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Julienne Therese D.




I. Know the meaning of the following terms

1. humanities

It is like the notion of ‘time’ in St. Augustine: if you don’t ask, we know, but
if you ask, we are left empty handed. Since the nineteenth century the
humanities have generally been defined as the disciplines that investigate the
expressions of the human mind. Such expressions include language, music, art,
literature, theatre, and poetry. Thus, philology, linguistics, musicology, art history,
literary studies, and theatre studies all belong to the realm of the humanities.
(Rens Bod, 2013)

2. art

Art is often an outward expression of our emotions, but it’s not limited to
that. Creating art allows us to express our thoughts, fears, and desires — to
almost literally throw our personalities onto a canvas or into a guitar riff. So, in
the most basic sense of my first criterion, that is how it helps me (or whoever the
creator may be). Art provides us an outlet for our inflated sadness, our temporary
anger, our wishful thinking, our newfound happiness. (Hussey, 2014)

3. art appreciation

Art appreciation is the knowledge and understanding of the universal and

timeless qualities that identify all great art. The more you appreciate and
understand the art of different eras, movements, styles and techniques, the
better you can develop, evaluate and improve your own artwork. (Artyfactory,
4. art history

Art history is the study of objects of art considered within their time period.
Art historians analyze visual arts’ meaning (painting, sculpture, architecture) at
the time they were created. Art history doesn’t consist in simply listing all the art
movements and placing them on a timeline. It is the study of objects of art
considered within their time period. Art historians analyze visual arts’ meaning
(painting, sculpture, architecture) at the time they were created. Also, another of
art history’s mission is to establishes authorial origins of artworks, i.e. discovering
who created a particular artwork, when, when and for what reason. (IESA, 2020)

5. creativity

Simply put, creativity involves transforming your ideas, imagination, and

dreams into reality. When you’re being creative, you can see the hidden patterns,
make connections between things that aren’t normally related, and come up with
new ideas. Creative ability depends on creative thinking which is part hard work
but largely creative problem-solving. (Lobell, 2018)


1. As a student, what do you expect of this course?

I have a lot of expectation in this course most especially in myself. I am the

kind of person who really lacks a sense of appreciation most especially to myself.
Well in this case, I hope that I can develop a deeper sense of appreciation that
makes me discover more of who I am as I venture my student life in the Architectural
world. I also expect my classmate and instructor to help me learn and develop not
only my skills in this field but also my personal character in honing these to its full

2. Do you have personal experience with art before? How do you feel
participating in art?

Yes, I have a lot of experience of art before. Those memories I had since I
was a teenager. I am not only having skills in visual arts, but also in performance
arts. Back in my high school days, we perform with my classmates during “Battle of
the Bands” every year and me acting as the lead guitarist of the group. It was really
a nice experience because for me, it was the start of my journey as an artist. Before
I was really a shy-type girl but when I started venturing and knowing myself more in
the field of music, the anxiety depleted. That “Art experience” was really a life-
changing milestone in my life and I will reminisce that forever.

3. Why do you study humanities?

Having learned more about the myths and stories of Western civilization, I am
understanding more how study of the humanities (art, history, and literature) can be
used to help people better understand and communicate with one another. It is
obvious that the study of humanities is not just a college course, but it is an ongoing
process and practice in life.

The humanities can first be used to understand the past which has created the
present. The culture which we have was shaped by the past. Facts, findings, and
literature of even thousands of years ago have influenced our world today. Knowing
this past can allow people to understand our present; knowing how we came to this
present helps us to communicate about it and the future. (Schlabach, 1997)

4. Why is creativity necessary in art making?

Art is creativity. period. either you have it or you don’t. you can develop skills
in painting like mixing colors, learning about composition, proportions, perspective,
drawing, etc. after you have developed skills you have to have the ability to say
something unique and put it on a canvas or sculpture ot whatever form of art you do.
it has to be only have to look into your soul and bring it out. that’s
creativity.nobody can teach you that. many people are very creative but are afraid to
try and are afraid of failure. never give up. if you are truly creative it will find it’s way
out (Asulin, 2020)

5. When can you say that a person is creative?

Creativity have many meanings especially in every generation and country.

Sometimes it is a matter of ability to do specific things that require handiness. Back
in the past “creative people” are able to invent things such as technologies we use
now. Then, there came an era where creativity evolved around paintings and huge
sculptures. We can say that a person is Creative If he or she has the ability to
stretch his or her imagination into something worthwhile or something that pleases
people, or if the person is able to think of a visual quickly and able to execute it then
he or she is CREATIVE. (Kylla03, 2020)
6. What is the relevance of art appreciation to your course?

 It is important for practicing and future architects to cultivate a sensitivity

towards art appreciation and evolve its attributes in the design process to create an
outcome in the built-environment as a collaborative effort with artists to consciously
demonstrate allegorical expression on various realms in society. Thus art
appreciation goes beyond understanding and identifying various factors, eras,
movements, and styles of art; it enhances the character of a given space that
determines a specific human behavior by deliberate definition of space conditioned
by material and lighting as a product of rational thinking. This establishes the
objective role of the subject in architectural education as a catalyst manifestation of
creative brilliance in students that apply its core to their production of work.
(Baberwal, 2020)

7. Are mountains, rivers lakes, volcanoes, and other nature that you see
belong to the field of art? If yes why? If no why?

