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Petroleum System

Eng. Mufazzal. S. Kabuli

Learning Outcome
• Migration of Petroleum

• Entrapment Process

• Types of traps

• Reservoir characteristics
Oil Maturation and Migration

Reservoir Rock
Migration of Petroleum

• Generated hydrocarbons migrates from source rock into

suitable structures.

• There are 2 stages of migration:

1. Primary Migration
2. Secondary Migration
Primary Migration
• It involves the expulsion of petroleum from the source
rocks to reservoir rock.

• Oil and Gas is driven out of source rock by excess

Primary and Secondary Migration
Secondary Migration
• It involves the movement of petroleum through
permeable rock layers towards the trap.
Petroleum Reservoir
What is a Reservoir?????

 A petroleum reservoir is a subsurface pool

of hydrocarbons contained in porous or fractured rock
Petroleum Reservoir
• Reservoirs are composed of either:

• Clastic formation – Sandstone reservoirs made from

silicates (quartz, SiO2).

• Carbonate formation – Carbonate reservoirs made

from coral or shell fragments.
Arrangement of Fluids in Reservoir
• Fluids tend to stratify according to their relative
densities in the reservoir:

1. Gas
2. Oil
3. Water
Accumulation of Petroleum
• Accumulation and storage of hydrocarbons occur
once the reservoir fluids encounter an
impermeable shale or dense layer of rock above
the reservoir.

• This is called a Trap.

What is Trap???
• Trap is a sealing medium present above reservoir rock that does not allow
upward migration of oil and gas towards the surface.

• Common examples of cap rocks acting as a traps are chalks , shales, clays etc.

Anticlinal Trap
Types of Traps
Traps are of following types:
1. Structural Traps
• Folds
• Faults
2. Diapiric Traps
3. Stratigraphic Traps
4. Combination Traps
Structural Traps
 It can be defined as a trap which is formed due to
changes in structures below surface of earth.

 It results in formation of folds ,faults or salt domes.

Anticlinal Trap
Fault Trap
Diapiric Traps
• This type of trap is caused by diapirs where salt or mud has moved upwards and
domed the overlying strata
Stratigraphic Traps
• It can be defined as a trap whose geometry is formed by
changes in lithology, thickness or texture.
Combination Traps
• Sometimes a sedimentary body forms a combination of structural and
stratigraphic trap depending upon various structural and stratigraphic factors
contributing to trapping mechanism.

• Many global reservoirs have this type of trap.

Relationship between Trap and Reservoir Rock
• Trap is a seal to reservoir rock

• Oil and gas in reservoir cannot move out of reservoir

due to presence of trap

• Presence of Trap is important above reservoir rock in

order to retain oil and gas in reservoir or else fluids will
Petroleum Reservoir

• As discussed earlier, petroleum reservoir is a subsurface

pool of hydrocarbons contained in porous or fractured
rock formations.
Reservoir Thickness
• Isochore and Isopach maps are two different types of thickness maps.

• They are used for determining reservoir thickness.

• An Isopach is a line that connects points of equal true thickness (i.e.

measured perpendicular to bedding)

• An Isochore is a line that connects points of equal vertical thickness.

Reservoir Pressures
• There are various types of pressures associated with

• These pressure include:

1. Lithostatic pressure overburden pressure
2. Hydrostatic pressure Pore pressure
3. Hydrodynamic pressure Flowing Pressure
Reservoir Characteristics
The two most important characteristic of reservoir rocks

What is Porosity????
Porosity is amount of pore space or empty space or void
space present in between the rock
• Porosity can be calculated as ratio of pore volume in rock to the total volume of rock

where f = porosity

• The porosity may be expressed a decimal fraction but is most often expressed as a
• It is porosity in reservoir rocks that allows them to hold
hydrocarbons (oil and gas) within them

• It is basically nothing but the tiny holes through which

the oil flows

• Higher the porosity, higher will be fluids present in rocks

intergranular effective
Intragranular is ineffective

Types of Porosities Porosity between the grains Porosity inside the grains

• Primary Porosity
It is a porosity formed in rock at the
time of deposition and formation of
rock. It is original porosity.

• Secondary Porosity
It is a porosity formed in rock after
deposition of rock. It may be formed
due to fracture generation or chemical
leaching of minerals.

• Porosity can also be effective

(connected porosity like intergranular)
or ineffective ( isolated porosity like
What is Permeability?????

Permeability is defined as amount of inter-connected pore

spaces within rock
• Permeability allows oil and gas to move from one pore to another.

• Oil flows due to permeability

• If there is no permeability in rocks, Oil is locked or trapped in one


• Symbol for permeability is “K”

• Unit for measuring permeability is Darcy

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