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ABSTRACT. The capacity to feel deeply about the environment and the ability
to innovate-these two primary concerns of the humanist geographer-are closely
linked. Both presuppose a mind that is able to apprehend and create the affective
sign, the metaphor, and the symbol. Environment is vivid because the stimulus a
person receives from one source can generate multiple and unexpected sensations,
images, and ideas. Synesthesia, metaphorical predication, and symbolic thought are
different modes of this process: they differ in the degree of conscious awareness
and in the content of articulable ideas. Humanist geographers, by studying this
process, will better understand the “felt quality” of environment and the problems
of design.

N human geography we sometimes treat peo- tive behavior is manifest in multiple ways dur-
ple as though they have little or no aware-
This is the approach of sociophysicists.
ing the ordinary course of living, but that which
lies at their root is the uniquely developed hu-
On the other hand, we sometimes postulate a man power to apprehend and create the affec-
world in which people are always feeling, will- tive sign, the metaphor, and the symbol.
ing, thinking, and making decisions. This is the
natural emphasis of humanist scholars. Both
approaches are valid, though each is limited by Innovation presupposes a background of sta-
its own restrictive view of the person. In fact, bility and order. We feel at times that ours is
people behave at times almost like automata a chaotic and constantly changing world. This
with hardly a hint of conscious awareness; at feeling, however, may simply reflect the narrow
other times, they respond to their environment focus of individual experience. Even the mod-
with feeling and thought. A comprehensive hu- ern city, which some people like to describe as
man geography will need to embrace the whole almost a jungle, displays order-the order of
spectrum of human awareness. routine and predictable activities. A bird’s-eye
From the standpoint of a comprehensive hu- view of the city will show streams of cars mov-
man geography, two questions may be raised ing on the right lanes, stopping when the traffic
concerning human awareness. One is: what are lights turn red. If there is a pedestrian mall or
the circumstances under which people behave bridge, we can safely predict that most people
like automata and what are the circumstances will walk on the right side even though the law
under which, to the contrary, they are propelled does not require them to do so. Inside the build-
to feel and think? The second question is: what ings, people will behave by and large in stan-
is the nature of a people’s affective and thought- dard patterns: one pattern in the dentist’s office,
imbued response to environment? Phrased dif- another in a large department store, a third in
ferently, are there means of exploring the na- the public library, and so 0n.l In the course of
ture and process of the human imagination so time, one generation will pass and another take
that we can better understand what lies at the its place; there will be changes in environmen-
heart of humanistic geography-the felt qual-
ity of the human world? I shall address myself l F o r a county seat (population 830) in eastern
to the second question. An answer is to be Kansas, Roger Barker has identified “198 standing
patterns of behavior and milieu with noninterchange-
found in the idea that the capacity to feel able programs. If the town were abandoned by its
deeply-to see the world vividly-and the ca- present inhabitants and resettled by people of totally
pacity to innovate are closely linked. Innova- alien culture, they would require 198 instruction books
and/or training programs to reconstitute the behavior
environment of Midwest.” Roger Barker, Ecological
Dr. Tuan is Professor of Geography at the Univer- Psychology (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University
Jity of Minnesota in Minneapolis, M N 55455. Press, 1968), p. 116.
0 1978 by the Association of American Geographers. Printed in U.S.A.

