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Life and Works of Rizal

John Michael P. Apao


Chapter 4
A. To what does each of the following refer?
_____Reduccion Plan_______ 1. A program proposed by Fr. Plasencia of
relocating the Indios under the bell to make them little brown Spaniards
_ Divide Et Impera______ 2. Policy of pitting the Filipinos against each other
to prevent them from becoming united
Secularization of Parishes___ 3. The transfer of the ministries established by the
regular Spanish clergy to the Filipino seculars
Si Tandang Basyong Macunat 4. A pamphlet authored by Fr. Bustamante,
which pictured the Filipinos as incapable of education
John Locke’s theory of Evolution 5. John Locke’s theory, which justified the right
of the people to overthrow an abusive and corrupt government
Jean Jacques Rousseau’s Theory_6. According to this theory, government is an
agreement between the ruler and the ruled for the welfare of the latter
_ Indios______________ 7. The name used by the Spaniards to refer to
the Filipinos to indicate their inferiority as a race
____ Cavite Mutiny__________ 8. Peaceful crusaders for reforms which was
started by the Filipino intellectuals in response to the abuses of the Spanish
__Carlos Ma. Dela Torre________9. The most liberal-minded Spanish governor-
general to the Philippines ever had
__ Secularization of Priest ______10. Vicar Capitular of Manila who spearheaded
the campaign for the secularization of Filipino parishes
B. In each pf the following, one is the cause and two are effects, Select the letter
of the CAUSE in each set.
____A____11. (A) Divide et Impera Policy (B) Failure of the Filipinos to recognize
their common enemy (C) Failure of the early revolts against Spain
____B____12. (A) Influx of liberal ideas (B) Opening of the Philippines to world
commerce and trade (C) Spain’s adoption of laissez-faire policy.
____B ___13. (A) Rise of the clase media (B) Prosperity from foreign commerce
(C) Emergence of intellectuals critical government policies and programs
____C____14. (A) Granting of the freedom of speech (B) Filipino secular’s clamor
for secularization of parishes (C) Liberal Regime of Dela Torre
____B_ __15. (A) Abolition of old time privileges of Filipino soldiers and workers
(B) Cavite Mutiny of 1872 (C) Martyrdom of GOMBURZA

C. Provide the necessary details to complete each of the following topics.

Causes of the Early Filipino Resistance Against Spain
16.__Spanish Oppression______________________________________
17.__Hated Tribute___________________________________________
18.__Religious Presecution_____________________________________
19.__Threats by indigenous rebellions and invasions________________
Liberal Ideas of Filipino intellectuals learned as a result of the opening of the
Philippines to world commerce.
20. Liberal writers and their books
21. Jean Jacques Rousseau (Social Contract)
22. John Locke ( Two treatise of the government)
23. Thomas Paine (Common Sense)
24. Thomas Jefferson American
25. French Revolution

D. Answer the following questions briefly but concisely.

26-30 Choose one factor that contributed to the rise of Filipino nationalism in the
19th century and explain how it helped in developing a sense of nationhood
among Filipinos.
The rise of the Filipino Nationalism contributes a big help to the Filipino
education. During the administration of Governor-General Jose Raon, a royal
order from Spain, which stated that every village or barrio must have a school and
a teacher, was implemented. The implementation of the order expanded the
reach of basic education during the Spanish era. The Philippines had more direct
contact to Europe and the ideas circulating.

31-35. How did the martyrdom of GOMBURZA influence Rizal’s choice of career to
pursue as an individual?
During the Spanish Regime, the 3 martyrs were part of the movement to secularize
the clergy in the country. When they were executed on the offense of subversion, Dr.
Jose Rizal felt the passion and desire to implement reforms and attain equality for
the Filipino people. With the injustices he had witnessed, he felt the need to avenge
the death of those who sacrificed their lives for reform. He decided that it would be
possible for him to do this by way of writing. The death of the Gomburza gave birth
to the Propaganda Movement. This is a group of Filipino scholars who have settled in
Europe. It was led by Dr. Jose Rizal. He knew that thru his written works, he can help
push reforms.

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