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A Drug Study on Vincristine Sulfate

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in NCM – 212 RLE


Submitted to:
Josephine Magno, RN, MN

Submitted by:
Trio M. San Luis. St.N

BSN – 3J, Group 3

October 3, 2020
GENERIC NAME: Vincristine Sulfate
Therapeutic class: Antineoplastic
Pharmacologic class: Vinca alkaloids

MODE OF ACTION: Arrests mitosis in metaphase, blocking cell division


 Adult: 1.4mg/m² I.V weekly.

 Children weighing more than 10kg: 1.5 to 2mg/m² I.V weekly.
 Children weighing 10kg and less or with BSA less than 1m²: Initially,
0.05mg/kg I.V weekly. Titrate dosage as tolerated up to 2mg/dose.
 Adjust-a-dose: For patients with direct bilirubin level above 3mg/dL,
reduce dosage by 50%
 Acute lymphoblastic and other leukemias, Hodgkin lymphoma, malignant
lymphoma, neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, Wilms tumor


- Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug and in those with

demyelinating form of Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome.
- Patients who are receiving radiation therapy through ports that include
the liver
- Use cautiously in patients with hepatic dysfunction. Neuromuscular
disease, or infection.

 CNS – Loss of deep tendon reflexes, paresthesia, peripheral neuropathy,

coma, seizures, ataxia, cranial nerves palsies, fever, headache, sensory
 CV – HTN, hypotension.
 EENT – Blindness, diplopia, hoarseness, optic and extraocular
neuropathy, photophobia, Ptosis, visual disturbances, vocal cord
 GI – Constipation, cramps, nausea, stomatitis, vomiting, intestinal
necrosis, anorexia, diarrhea, dysphagia, ileus that mimics surgical
paralytic ileus.
 GU – Dysuria, polyuria, urine retention.
 Hematologic – leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia
 Metabolic – Weight loss
 Musculoskeletal – Cramps, jaw pain, muscle weakness
 Respiratory – Acute bronchospasm, Dyspnea
 Skin – Phlebitis, cellulitis at injection site, rash, reversible alopecia,
severe local reaction following extravasation.


Drug-drug –

- Digoxin: May decrease digoxin’s effects..

- Fosphenytoin, phenytoin: May reduce phenytoin level.
- HIV protease inhibitors: May increase pharmacologic effects of
vincrinstine. Monitor patient for neutropenia and severe neuropathy.
- Mitomycin: May increase frequency of bronchospasms, and acute
pulmonary reactions
- Ototoxic drugs: May potentiate loss of hearing
- Triazole antifungals: Concomitant use may increase risk of neurotoxicity
- Vaccines (inactivated): May diminish therapeutic effect of vaccines.
- Vaccines (live): May enhance adverse/toxic effect of live-virus vaccines
and diminish their therapeutic effect
- Warfarin: May increase anticoagulant effects


- Echinea, St. John’s wort: May decrease vincristine concentration.

Nursing Responsibilities:

 Educate patient about the adverse reactions of the drug and advise
patient to report all adverse reactions, especially pain or burning at
injection site during or after administration.
 Tell patient to report increased shortness of breath and evidence of
infection (fever, sore throat, fatigue) and bleeding (easy bruising,
nosebleeds, bleeding gums, tarry stools). Take temperature daily.
 Warn patient that hair loss may occur, but explain that it’s usually
 Caution female patient to avoid becoming pregnant during therapy
and to consult prescriber before becoming pregnant.

Vincristine dosing, indications, interactions, adverse effects, and more. (2020,

January 27). Retrieved September 28, 2020, from

Vincristine Side Effects: Common, Severe, Long Term. (2018, October 15).
Retrieved September 28, 2020, from

Kluwer, W. (2019). Nursing 2020 DRUG HANDBOOK 40th Anniversary (Vol. 2).

Lippincott Wiliiams & Wilkins.

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