364 YI-FU TUAN September

tal setting and adjustments in behavioral pat- ference lies mainly in the number, type, and
terns, but what must impress the objective ob- complexity of signs to which each species will
server is their stability: cars still stop or go r e ~ p o n d Such
. ~ worlds, because they are unin-
when the lights change as though the cars, like formed or only weakly informed by imaginative
the traffic signals, are programmed machines feeling and thought, tend to be schematic.” It is
without human occupants. A. N. Whitehead not surprising that the scientist’s abstract mod-
put it this way:2 els should often prove adequate to the ex-
planatory description of these schematic worlds.
A system will be the product of intelligence. But
when the adequate routine is established, intelli- BEYOND SIGNS
gence vanishes, and the system is maintained by a
co-ordination of conditioned reflexes . . . No one, Human beings respond not only to signs but
from President to miner, need understand the sys- also to affective signs and symbols. Their speech
tem as a whole. There will be no foresight, but
there will be complete success in the maintenance is not mere verbal gesticulation, consistently
of routine. clichi-ridden, but contains fresh metaphors,
and it is occasionally used for thought (Fig. 1 ) .
In routine activities, human beings respond A sign is an aid to action. An affective sign
more or less automatically to signs in the envi- elicits an imaginative and emotion-tinted re-
ronment. I define “sign” as that which triggers sponse. A symbol encapsulates and nurtures
off a movement or act rather than a mood, a an idea or a set of ideas. It “serves to make
feeling, or a train of thought. An environment one conceive the idea it represents, and is an
in which people are at home is one wherein aid to thought and day-dreaming.”6 All ani-
they have established a routine, that is to say, mals, including human beings, know how to
one in which the signs are unambiguous in their interpret appropriately the signs in their re-
call for specific types of behavior. For example, spective environments: they must in order to
I see the hands of the bedside clock point to survive. Affective signs are within the experi-
six and I get up; I see a toothbrush in a tumbler
and I brush my teeth; I get into my car, drive obvious biological uses, and equally obvious criteria
down the road and when I see the Esso gas of truth and falsehood.” Susanne K. Langer, Philoso-
station I turn right, and so on to the end of p h y in LI N c w ~Key (New York: Mentor Book, 1958).
another day. Even the words I use, which seem p. 60.
4 “A man, viewed as a behaving system, is quite
to call for thought, are often little more than
simple. The apparent complexity of his behavior ovei
automatic “speech acts” prompted by succes- time is largely a reflection of the complexity of the
sive signs such as a colleague standing by the environment in which he finds himself.” On another
elevator and the secretary behind her desk. I n page: “Only human pride argues that the apparent
short, my social speech is made up of clichks intricacies of our path stem from a quite different
source than the intricacy of the ant’s path.” Herbert
that fit snuggly into the repertoire of customary A. Simon, T h e Sciences of the Attificial (Cambridge,
gestures. A world in which human beings Mass.: MIT Press, 1970), pp. 52-53.
respond unthinkingly to environmental signs 5 On the schematic nature of the animal world, see
makes for that essential order or stability with- D. 0. Hebb, T h e Organization of Behavior (New
out which innovation cannot arise. But this York: John Wiley, 1949), pp. 93-94; H. H. Price,
Thinking and Experiencing (London: Hutchinson Uni-
stable world of reiterative patterns is little dif- versity Library, 1969), pp. 39-42; Roger Brown,
ferent in its fundamental, psychological char- Words and Things (New York: The Free Press, 1968),
acteristics from the worlds of animak3 The dif- pp. 168-270; and Roger Muchielli, Introduction to
Structural Psychology (New York: Equinox, Avon
Book, 1972), pp. 71-72. On the schematic nature of
2 A. N. Whitehead, Adventures of Ideas (New York: the human world-the lack of conscious awareness
Mentor Book, 1955), p. 96. in routine behavior-see David R. Seamon, Move-
?: “The interpretation of signs is the basis of ani- ment, Rest, and Encounter: A Phenomenology of
mal intelligence. Animals presumably do not distin- Everyday Environmental Experience, unpublished doc-
guish between natural signs and artificial or fortuitous toral dissertation, Clark University, 1977. I have
signs; but they use both kinds to guide their practical explored this theme in Space and Place: The Penpec-
activities. We do the same thing all day long. We an- tive of Experience (Minneapolis: University of Min-
swer bells, watch the clock, obey warning signals, fol- nesota Press, 1977), pp. 68-74 and in the paper “Im-
low arrows . . . . The interpretation of signs . . . is ages and Mental Maps,” Annals, Association of
the most elementary and most tangible sort of intel- American Geographers, Vol. 65 (1975), pp. 20.5-13.
lection; the kind of knowledge that we share with ani- Susanne K. Langer, Feeling and Form (New York:
mals: that we acquire entirely by experience, that has Scribner’s, 1953), p. 26.

Behavior (action) Feeling Thought


Affective sign

Sign Symbol

Space: Schematic-action Aesthetic Sy m bo Iic-abst r a ct

World: Routine-practical Affective Con ceptu a Ibex p lor a t o r y

A c a d e m i c , Behavioral H u m an istic (Study of ideas and

field ’ geography geography concepts)
v \ /
Stable world: design is feasible Unstable ( i n n o v a t i v e ) world:
design is problematic
FIG. 1. The human world is one in which individuals behave (act), feel, and think. Behav-
ior responds to sign, feeling to affective sign, thinking to symbol. Synesthesia, metaphor, and
simile are way stations to symbolic thought. The main arrow points in the direction of increas-
ing awareness. The greater the awareness the less stable the world becomes, and the greater
the problem of design. The scientific method is best adapted to studying the world of signs (be-
havioral geography). Humanistic geography is concerned with the worlds of affect and of