 I believe nature belongs to the field of art. If you notice closely you'd find that
nature and it's designs are impeccable. Suppose, let's take the kingfisher. It catches
fish and known as one the most efficient predators. It makes almost no sound while
driving into the water to catch small fishes. Fishes by design are extremely cautious
and swift. Still the kingfisher manages to swiftly prey on fish, it's because nature has
designed it to be that way. This is just one example. You'd see art in nature almost
every day and in everything. The beautiful northern lights and the haunting stars in
the sky and how they move without clashing into one another. How there are
volcanoes underneath the oceans. How life is beating hearts underneath miles deep
of the Marianna trench. How the ecosystem is dependent on every single species of
living being. It's astonishing and beautiful and it's art. (Raka, 2019)

8. Why does an individual create a work of art?

Because it a consequence of our intelligence. Art is many things. Musings

about our day to day life. An emotional and intellectual outlet. And a vehicle for the
critical analysis of society. Most living creatures are concerned with everyday life in
the most mundane manner. Eat. Reproduce. Survive. That's what they are
programmed to do. We as thinking beings are constantly fighting our baser urges
and confronted with emotion, questions of right and wrong, religious and societal
doctrines, and scientific truths. Art helps us cope with these things, express our
anxieties, and better think about these subjects. (Ibrahim, 2017)

9. If you want to be an artist what type of art will you be? Why?

An artist, in general. I want to take use of as many mediums of expressions

as possible to communicate with other people what I think and feel. I could be a
Musician, a painter, or a sculptor, but I think it would be a good idea to just not label
myself with one medium if I’ll ever choose to partake in another. But specifically, I
really wanted to make abstract paintings. I would like to be an abstract artist and
create huge abstract paintings. I think this is the easiest form of art and also the
most meaningful. Just like nature does when she created our world.

10. Who will utilize the art you prepared? To your self, your community, and to
your country.

Everyone can use art. Art make other people happy just like me. But some
other think that it is just a waste of crap with no value at all. They are the people
who seldom see the true meaning of art. Art may be subjective in nature but most
of us will be mostly amazed if they can witness any work of art. God has made
the world through the use of art and he expect us to be co-creators of these, for
he created us by his own image and likeness. And because he always said after
his creation, “It was good”, and so we too must learn to appreciate the beauty of
any creation.

11. Can art be globalize, if yes how? If no why not?

The globalization of art is certainly not a new phenomenon. From Asian silk
paintings to European impressionist works to tribal sculptures and masks, museums
worldwide have always displayed artwork from different cultures. Galleries and
auctions have always sold artwork to a wide range of buyers worldwide. Museums
around the world have collaborated for a long time, loaning and sharing their most
well-known pieces with other museums for special exhibits and shows.
(Globalization101, 2009)

1. In art appreciation one can understand something about the work of art
while very little or maybe nothing at all about its history.

I really don’t agree with this notion. It is because when you want to study a
an art piece, it also requires you to know the story behind it most especially its
context. We might say that art is subjective in nature to the point-of-view of the
viewers but it has its own story to tell which is depending in respect to the artist

2. Art appreciation is for amateurs while art history is for professionals.

I still don’t agree with this notion its simply because no one is an amateur
forever. In any discipline in art, it requires a lot of expertise, skills and talents
which we will master and develop as an artist. How much more in the course of
Art Appreciation which is “The Love of Art”. Thus we say, that it requires many
years to develop skills in art yet it requires nothing to love art itself. It is an
intrinsic motivation to love art.

3. Through an artist work we get a glimpse of the thoughts, feelings and

beliefs of the people who live in the period the art work was produced.

Yes its true that we can see vividly the whole picture of the people before
from the art work made by the artist. This is simply because that artist always
based their art, not on with their emotions, but the things around them. So we
can gaudily see the culture, lifestyle, and belief of the people in the era of the
artist based on the art work he/she made.

4. “Art is not what you see but what you make others see” by Edgar Degas

I agree with this idea. Degas used this mindset, to create stunning work as
a sculpture, painter and printmaker. However, great artists in all fields, do exactly
the same. The ability to open another person’s eyes (and ears)… to take them on
a journey with you, is an ongoing challenge, for those committed to touching
others with their work. It’s one of the primary motivations behind every artist I
have ever studied or met. (Conolly, 2020)
5. There are many ways of defining art as there are people in the universe and
each definition is influenced by the unique perspective of such persons
including their own personality and character.

Yes it is true that the meaning of art really depends on the subject that you
asked. Art by the way is widely linked to humanities, the study of people. Every
human has his own unique way to express art and most of the time, they just
don’t know that it already art that they are doing. Art is in all the thing we do. We
might not notice it but, we have each style of doing things. We might think that
these are just ordinary routines but we already create art from ourselves. So,
defining art really depend from the subject itself. It is really a broad sense of
discipline but it requires nothing to achieve it.

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