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Thanksgiving Editors: Sarah Ingram, Natatie Edition 3/4 December 18th, 2020

Moody, Mariah Shemwell Big Holiday Issue

Christmas Editors: Yearbook Class

Solar Climate Intervention deflectors to reflect some of the Sun’s rays

By Mariah Shemwell back into the solar system. In a way, we’re
Solar Climate Intervention (SCI) is a creating our own thermostat for Earth.
different approach that could be a much The Evidence of Climate Change​, NASA, Oct. 2020,"Carbon Dioxide at NOAA’s Mauna
faster way to cool down the earth, and fast. Loa Observatory reaches new milestone: Tops 400 ppm." , 10 May
Climate change has been a big problem 2013,
since the 1830’s and Earth scientists have 502/Carbon-Dioxide-at-NOAA%E2%80%99s-Mauna-Loa-Observ
been doing almost everything and have been atory-reaches-new-milestone-Tops-400-ppm.

trying new solutions ever since the 1900’s.

From limiting greenhouse gases to trying to
eliminate gasoline usage, nothing has put a
dent in climate change as bad as climate
change has put a dent in our Ozone layer.
The Ozone layer plays a big part in
climate change as well, the Ozone layer
actually absorbs harmful ultraviolet (UV)
radiation and it’s rays from hitting Earth’s
surface and harming the living organisms on
earth. What the big problem is, is that the ​ COVID-19 Vaccine timeline
Ozone layer is depleting. In fact, it has been By: Natalie Moody
since the 1970’s which is just around 70 With several potential COVID-19
years after we discovered climate change vaccines in their final study. The
itself. anticipation is building about when one can
Luckily scientists just discovered a be available. Health officials have been
new way to potentially stop climate change, unable to say when the country could see a
and it's called Solar Climate Intervention. To vaccine although its possible one could be
sum it up, we’re planning on using ready by the end of the year.
​World's Largest Iceberg on a Collision
Moderna began phase three on July Course with Antarctic Penguin Refuge
27th then enrolled about 15,000 participants By Josephine Brinker
a month later. The trial is designed for The world's largest iceberg, A68a measures
people to have a second shot three or four more than 2,300 square miles. The size of
weeks later. Stephen Hoge said last month this iceberg is compared to holding five
that over 25,000 of the 30,000 planned boroughs of New York City five times over.
participants have enrolled in the trial. Back in July of 2017, this giant piece of ice
Pfizer entered Phase 3 the same day broke off from one of Antarctica’s ice
as Moderna. The company announced that it
would expand from 30,000 to 44,000 people
to include teenagers as well as people with
diseases like HIV and hepatitis A, B and C.
Although no one can say for sure the
Trump administration and health officials
have offered their predictions on the
vaccines timeline. President Trump said
there could be a candidate as soon as
October. This could have taken 2 to 3 years
shelves, a floating layer of sea ice attached
instead it is going to be a short period of
to the land. As A58a travels into warmer
time. The Disease center control and
waters pieces of this massive iceberg break
Prevention has told state governors and
off, now after having pieces of it break off
health officials to be ready to distribute a
it is up to 2,000 square miles. Recently, the
possible corona vaccine by november 1st.
(​Salo, Jackie. ​Student News Daily ,​ New York Post , 30 Sept. 2020, researchers noticed the iceberg drifting directly toward South Georgia. They spotted
melines/.)​(​Salo, Jackie. ​COVID-19 vaccine timelines.​ 2020,
Student News Daily .
this in pictures taken by satellites, which circle around Earth in space. South Georgia
melines is a small, mountainous island. It's also
where hundreds of thousands of seals and
penguins make their breeding ground, or
where they gather to have babies. South
Georgia island has a size similar to that of
A68a. If the iceberg lands on South Georgia,
it could seriously harm the island's
ecosystem, the island's community of
animals and their habitat. The iceberg could
injure animals when it hits land. In addition, Wind, water, rain, and floods are
the iceberg could block the normal routes carrying the plastic to our ocean. Originally
that animals use to find food while raising people polluted the streets with plastic
their chicks and pups. which made it so the plastic got carried to
Image 2. Salisbury Plain on the South Georgia Island in the ocean from rain, wind, water, and most
Sub-Antarctica is home to thousands of seals and penguins,
like this King penguin colony, photographed on December important the floods. We need to be smarter
12, 2013. On November 4, 2020, researchers announced with our plastic and what we do with it.
iceberg A68a is currently drifting towards the island. If the
iceberg lands there, it could disrupt the island's ecosystem.
Photo: Wolfgang Kaehler/LightRocket via Getty Images
science, live. articles. , edited by newsela staff, newsela staff, 16
Nov. 2020,
Plastic Is Not Good For The Ocean
By: Sarah Ingram
Studies say that plastic causes harm to
humans and animals. Plastic plants toxins in
the air and take hundreds or even thousands
of years to break down causing the Harvey, Fiona. ​Animals and birds under increasing threat
environment to be at harm. Over 1 million from plastic waste.​ 2019, The Guardian .
marine animals like fish,sharks,turtles,and
birds are killed because of plastic in the
ocean. Currently at this time it is estimated
​How Canada’s Thanksgiving is different from
that 8.3 billion tons of plastic is in the world
United States
that is killing animals around the world. By Jacalynn Pung
90% of the plastic in our ocean Thanksgiving in Canada is much
comes from rivers. There is 8.3 billion tons different than Thanksgiving in the United States.
of plastic in the world that eventually gets to A long time ago Canada thought Thanksgiving
our ocean. When the plastic gets to the was a holiday to celebrate how they had such
ocean it kills animals. It turns out that 90% luck in not being American. It involved a pirate
of plastic that is in the ocean reaches 10 whose name was Martin Frobishner instead of
rivers: The Yangtze river, the Indus river, Christopher Columbus. On Thanksgiving they
would go to church and thank god that they were
Yellow river, Hai river, the Nile river, the
Canadian. The way the United States celebrated
Ganges river, Pearl river, Amur river, the
Thanksgiving spread to Canada. Then, they
Niger river, and the Mekong river. Many started having a Thanksgiving feast just like
countries have a lot of plastic that goes into Americans. Thanksgiving in Canada has
our ocean but the top countries are China changed since then and now it is a time to
and Indonesia. celebrate and savor the last mild weather before
northern winter starts. Thanksgiving is on Parliament established a national
October 12 in Canada instead of November 26. Thanksgiving Day in 1879.
Waxman, Olivia B. ​Time​, Time Staff,
Thanksgiving is beloved by many people
and will hopefully continue to be a great and
nice holiday for many.
