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Sechenov Institute of Physiology of the First Moscow Medical Institute, Moscow (U.S.S.R.)

The character of the slow electrical activity of connection has been established between the
the electroencephalogram is a problem that has EEG and the conception of nervous activity on
become increasingly acute in recent years. This the neuronal level must perforce be regarded as
tendency to investigate the true physiological quite natural.
sense of the slow electrical potentials of the cor- The summary character and ext~'eme gener-
tex is natural enough. The electrical indices of alization of the electrical phenomena compos-
cortical activity have been tacitly accepted as ing the E E G have been revealed to, a growing
direct reflections of cortical neuronal processes. extent by concrete data. Research )~as made it
It seemed quite evident that everything occurring ever clearer that slow electrical activily cannot be
in the cortical mass, in the interrelations between the reflection of an actual neurological process,
its cellular components, was directly reflected either in respect to its speed, or in respect to the
in the EEG. This premise is quite evidently a selective interaction of individual cells. Special
result of the history of the development of our lines of research were thus defined in what 1 will
conceptions of the functions of the central nerv- venture to call the critical period in the develop-
ous system. ment of electroencephalography (Ft,ssard, Jas-
From the very beginning researchers have per, Mountcastle, Anokhin and others).
attempted to analyze exterior symptoms of be- The present meeting has very o,rrectly set
haviour on an anatomical level, to discover what this problem for profound discu:~sion. The
nervous processes develop and where they occur. measure must be regarded as quite timely, since
The schematic conception of the reflex arc, first we are faced with the dangerofgrou~dlessopin-
published by Rend Descartes, is the first attempt ions on brain activity, distant from tl,c truth, as
at projecting, on a nervous substratum, the a result of the broad use of EEG in physiological
peculiarities of behaviour in man and animals. laboratories and in the clinic. There can be
Later, when the microscope had revealed a little doubt that the success and importance of
whole world of diverse connections and cells in EEG in different lines of science depel~d directly
the nervous system, the interpretation of nerv- on the final conception of slow electrical activity
ous processes immediately rose to the level of of the cerebral hemispheres and other areas of
the finest neuro-anatomic relationships. It is the brain. In short, we must establish which part
sufficient to recollect the enormous role of the of the general nervous integration tetermines
synapses which determine the whole process of slow electrical activity, how this activiz...~is formed
selective formation of specific activities at every in the brain tissue itself, and what its correla-
instant. tions are with the selective processes :~t the cel-
Here we come across a remarkable historical lular level.
paradox: the conception of nervous activity on a The origin of numerous new lit:tes of re-
fine neuronal level must somehow assimilate the search, which could be classified under t he general
new technical achievement of electroencephalo- term of correlative research, becomes evident in
graphic study of the brain. The fact that a direct the light of all that has been said. This research
General summation of: The neurophysiological usually establishes the correlations o" ordinary
bases of the EEG. EEG indices with the discharges of individual
Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., 1964. 16:27-43
28 t'. K. ANOKHIN

