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There has been a lot of talks lately arguing that the computer has replaced the

book in our life. But is it truly possible? After all, they are both valuable
assets of our civilization and possess positive and negative features.
One side may say that computers are far more effective because they are much more
convenient. Unlike them, printed books dont't have an option of automatic search,
and in order to find the information you desire to see, you have to search through
the whole text. Also i may give one point to computer for being effective as a
source of containing information, because computer has hard drive that can easily
contain many thousands of books and it will be easy to transfort with it. Moreover,
a computer is more helpful when its necessary to get some information quickly,
because we just need to enter the necessary word into the search engine and skim
through the results. Meanwhile in case of using books you have to go to the library
or a book shop for it.
On the other hand, books posses cultural, symbolic and aesthetic value that
computer lacks, at least that's how others think, but in my opinion computers are
far more valuable. Otherwise the problem that's given in the statement wouldn't
have been a reason of discussion. Computer has one little crack that people see
like a big problem and that is a radiation that it gives. From my sight people
should'n even give a second throught about that small problem, because it doesn't
do that much damage like others say and I am a live example for that.
Anyways my opinion about books are very poor and I am at computers side, i can't
argue more because its becoming a big pain in the ass already.

The End

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