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Depression - Kiiko Matsumoto Japanese Style
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Home Condition or Symptom:
Protocols To describe a condition characterized by an array of symptoms in
head, associated with poor blood supply to the skull. The
presentation of stagnation of blood in the head varies widely and
include forgetfulness, confusion and lack of concentration,
chronic sinus problems, and low blood pressure.

1. Nan Jing (Canon of Perplexities). Attrib. Qin Yue-ren (c.a. 100
B.C.-A.D.100) Found in Wang Shu-He (c.a.A.D.300, Tu Zhu Nan
Jing Mai
2. Su Wei Xuan Ji Yuan Bing Shi (An Investigation into the
Truths of Disease Orogins in the Essential Questions). Liu Wan-Su
(1186). People's Hygiene Publishing Company. 1983.
3. Ling shu or The Spiritual Pivot. Translated by Wu Jing-Nuan.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1993.
4. Manaka, Yoshio, and I. Urquhart. Layman's Guide to
acupuncture. New
York: J.Weatherhill Inc. 1972.
5. Matsumoto, Kiiko and S.Birch. Hara Diagnosis: Reflections on
Sea. MA: Paradigm Publlications, 1988.
6. Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine (John Chen). Clinical
Manual of Oriental Medicine: An Integrated Approach, City of
Industry, CA: Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine, 2006.
7. Ni, M. and McNease, C. The Tao of Nutrition, Los Angeles, CA:
Tao of Wellness Press, 2009.

Herbal, Dietary and Lifestyle Information

Dietary information from The Tao of Nutrition. (TN)

Herbal, dietary, and lifestyle information from Clinical Manual of
Oriental Medicine: An Integrated Approach (CMOM)
Herbs & Chinese studies from The Practice of Chinese Medicine

general depression associate with chronic fatigue syndrome, p.
depression related to hypoglycemia, p. 146
depression as menopausal symptom, p. 151

CMOM, p. 52 (This is TCM --- add Japanese herbals next year)

w/fatigue, lack f interest
w/signs of vegetatie state
w/restlessness, irritability, anger (manic depressives)
W/increased appetite and weight gain
w/poor appetite
w/sesual dysfunction or lack f libido
w/low energy
w/insomnia or too little sleep
post-partum depression
pre-menstrual depression
Pre-menopausal and menopausal depression
w/inability to concentrate

PCM, 397-406

Categories of Disharmony:

Stagnation of Blood in the Head

Clinical Manifestation
Forgetfulness, confusion and lack of concentration, and imsonia.
Palpatory Findings, i.e.reflex areas
a. Carefully palpated the area of GV20 and the extra
points on the UB channel near GV20. Pressure pain was found at
and GV20.
b. Pressure pain can be found at the cervical spine and the base
of the skull.

Treatment Principles
Move blood, increase circulation of blood to head

Treatment Strategies
To release pressure pain and to restore blood in the brain.

Treatment Plan
a. Releasing pressure pain at Oketsu (the left LV4, bilateral LU5
together with bilateral needling of Master Nagano's immune points.
b. releasing the pressure pain at GV20. SP6 and SP9 were
needling. If PC8 on the right palm was painful upon palpation, the
Metal and Water points were needled to reduce that pain. If there
no presure pain at the left PC8, then needling left PC6.

Patient Education/Recommendations
Anger may represent an attempt to regain control of life.
the patient to verbalize the source of frustration and provide
opportunities for decision making and control. Depression may be
patient's response to grief and loss of function. Listen as the
patient verbalises feelings of loss, being careful not to offer false
or general reassurances.

Identify the patient's current coping mechanism: the most common
depression. The depression allows the patient to minimize a treat
use problem-focused coping mechanisms. The patient may avoid
discussing what has happened and yet comply with treatment

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