ence of both animals and humans, but to a entation in the city. How would an intelligent
unique degree among humans. Symbols exist animal, say, a dog respond to a traffic signal?
solely in the human world. He may take it as a sign-perhaps for relieving
I shall illustrate the meaning of sign, affec- nature. Under certain conditions he may re-
tive sign, and symbol with two examples. Con- spond to it in dread as to a threatening pres-
sider the traffic light. To motorists it is a sign ence, but he cannot see it as a symbol for the
and calls for suitable action. Engineers put it idea of law and order. Again, a dog may be
there for no other purpose. In a dark foggy taught to react to a cross in a seemingly rever-
night, however, the glowing red eye may evoke ential manner, but it will not be for him a sym-
an emotion-tinted response and vaguely stir the
bol that conduces to thought. Because the hu-
imagination. The traffic light then becomes an
affective sign. It can also be a symbol; for in- man world contains affective signs and symbols,
stance, I may see it as a symbol of law and or- and not just signs, it differs in important ways
der in society. Another example is the cross from the animal world. The human world, de-
on top of a church. Unlike the traffic light, the spite its weight of routine, is capable of radical
cross is meant to be an affective sign. A Chris- change induced by large shifts in awareness.
tian may respond to it as to a sacred object- AFFECTIVE SIGN AND METAPHOR
one that evokes a sense of dread, or as a sym-
bol around which he can organize his thoughts My speech may be full of tired phrases, mere
concerning Christianity. To many people, how- verbal gestures to smooth the social inter-
ever, the cross may well play an unintended course, but occasionally I coin a fresh meta-
role-that of a sign, a mere landmark for ori- phor such as “the red eye of the traffic signal.”
366 YI-FU TUAN September

My habitual relationship with the traffic signal two dissimilar entities, “domain” and “scen-
is unimaginative: the signal merely triggers re- ery.” Domain belongs to the vocabulary of
flex actions. But occasionally it functions as political and economic discourse. A domain or
an affective sign: it can stir my feeling and im- an estate can be surveyed and mapped; it can
agination. It looks alive and if I had to describe be viewed objectively from a theoretical point
the appearance I would have said that “the red high above. Scenery, on the other hand, is an
light looks like an angry eye.” The human re- aesthetic term. It is an individual and personal
sponse to an affective sign is invariably touched perspective from a position on the ground. The
by an idea, and that idea when clothed in words diaphoric meaning of landscape lies not in one
reveals its metaphorical structure. image (concretely known) pointing to another,
What is a metaphor? Philip Wheelwright rec- but rather in both-equally important-imag-
ognizes two parts in the concept-“epiphor” inatively synthesized.
and “diaphor.” The epiphor strives for the out-
reach and extension of meaning through com-
parison. Its essential mark is “to express a simi- How is it possible that stimulus from one
larity between something relatively well known object or idea can evoke another image or idea
or concretely known (the semantic vehicle) that is only distantly related by analogy? If we
and something which, although of greater worth have an answer, we would have solved the
or importance, is less known (the semantic problem of human thinking and creativity. The
tenor) .”i Consider two rather commonplace ex- metaphorical process, which lies at the basis
amples: “A mighty fortress is our God” and of human imagination and thought, is not
“the river of life.” God is an important but clearly understood. We can, however, acquire
fuzzy concept. The fortress anchors one facet an insight into the metaphorical process by
of God-his strength, dependability, and pro- looking at a physiological and experiential
tective might. When I am in a fortress I feel process that resembles it and probably lies at
God’s presence. The fortress is an affective sign its roots: this is syneTthesia (Fig. 1).
pointing to, or hinting at, something of greater Synesthesia is the blending of sensory ex-
importance. Put in another way, the fortress periences. It occurs when “sensations from one
is an epiphoric vehicle, of which the tenor is sense modality (e.g., taste or smell) are called
divine power. The other example is “the river forth when stimuli of another sense modality
of life.” Nothing is closer to us than our own (e.g., hearing or vision) are presented.”D We
life and yet it seems elusive because we cannot all have some capacity for synesthetic experi-
see it. The river is an apt epiphoric vehicle. ence. To a few-perhaps less than ten percent
We look at a stream winding its way to the of any large population sample-this capacity
sea or petering out in a waste of sand, and say is developed to an exceptional degree. The most
“that’s life.” The body of water here does not common variety of synesthesia would seem to
call for practical action-“stop,” for instance, be “colored hearing,” a condition wherein the
a message that humans as well as animals un- hearing of a sound induces the visualization of
derstand-but rather it serves as an affective a certain color. In human speech, vowels are
sign, a vehicle for the outreach and extension able to evoke colored images with remarkable
of meaning. consistency. Still more common is the associa-
The diaphor, in distinction to the epiphor, tion of the pitch of a sound with the brightness
strives for the creation of meaning through jux- of an image. For example, low pitched sounds
taposition and synthesis.* Its role is not to point such as deep voices, drums, and thunder pro-
from one thing to another, from “river” to duce dark images, whereas squeaks, violins and
“life”; rather it is to combine two dissimilar soprano voices produce white or bright images.
appearances or ideas. Take the word “land- Another common association is between the
scape.” It is a diaphor in the sense that it de- pitch of a sound and the size and shape of an
rives its tensive meaning through combining image. Thus, high pitched sounds are small,

