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2/4/2021 How to conduct a learning needs analysis: a step-by-step guide : HowNow


How to conduct a learning needs analysis: a step-by-step guide

Gary Stringer September 9, 2020 Guides

At the heart of the learning needs analysis is a pretty straightforward concept, understanding which skills need to be developed to

get your company and people closer to your goals.

It’s an assessment of the skills needed to perform current or upcoming roles better, and the tools for understanding the gap

between where you are now and where your organisation need to be. The obvious benefit is that you’re able to effectively close
the gap through more strategic learning and development, but there are multiple benefits. We’ll cover these before jumping into

the steps of conducting a learning needs analysis and your guide for success.

Jump to your step-by-step guide

Are training and learning needs analyses different?

The two terms are often used interchangeably, but arguably they’re two different approaches or, at the very least, a change of

mindset. The term training needs analysis implies an assessment of what training should be delivered to reach company goals. A
learning needs analysis ensures your learners are the focus and that you’ll ask which people can we develop to reach our shared


How can a learning needs analysis benefit you? 1/4
2/4/2021 How to conduct a learning needs analysis: a step-by-step guide : HowNow

Close the skill gap, use your L&D budget better

It makes sense to start with understanding the skills gap in your team because this also allows you to identify the greatest areas of
need and focus your training budget on those pressing skills. The proactive nature could also allow you to upskill staff before the

skill gap has a detrimental effect on your business. In a nutshell, you’ll get a better ROI on your L&D spend and ensure that it’s

directed where it will have a high impact.

Develop your people and culture

If you’re able to provide better training that progresses people towards new skills and goals, you’ll create a culture where people

feel they can thrive and grow. It also creates an environment in which progression towards personal and business goals happens

in tandem, meaning people can see their contribution more tangibly.

Key questions it will help you answer

Before we dive into the steps and template for your learning needs analysis, it’s important to understand the questions the process
will encourage you to answer.

Who needs a learning pathway?

What is it that they need to learn?

How are you going to create effective learning courses for them?
What impact is it going to have on your business and their development?
Where does this fit into your budget?

Your learning needs analysis: step-by-step process

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2/4/2021 How to conduct a learning needs analysis: a step-by-step guide : HowNow

Which skills are needed to progress?

Consider your company or team goals and what you’re lacking in order to achieve them. It’s also important to speak with your
employees at this point, to understand their perceptions on what might be lacking and anything they’re hoping to improve.

You can also gain insights from current job descriptions, by analysing the skills listed to determine core competencies and in-
demand traits across relevant markets and roles. Trawling through job boards and listings would be a big ask, so let HowNow
handle that for you! We’ll analyse 500,000 live job roles to give you insights and, more importantly, those hours back.

What are the current skill levels?

Conversations with employees are key at this point, both directly and through their peers. You can combine their feedback with

your view of their skill and proficiency in certain areas. Your learning system or platform can be extremely useful at this point if
you’ve chosen it wisely. In HowNow, your employees can grade themselves for the skills related to their role, and you can give

your own assessment on this one-to-five scale. Your learning platform analytics will also be invaluable for understanding recently

developed skills at this point.

Identify the skill gap

No pressure, but this will be a reflection of how well you’ve conducted the first two stages. Determine the current gap between
the skills your person, role or team has now and the levels needed to reach your goals.

How can that gap be closed through learning?

Start by establishing the subject matter experts in the business and assessing your existing learning materials. There will be a gap

(yes, another gap) between those and the resources you’ll need to develop the necessary skills. Creating all of those resources for

yourself would be another daunting task, so it’s important to use or consider platforms that curate learning content from high-
quality third parties. 3/4
2/4/2021 How to conduct a learning needs analysis: a step-by-step guide : HowNow

On the subject of learning platforms, you’ll also need to determine how you’ll deliver your content and what format will make it

most effective—whether that’s webinars, guides, podcasts or a mix.

Implement training courses and evaluate

Are the training courses and learning pathways you’re creating developing the necessary skills? What qualifies as success in this

aspect and how will you measure it? Again, this can be influenced by the learning platform you choose. If you pick one that
seamlessly lets you monitor, measure and assess how your learners’ interact with resources, it’ll be a lot easier. Have a think, you

know where to find us…

What happens next?

Well, if you’ve yet to settle upon a learning system or platform, we can help with that! Contact our team today and we’ll discuss

your learning needs. Or maybe you need a little more training inspiration before you decide on your strategy? 4/4

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