Why is Thanksgiving so Important
By Ayden Greschak
2,350 Pound Pumpkin Wins the California
Thanksgiving is so important some people
ask or why can't we have a longer christmas By: Raegan Majcher
month other people may say. Well With being held up in his home
thanksgiving is more important than some during the nation-wide pandemic, Minnesota
people think. For example some people like horticulture teacher Travis Gienger used the
to spend time with extra time to constantly water and feed a
family or get a day massive pumpkin. The pumpkin won this
year’s Half Moon Bay pumpkin contest by
off to spend with a being a total of 2,350 pounds. Travis
friend or themselves Gienger watered his plants up to 10 times a
or even wait for day. He fed and fertilized them at least twice
black friday for a day. Gienger, age 40, then drove his
Christmas even start pumpkin 35 hours to see his hard work pay
to set up christmas decorations for you or off at the 47th World Championship
Pumpkin Weigh-Off. It is held every year in
your family. Another thing Thanksgiving is
Half Moon Bay, a city south of San
so unforgettable is the food, the ham, the Francisco.
gravy, and last but not least the turkey itself. Gienger is a landscape and
That's only one out so many more reasons horticulture teacher at Anoka Technical
why Thanksgiving is so important. College. He has been growing pumpkins
Some people ask why we eat turkey? The since he was a child. He was inspired by his
father who also grew them. It was his first
Indians helping the pilgrims survive, they
time competing at the Half Moon Bay
brought a turkey to celebrate their food for weigh-off. He won $16,450, which means
the great harvest. As we evolved we sat $7 per pound. His pumpkin was showcased
there and added things to our entrees to during a parade through Half Moon Bay on
perfect the Thanksgiving celebration also October 12th.
known as the great harvest. Thanksgiving Gienger’s pumpkin was the
was made when ​writer Sarah Josepha​ ​Hale second-heaviest ever weighed at the
47-year-old California event, but it isn’t
campaigned for a national Thanksgiving in close to the U.S. record. That was set in in
the United States during the 19th century 2018 from a grower from New Hampshire.
eventually winning President Abraham He produced a pumpkin weighing more than
Lincon’s support in 1863. In Canada 2,500 pounds. The record for the heaviest
pumpkin in the world was set in 2016 at the history. The birthplace of this asteroid is
Giant Pumpkin European Championship in Between Mars and Jupiter. The spacecraft’s
Ludwigsburg, Germany. A Belgium navigation camera observed that Bennu was
grower’s winning pumpkin came in at just
spewing out streams of particles a couple of
over 2,600 pounds.
​ ​newsela,​ edited by washington post, 27 Oct. 2020, times each week​. Bennu apparently is not only a rare active asteroid (only a handful of
2018 from a grower from New Hampshire. He
produced a pumpkin weighing more than 2,500 pounds. The record them have been as of yet identified). More
recently, the mission team discovered that
sunlight can crack rocks on Bennu​, and that
it has ​pieces of another asteroid scattered
across its surface​. More pieces will be added
to Bennu’s cosmic puzzle as the mission
progresses, and each brings the solar
system’s evolutionary history into sharper
and sharper focus.
The goal was to collect at least 60
heaviest pumpkin in the world was set in 2016 at the Giant
Pumpkin European Championship in Ludwigsburg, Germany. A grams (2.1 ounces) of dirt and gravel from
Belgium grower’s winning pumpkin came in at just over 2,600
pounds. Bennu's rubbly surface. It could take up to
Chiu, Jeff, and Olga R. Rodriguez. ​Pumpkin weighing 10 days to determine if OSIRIS-REx
2,350 pounds wins California contest,​ Newsela, 21 Oct. 2020,, achieved this aim, mission team members
Jeff. ​Travis Gienger, from Anoka, Minnesota, poses next to his
pumpkin, which weighed in at 2,350 pounds, to win the Safeway have said. And it's not a disaster if the
World Championship Pumpkin Weigh-Off in Half Moon Bay,
California,​. 2020, AP Photo.
asteroid haul turns out to be a little light; the
probe can go back down for two more tries
Asteroid Bennu if need be.It currently takes more than 18
By Josephine Brinker minutes for commands to travel from Earth
The asteroid Bennu is an asteroid to OSIRIS-REx, so Moreau and his
discovered on September 11th of 1999. This colleagues cannot control the probe in real
asteroid ​was named in 2013 by a time. The craft therefore performed October
nine-year-old boy from North Carolina who 20's operation autonomously.
won the “Name that Asteroid!” Bennu is Newsela, "NASA spacecraft
classified as a B-type asteroid, which means make historic attempt to snag samples of
it contains a lot of carbon in and along with asteroid Bennu."
its various minerals. Bennu has been mostly ​ ewsela, "NASA spacecraft make historic attempt to
undisturbed for billions of years. Not only is snag samples of asteroid Bennu." ​newsela​, edited by washington
post, 27 Oct. 2020,
it conveniently close it is also so primitive
that scientists calculated it formed in the
first 10 million years of our solar system’s
Death of An Avenger these bursts have been coming from outside
By Ethan Hinton of our galaxy and however we recently had a
Chadwick Boseman, the “Black Panther” burst that was considerably weaker than the
passes away at 43 of colon cancer others. This burst was detected in two
Chadwick Boseman, most famously known different places, one in Canada by an
for his main role in the movie, ​Black observatory called CHIME the other by a
Panther​, tragically passed away on August student named Christopher Bochenek at the
28, 2020 due to multiple organ failure with California Institute of Technology using a
the underlying cause of colon cancer. He handmade set of antennas. Scientists traced
passed away in his home in the Los Angeles this burst back to a magnetar, a compact
area with his wife, ​Taylor Simone Ledward, neutron star. This magentar is about 32,000
and other family members. His family said light years away from our planet, and is
he was diagnosed with colon cancer about 4 located in the vulpecula constellation. It is
years ago. During the period of time that he approximately one and a half times the mass
kept his diagnoses a secret he starred in the of our sun all compacted into the size of
movies ​Black Panther,​ ​Avengers Infinity manhattan. A single burst from this
War, a​ nd​ Avengers Endgame.​ magnetar lasted less than a second but
Pearson, Ryan. ​‘Black Panther’ star Chadwick contained similar levels of power that our
Boseman dies of cancer at 43,​ AP News, 29 Aug. 2020, sun would produce in a month. These
magnetars have a magnetic field
surrounding them that is so strong nearby
atoms are torn apart. While we have found
these stars we still have so much to learn
about them.
​Borenstein, Seth. ​Flash of luck: Astronomers find cosmic radio
burst source​, Associated Press, 4 Nov. 2020,
Rios, Edwin. ​The Subdued Brilliance of Chadwick s-find-cosmic-radio-burst-source/.
Boseman,​ Mother Jones, 31 Aug. 2020, Bochenek, Christopher. ​Christopher Bochenek,​ 4 Nov.
ce-of-chadwick-boseman/. 2020,

