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Name: Coronel,Lee Russel J Section: 11-ABM C ATHENA Date: Oct 6 2020

What’s More:
Activity 1.1: We are Connected! Page 16

What’s More
Activity 1.1 We are Connected!
According to John Muir, “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to
the rest of the world.” How is the given diagram related to the said quote? How does the
four subsystem of the Earth connect with each other?


(ANSWER)- Human (biosphere) lives on Land which is a part of the geosphere. Human needs all the
earth system for it to survive. We need oxygen to breath (oxygen belongs to atmosphere). We also need
water in order to survive (water belongs to the hydrosphere). We also need land where we can build our
house and live (land belongs to the geosphere).

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