nerve cells caused by potentials, with pharma- ed by Jasper and other scientists are particu-
cological factors and, finally, with individual larly important because they raise the questions
phases of the conditioned reflex and general of what is the exact participation of slow electri-
behaviour. cal aclivity in the work of individual nervous
The present meeting is, to some extent, a elements and whether this slo~ activity is not
summary of the various researches in modern a sort of epiphenomenon, i.e., a summary by-
neurophysiology. The collection of experimental product of activity that has alretLdy occurred on
material was founded on the following method- a fine molecular level. Here we are faced with
ological principles: (a) correlation between the one of nature's riddles, which dc:idedly impedes
E E G and discharges in individual neurons; (b) our advance in the cognition of h e general laws
correlation between the E E G and grouped cellu- of nervous activity with the aid of EEG meth-
lar discharges recorded from the same electrode; ods of research.
(c) correlation between the EEG and evoked We also have results, to a considerable extent
potentials, both primary and secondary; (d)cor- coordinated, in the work of Morazzi and Baum-
relation between the E E G and specific chemical garten. With some variations, th~ results of their
and pharmacological factors; (e) correlation be- research lead to the same conclusion: that there
tween the E E G and conditioned reflex behav- is no direct, so to speak linear, connection be-
tour, formed under qualitatively different bio- tween the two forms of activity. A,t the same time
logical conditions; ( f ) the ontogenetic investiga- there is one detail that has been revealed in the
tion of the maturation of the electrical signs of work of all researchers: that s o w oscillations
nervous activity. with a definite amplitude have an undoubted
This meeting has shown that we have now influence on the condition of 1he neuron and
achieved considerable success in applying correla- lead to the intensification of its spontaneous dis-
tive methods of research. I should like to give a charges on the highest point of the slow wave.
short summary of the material of today's meeting What does this mean? Does it nean that slow
and some information on the research done activity promotes the activatio~ of the cellular
in our own laboratory in connection with this discharges taking part in some rervous process,
important problem. or is this only an accessory result of the level of
electrical potentials, playing no mbstantial part
I. CORRELATION BETWEEN SLOW ELECTRICAL in real interactions on a netLrophysiological
Our latest research on slov activity and
The first correlative research on comparison grouped cellular discharges retorded simulta-
between slow electrical activity of the cerebral neously from the same point in t~e cortex of the
cortex and the discharges of individual neurons cerebral hemispheres throws s(,ne light on the
was conducted in the laboratories of Fessard, problem. This technique can easiy be applied by
Jasper, Mountcastle and Amassian. Judging using certain forms of electronic filtration of the
from the latest results reported at this meeting incoming potentials.
by Jasper, we may definitely maintain the non- With the aid of this simple :tevice we were
existence of direct, linear dependence between able to show that cell activity has no definite con-
slow electrical activity and individual cell dis- nection with any form of slow el:ctrical activity.
charges. From a neurophysiological point of view For example, in largegroups ofcelt.~discharges may
this means that the processes of individual neu- occur at the very moment of de :ynchronization
ronal activity forming the base for the organ- of slow activity, developing in:o the type of
ization of large functional systems of the organ- regular slow rhythm at 4-7 c/sec, described by us.
ism can occur to a certain extent independently This rhythm is known to corresF~ond to the gen-
of slow electrical activity. eral tension of the animal under unfavourable
It could hardly be said that these two aspects biological conditions; for the rabbit we called
of the process have no connection whatever, but it "stress rhythm" (Fig. 1, 2). Tile very fact that
the considerable results of the research conduct- discharges of cellular activity can occur at E E G
Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysh~'~., 1964, 16:27-43

I '...~ TONE "2"00 DgF~'NSl .........



L.S.M. (b)










Reticular stimulation 1OO C/see 3v
Fig. I
(a)Response of corticalelectricalactivityto the conditioned
defensive stimulus (200 c/sec). It is seen that slow
electrical activity immediately changes to desynchroniza-
tion in sensori-motor cortex (SMC) and to the regular
stress rhythm in the non-specific thalamic and reticular
formation areas. THL, thalamus left; THM, thalamus Fig. 2
midline; RF, reticular formation. .General scheme of the disposition of regular stress rhythm
(b) Appearance of the regular stress rhythm during direct m cortical and subcortical structures. Th, thalamus;
stimulation of the reticular formation. LSM, left sensori- Hyp, hippocampus; RF, reticular formation. + indi-
motor; RSM, right sensori-motor; TL, thalamus left; TR, cates stress rhythm, - - indicates areas for preferential
thalamus right; OL, occipital left; OR, occipital right; desynchronization.
NVPLL, nucleus ventralis postero-lateralis left; NVPLR,
nucleus ventralis postero-lateralis right: EKG, electro- Eleetroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., 1964, 16:27-43

Fig. 3
Comparison of EEG and mass cellular activity at the same point in the reticular formatior. It is evi-
dent that the increase in frequency of the regular rhythm accompanies the increase in cellul tr activity
(a). Conversely, the cellular activity ceases when the regularity of the rhythm is disturbed ! b).