7 Philip Wheelwright, Mefuphor and Reality (Bloom- 9T. F. Kanvoski and H. S. Odbert, “Color-
ington: Indiana University Press, 1962), p. 73. music,” Psycholo~icul Monographs, Vol. 50, No. 2
SWheelwright, op. cit., footnote 7, p. 72. (1938), p. 3.

angular and sharply edged, whereas low pitched sian synesthete and mnemonist, known to ex-
sounds are dark, round, and massive.“’ perimenters as S., was once asked whether he
Synesthesia can be highly individualistic and could find his way home from the institute
specific. One person informed Francis Calton where some tests on his remarkable memory
that to him the letter “A” is always brown. To had been conducted. S. replied: “How could I
the poet Arthur Rimbaud, on the other hand, possibly forget? After all, here’s this fence. It
“A” is black.ll Synesthesia can also be general has such a salty taste and feels so rough; fur-
and widely shared: for instance the association thermore, it has such a sharp, piercing sound.”14
of red color with warmth and activity, and blue The world of an extreme synesthete may be
color with coldness and passivity. Culture and rich but it also tends to be hallucinatory. He
language differ among human groups, and yet hears a sound and sees a color as well, although
the “feeling tone” of their worlds may have only his auditory organ has been stimulated by
much in common. The feeling tone of a phe- an outside source. A person like S. finds it diffi-
nomenon, which may be an appearance or an cult to distinguish one sensation from another,
idea, is its connotative significance. T o use a or between sensations and actual experiences
related term “affective sign,” the meaning of of events. His vivid and phantasmal world re-
an affective sign-its connotative significance sembles in some ways that of a small child.
-may be transcultural. Charles Osgood notes, Indeed, children are known to show stronger
in his study of Anglo-American, Navaho, and synesthetic tendencies than adults. A biological
Japanese groups, that despite differences in lan- advantage of this capacity is that, by aiding
guage and culture they show similar synesthetic memory, it enables the child to get a firmer
tendencies. Thus, for all three groups, the idea hold on his world, although-in extreme form
“fast” is seen as thin, bright, and diffuse; -it leads to fantasy. As a child grows older,
“heavy” is down, dark, and near; “quiet” is he depends less on the services of synesthesia
horizontal and “noisy” is crooked.12 Morse and more on the resources of language for a
Peckham postulates a relationship between cer- firm grasp on the world and for finding it rich
tain architectural dimensions and human feel- and stimulating. Moreover, with the resources
ings that appear to be synesthetic in character of language the child can explore the world in
and may also be transcultural: for example, the imaginative ways without confounding the prod-
association of verticality and solidity with a ucts of his imagination with reality.
sense of demand, of closed solids with fixity or Highly specialized gifts of nature can be a
rejection, open pavilions with flexibility or mixed blessing. For example, a minimal talent
openness, light and rectangularity with ade- for calculating numbers in the head is a condi-
quacy, deep axis with energy re1ease.l:’ tion for doing mathematics at more advanced
The human world is richer for our synes- levels, but an exceptional computational gift
thetic tendencies. A sound is not only a sound may hinder the birth of original mathematical
but also a color; and if not a specific color for ideas. Likewise, synesthesia is a probable con-
most of us, then at least the pitch of a sound dition for understanding and inventing meta-
does suggest images of brightness or darkness. phors, but the vividness of direct experience in
Synesthesia aids memory. Extreme synesthetes an extreme synesthete can be an enchantment
are mnemonists of a high order. T o them, ran- that hampers the mind from exploring analo-
dom alphabets are easy to recall because they gies at the level of ideas. The Russian mnemon-
are not only shapes but also colors. The Rus- ist S. once told the linguist L. S. Vygotsky:
“What a crumbly, yellow voice you have.”lj
10 Karwoski and Odbert, op. cit., footnote 9, pp. 1- Is S. here simply reporting on his sensations,
60; and Lawrence E. Marks, “Synesthesia,” Psychol- or is he speaking in a poetic, metaphorical lan-
OKY T o d a y , VOI. 9, NO. 1 (1975), pp. 48-52.
11 “You vowels, A the black, E white, green U,
guage? Or is he doing both? We have no an-
blue 0, Some day I will reveal your hidden identities.” swer for this particular instance, but we do
(Arthur Rimbaud). Quotation in Philip Wheelwright, know that S. has difficulty in appreciating meta-
op. cit., footnote 7, p. 76. phors. People tend to assume that poetry calls
12 Charles E. Osgood, “The Cross-cultural General-
ity of Visual-Verbal Synesthetic Tendencies,” Behav-
ioral Science, Vol. 5, No. 2 (1960), pp. 152-53. 14A. R. Luria, The Mind of a Mnemonist (New
13Morse Peckham, Man’s Rage for Chaos (New York: Basic Books, 1968), p. 38.
York: Schocken Books, 1967), p. 199. 15Luria, op. cit., footnote 14, p. 24.
368 YI-FU TUAN September

