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I am having trouble framing my

Global Issue for the Individual Oral Commentary”

Here's a set of tools for forging your Global Issue in terms that fit the assessment,
providing a scope for your presentation.
Of course, even after running your ideas through the following prompts, it is still possible
to be too general, or too specific; you will need to massage your statement in any case so
that it is just wide enough to include both your texts and extracts and how they present the
GI through content and form (including language).
Try applying each of the following strategies, filling in the blanks to frame your GI, e.g.,
"The question of maintaining a relationship during a time of war." Does it help clarify
your topic—make it more specific without becoming too limited?
Hopefully, the statement will also hint at an answer to the questions, "What about that
Global Issue? Is it beneficial? Harmful? What effects does it have?"

1. The impact of _______ on _______.

2. The _______ between _______ and _______.

(First blank choices: relationship, difference, tension, conflict...)

3. The question of _______.

4. The question of _______ during _______.

5. Interpretations of _______ in literature.

6. _______ as a force of _______.

7. _______ as a source of _______.

8. How [Global Issue] can lead to _______.

9. How [Global Issue] sheds light on _______.

It may also be worthwhile to ask yourself, “Which or what kind of _____?”

where the blank is filled by each word from your GI in turn. Use the answers to
decide if your GI statement is specific enough.
Most of the sentence frames above are taken from this video) from Thomas
Lewandowski, who goes through use of the following sentence frames. He has other
helpful videos on the Individual Oral.
Lewandowski also suggests these, but I am not as confident that they lead directly to a
"Global Issue" as defined. But they might be worth trying, as well.

10. Emotional responses to _______ in literature.

11. Conceptual understandings of _______ in literature.

Lewandowski, Thomas. “B: New Individual Oral: Framing Your Global Issue (Part 3).” YouTube, 6
Mar. 2020, 

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