indices of different quality shows convincingly Cellular discharges occur without interruption
that this rhythms as a species of slow activity, during a rather long period while the regu-
can have no direct relation to the origin of cellu- larity of the tension rhythm forHed in response
lar discharges. Nevertheless we were able to sep- to painful irritation of the ski:.-, is maintained.
arate one parameter of this slow activity which Meanwhile, on the background ,~f this constant
is more closely connected with the origin of cel- discharge, slow oscillations ha, e a rhythmical
lular discharges. Fig. 3 shows that, while the character, i.e., their electrical index is consider-
rhythm is very regular, cellular activity remains ably altered.
ort a high level, but, as soon as the regularity is The wide spread of the ~ension rhythm
disturbed, firing of the cells immediately ceases. through different areas of the brain is a particu-
The cells can be active only while the slow larly strong argument against ~, direct depend-
rhythm remains absolutely regular, that is, while ence between regular slow rh~lhm and the ac-
the amplitude of the waves remains constant. tual neurophysiological proce.~ses selectively
The question naturally arises as to what pre- developing at a neuronal level. For example, if
cedes this? Is the regular slow rhythm the result of you touch the hind leg of a rabbit with the point
extreme celhdar discharge, or, on the contrary, of a needle, the tension rhythm is immediately
is the cellular discharge facilitated by a preceding manifested with remarkable precision in several
slow rhythm? areas of the brain. It appears in the reticular
A comparison of the results of diverse exper- formation, the hypothalamu~, the medial
iments conducted in our laboratory shows that thalamus, the hippocampus, lhe parietal and
cellular discharges can hardly be the primary occipital fields of the cortex At the same
factor in the several cases of these joint changes. moment, desynchronization develops in other
Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysi~,l., 1964, 1 6 : 2 7 4 3

parts of the brain, for instance, in several parts according to data on hand, has its own mecha-
of the reticular formation, in the lateral thalamus nism of originating and spreading through the
and in the sensori-motor field of the cortex. If we mass of the brain.
study the condition of mass cellular activity in all We are especially inclined to advance this
these areas, we shall find everywhere an inten- hypothesis in view of the results of experiments
sification of cellular discharges, independent of conducted in the laboratory of Moruzzi and
the different indices and the quality of slow elec- reported at this meeting.
trical activity (Banzekina 1962).
11. E V O K E D P O T E N T I A L S OF T H E C E R E B R A L C O R T E X
Yet another consideration leads us to think
that slow activity develops in individual ways
and has its own place in the total sum of elec-
trical activity of the cortex. Looking at the wide The evoked: potential is perhaps the outstand-
field over which regular slow rhythm is spread ing electrical phenomenon of the central nerv-
(see Fig. 2) we involuntarily ask ourselves: how ous system and especially of the cortex. Owing
can the same slow rhythm exist in these hetero- to its constancy and rather exact dependence on
geneous areas of the brain, where individualized the intensity and quality of stimulation, this
nervous interactions and integrations occur? On phenomenon has been rightly used on a wide
the other hand, we cannot deny that this rhythm scale to explain the nature of electrical poten-
does play some role, to us still incomprehens- tials in general and cortical electrical activity in
ible, in the interactions of the general work of the particular (Dempsey, Morison, Forbes, Bishop,
brain. Grundfest, Purpura and others). On the other
It is interesting that, if we study the border hand, some of its peculiarities, described in
between the zone of desynchronization and the different recent works, arouse some scepticism
zone of regular slow rhythm, or tension rhythm, in regard to its participation in what we now
we can find a whole set of transitory forms of call "real nervous activity".
electrical activity which can be separated into its I shall enumerate the peculiarities o f the
component parts with the aid of an analyser. evoked potential which cause some d~,ubts as to
We have tried to analyse the nature of the its being an important component ~,f nervous
desynchronization of cortical electrical activity activity in general and of cortical ~tctivity in
occurring after painful irritation of an animal in particular.
the waking state. If a rabbit is given a light ure- (a) The evoked potential of the comex is well
thane narcosis, desynchronization of the sen- defined when the animal is sunk in deep narcotic
sori-motor field will be replaced by the regular sleep, that is when, according to our concep-
rhythm which is characteristic for the fields de- tions, the work of establishing relatic~ns of the
scribed above, but in this case cellular activity is organism with the environment, which is most
not so considerably altered. It is therefore ab- characteristic of the cortex, ceases c,,mpletely.
solutely evident that the subcortical mechanism (b) The amplitude of the evoked p~tential is
forming the regular rhythm of individual areas considerably reduced, and the poter~tial may
of the cortex escapes the influence of anaesthet- even completely disappear, at the moment of
ics, while the desynchronization mechanism of activation of the cortex, i.e. at the very time
the sensori-motor region can be blocked by when the latter manifests its activit3 with the
them. greatest energy.
In conclusion to this set of experiments we (c) The configuration of the evoked notential,
may say that regular slow rhythm, which is one consisting principally of a complex o" positive
of the forms of slow electrical activity of the cere- and negative oscillations, is extraordi~ arily ho-
bral cortex~ cannot be directly connected with mogeneous in extremely different aninlals and
inter-neuronal activity. On the other hand this even in nervous formations of different struc-
rhythm, which occurs simultaneously in wide ture. The biphasic character of the superficial
expanses of the brain tissue, undoubtedly pro- evoked potential is found in amphibi~tns, birds
motes inter-neuronal activity to some extent and, and lower mammals and it can be e~tablished
Electroenceph. c/in. Ne,rophysio/~. 1964. I6:27 43