Astronomers Discover Radio Bursts Coming Laws On Mars?

from Space By: Mia Stade
By: Eva Seeley Elon Musk has a plan to have laws
For around 13 years scientists have on Mars! Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla
been experiencing energetic pulses called and SpaceX. The same man who gave the
fast radio bursts. Up until April of 2020 idea to ‘colonize mars’. And that isn’t the
first time that he talked about colonizing it One thing is almost certain that if
which is why he probably wants to create they go through with the city then they will
laws for Mars. The thought of people living use constellation Starlink satellites that are
on mars is bizarre. He believes that the laws orbiting the earth so we can provide people
we have here on ear shouldn't be the same as and machines with the internet.
they are on mars due to the diversity of the News 18 Buzz,​ 1 Nov. 2020,
planets and many more factors. wn-laws-on-mars-not-follow-universal-ones-3030056.html.
A report in ​The Independent,​ stated Cuthbertson, Anothony. "ELON MUSK’S SPACEX WILL
‘MAKE ITS OWN LAWS ON MARS’." ​Independent,​ 28 Oct.
that mars won’t have laws but rather self 2020,
governing principles. This is due to the
Terms of service policy which also says,
they won’t make international laws for mars. Water On The Moon
Elon Musk also mentions the make of a self By: Remy Kook
sustaining city on Mars as well but a time NASA recently announced that
frame hasn’t been set for its development. scientists have discovered water on sunlit
One thing is almost set that if they go parts of the moon. The parts of the moon
through with the city then they will use that aren't sunlit are too cold for water to be
constellation Starlink satellites that are on but surprisingly water can exist without
orbiting the earth so we can provide people evaporating on sunny parts of the moon.
and machines with internet connection. Molecules of water found on the moon are
Although Elon Musk wants to create not in puddles but spaced far apart trapped
laws for Mars the Declaration of the Rights in moon dust and clear glassy rocks. The
and Responsibilities of Humanity in the surface of the moon is about 100 times dryer
Universe mentioned the fact that space will than the Sahara desert but there is still about
be “Considered free, by all, for all.”they are 12oz of water every 3 square feet. If there is
on mars due to the diversity of the planets enough water on the moon it could be
and many more factors. possibly used for drinking and since the
A report in ​The Independent,​ stated molecules are split apart it could be used to
that mars won’t have laws but rather self make rocket fuel.
governing principles. This is due to the Water discovered on the sunlit part of the moon for the first
Terms of service policy which also says, time, NASA says​, 2 Nov. 2020,
they won’t make international laws for mars.
Elon Musk also mentions the make of a self ​Tiring
sustaining city on Mars as well but a time By Jacalynn Pung
frame hasn’t been set for its development. Thanksgiving isn’t the same without turkey-
and most likely a nap after. But why do
some people get sleepy and others don’t, businesses have no insurance at all. Their
even though they eat the same amount of untold losses don’t show up in the 2 billion
turkey? The answer is very simple, turkey dollar figure. And what about the personal
isn’t what makes you sleepy. You may have pain and suffering caused by the rioting,
heard the rumors of how turkey makes you such as the more than 15 people who died
sleepy, but that isn’t the cause. Turkey due to the civil unrest?
contains tryptophan which makes you Polumbo, Brad. ​George Floyd Riots Caused

sleepy, but it has the same amount as all the Record-Setting $2 Billion in Damage, New Report Says. Here’s
Why the True Cost Is Even Higher​, 16 Sept. 2020,
other meats. Turkey actually makes you less
sleepy because it has an abundance of n-damage-new-report-says-here-s-why-the-true-cost-is-even-highe
protein. What really makes you sleepy is Betz, Bradford. ​Chicago's George Floyd unrest sees
how much food you eat. Why? It makes you more fires than 1968 riots, report says,​ Fox News, 2 June 2020,
sleepy because it takes energy to digest as n-damage-new-report-says-here-s-why-the-true-cost-is-even-highe
much food as we consume on Thanksgiving. r/.
Sifferlin, Alexandra, and Heather Jones. ​Time​,
Time Staff, 22 Nov. 2016,