f o r the most graphic kind of imagination. In states, wherein the translation from one sensa-
fact, the metaphors in poetic language evoke tion, image, or idea to another is dependent
not so much images as ideas: the images are not in varying degree on conjoint experience, cul-
the meaning, they arc the vehicles of meaning. ture, and individual talent. An example, alreadl
We say of a lovely young woman that “she is given, of synesthesia as the result of conjoint
a rose.” A synesthete o r a small child may well experience is the coupling of the visually large
find this expression nonsensical. Put a rose side with the auditorially loud. Culture operates at
by side with a woman, and where is the resem- a more conscious level: it extends and elabo-
blance? A rose is much closer in appearance rates a synesthetic disposition. F o r instance,
and constitution to a cabbage than to a young the general tendency to associate frontal space
human female, yet such is the force of the meta- with illuminated space and future time may be
phor that many people will find its coupling more explicitly acknowledged in some cultures
with the latter more natural. than in others. Finally, a person can seek to
A person who looks at a fence and hears a enrich and deepen the meaning of an image
“sharp, piercing sound” as well is a synesthete; by marrying it to another: he attempts meta-
his capacity is inborn-a function of his neuro- phorical thought.
logical endowment. Strong synesthesia in an I n the exchanges of daily speech, a few fresh
individual is a unique gift; on the other hand, metaphors may emerge but most are shop-
universal synesthetic tendencies also exist. All worn. Some metaphors are so old and univer-
people appear to associate the visually large sally employed that, like certain kinds of widely
with the auditorially loud. Such coupling can shared synesthetic experience, they seem con-
be the product of invariant experience rather stitutive of human nature. Animal and human
than of some neurophysiological process. As metaphors are caqes in point. James Fernandez
Osgood puts it, “it i s simply a characteristic of argues for their universality. He notes that the
the physical world that as a noise-producing human sense of self is elusive, that the pronoun:,
object approaches o r is approached, increases of social life (the “I,” “you,” “he,” “it”) are
in visual angle are correlated with increases in inchoate unless they are predicated on some
loudness.”“’ Synesthetic events of this kind affective sign, some metaphor. Pronouns must
occur without preparatory thought. They are become objects by taking the point of vieh of
not the result of an active imagination. It can “the other,” before they can become subjects
be difficult to tell, however, whether ideas have to themselves. “This becoming an object, this
in fact played a role. F o r example, when I look taking the other, this predication upon the
at a landscape and see peace, calm, and nurtur- pronoun, i s a process that has for millennia
ing power, am I registering unreflectively a syn- turned to the animal world.”’8 Children learn
esthetic event o r does my experience depend their identities by playing animal games. They
on the prior input of formulated ideas? I can- are nervous chickens one moment and raven-
not be certain. But this is clear: when I look ous beasts of prey the next. By mastering these
at a landscape and see a reclining human fe- roles they learn to see themselves as having the
male o r mother figure, imagination is at work. characteristics of these animals, but also as
“Mother earth” is a metaphor. transcending them. Even in our machine-domi-
UNIVERSAL METAPHORS nated society, infants and college coed? play
I t may be that strong synesthesia and meta- with stuffed animals. Boys engage in “horse
phorical thinking are two ends of a continuum play.” Fathers teasingly pretend to eat u p their
in human capacity. At one end, the outreach
from one sensation to another is an automiitic the various colors of billiard balls when he hears
numbers from one to fifteen. At the other extreme
physiological process made possible by an in- we have the learning of language and familiarity with
terlacing of nerve fibers; at the other, the ex- literature, with all of the sensory analogies there
tension of an image o r idea is a playful leap suggested.” T. F. Kaiwoski, H. S. Odbert, and Charles
of the mind.“ Between them lie intermediate E. Osgood, “Studies in Synesthetic Thinking. TI. The
Role of Form in Visual Responses to Music,” Jourriul
of Gencid Psycho/o,Ty, Vol. 26 (1942), p. 215.
Osgood, op. cit., footnote 12, p. 168.
1‘; James Fernandez, “The Mission of Metaphor in
17“Learning , . . covers a very wide range. At one Expressive Culture,” Current Anthropology, Vol. 15,
extreme we have the case of the individual who sees No. 2 (1974), p. 122.