in the cortex, the hippocampus and hypothala- is of exceptional interest. Electron-microscopic

mus. data have shown that between the maturation of
All these physiological peculiarities of the the pleximorphic layer and the layer of pyrami-
evoked potential unavoidably lead to the ques- dal cells there is a definite interval: at the time
tion: what does the evoked potential actually when the synaptic formations of the pleximor-
represent and what place does it occupy in the phic layer have already matured, the axosomatic
mechanisms of formation of the summated synapses, i.e., in the fourth layer, are still in the
electrical activity of the cortex? stage of maturation. This heterochronic devel-
The ontogenetic view point, represented here opment of the synaptic and ti)~rous structures
in the very interesting morpho-physiological of different layers of the cortex has undoubtedly
report of Purpura, is a very important way of a deep historical significance. If we take into
elucidating the neurophysiological foundations consideration Herrick's data (1948) on the struc-
of the evoked potential. The process of matura- ture of the brains of amphibia and the physio-
tion of electrical phenomena is especially con- logical synthesis of these data ~ecently made by
venient for the establishment of the nature of Bishop (1958) and Grundfest (1959), the im-
the complicated phenomena of nervous activity portance of the morphological results obtained
with which we have to deal in our study of the in Purpura's research will become quite evident.
adult organism. Thus, the fractional charm:ter and conse-
The ontogenetic development of the nervous quences of the maturation process in individual
system is governed by definite laws, which have microscopic structures of the .:ortex can be a
been well studied in our laboratory in the course very important means of studying separately the
of the last thirty years. The first and most im- cortical processes which, in an ~dult animal, are
portant of these laws, which governs the process already an organic part of eleclro-physiological
of maturation of all the vitally important func- complexes.
tions necessary to the newborn animal, is that Electro-physiological researca on evoked po-
maturation of nervous and other structures is a tentials and slow electrical activity immediately
selective process, proceeding within the frame- showed this heterochronic gr~,wth of cortical
work of a large system of relations, the whole structures. The research condtcted by Sherrer
forming a definite functional system which, and Von Economo has alread~ shown that the
together with other systems, helps the newborn negative phase of the evoked potential appears
organism to remain alive. first in ontogenesis. The gradutl growth of the
We have applied to this development, selec- preceding positive deviation caanot be detected
tive as regards time and structure, the term for 6-8 days (Sherrer and 'Con Economo).
s)'stemogenesis, since the final function of the Unfortunately, no connection was drawn be-
newborn is the directing factor in the founda- tween this paradoxical fact ard the nature of
tion, growth and consolidation of diverse struc- cortical electrical activity in gereral, or the pre-
tures in embryogeny (Anokhin 1933, 1937, 1948, vailing theory of evoked pote1~tials, elaborated
1958). mainly by Eccles (1953).
In the light of these concepts, no morpholog- The systematic work of out laboratory and
ical substratum, in particular the structures of that of Purpura enables us to understand
the brain, can ripen °'in general" in ontogenesis. the true physiological sense of superficial
They will unavoidably reflect the degree of im- cortical evoked potentials. Purpura has shown
portance and necessity of the individual struc- that, directly after birth, the process of matura-
tures and functions at different stages of the tion of the evoked potential proceeds in direct
post-natal development of the given species. In connection with the growth ard maturation of
other words, not individual organs or structural cortical synaptic formations in tifferent areas of
units, but all the numerous fragments of the the cortex. Until the corresponding synapses are
given functional system develop in complete mature and can, consequently, undertake exci-
coordination. tation and develop subsynaptic potentials, they
From this point of view Purpura's research cannot produce the corresponding form of elec-
Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., 1964, 16:27~,3