George Floyd Riots and Their Economic

When George Floyd passed away
because of police brutality, almost everyone Chicago's George Floyd unrest sees more fires than 1968 riots,
believed that it was a tragedy that needed to report says​, edited by Bradford Betz, Fox News, 2 June 2020,
be called out. So, when citizens decided to 8-riots.
take a stand, they caused a large amount of
economic impact on the U.S. A few Covid-19 and Thanksgiving
examples of this are how a news report from By Kayden Fahey-Anderson
Axios revealed that the total insured
Thanksgiving is an excellent holiday, but for
property losses incurred during the George
2020 it’s not the best holiday. We have had
Floyd riots will come to a detrimental 1 to 2 significant changes in our everyday lives. How
billion dollars. The US has experienced are we going to prevent the spread of covid-19
rioting over racial tensions before, but these and still see our families? We cant wear a mask
events will overcome any that came before. to see our families and look stupid. The CDC
However, the price of these riots will far recommends that we do low-risk things for
exceed the 1 or 2 billion dollars. This is thanksgiving this year. If you want to have a
because 75% of US businesses are low-risk thanksgiving, keep reading. If not, then
under-insured and about 40% of small still keep reading if you wish.
Since it’s cold out, you’re probably Entomologists, or scientists who study
going to have an indoor thanksgiving to keep insects, plan to destroy the nest.
things low risk. Be sure to have adequate Asian giant hornets are the world's
ventilation. Households without ventilation largest wasps. They are also an invasive
would be less effective for you and your family
species. Invasive species are plants, animals
getting covid. Be sure to have a shorter
and microorganisms that are not native to an
Thanksgiving than last year. A more extended
thanksgiving means having more people area and can harm the environment. Each
breathing and a higher chance of you getting winter, worker hornets in a hive die off,
covid, and we wouldn’t want that. while queens lay eggs to start a new hive.
Make sure to have fewer people than Nests can contain up to around 800 workers
last year’s Thanksgiving. Ensure that the people and produce a couple hundred queens.
you’re inviting have not been in close contact The nest discovery is an important
with anyone who has contracted the virus. A step in the effort to prevent the insects from
bigger group of people means a better chance for becoming established in the Pacific
you and your family to get covid. Instead of
traveling, try zoom or facetime to talk to your
We did get to a nest, said state
family members who live out of state. Be sure to
social distance and wash your hands a lot entomologist Sven Spichiger at a press
because you don’t want covid. conference on October 23. Until the nest
"Holiday Celebrations." 19 Oct. 2020, was found, scientists weren't sure if their
methods to track the hornets would work,
Spichiger said. The area has dense woods,
Murder Hornets! which can make tracking hard
By Lilian Brewer The invasive insects were first seen
On October 22, scientists discovered in the state in fall 2019, and their arrival set
a live nest of Asian giant hornets, sometimes off alarm bells. Asian giant hornets are
known as "murder hornets." The nest was predators, or animals that eat other animals.
found in a tree in the town of Blaine, in the They are particularly deadly to honeybees. If
far northwestern corner of Washington left alone, the hornets could spread
state.On October 21 and 22 trappers throughout the state and possibly the West
collected four live worker hornets from Coast, says Chris Looney, also an
traps. Scientists then attached trackers to entomologist with the state.
three female worker hornets. The monitoring Killing individual workers to stop
systems use radio waves, a type of energy their spread is useless, says Looney. Instead,
used to send signals. Radio stations and scientists have to kill off all workers and all
televisions use radio waves. In this case, queens. State scientists and collaborators
have set thousands of traps around
northwestern Washington. They hope the emphasize. The hornets do pose a serious
traps will catch live insects that can be risk to honeybees and native bees if they
traced back to their hives. The radio waves become established and spread. That's not a
were sent between a tag and a reader to cause for panic, however, Looney says.
follow the hornet's distance and direction. Nov,11,2020,
One of the tagged hornets led the scientists  
to an unexpected nest in a tree, instead of a
typical nest in the ground.
The hornet that led trappers to the
nest first flew around for about an hour
before resting on a leaf. The scientists
placed her on a table and fed her some grape
jelly, "which seemed to revive her,"
Spichiger says. They then tracked her a few
hundred yards into the woods and heard
buzzing that led them to the hive.
There are almost certainly more hives yet to
be found, Spichiger says. Hornet sightings
also have been confirmed in another area in
Blaine. They are near the town of Birch Bay, Why is Metal Better than Plastic?
Washington, far enough to be from a By Allysen Young
different nest. There are multiple reasons why
Scientists will continue improving their metal is better than plastic. People are more
traps and monitoring them. If they find more likely to recycle metal than plastic. Reason
live workers, they will repeat the tagging two, metal tends to be stronger than plastic
and tracking in hopes of following them to and more useful. Metal is also good because
their nests. you could make metal water bottles and they
Spichiger says it's possible, though unlikely, last longer, they also do not leach chemicals
that queens from this nest have left to start when exposed to heat and sun. Reason three,
their own hives. That makes its destruction metal can be used in more extreme
an urgent matter, he says. "Once we know temperature applications. people are more
we have one, we should shut it down likely to throw plastic in the ocean and it
immediately." kills many many animals. Reason four,
News of the hornets spread across the plastic is so bad that starbucks now said that
United States, but the insects are still limited they are banning plastic straws globally in
to northwestern Washington, scientists less than two years. Reason five, the dove
company is now going to start cutting the team revealed the existence of what may be
plastic of their shampoos and conditioners a previously- undiscovered organ!
in half to reduce the waste of so much The organ is a hidden pair of
plastic by 2025. Reason six, people have salivary glands. “​The salivary glands make
been throwing so much plastic in the water saliva and empty it into your mouth through
that people found a dead whale in the openings called ducts. Saliva helps with
philippines with 88 pounds of plastic in it’s swallowing and chewing. It can also help
stomach. Metal is so much better that every prevent infections from developing in your
store and person is now banning plastic mouth or throa​t.” ​says Memorial Sloan
straws, bags, and more from the United Kettering Cancer Center. Until just now, it
States and other places. Reason seven, you was thought that there were only 3 major
could use metal in different ways like you salivary glands; sublingual glands,
could make cars to go places, metal straws, submandibular glands and the parotid gland.
metal water bottles, appliances like And tiny glands throughout the
refrigerator, microwave washing and drying nasopharynx, nose​/​throat area​.  
machines , utensils like forks, spoons , Wouter Vogel was the co-leader of
knifes, and can be used to make medical this study. His colleagues at the Netherlands
stuff like, surgical steel and many more. Cancer Institute had no idea what was about
Reason eight, thermal and electrical to happen. While the team was looking at an
conductivity is greater. Reason nine, just in X-Ray from a patient, they noticed
general metal is better than plastic. something odd. They saw a pair of glands
above the tubes that connect the throat and
The Newest Organ Found in Humans ears. These glands are being called ​tubarial
By: Olivia Herman ​ he glands are 1.5 inches
salivary glands. T
You would think with all the technology we long and are in the middle of the skull.
have in modern day, that scientists would They're very similar to other salivary
know everything about human anatomy, glands- the parotid is the largest one and is
right? Actually, there are still so many located near the ears, submandibular gland
scientists who still don’t know about human is under your jaw and sublingual gland is
anatomy. In September of 2020 a team of under the floor of your mouth. Salivary
Dutch scientists released a study i​n glands produce saliva, saliva is very
Radiotherapy and Oncology. “Radiotherapy important because it not only assists how
works by destroying cancer cells in an area your body digests starchy food but it also
that’s being treated damaging DNA.” says lubricates your mouth, keeps it clean, heals
NHS Foundation Trust. Oncology is the wounds and fights infections. Even though
study of cancer. The study of the Dutch there needs to be more research done,
there’s a few things that scientists already astronauts have to stick to the usual space
know. The tubaraial gland seems to be foods such as, liquid salt and pepper, freeze
connected to large draining vents. This dried ice cream, and dehydrated shrimp
means that their purpose could be to cocktail, but not anymore! Scientists are
transport fluid and drain fluid. The finding if growing fresh greens in space and they say
these glands could lead to an important part that the lettuce tastes the same and is just as
of oncology. Dr. Vogel thinks this gland healthy as the lettuce we dine on down on
could be responsible for the reason that earth. Gioia Massa is the lead scientist for
patients who are undergoing head and neck the lettuce project. Massa says that
radiation therapy have chronic dry mouth producing the vegetables in space will be
and a hard time swallowing. The rays from very important in the future. The scientists
the radiation therapy could be causing the plan to grow more varieties of produce since
patients’ tubarial glands. Now that scientists these greens will be very crucial for the l​ong
know where the organ’s location, cancer missions coming up.
Devlin, Hannah. ​Newsela,​ Newsela Staff, 13 Mar. 2020,
treatment will probably be changed to avoid
negative side-effects for the patient. Some bf8-0ba0-48b3-b82a-8a417ae6e5df.
scientists are questioning if these new glands
are actually an organ, but the studies are
very important for scientists, oncologists and Santa Claus Won’t Be At the Macy's Parade
By: Raegan Majcher
doctors in general. After only a few studies
Over a quarter of a million people
with these glands have furthered the come to see Santa Claus at Macy’s in New
knowledge and understanding of human York each year. This makes it hard to create
anatomy for scientists. a safe environment during the ongoing
pandemic. Before taking a picture with Mr.
Christmas himself, crowds walk in tight
lines through a maze-like Santaland that’s
filled with Christmas trees, running toy
trains and elves in green costumes.
Santa also won’t be showing up at
Neustaeter, Brooklyn. ​Scientists accidentally discover a new organ
his Chicago and San Francisco stores, which
in the human throat.​ 2020, , Private Collectio
T, Lauren. ​A New Organ Found In Humans,​ youngzine, 28 Oct. have similar Santalands. But he will appear
2020, at the end of the televised Macy’s
Thanksgiving Day parade. In order to deter
Space Lettuce crowds, Macy’s annual Thanksgiving Day
By Jacalynn Pung Parade won’t go through its usual route
through Manhattan. Instead, floats,
Lettuce in space. Crazy right? Not performers, and giant cartoon balloons will
for some astronauts. Lettuce in space gives be filmed for TV in front of the Herald
astronauts a more variety of food. Usually Square store in New York.
Macy’s has been using Santa Claus ​Gratitude Can Change Your Life
to draw crowds to its New York store since By Jacalynn Pung
the early 1860s, advertising itself “The Gratitude can change your life.
Home of Santa Claus” for decades. Macy’s Gratitude is the quality of being thankful.
also had a starring role in the 1947 film
Being thankful can help you feel more
“Miracle of 34th Street,” where a girl
discovers the real Santa inside the store. connected to the people in your life that are
With the coronavirus still raging, important to you. This holiday season you
stores and malls are having to rework their can try being grateful. Nataly Kogan says,
typical holiday strategy, which has regularly ”Use Thanksgiving as an opportunity to give
been to pack as many people as possible gratitude a shot,”. Research has shown that
through their doors. Walmart, for example, we have reversed things and are more
is holding its Black Friday deals over four
weeks, instead of one day. But the decision grateful for small things and moments than
by Macy’s differs from big mall owners, bigger ones. Expressing gratitude has been
which will still go ahead with in-person shown to increase positivity and happiness.
Santa visits by banning kids from sitting on One way to become more grateful is to
his lap and making sure they stay six feet anticipate the experience. For example, you
away from him. Macy’s will be offering a shouldn’t interrupt a good moment or
free online experience on its website at the
experience by being on your phone. Another
end of November, where families can play
games, get a virtual tour of Santa’s way gratitude is good and can change your
workshop and take a selfie with Santa. This life is that when you are having a bad day it
Macy’s virtual Santaland will begin on can help manage your stress. You can
November 27th and it’s free to everyone on practice or have gratitude anywhere or at
their Macy’s Santaland website. any time. You can also practice it when you
are upset or happy. In conclusion, gratitude
can improve your life by making you
happier and many other things.
Kogan, Nataly. ​How Gratitude Can Change Your Life This
Thanksgiving,​ Time Staff, 25 Nov. 2014,

