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What Is Coaching?
Coaching occurs through a series of conversations in which one person uses their ability to
listen, to ask questions and to play back what they have heard. This creates a relationship of
rapport and trust, that enables the other to clarify what matters to him/her and to work out
what to do to achieve his/her aspirations.

We Will Work Together To:

 support your personal and professional development;
 facilitate gentle exploration of your needs, motivations, skills and thought processes in
order for you to identify your own solutions and actions;
 Support you in setting appropriate goals and methods of assessing progress in relation to
these goals.

You Can Expect Me To:

 Observe, listen and ask questions to understand your situation;
 Encourage a commitment to action and the development of lasting growth & change;
 Be supportive and non-judgemental.

Is It Like Counselling?
Coaching is different from counselling. A counsellor will work with personal issues in much
greater depth than would be explored within a coaching context. I am not offering therapeutic
personal counselling in these sessions. It’s possible that we will touch on the subjects of your
personal challenges, motivations and aspirations during coaching but this would be within the
strict context of the specific coaching goals you have set yourself. If I feel a client may also
benefit from personal counselling, I will discuss this with them.

How Will You Know If It’s Right For You?

We can have a “no strings attached” initial conversation by phone. It would last up to an hour
and be free of charge. I would send you information beforehand about what we’ll discuss but it
would include things like:
 Your career goals;
 Areas you’re seeking to develop;
 What you hope to gain by the end of the coaching relationship
After this initial discussion, we can decide if we’d like to continue with more sessions.

Working Arrangements
If we continue working together, I would suggest regular (monthly) sessions (phone or face to
face) lasting 1 to 1.5 hours for a minimum of 6 months. We would agree the length of session
beforehand and the fee would be £x per hour. We would have a more detailed agreement about
terms if we go ahead.

Do let me know if you have any questions.

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