trical potential. These initial signs of evoked 250ms.

potentials enable us to throw light not only on
the nature of the potential itself, but also on the
electrical activity of the cortex called "spon-
Purpura's laboratory and our own have been
in sufficient accord in showing that the resolu-
tion in time of the different components of the
evoked potential occurs in ontogenesis, and that
Fig. 4
the process of resolution depends directly on the This figure shows the importance of interxals for ascer-
consecutive maturation of the synaptic organi- taining the phases of paired evoked potentials of the
zations of the pleximorphic and fourth layers of cerebral cortex in a 15 day old rabbit. (a! The interval
the cortex. between two stimuli to sciatic nerve equals 130 reset.
The arrows show the points of single stimulation of
This decisive conclusion, which can be sciatic nerve (first and second). It is evident that the second
reached on the strength of factual data, enabled stimulus gives neither positive nor negative phase. (b) The
us to develop the hypothesis of the dual neuro- same conditions, but the interval between stimuli is
physiological nature of the evoked potential. increased to 250 msec. It is evident that in response to the
second stimulus only the positive phase of the evoked
We believe that the initially maturing plexi-
potential appeared. On the contrary, at an earlier stage
morphic layer is the substratum forming the of ontogenesis, using the same pairing of stimulation,
negative phase of the evoked potential, while only the negative phase of the evoked potential appeared.
the positive phase, which appears later, is the
product of post-synaptic potentials, formed on
the axosomatic synapses of the fourth layer of here, also speak in favour of this hypothesis.
the cortex. The substance of our conception is I can show several figures giving us further
that the evoked potential is formed on the basis confirmation of this concept (Fig. 4). This shows
of a double message of ascending excitation. that, by pairing two individual stimuli with a
The first message consists of excitations develop- definite interval between them, we can obtain a
ing in a corLduction route that has matured ear- result in which the negative potential only will
lier and sends fine fibres directly to the pleximor- be absent in the second evoked potential, while
phic layer and apical dendrites of the cortical the positive will be present. These correlations
neurons. This substratum can he the analogue of could not take place if both potentials had the
ancient structures of the anterior brain when it same neurophysiological origin (Anokhin 1958;
had widely developed neuropi! structures. The Sun Ven 1963). The extreme sensibility of the
second message, which develops later in phyloge- negative component of the evoked potential
nesis and matures later in ontogenesis in a synap- to various chemical influencesmust also be referred
tic relation, is directed to the axosomatic synap- to it. It is known from the results previously
ses of the fourth layer. These latter fibres are published by usthaturethanenarcosis completely
thicker in diameter and are a typical example of blocks the negative components of the initially
a specific thalamic radiation, conducting excita- evoked potential, leaving, however, little change
tion considerably quicker than the first system in in the positive component (Ata-Muradova ! 960).
the pleximorphic layer. This is the explanation Experiments with local application ofgamma-
which must be given for the fact that, approxima- aminobutyric acid can be referred to the same
tely on the tenth day of post-natal life, the positi- set of proofs of the special natur~' and spe-
ve potential appears before the negative. After a cial origin of the negative componenl: of the in-
whole series of control experiments involving duced potential. It is known, from 1:he experi-
chemical action and excitation by conjugate stim- ments of Purpura and of my colleagues, that the
uli we have been still more strengthened in the use of this substance causes the immediate re-
opinion that individual phases of the evoked moval of the negative component, which is
potential have different origins. It seems to me another strong proofk>f the specific peculiarity
that Purpura's excellent experiments, reported of these synaptic formations.
Eleetroeneeph. elin. Neurophysiol., 1964, 16:27-43
34 P . K . ANOKHIN