Christmas in the Bahamas

By: Olivia Herman
Even though it doesn’t snow during the
Pisani, Joseph. ​Santa Claus won't be coming to Macy's this year,​
Click On Detroit , 22 Oct. 2020,
holidays in the Bahamas there are many different traditions they have that remind them
-coming-to-macys-this-year/.Alvarez, Eduardo Munoz. ​Santa
Claus waves in front of Radio City Music Hall during the Macy's of the special time of year. For example, many
Thanksgiving Day Parade.​ 2019, AP Photo. carnivals and festivals such as the annual
us-not-at-macy-s-this-year. Christmas Junkanoo Festival. Junkanoo Festival
takes place December 26 every year. Thousands Real vs. Fake Christmas Trees: the Battle
of people, including tourists, dress it in bright Begins
colors and patterns and costumes. They walk the By Jacalynn Pung
streets to dance, sing and listen to the island's Christmas trees are a crucial part of
rhythmic music. You can see this on ​Grand
Christmas. It’s hard to imagine Christmas
Bahama, Eleuthera, Bimini and Abaco.
without them. Every year there is a debate:
There are many other activities to attend
if Junkanoo isn’t for you. Every December the real vs. fake. In 2018, christmas tree selling
Ministry of Tourism hosts an annual tree was a real struggle for farmers. Farmers
lighting ceremony at Pompey Square, Nassau. were worried because many new, young
And throughout the month there are many families are buying artificial trees. It may
Christmas concerts hosted by different even become a new tradition for them, but
committees. farmers are hoping the possible tradition can
Some foods eaten around the holidays be flip-flopped.
are very similar or even the exact same to what Most people used to prefer the old
you and I might eat. “​Traditional Christmas
fashioned way of going and picking out a
dinner features turkey with stuffing, mashed
tree. But other people have their reasons
potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, and vegetables
such as carrots, turnip, parsnips, etc. Other types why artificial trees are better. One reason is
of poultry, roast beef, or ham are also used. For that real trees could catch on fire. Another
dessert, pumpkin or apple pie, raisin pudding, may be that they simply are allergic to real
Christmas pudding, or fruitcake are the staple.” trees. Whatever the reason artificial trees are
says Wikipedia. There is also a food called becoming more and more popular by the
pepperpot. Pepperpot is a type of soup similar to minute. Many tree farmers are going out of
a thick stew which contains peppers, beef tripe business because they can’t sell trees. In
and other vegetables. Oregon, the top growing state of trees, a
Christmas in the Bahamas is the same as
farmer named Casey Grogan says that in the
ours, even though there is no snow, but there’s
last 12 years he has seen more than half of
mistletoe. Happy Holidays!
Christmas tree businesses close. The
popularity of artificial trees is rising. What
do you think is better? Real or fake?
Flaccus, Gillian. ​Newsela,​ Newsela,

