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Maternity Nursing
NURS 332/ Fall 2020
Lesson Plan
Name: Rania Shibly Alazzeh Date: 8/2/2021

Subject: Breastfeeding Location: Beit-Jala Hospital

Audience: mothers, teacher and Time: 8:30am

My choice for this topic was based on several reasons. First, I am training in the Obstetrics and
Gynecology Department in Beit-Jala Hospital, and in this ward it is important for the mother to be aware
of the concept and importance of breastfeeding. Second, during my training, I noticed that many mothers
ask (Can I stop breastfeeding after two months and rely on Formula milk?).
I am sure that if the mothers were aware of the importance of breastfeeding and how it positively affects
her and her baby, they would not ask this question. So I decided to give the mothers information about
breastfeeding using a simple method to facilitate access to information.

Behavioral Objectives Content Method of Teaching Material of Teaching Method of

Outline Evaluation
At the end of this 1-definition of Give information / 1-Auditory diction 1-Discussion
lecture the mothers breastfeeding. example / picture /
2-Present a poster 2- Feedback from the
will be able to: instruction and
2-types of that has pictures mothers.
discussion and ask
1-Define breastfeeding, breastmilk. explaining what I am
questions after teaching 3-Questions from
and its (duration,time) teaching.
3-the is done. mothers about
2-Identify the importance of 3-Give mothers dates something not
components of breast breastfeeding and nuts,(helping in understood.
milk. for the mother increasing breast
and the baby. milk).
3-Knowing the
importance of 4-Time and 4-present a
breastfeeding. duration of powerpoint includes
breastfeeding. pictures about
3-Recognize the
position of 5-signs of
breastfeeding. hunger in the
4-Find out how a baby
is hungry. 6-breastfeeding
5-knowing how to
breastfeed. 7-how to
6- knowing the
problem that happens 8-indication for
to the breast. squeezing breast
7- Identify the food
that helps to generate 9-problems
milk. happen with
8-Be able to answer the
question( is Covid -19- 10-foods help to
transmitted through generate milk.
and Covid-19-

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