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1. Choose adjectives or adverbs of manner to complete the follwing sentences.

1. Peter is a……………………………driver. He drives very……………………. (careful /carefully)

2. Turtles walk……………………..…… because they are…………………………… animals. (slow/slowly)
3. A ……………………………….. person usually speaks …………………………………. (cautious/cautiously)  
4. They are ……………………..; they are speaking ………………………………… (quiet/quietly)
5. Gordon plays very …………………….. . He is a ………………………. player. (good/well)
6.He did a …………………….. exam. He passed the exam ……………………………... (brilliant/brilliantly)
7.We had ……………………….. snow yesterday. It snowed …………………………… . (heavy/heavily)
8.He looked at me ………………………………. . He has a very ………………………. look. (angry /angrily)
9.We slept ………………………………….. in our ………………………………… bed. (comfortable/comfortably)
10.He plays ……………………………….. because he is a………………….player. (bad/badly)
2. Complete the follwing sentences with the correct adjectives or adverbs of manner.

1.He normally drives very _____.

a.slow b.fastly
2. I passed _____.
a.easily the test b.the test easily c.easy the test
3. The people in this company work very _____.
a.hard b.hardly c.good
4. She is a _____ teacher.
a.well b.good c.goodly
5.She teaches English very _____.
a.good b.goodly c.well
3. Complete the sentences using adjectives or adverbs. Use the adjectives in the list and the adverbs
formed from those adjectives.

clear easy fast incorrect patient quick

EXAMPLE: I need a quick answer. EXAMPLE: He answered my question very quickly

1. Please, can you speak…………………… ? I don't understand you.

2. He won the race. He ran very……………………….
3. Your answer is ……………………………………….. Can you answer it again?
4. We were one hour late, but he waited………………………………. until we arrived.
5.It was an…………………………………………. question. I answered it without thinking.
6.You answered the question …………………………………. Can you answer it again?
7. Please, be ………………………………. with him. He's young and inexperienced.
8. He's a really …………………………. runner. He wins a lot of races.
9. The water isn't ………………………………….; it's dirty.
10. We climbed the mountain…………………………….. . We weren't tired after doing it.
A Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the adjective in brackets.

1 An elephant is ............................................ (strong) a kangaroo.

2 Our teacher is ............................................ (beautiful) that film star.
3 A school is ............................................ (noisy) a hospital.
4 Jane’s hair is ............................................ (long) yours.
5 John’s work is ............................................ (good) Mary’s.
6 Yesterday was ............................................ (hot) today.
7 This book is ............................................ (interesting) that one.
8 Athletes are usually ............................................ (famous) scientists.
B Write sentences . Use the superlative form of the adjective.

1 the girl / tall / of the three ..................................................................................................................

2 the pyramid / ancient / of the three ..................................................................................................

3 this athlete / good / athlete in the world ..........................................................................................

4 February / short / month / in the year ................................................................................................

5 the red apple / sweet / apple in the bowl ........................................................................................

C Circle the correct word.

1 I think Albert Einstein was the brilliant / more brilliant / most brilliant scientist in the world.
2 I am a good / better / best swimmer than my brother.
3 Mum is the busy / busier / busiest person in the family.
4 What is the most expensive / more expensive / expensive car in the world?
5 London is rainy / rainier / rainiest than Athens.
6 The book was frightening / more frightening / most frightening than the film.
D Write adverbs for the adjectives.

Adjective Adverb
1. dangerous ......................
2. nice ......................
3. fast ......................
4. happy ......................
5. good ......................
6. quiet ......................

E Circle the correct word.

1 The dog is eating hungry / hungrily . 4 Tom plays tennis good / well.
2 Is she drinking the hot coffee slow / slowly? 5 The music was very loud / loudly.
3 Sue is a nice / nicely person 6 The old lady spoke soft / softly.

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