small children, and then offer them piggyback evoke fresh images and ideas by linking the
rides. As adults, we never become so confident heavenly bodies of perduring human concern
of our identities as to escape altogether the need to the country and the city, viewed since an-
for animal metaphoric predications. In mo- cient times as antithetical ways of life. He
ments of ambiguity or conflict, we feel more re- wrote:22
assured if we can liken the opposing teams to
A touch of cold in the autumn night
hawks and doves. I say of a colleague that he I walked abroad
is a jelly fish. Although neither of us has seen And saw the round moon lean over a hedge,
a jelly fish, we both know that a precise accu- Like a red-faced farmer,
sation has been made and that, moreover, the I did not stop to talk, but nodded;
And round about were the wistful stars
label will stick.l!) With white faces like town children.
“Sky father” and “earth mother” are old
metaphors, known in diverse cultures in widely METAPHOR AND SYMBOL
different parts of the world; likewise, the idea Synesthesia provides a foundation for the
of rain impregnating the earth. It is an old and development of metaphorical thought. Discur-
common habit of thought to see the earth in sive and systematic thought rests, in turn, on
terms of human anatomy: rocks are bones, the human ability to create metaphors, that is,
soil is flesh, and the plant cover the hairpiece reach from one image or idea to another and
of a cosmic being. The association is strong perceive their joint Metaphor, sim-
enough so that to some nonagricultural Ameri- ile, and the full articulation of ideas form a
can Indians it is sacrilege to tear up the grass continuum: one moves from the implicit to the
for the purpose of planting crops.2o Even to explicit (Fig. 1 ). The simile, in distinction to
some agricultural peoples, digging up the earth the metaphor, is explicit in its analogy: “wist-
in the past aroused unease and called for ritual ful stars are like white-faced city children.”
propitiations and sacrifice. Clearly, seeing the The symbol goes beyond the simile. It is an
earth as mother is not just a literary conceit. abstracted affective sign that has lost its direct
Although Western man does not look upon link with a human subject in a specific context.
pebbles in a stream as “toes” (like the Dogon It permits an extended excursion in analogic
of West Africa), his topographical vocabulary reasoning; it is an aid to day-dreaming and to
does contain anatomical metaphors: for exam- thought. Plato accepted the microcosmic meta-
ple, headland, foothill, volcanic neck, the spine phor of his time-the idea that man’s body is
or brow of a ridge, the tail of a drumlin, the a likeness of the cosmos. He did not, however,
shoulder of a valley, and the mouth of a river.21 rest with the metaphor; he proceeded to build
Using human beings or animals as predicates on it a towering schema of correspondences
of nature is an ancient practice. Many such harmonizing the components of the universe
zoo-metaphors have long since lost their origi- from the very small to the very large.24To take
nal power to stimulate. A few are kept alive a more current example, we may begin with the
as part of a continuing tradition, and they may direct apprehension that “society is an orga-
still affect the ways people treat nature, but the nism.” We take the next step and say that “so-
images they call forth have gone stale. New ciety is like an organism,” and then proceed to
metaphors, of course, continue to appear. In- think explicitly and in detail in what ways
novative conjunctions of ideas continue to society is, and is not, like an organism.
emerge. The human mind is extraordinarily As we move on to thought, the impact of the
fertile. We may well ask whether the moon original affective sign or metaphor tends to lose
and the stars can still inspire new anthropo- its emotional power. A church, for example, no
morphic images. The answer would seem to be
yes. T. E. Hulme, for example, was able to 2 2 T . E. Hulme, “Autumn.” Quotation in Wheel-
wright, op cit., footnote 7, pp. 74-75.
19 Femandez, op. cit., footnote 18, p. 122. 23 “Thought is metaphoric, and proceeds by com-
2oFor samples of American Indian lyricism, see parison, and the metaphors of language derive there-
T. C. McLuhan, ed., Touch the Earth: A Self-portrait from.” I. A. Richards, The Philosophy of Rhetoric
of Indian Existence (New York Outerbridge & Dienst- (New York: Oxford University Press, 1936), p. 94.
frey, 1971). 24 Leonard Barkan, Nature’s Work of Art: The Hu-
21 Victor W. Turner, “Symbols in African Ritual,” man Body as Image of the World (New Haven: Yale
Science, Vol. 179 (16 March, 1973), p. 1104. University Press, 1975), pp. 17-18.
370 YI-FU TUAN September

