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A. Triduum Day 1: Death is Not the End

What were the 3 most significant realizations from the participants in their group sharing?

1. Seeing and recognizing the different forms and ways of death around us, and how these lead us to
hopelessness, despair and discouragement to get up from the struggles.

2. In times of deep hurdles, we need to reach out and be compassionate to other youth who undergo
the experiences of death

3. Death is not the end because our God is the source of our hope and life.

B. Triduum Day 3: Witnesses of New Life in Christ

What were the 3 most significant realizations from the participants in their group sharing?

1. Accept the challenge in becoming witnesses of new life in Christ by striving to imitate His ways.

2. In Christ and with Christ, we can certainly arise from the agonies of darkness and death.

3. To realize that the new life Jesus offers us is spiritually-sustaining and worth living.

What were the 3 most significant realizations from the participants in their group sharing?

1. As Jesus restores us to new life and be His' witnesses, He also gives us to others.

2. No one in this mundane living only lives for himself/herself.

3. We should hold on to Christ, who is the cornerstone of our faith.

What does your youth ministry commit to do after having been raised to life by Christ?

1. We are committed and gifted to give our time, talents and treasures to our fellow youth.
2. Committed to share Christ's joy wherever and whenever we are amidst the emergence of death.

3. Committed to become the light and threshold to those who are suffering and afflicted by the bumps
and loopholes of life because we are one in and with God. As one BukYo family, let us all declare to arise
from death and be witnesses of God's unending grace!

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