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Noah Ade Sandro Ginting


A. Paraphrasing of the first and second paragraphs

Paracelsus, a 16th century alchemist and physician says that everything is a poison and
a thing that makes them become not toxic is the dosage. Correct dosage is essential in
medicine: a safe dose of radiation can cure disease and excessive dose of water can kill us.
Modern toxicologists and government are work together to keep everything safe.

Neonicotinoids, set of pesticides that have their safe line obscured according to the
European Union, which has just banned because of the danger. Sharon Oosthoek, from
Writing for Nature says that some pesticides, including neonicotinoids, have failed in Europe
and Australia.

B. Short text summary

A right dosage is essential in every aspect of live. Even the essential thing like water
can be harmful when consumed at high amounts. Today modern toxicologists are work
together with governments to put dosage limits for every substances. Without both of
their help, cases of overdose would likely to be tremendous.

Pesticides like neonicotinoids and others alike are one of those substances that the
safe line are yet to be known and uncertain. In latest studies, it’s found that
neonicotinoids are dangerous even on safe level. These pesticides has contaminated the
water streams and long term use has caused a build up in the environment. Hence, the
European Union has banned the usage of neonicotinoid pesticides. This would be one of
the duty of modern toxicologists to find the safe line of neonicotinoid pesticides usage.
A. 1. Vertebrae column or backbone are the main feature that can distinguish vertebrates. It
runs on the dorsal side of the body, from the head to the tail. It exists for many uses, such
as to hold vertebrae body shape, protects the spinal cord, and usually used to cushion

2. Cartilage are tough tissues that are made up from collagen. Cartilage are more flexible
but more brittle than bones. While bones are hard tissues made up from minerals like
calcium. Bones are stronger but less flexible than cartilage. Endoskeletons made from
bones has a lot of advantages, such as allowing animals to grow larger and provides more

3. The components of a vertebrae nervous system are the head as the central nervous
system, a long spinal cord, and long nerve fibers that connects from the spinal cords to
the muscles, organs, and the rest of the body.

4. An adaptive immune system means that the immune system can recognize
and memorize specific pathogen and produce a specific antibodies to attack

5. Ovipary is a method of reproduction usually occurs in amphibians and reptiles, the

development of embryo happens inside an egg outside the mother’s body. Ovovivipary
usually occurs in fishes and reptiles, the development of embryo happens inside an egg
inside the mother’s body until it hatches. Vivipary usually occurs in almost all mammals,
the development of embryo happens inside the mother’s body without the use of eggs.

B. Paraphrasing of “Characteristic of Vertebrates”

Vertebrates have a special body part that distinguished them from other animal,
that called backbone. Backbone is the foundation of vertebral endoskeleton. The
backbone runs on the dorsal side of the body, from the head to the tail. Vertebral columns
have many functions, among other things it’s to hold the body shape, protects the spinal
cord, act as a foundation of the endoskeleton, and to absorb shock during movement.
C. Short text summary

Vertebrates are one of subphylum of Chordata. Vertebrates have a special body part that
distinguished them from other animal, that called backbone. Backbone is the foundation
of vertebral endoskeleton. Vertebral columns or backbone houses the spinal cord as well as
protects it. Vertebrates also have endoskeleton as a way to support their structure and
internal organs. Vertebrates endoskeleton are made up from bones so that it can provides
more support and allows the body to grow larger.

Vertebrates have many traits that became their characteristics. Some of them are as
follows: vertebrates has a system of muscles attached to their endoskeleton, they have a
closed circulatory system, most of them have skin covered in scales, a pair of kidneys, an
adaptive immune system, and a centralized nervous system. Vertebrates have three types
of reproduction, they are ovipary, ovovivipary, and vivipary reproduction.

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