longer commands awe. From a numinous pres- phoric function of landscape seems to have
ence it becomes a symbol for the Christian doc- waned: we rarely respond to a landscape as to
trine of salvation, for the church’s teaching on a numinous presence. But the symbolic mean-
the relationship between God and man. Yet, ing of landscape has increased. We think and
this seemingly fragile web of articulated ideas talk about it more.2s
can overcome the impact of affective signs that As an illustration of multiple symbolic mean-
work directly on the senses. Consider how one ings, take the English landscape in the eigh-
might experience the interior of an old cathed- teenth century. We may now choose to see it
ral in a Latin country. It is dark and musty, through the eyes of Jacquetta Hawkes, for
there are flickering candle lights, women in whom it is a moment when a precarious bal-
black, blood-covered effigies of the dying ance was achieved between the shifting forces
Christ, memorials and stone coffins of the il- of nature and of man.2oThe harmony and love-
lustrious departed. They are all affective signs liness of the English countryside are a result
of woe and death. But to someone who is aware of this momentary balance. A particular scene
of Christian symbolism and has profound sym- can thus serve as a symbol for the idea of
pathy for the story it tells, the feeling inside ecological health. We may, however, choose to
the church is not morbidness but hope. see the same landscape through the eyes of
The commercial strip of new and rapidly ex- Raymond Williams, for whom the gross dis-
panding American towns provides, in a sense, proportion in scale between the cottage and
a contrary example. The strip is brightly lit the mansion is a symbol of social injustice in
at night. The language of signs is explicit eighteenth-century England.27 The point of the
and leaves no doubt in the motorist’s mind as illustration is two-fold. One is the conscious-
to where he can stop to refuel and to eat. ness of choice, which the symbol allows and
Bright illumination and colors are affective which the affective sign, being direct and im-
signs that evoke cheer, a sense of thrusting plicit in its effect, does not. The other is the
power against the darkness and gloom of the possibility of using the landscape as a material
surrounding countryside. Children appreciate symbol around which ideas concerning ecologi-
the lights and so did teen-aged youngsters who cal health or social injustice can accrue.
used to drive their resuscitated vehicles up and
down the strip. Sophisticated adults, however, DESIGN IMPLICATIONS
are often deprecatory. They forget the conve- The categories of perception here sketched
nience of the signs which tell them what to do, have implications for design : they suggest why
they choose not to respond to the lights and designers can make successful plans, and also
colors as affective signs-metaphors of dynam- why plans often fail (Fig. 1). Designing for
ism and vitality; instead they interpret the ap- other people is feasible because human behav-
pearances symbolically. The strip as a whole ior, like that of other animals, is routinized; it
and in its parts symbolize for them the least depends on the habit of responding to environ-
appealing sides of American life-its vulgar mental signs in an appropriate manner. Signs
thrust for quick success, its insensitivity to es- may be clear or ambiguous, facilitating action
tablished values, its blatancy and crassness. in the one case and handicapping it in the
The difference between the affective sign or other. One duty of the planner is to ensure
metaphor on the one hand and the symbol on
the other is one of degree: the symbol carries a
25 We articulate our feelings and ideas far more
greater proportion of articulable ideas. Con- than d o people in traditional societies. “While exe-
sider “landscape.” We have seen that it is a gesis of anything and everything is the order of the
diaphor in the sense that it combines and syn- day in university culture, it is much rarer in tradi-
thesizes two dissimilar ideas-“domain” and tional cultures. Empirical research, in fact, shows that
it is usually quite difficult to obtain the significata of
“scenery.” Landscape is epiphoric insofar as it symbols.” James W. Fernandez, “Analysis of Rit-
is a vehicle for something more important and ual: Metaphoric Correspondences as the Elementary
less tangible than itself such as divine presence. Forms,” Science, Vol. 182 (28 December, 1973),
Landscape may lose its affective and meta- p. 1366.
26 Jacquetta Hawkes, A Land (London: Cresset
phoric power and become a mere unit of space. Press, 1951), p. 143.
On the other hand, it can acquire more explicit 27 Raymond Williams, The Country and the City
connotations and become a symbol. The epi- (New York: Oxford University Press, 1973), p. 106.

