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1. So far, my most successful shoot in my opinion is the three shoots on an 
LGBTQ couple. I feel like these shoots were my most successful because 
they tell a story without it needing to be told, I use 3 different focus points; 
hands for intimacy, no intimacy and then intimacy again to highlight the 
discomfort LGBTQ couples feel.  
2. In order to develop the ideas that were produced in the shoot, I could have 
taken the images in a studio so that there was a solid background isolating 
the things I had intended on isolating such as the hand holding.  
3. I had experimented by using physical paper manipulation techniques which 
allowed me to distort my images whilst conveying a story and adding to the 
dimension within my project. 
4. I could develop the context in my project by making sure I have done 
sufficient research for the concepts I wish to add, as well as thinking outside 
of the box and going out of my own comfort zone.  

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