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Overpasses and underpasses allow for the uninterrupted flow of

bicycle and pedestrian movement separate from vehicle traffic.
However, sometimes it is more appropriate to use traffic-calming
measures or install a pedestrian-activated signal that is accessible
to all pedestrians because overpasses and underpasses are costly,
visually intrusive, and often poorly utilized when a more direct at-
grade crossing is possible.

Overpasses and underpasses must accommodate all persons, as

required by the ADA. More information on the specifications for
accessing overpasses and underpasses can be found in
the Proposed Guidelines for Accessible Public Rights of Way. These
measures include ramps or elevators. Extensive ramping
accommodates wheelchairs and bicyclists, but results in long
crossing distances and steep slopes that discourage use.

Studies have shown that many pedestrians will not use an overpass
or underpass if they can cross at street level in about the same
amount of time. Overpasses work best when the topography allows
for a structure without ramps, such as an overpass over a sunken
highway. Underpasses work best when designed to feel open and
accessible. Underpasses are significantly less expensive when built
as part of a construction or reconstruction project and generally
offer gentler grade changes than overpasses. Grade separation is
most feasible and appropriate in extreme cases where pedestrians
and bicyclists must cross roadways such as freeways and high-
speed, high-volume arterials.

Entrances and exits to overpasses and underpasses should be

clearly visible to encourage use. The AASHTO Guide for the
Planning, Design, and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities
recommends that pedestrian overpasses be at least eight feet wide.
The width should be increased if the sidewalk leading up to the
overpass is wider. If the overpass also accommodates bicyclists, the
width should be at least 14 feet. Depending on the length of the
overpass, it might be necessary to increase its width to counteract
any visual perceptions of narrowness. Similar guidelines apply to
underpasses. Minimal widths should be between 14 and 16 feet, but
underpass width should be increased if the underpass is longer than
60 feet.

Overpasses and underpasses can provide complete separation of
pedestrians and/or bicyclists from vehicular traffic. Overpasses and
underpasses also provide crossings where no other pedestrian or
bicycle facility is available, and connect off-road trails and paths
across major barriers, like freeways, railways, or natural barriers.

 Use sparingly and as a measure of last resort. Most
appropriate over high-volume, high-speed highways, railroad
tracks, or natural barriers.
 People will not use the structure if a more direct route is
 Lighting, drainage, graffiti removal, and security are also
major concerns with underpasses.
 Must be wheelchair accessible, which generally results in long
ramps on either end of the overpass.
 AASHTO recommends a railing height of at least 42 inches.
 When bicyclist space is provided near railings or near
motorized traffic, extra horizontal width or a buffer of at least
two feet is recommended to protect bicyclists in the event of a
crash or wind blast.
Costs will vary greatly based on site conditions, materials, etc.
Underpasses (excluding bridges) range from slightly less than
$1,609,000 to $10,733,000 in total or around $120 per square foot.
Overpasses (excluding bridges) have a range from $150 to $250 per
square foot or $1,073,000 to $5,366,000 per complete installation,
depending on site conditions. Wooden bridges are approximately
$125,000 on average, and pre-fabricated steel bridges
approximately $200,000. More detailed cost information is
provided here.

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