Port Huron Christmas Lights

By: Raegan Majcher
White, Vikki. ​Top 10 Christmas Sunshine getaways so you can swap Santa
suits for swimsuits​, 21 Nov. 2015,
With everything going on right now, only a small group of people gathered in the
plaza outside the Community Foundation of
St.Clair County and Michigan Mutual
buildings to watch the city of Port Huron’s What are Some of Your Holiday Traditions?
annual Christmas tree lighting. The new By: Olivia Herman
thing this year though was that instead of Do you ever wonder what other
speaking to a crowd, Mayor Pauline Repp people do over the holidays? Well maybe
spoke into a cell phone streaming live on this will help. I surveyed 70 students at Yale
Facebook. Instead of the lighting ceremony Junior High School to see what their holiday
following a parade, the parade came after. traditions were. 10% of students said they
But the big man himself- Santa don’t have any special types of food that is
Claus- was still there to receive the key to always there, 7.1% just said yes and didn’t
the city for Christmas Eve night. say what they had, 14.3% said they had
This year, the city’s Christmas tree ham, 17.1% have dessert items, 4.3% have
was moved to the plaza in front of the special food items sometimes, and 28.6%
Michigan Mutual and Community have other things. Most of the other food
Foundation of St. Clair County building due items included cheesy potatoes, mashed
to the ongoing pandemic, and the fact that potatoes and stuffing. These foods could tell
the front of McMorran is being torn up to a story in someone's family. Someone's aunt
prepare for its reconstruction. would have brought the cheesy potatoes and
The annual Sperry’s Santa Parade almost burnt them.
was held in a drive-thru format, I asked if people usually go out for
incorporating new lighted decorations in the holidays. 22.9% said they stay home,
Pine Grove Park. The lights are going to 40% said they go somewhere or to
remain up at night through the end of the someone's house and 18.6% said it depends
holiday season to keep up the holiday spirit. on the year. I go to my grandparents house
Cynthia Cutright, director of the Downtown over the holidays and we all sit in the living
Development Authority, told Times Herald room and enjoy each other's company.
reporter Brian Wells, “In this weird year of I also asked if people were staying
COVID-19, we knew some traditions were home this year because of COVID-19. 40%
too important to cancel, and we knew we said they were going to stay home, 27.1%
needed to come up with a solution.” said they planned on going out to family and
Vehicles drove their way along lighted up friends houses, and 32.9% said it hasn’t
decorations and floats that were sent up in been decided yet. I know that my family is
the park. The Salvation Army Band all getting together at my grandparents
provided Christmas tunes to take donations. house.
Kids hung out of their car windows to wave Lastly, I asked if they had a real or
at Santa near the end of the route. The city is fake Christmas tree. 28.6% said they have a
really trying to make the holiday season as real tree and 71.4% said they have a fake
fun and safe as possible. tree. At my house we have a fake tree. We
Wells, Brian. ​Port Huron Christmas tree lighting held usually put it up a week after Thanksgiving.
virtually amid pandemic,​ Times Herald , 28 Nov. 2020,
We all have similar yet really
different traditions. Stay safe and have fun
this year. Happy holidays!
Christmas Everywhere normally exchanged between families on
By MaKayla Moore Christmas day.​ There are so many more
People celebrate Christmas ways that others celebrate Christmas.
differently all around the world. In the "Christmas in Australia."​, Why
United Kingdom they spend Christmas with Christmas,
family and friends. In the United Kingdom,​ Leo Network,
Christmas Eve is less emphasized more than Lin, Zhang.
other countries. It also brings caroling and,​ China
midnight church services and some families
usually go out to pubs. The foundations of
the now conventional day of Christmas
​China Launches Historic Mission to Collect
celebration, different from the earlier winter
First Moon Samples Since 1976
holidays. Their food consists of Turkey,
By Josephine Brinker
Roast Potatoes, stuffing, and Pigs in a
On November 23, China launched its
Chang'e 5 mission from the Wenchang
In China kids on ​Ping'an Ye (
Space Launch Center. It is the first time in
Christmas Eve) kids wait for a visit from
44 years that a space agency will collect
Santa. Christmas cards as we know that we
samples from the moon. China used one of
hand out are not as easily found in China.
its most powerful rockets, the Long March
On Christmas Eve, people in China typically
5, to launch the Chang'e 5 spacecraft. A
eat apples. Christmas dinner foods that are
spacecraft is a vehicle or machine designed
hard to find in China consist of Christmas
specifically for outer space. The Chang'e 5
puddings, Brussel sprouts, and even turkeys.
spacecraft weighs 18,000 pounds. Scientists
In South America Misa de gallo is a
named the spacecraft after an ancient
traditional Christmas mass in all catholic
Chinese moon goddess. ​The mission will
countries, but is a big deal in South
land in the Mons Rumker area of the huge
America. Christmas dinner consists of Oven
volcanic plain Oceanus Procellarum
roasted chicken, tostones, panettone,
("Ocean of Storms"), portions of which have
coquito,lechón, moros y cristianos, arroz con
been explored by a number of other surface
leche, tamales, buñuelos, y Caja China.
missions, including NASA's Apollo 12 in
And finally In Australia, Christmas
1969.The stationary lander will study its
comes towards the beginning of the summer
environs with cameras, ground-penetrating
holidays. Australians hang wreaths on their
radar and a spectrometer. But its main job is
doors and sometimes they even go caroling.
to snag about 4.4 lbs."Whereas human-rated
In each State metropolis city there are large
vehicles like NASA's Apollo capsule relied
carols by candlelight service. Presents are
solely on strong heat shielding, Chang'e 5
will perform a 'skip reentry,' bouncing off successful in the history of the charity that
the atmosphere once to slow down before taught him to detect landmines.The medal
plummeting to a landing in Inner Mongolia," that Magawa earned was fitted to his work
the Planetary Society wrote. "The landing harness so he can wear it wherever he goes.
site is the same used for China's returning The rat can clear an area that would take a
crewed Shenzhou spacecraft." On Dec. 6, human up to four days in only 30 minutes.
for example, pieces of the asteroid Ryugu Magawas owner really trusts him because
collected by Japan's Hayabusa2 mission are after clearing a field they like to play a game
scheduled to touch down in Australia. And of soccer over it to make sure it's clear.
NASA's OSIRIS-REx probe snagged a hefty Miller, Ryan W. ​Meet Magawa, the rat awarded a bravery medal
for detecting dozens of landmines​, Newsela, 9 Nov. 2020,
sample of the asteroid Bennu last month;
that material will come down to Earth in Images:
September 2023, if all goes according to 2016,
.​space, .com. ​newsela​, edited by newsela staff, 30 Nov. 2020, Tiny Owl Saved After Getting Stuck in​.
Rockefeller Center's Christmas Tree

