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Exam Review Biology Terms: Cell Membrain: Its thin layer of protien and fat that is surrounding the

cell alowing some substances to pass through and then blocking others. Nucleus: Controls many functions of the cell its like the brain of a human. Nucleolus: Its a organelle within the the Nucleus. Cytoplasm: Its a jelly material outside the nucleus where organells are located. Golgi Body: Its Packges protein sends it out. Lysosomes: Contain enzymes that beakdown food so its easier to digest. Mitocondria: Converts the energy stored in glucose into ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Vacuole: Its stores water a plant cell has a larger vacuole than the animal cell. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum: Takes place in photosynthese and its also a large transporter of neutrience found around the cell. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: Exports protien outside of the cell. Cell wall: It keeps all the organelles in place and allows materials to enter the cell ( a animal cell does not have a cell wall). Ribosome: They carry out protein synthesis through a process called translation. Mitochondria: It converts food into energy. Chromatin/Chromosomes: During prophase of mitosis, chromatin fibers become coiled into chromosomes with each chromosome having two

chromatids joined at a centromere. Prophase: Is a phase of mitosis in which chromatides condense and the chromosomes become visible.

Metaphase: Where the chromosomes are alligned across the centre of the cell.

Anaphase: Where the chromatides are pulled to opposite sides of the cell by the spindle fibers:

Telophase/Cytokineseis: The phase of mitosis in which two daughter cells are formed.

Interphase: The longest it takes to develope is in interphase. In an animal cell two daughter cells are developed by pinching the cell into 2 parts. In a plant cell a cell wall is developed dividing the two daughter cells.

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