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Nama : I Gst Ayu Dita Saraswati

Jurusan : Dharma Acarya
Prodi/ Smt : PGSD/VIIc
Mata Kuliah : Aplikasi Bahasa Inggris

The Impact of Online Learning During the Pandemic Period for Character
Currently, all countries in the world are facing the Covid-19 pandemic. All activities
are restricted to prevent the spread of the Corona virus, including educational activities. In
Indonesia, it has been more or less three months, all educational activities, from primary and
secondary levels to tertiary levels, are conducted online, without face-to-face contact between
teachers and student.
Online learning, immediately makes us aware of the tremendous potential of the
internet that has not been fully utilized in various fields, including education. Without limitation
of space and time, educational activities can be done anytime and anywhere. Moreover, in an era
where there is no certainty when this pandemic will end, so online learning is an absolute
necessity that must be met by all Indonesian.

Previously, when educational activities were carried out in schools, character education
was carried out under direct supervision of the teacher or lecturer. Activities that support
character education can also be carried out directly, intensively and their success rate can be
However, nowadays, when educational activities are carried out online, where there is
only a learning process, or knowledge transfer, nothing can guarantee students or students get
character education from their parents according to the values that have been. taught by
educational institutions.

What is worrying is that if this pandemic lasts a long time, and online learning is
carried out for a full year or maybe more, the young generation of this nation will be accustomed
to various facilities that are not educational and mature. They might lose a year full of character
education which is very valuable as a provision for living life.

This nation no longer faces the threat of a shortage of smart people in the internet era as
it is today. Unlimited access to information makes it easy for everyone to learn anything.
However, learning is different from education, let alone character education. This nation needs a
young generation whose positive character is formed, and that can only be achieved with
character education that promotes the example of the teachers, which students and students must
witness and imitate.

Therefore, it is time for the Government and all elements of education in Indonesia to
think about how to replace character education which during this pandemic had to be neglected.
Do not let the loss of character education values also become part of the "new normal".
So that later we will no longer feel strange seeing the younger generation losing positive
characters because our education is finally dominated by online learning which only prioritizes
the transfer of knowledge without instilling noble moral values.
That is what this nation really needs to improve its own situation which is currently being hit by
many problems.

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