The Rat That Won A Bravery Medal A For By Josephine Brinker

Ellen Kalish is used to getting calls about
Detecting Landmines
taking in undomesticated animals at her
By:Remy kook nonprofit, the Ravensbeard Wildlife Center
A rat named Magawa was honored in Saugerties, New York. So when a woman
with one of the highest animal awards in the called on Monday asking if she could
world. Magawa earned the medal by rehabilitate an owl, she was happy to help.
detecting dozens of landmines, saving tons Then, the caller told her where exactly this
of lives. Other than him every other animal tiny owl was hiding out. "She said, 'At the
Christmas tree in the Rockefeller Center,'"
to receive this medal has been a dog. Kalish, the founder and director of the
Magawa has been working at detecting center, told The Washington Post. "I've been
landmines for over seven years, in total he doing this for 20 years and I've never heard
has cleared a little over 20 soccer fields and a story like that."​ The 75-foot-tall Norway
detected 39 landmines. The rat is the most spruce from Oneonta, New York, emerged
on Saturday looking worse for the wear,
with many mocking its bedraggled branches
and thin needles as a "metaphor for
2020."When workers were unwrapping the
tree, one of them spotted the creature. It was
buried in the base of the tree, Kalish said. At
first the worker thought the owl might be
injured. It would not let go of the tree's base.
One of the workers called his wife. He told
her he was bringing the owl home. He asked For a blue moon to occur there must
if she could find a place that helps wildlife be a full moon at the outset of the month. A
animals. She called Kalish.
Post, Washington. ​newsela,​ edited by newsela staff, 2 Dec. 2020, blue moon occurs due to an inexact collision between the lunar cycle and the calendar
year, therefore we get two full moons in that
MaKayla Moore month.
Halloween Blue Moon Halloween blue moons are very rare,
Recently, you might have seen the so if someone says “Once in a blue moon.”
blue moon or micro moon on Saturday, you better believe them.
October 31 or Halloween. A Full Blue moon Koenig, Ronnie. " A rare blue moon will fall on Halloween this
only occurs every 19 years on Halloween. year — here's how to see it."
The reason a blue moon is called that is ear-here-s-how-t196799,​ Today, 30 Oct. 2020,
because it is the second full moon of that
same month. October 31, 2020, was the first Wolchover, Natalie. "If it isn't blue, how come it's called a 'blue
full moon on All Hallows Eve in 76 years moon?'." ​,​ edited by
NBC Universal, NBC News, 18 Aug. 2012,
because the last full moon on Halloween
was in 1944 that was available to see in all
time zones. The one in 2001 was only
Five Family Friendly Attractions in Upper
visible to those who trick-or-treated in
Central and Pacific time zones.
By: Mia Stade
A blue moon is the second full moon
I love the U.P. it is a very fun place
of the month. On October 2, 2020 there was
to go and see nature or go camping. It’s one
a harvest moon. The moon isn’t actually
of my favorite places to be and have been to
blue. It may seem a greenish-blue color
almost all of these places and had a great
when the sun rises or sets because when
time at them. They all have very interesting
large fistfulls of dusk or smoke particles are
and unique back stories. I hope you will love
held high in the atmosphere. A blue moon
them just as much as my family has.
occurs only in months with 31 days. A blue
moon occurs every 33 full moons.
Oswalds bear ranch is one very fun
The person that came up with the
place to be. I have not been there myself but
idea of the blue moon is Phillip Hiscock. For
my mom has and she could go on a mile
2 years following the eruption of the
about the fun she had. When you visit you
Krakatoa Volcano in Indonesia in 1883,
get to not only pet a bear cub and get a
people around the world claimed to see
picture you can feed them fruit loops! They
bizarrely colored sunsets and a moon that
give wounded bears medication until they
caught the eye to be blue.
are better. If people are illegally breeding even includes putting over a huge “pirate
bears the police take the bears into custody ship”. When I visited, the ziplines weren’t
and oswalds take good care of them and give available but they go as high as 700ft! The
them a home with a lot of friends. mystery Spot even has a walk thru human
maze which is very fun to get turned around

Castle rock is quite an exercise but it's worth
#2 it. Pictured rock has about four or five
Dinosaur gardens is a very fun place to take flights of stairs. But it is amazing when you
your family. They have real size dinosaurs make it to the top and see the amazing view
and a walk in the woods to see the displays. you can even throw a coin on the rocks
The life sizebronciasaures is AMAZING. MANY people have done. Their amazing
You can pose and take so many awesome gift shop has anything your family would
selfies. The park also has some fun things to like from craftsmen to the stuffed animals
do like “digging” for some cool historic and the clothes pictured rock gift shop is
fossil rocks, putt-putt golf, and a miners amazing. They even have a paul bunyan
sluice! They’re even dog friendly as long as statue with his ox that you can take a picture
you follow the guidelines. with free of charge.

Tahquamenon falls is a great place to visit.
The Mystery Spot is one of the coolest
The nature is stunning and there are SO
places I have ever been to. They have one of
many things to do for people who like to be
the coolest histories there with the wonky
around others you can go over to the
gravity. They also have not only the
vendor's area and for the more adventurous
awesome tour with wonkie gravity but they
ones you can go off round and hike your
also have a very cool putt putt ground that
way up to the upper falls or down to the
lower falls!​ Activities include​: boat rental, North Carolina produces trees that are sent
cross country skiing, hiking, fishing, all the way to the Mississippi river down the
hunting, nature program, paddle sports, east coast. In 2018 28 percent of Christmas
snowmobiling, snowshoeing, watchable trees were bought from chain stores like
wildlife, winter camping. Home Depot or Lowes but an equal 28
Facilities include​: boat launch, cabins and percent were cut down from tree farms
lodges, concessions and store, electric where you choose your tree and cut it down.
services, fishing pier, group use area, Post, Washington. ​Where Christmas trees come from​,
modern restrooms, observation platform,
picnic area, picnic shelter, playground, rustic 03473/.
sites, sanitation station, vault toilets, and
walk-in sites. MaKayla Moore’s ​Top Ten Movies 2020
Lost Girls
Rating; 5/5 stars
Rating: 4.5/5
DNR Tahquamenon Falls ​, 2020,
Emma Rating: 4.2/5
Mystery Spot ,​ The kissing booth 2
Dinosaur Gardens​, Scoob!
Oswalds Bear Ranch,​ Rating: 4/5
Castle Rock ,​!the-rock.
To All the Boys: P.S. I still love you.
​ Where Christmas trees come from
By:Remy Kook
Every year many families put up
Invisible Man
christmas trees and decorate them whether
they are fake or real. Before the 1930s many
The Half of it.
people cut down their christmas trees from
their property of the wild. Now there are
Christmas tree farms in all 50 states, even
Hawaii. Now 98 percent of living christmas
Summary of Each movie
trees families get are from tree farms. The
Lost Girls is about a mother
most common type of christmas tree is the
desperate to find her missing daughter so
noble fir which comes from the west coast,
she opens up a private investigation. Which
mostly grown in Oregon and Washington.
leads the police to unsolved mysteries of torment his ex- girlfriend, but when the
murdered workers. police refuse to believe her story. She takes
Becoming is about former First Lady matters into her own hand and fights back.
Michelle Obama’s life, hopes, and her The Half of it is about a shy,
connections with people which is a introverted student helps the jock impress
Documentary based on her best-selling the girl they both secretly want to be with.
memoir in 2018. Mulan is a real life remake of the
Emma is about a girl in England who Disney cartoon .
decides to take a turn in match-making.
The Kissing Booth is about Elle and ​ Girls Lost in Rainforest
Noah. After a romantic summer, Noah is off By Jacalynn Pung
to Harvard and Elle is going back to high In San Francisco, California, 2 girls
school. The day before Elle is supposed to named Leia and Caroline decided that they
leave after visiting Noah. She finds an wanted an adventure and went past the
earring, so she looks through his phone barrier to the forest that their parents told
while he was showering. Only to suspect them not to go into. They kept going. They
that Noah is cheating on her with Chloe. walked 1 ½ miles from home and couldn’t
Scoob emerges the back story on find their way back. The oldest, Caroline,
how Shaggy and Scooby met. Where watched out for her younger sister and told
Scooby and the gang have to face the most her to think happy thoughts just as her
challenging quest, yet. A plan to release the mother had told them. They spent frigid
ghost dog Cerbus to the world. nights huddled under a bush and a tree
To all the boys: P.S I still love you is branch crying all night.They were missing
a sequel to, To All the Boys I Loved. It is for 2 days when a firefighter found them and
about a girl who in the first movie, her brought them back home to their parents
letters get exposed about who she likes or who ordered GPS trackers for them.
"Happy thoughts" helped lost California girls survive
liked. As Lara Jean’s relationship with Peter ordeal,​ Newsela,
Kavinsky grows she bumps into one of the 50073/?search_id=3f22a372-a5c8-4d6c-913f-12b37
recipients of the letters. 08800e9.