that the signs achieve maximum clarity. Thus member cannot be sure that his pun or prac-
architects should plan office buildings so that tical joke will produce the desired effect. Inno-
people can find their way from one bureau to vation even at the humblest level risks failure.
the next without the endowment of a sixth A fresh metaphor may cause incomprehension
sense, and highway engineers might be able to rather than enlightenment; an architectural
design a route system such that motorists can conceit may baffle and distress rather than
drive from one city to another with minimal stimulate and refresh. Objects intended as signs
mental and emotional stress. (e.g., the traffic signal) may be read as affec-
Planning an environment that affects our tive signs or symbols, and vice versa. More-
emotions and stirs our imagination is also pos- over, discursive thought-increasingly promi-
sible. We can all think of a pedestrian mall, a nent in modern society-can deeply affect our
residential area, or a reconstructed urban cen- perception so that a landscape formerly ad-
ter that has succeeded far beyond the utilitarian mired for its harmonious lines and ecological
functions it primarily serves. The reason why health may now symbolize social injustice and
one can plan such environments is that a economic exploitation.
“grammar” of affective signs exists. There are
rules that govern affective and imaginative
responses. A designer knows that a certain A talented writer can evoke the mood and
stimulus will evoke a certain feeling and even a personality of a place; with mere words he is
rudimentary idea. Synesthesia and the root able to conjure “life” out of a pile of stones.
metaphors of a culture give stability to a peo- All human beings, however, have the power
ple’s emotions and thought so that they are, to of speech. We all can and do make the world
a degree, predictable. Red color is “warm” and around us more present and vivid by giving
“active,” verticality and solidity evoke a sense utterance on appropriate occasions and in suit-
of “demand.” But an imaginative designer can able settings. Unlike the professional writer,
do much more than the following of such sim- who has to conjure with words an image of the
ple rules. Just as a writer can stimulate the context where talk occurs, in real life the con-
reader with a new literary conceit, so a planner text is given: it is whatever concrete situation
or architect can stimulate his client with a new
we happen to find ourselves in. Given a real
architectural or spatial conceit: he might, for
locale, words have surprising influence even
instance, juxtapose two dissimilar elements or
deliberately introduce ambiguity in his design if they are not used in any strikingly original
so that a client is challenged to perceive his way. A casual metaphor, for example, can de-
environment anew.28 tract or enhance the reputation of a neighbor.
We have moved from signs that trigger stan- People whisper in our ears that so-and-so is a
dard behavior to what approximates a dis- jelly fish, or that he has a razor-sharp mind.
course between the imaginative designer and Thenceforth, our view of a particular individ-
his responsive-imaginative client. Planning for ual is altered, however slightly: he becomes a
human beings can often be objective, for rea- more vivid personality-someone for us to de-
sons already given, but it ultimately must em- spise or admire. Clearly this power of speech
brace human discourse. And here we encounter applies not only to people but also to aspects
fundamental difficulties in design. There exist of our material environment. “ A gingerbread
no rules that guarantee successful human dis- house,” I say slyly of a proud businessman’s
course. Differences in individual personality mansion, and its image suffers. We well know
and of culture, including the use and apprecia- that a deftly told ghost story can radically alter
tion of language, are not readily overcome. a man’s perception of the lonely road. At night-
Even within the shared culture of a family, a fall, as I climb into the car in preparation for
the long drive along the coast of New Jersey,
28 Robert Ventun, Complexity and Contradiction in a friend says: “By the way, folks here believe
Architecture (New York: The Museum of Modem that the marsh flame you will see from the turn-
Art, 1966); Amos Rapoport and Robert E. Kantor, pike is the lantern of a railroad man, acciden-
“Complexity and Ambiguity in Environmental De-
sign,” Journal of the American Institute of Planners, tally beheaded on his job, searching for his
Vol. 33 (1967), pp. 210-21. head.”
372 YI-FU TUAN September

cumstances do the affective signs function as

CODA such, and not as mere signs? How are the sym-
The world of competence and habit consists bols maintained by ceremonial acts and discur-
of signs that do not command focused interest. sive speech? What themes tend to dominate the
Driving along the highway I must be able to inhabitants’ conversation? What are their fav-
interpret them correctly with a minimum of orite metaphors? The felt quality of a place
conscious effort. From time to time, a particu- can never be fully revealed by describing the
lar object-such as the marsh flame in the dark physical structures and noting the ways people
night-catches my attention and evokes a move in them. Nor is it merely a stable attribute
mood, a feeling, or a rudimentary idea. It is that can be elicited through the use of restric-
then an affective sign. However, the marsh tive questionnaires. Such approaches have evi-
Aame can generate more than just a passing dent value, but they must be supplemented by
mood or idea. As the result of attaching an
studying a people’s speech as it appears natu-
elaborate ghost story to the flame, an affective
rally in the course of day-to-day living and on
sign becomes a powerful symbol able to create
an eerie scene in the mind’s eye of anyone who more dramatic occasions. Even commonplace
has heard the story. words have power if they are uttered in the on-
This, in a nutshell, is the felt quality of our going situations of life, and not extracted by
environment-mostly gray and unseen, occa- formal survey. Words serve to maintain routine
sionally vivid. A task for humanist geographers and also to shatter it. Humanist geographers
is to understand better how localities and envi- want to know how a people, not only through
ronments come to be imbued with feeling and imaginative action but also through enlivening
thought. Given a setting we ask: what are its speech, create and recreate their multifaceted
affective signs and symbols? Under what cir- and kaleidoscopic worlds.

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