________” when the king’s guards say “God bless us.”

26. Lady Macbeth’s signal for Macbeth that it is time for the murder.

27. Lady Macbeth smears ______ on the king’s guards after the murder.

28. In Act II, Scene I, Macbeth sees a vision of a _________________ pointing towards


29. Malcolm goes to _____________; Donalbain goes to _________________.

30. What do Malcolm and Donalbain do after they learn that the king has been murdered?

31. Who does Lady Macbeth say that King Duncan looks like in his sleep?
32. Three people that Macbeth murders in Act II.


33. Who first discovers that Duncan is dead?

34. Who comes to get the king in the middle of the night?

35. Whom does Ross initially think seems suspicious in the murder of Duncan?

36. Names of King Duncan’s two sons. 1) ______________and 2) _______________.

37. What does one of the king’s guards say as Macbeth kills Duncan?

38. List some supernatural happenings that make the night of King Duncan’s murder unusual.

39. What does Lady Macbeth do to the king’s guards before the murder?

40. What happens to Lady Macbeth after the king is found dead?

41. What happens to Duncan’s horses on the night of his murder?

42. True or False: Macbeth initially regrets killing Duncan.

43. In Scene III, the murderers kill _______________, but ______________ escapes.

44. In Scene I, _______________ suspects that _______________ took part in the murder of King


45. What appears at Macbeth’s party and causes him to go crazy?

46. True or False: Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to kill Banquo and Fleance.

47. Who accompanies Banquo on his ride?

48. Name the leader of the three witches.

49. Why is Banquo unable to attend Macbeth’s banquet?

50. Where does the ghost of Banquo sit at macbeth’s party?

51. Who says in Scene VI that Macbeth seems suspicious?

52. Which two men begin forming an army to overthrow Macbeth?

53. In Scene II, Macbeth says his mind is full of ________________.

54. The number of men that Macbeth hires to kill Banquo and Fleance.

55. Lennox call Macbeth “a ________________” in Scene IV.

Act IV
56. How does Macbeth’s previous murders compare to his murders now?

57. How does Macduff respond after hearing about his family?

58. How does Ross describe that conditions in Scotland?

59. How do they know Macbeth is coming?

60. What are the three apparitions? 1) _______________, 2) ________________, & 3)

61. What are the witches doing at the beginning of Act IV?

62. What does King Edward have the power to do?

63. What does Macbeth plan to do from now on at the end of Scene I?

64. What does Malcolm worry about in Scene III?

65. What does the first apparition say?

66. What does the second apparition say?

67. What does the third apparition say?

68. What do the witches do to answer Macbeth’s questions?

69. What happens after the witches refuse to tell Macbeth about Banquo?

70. What happens at the end of Scene II?

71. What is Malcolm’s state at the start of Scene III?

72. What is the final question that Macbeth asks?

73. What is Macbeth’s purpose for seeing the witches?

74. What news does Lennox deliver in Scene I?

75. What phrase do the witches repeat?

76. What rumors does Ross hear?

77. What three things does Malcolm say he is?

78. Where does Scene III take place?

79. Who comforts Lady Macduff in Scene II?

80. Why are many people waiting for King Edward in Scene III?

81. Why does Lady Macduff say Macduff is a traitor?

82. Why does Macbeth decide to kill Macduff anyway?

83. Why is Lady Macduff mad at Macduff?

84. Why is Lady Macduff worried in Scene II?

Act V
85. When does Lady Macbeth die?

86. What is the second thing Malcolm will do after becoming king?

87. How does Macbeth say his personality has changed?

88. Why does Lady Macbeth sleepwalk?

89. Who says: “Out, damned spot! Out, I say!”

90. Who says: “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour on the stage

and then is heard no more.”

91. What does Macbeth finally realize?

92. Macbeth says of all men he has avoided whom?

93. Macbeth’s reaction to his wife’s death shows that he now thinks what?

94. Who says: “My voice is in my sword, thou bloodier villain than terms can give thee out!”

95. How does the prophecy “Beware Macduff” come true?

96. How does the prophecy “No man born of woman can hurt Macbeth” come true?

97. Who says: “So thanks to all at once and to each one, whom we invite to see us crowned at


98. How does Macbeth react to his wife’s death?

99. The physician says lady Macbeth needs this?

100. Why is Macbeth confident he’ll win the battle with England?

101. How does Macbeth view life?

102. How does the prophecy “Macbeth is safe until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane” come


103. How does Lady Macbeth die?

104. What three metaphors does Macbeth use to describe life in the “Tomorrow, and

tomorrow, and tomorrow…” speech?

105. What does her writing letters read by no one symbolize?

106. What does Lady Macbeth always have to have on?

107. Who restores order?

108. Who is killed by Macbeth?

General Questions:
109. What is a long speech expressing private thoughts, delivered by a character who is alone

110. What is a long speech delivered by one character to another or to a group of


111. What is a private remark to one character or to the audience that breaks convention
because it is understood not to be heard by other characters?

112. Who is the tragic hero and what is his tragic flaw?

113. Who is the author of Macbeth?

114. Who is Anne Hathaway?

115. What is the name of the theatre in London, England?

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