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Apoptosis: It is a complex mechanism that happens in the fetus. Programmed cell death that is carried out
by the mitochondria which is important for embryonic development.

Blastocyst: Fluid filled ball of cells that consists of inner cell mass which is destined to become the
embryo and the outer trophoblast that will be a surrounding membrane.

Embryo: It is the developing human for the first two months when the organs are forming. It is only
called the embryo from the time of fertilization to the 2 nd month of development.

Etiology: Study of causes of disease or defects.

Facies: During development the characteristics appearance of a newborn related to congenital anomalies
is called facies.

Fascia: Layer of connective tissue surrounding muscles, nerves, vessels or separating tissue layer.

Fetus: Developing human.

Hyperplasia: Abnormal enlargement of an organ or a structure due to increase in number of cells.

Hypoplasia: Underdevelopment of an organ or a structure due to inadequate number of cells.

Hypertrophy: Abnormal enlargement of an organ or structure due to increase in size of cell.

Lumen: Space within blood vessels or a hollow organ (e.g.: lungs)

Malformation: Defect caused by an intrinsic error in a primordium or process.

Malformation sequence: A number of secondary malformations that are a result of primary

malformations. Sequences can also be deficits that are caused by an extrinsic features for deformities and

Mesoderm: First interior cells of an embryonic disc that are a product of gastrulation. They are the initial
form of mesenchy but some cells quickly condense into longitudinal epithilia columns that are the second
type of mesoderm.

Bilaminar embryonic disc:

Trilaminar embryonic disc:

Mesenchyme: Undifferentiated embryonic connective tissue derived form later stages that forms
particular organ or structure.

Morula: Mass of cell that is the product of early cell division after fertilization.

: Clump of cell that is in the initial stages of cell division.

Oligohydramnios: Reduction in the amount of amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus.
Pluripotent: Capability of the cells of the blastocysts into many different cell lines but not the whole

Parenchyma: Epithelial cell of an organ those are metabolically active in the organ function.

Trimordium: First cellular indication of an organ or a structure

Mesenchyme cellula  Trimordium Starting to develop into a structure or an organ

Quickening: It ids the fetal movement of the features felt by a pregnant woman.

Somites: Epithelia

blocks of mesoderm that flank the neural tube to give rise to the bone, muscles and connective tissues-
developmental stages 20-30 days pregnant.

Stem cells: Undifferentiated cells in the embryo or an adult capable of forming many cell types.

Syndrome: A syndrome is a combination of primary symptoms or abnormalities that result in a particular

genetic or environmental cause that is not a sequence of secondary deficit.

Teratology: It is the study of abnormal development. A teratogen agent is something that causes the birth

Trimester: It is the clinical division of pre-natal period into 3 month segments. The organ systems develop
in the first trimester, the feature is potentially visible after the second trimester.

Tropic: Developmental response of a cell or a structure to an external stimulus

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