Soal is about a Band teacher named

Where Christmas Trees Come From
Joe, In which almost everything in his life
By Jacalynn Pung
ends up going wrong. His true passion is
Up until the 1930s Christmas trees
were cut in the wild or on somebody's
Invisible Man is about a man who
property. Now they are grown and cut at tree
stages his own death, a frenzied scientist
farms. The farms have a variety of different
uses his powers to become invisible and
types of trees. At a tree farm near Portland,
Oregon they grow some of the most trees as It features Yule-themed ice sculptures. The
well as a tree farm in North Carolina. The lack of ice on lakes and ponds follows a
trees grown in North Carolina are sold along warm October in Alaska's interior. It was
the East coast. They sell Fraser trees. The further exacerbated by snowfall. This
trees grown in Oregon are sold along the hampers the formation of ice. The North
West coast they sell fir trees. Before tree Pole has been almost 8 degrees warmer than
farms were a thing the trees used to look normal, said Rick Thoman. He is a climate
more like the ones we see around us. specialist at the International Arctic
Around where we live people used to have Research Center in Fairbanks. Even higher
pine or spruce Christmas trees. In the temperatures were recorded last year and in
western United States people sell permits so 2013.
that you can pick and cut down your own The low temperature in October at
Christmas tree, but it is against the law to the North Pole this year was 14 degrees.
pull the tree up by its roots. In conclusion, That is the highest October minimum
Christmas trees come from different areas of temperature in the 50 years of
the world and are sold in different places. record-keeping in the North Pole, he said.
Where does your tree come from? "The warm oceans and the lack of sea ice
Newsela​, Newsela, 20 Dec. 2019, are contributing an immense amount of heat
d/2000003470/?search_id=dd045f87-b05b-49ab-b2 to the atmosphere regionally, and so it's no
surprise that we had a warm October," he
said. As soon as temperatures dropped and it
​ The North Pole Lacks Enough Ice for was cold enough to form ice, then snow fell.
That slowed down the formation of ice.
By Lilian Brewer North Pole Community Chamber of
The annual Christmas in Ice SculpturePark Commerce director Marlene
won't open this year in North Pole, Alaska, Fogarty-Phillips says the event attracted
because of a lack of ice. It's the first carvers from around the world.
cancellation since the event started 14 years Long, Kyrie. ​Newsela​, 9 Dec. 2019.

ago in the city where Christmas is celebrated

5 Best Gifts This Year For Teen Girls
year-round and city light poles are decorated
By: Mia Stade
like candy canes, Executive Director Keith
We all have a time when you get a
Fye told the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner.
gift you don’t like from a family member or
The ice park is next to the Santa Claus
friend. Sometimes people need inspiration
House gift shop in North Pole The city is
for buying a gift so I have done a small
located 14 miles southeast of Fairbanks. The
survey of teens and found some of the 5 best
park normally operates through December.
christmas gifts for teens.
#1 Robolights(Detroit) ROBOLIGHTS, located
Apple airpods: Whether they’re pro or an at the Museum of Contemporary Arts
original pair they are at the top of all the Detroit, lets you walk through a long zig
teens wishlist this year. zagging pathway that leads up to hundreds
#2 of giant robots, aliens and huge displays
This one is definitely the thing she wants everywhere.
this year. The perfect little camera that is a
great thing to take selfies with their BFF’s. Santa's Rock and Lights(Madison
#3 Heights)This new event invites you to drive
These are one of girls favorite things for through lights that are animated to christmas
room decor. Luckily for adults these are music.
fairly cheap. Add some fairy lights and you Guide, Little. ​Little Guide,​ Little Guide, 2020,
got some good room decor vibes.
Girls in middle school will definitely like
this gift. It's now the iconic water bottle that
teens would call a “Visco Girl’s” well…
best friend. They are all sorts of colors and
These always work out because a gift card is
like giving a teen money to go to a specific
store. This can only go wrong if you get guide, Little. ​Where To see Christmas Lights in Metro
them one to their least favorite store. detroit​. 2020, Little Guide.
Where To see Christmas lights in
Metro Detroit
By: Natalie Moody
Wild lights (royal oak) Detroit Zoo has over
5 million LED lights illuminating the trees,
buildings and 280 sculptures more than 230
of which are animals. You can also
experience rudolph the red nosed reindeer at
the 4-d theater, ride a carousel and skate at
the winter rink.
Get to the end to fish the maze!

pinterest​, heather nitcum.

Create your own puzzles puzzle maker,​ 2019,
2020, www.q=christmas+crossword+puzzles&rlz=1CAIGZW_enUS871&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=53Y9

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