/ a 8

/,, !,:.. /;:


IVs Ns Us Ns % Ns 5 Ns ~ Ns
Fig. 5
A synthetic scheme showing the progressive stages of maturation of the synaptic organizations on the
cells of different layers of the cortex, a, b, c - - different degrees of appearing surfaces of e',,oked po-
tentials; P.L. - - plexiform layer; S,S - - specificascending pathways; Ns, Ns - - non-specific :~scending
pathways. (a) 3rd day after birth; (b) 10th day after birth. Progressive growth of synaptk: connec-
tions from primary epicentres in the plexiform layer is shown.

It is interesting to note that the growth of On the strength of these coT~dderations and
the ascending and conducting paths and the the experiments presented by Parpura, we can
establishment by them of synaptic connections build the following universal scheme, reflecting
in the pleximorphic layer proceed in a definite the laws of increasing spread ,_-,f ascending in-
sequence governed by a definite law. A very fluences on elements of the p]cximorphic and
narrow route, perhaps represented by a few fourth layers of the cortex.
fibres, is first organized. On reaching the plexi- The cortical evoked potential, which pre-
morphic layer these fibres enter into synaptic viously seemed homogeneous, c resists of many
contact with a limited number of dendrites, this components, each of which or:~;;inates in sepa-
being expressed in the very limited area from rate subcortical mechanisms. Th~s fact forces us
which the evoked potential can be led off on the to re-examine, very seriously, ~,ur conceptions
first day after birth. Later on this zone widens, of the variability with which electrical cortical
which points to new dendritic synapses, related phenomena are manifested in geJ~eral.
to neighbouring cortical areas being involved If the configuration of the iJ~duced potential
(Fig. 5). depends on several ascending messages to the
The following experiment can be made. After cortex and if these messages or ginate in differ-
the limited nature of the evoked potential has ent subcortical formations, wc may evidently
been ascertained at the point of maximum activ- admit the extreme changeability of the interval
ity we shall see, by increasing the strength of the between these individual ascending messages.
stimulus, that neighbouring points, which until This change may occur owing t,,~ the change of
then had not produced an evoked potential, be- externally acting agents, owing to the selective
gin to produce a considerable potential. influence of various chemical substances on indi-
Electroenceph. clin. NeurophysioL, 1964, 1 6 : 2 7 4 3

vidual subcortical centres and, finally, as we excitation develops very quickly after the for-
shall see later, also owing to variable ascending mation of axosomatic potentials, the positive
influences caused in the subcortex by humoral potential of the cortex may not have time to de-
agents. velop and we shall then have a well defined nega-
As prototype of this possible explanation of the tive component only. If, on the contrary, the
configuration of electrical potentials in the cor- excitations are somewhat delayed in comparison
tex, we can use the correlation in time of two with the specific excitations, the positive phase
ascending currents of excitation, determining the may develop to the end and will then predomi-
positive and negative phases of the evoked po- nate in the general configuration of the evoked
tential (Fig. 6). As can be seen from this drawing, potential.
That the extremely variable general configura-
tion of slow electrical activity in the t:ortex may,
to some extent, depend on the ascending subcor-
tical excitations changing in time is a very tempt-
ing idea, We must also consider the fact that
simple inter-relations, on the level of physical
electricity only, may determine the general pic-
ture of slow electrical activity of the cortex. We
have seen that one potential, as a physical phenom-
enon (positive component), may be cut off by
~: b 20rnsec ~ a b
another physical phenomenon, having the op-
posite sign (negative component). The question
Fig. 6 which naturally arises is: cart these interrela-
Various types of primary evoked potentials which arise,
tions of electrical phenomena influc~ce in any
depending on intervals between two ascending volleys of
impulses--axo-somatic and axo-apical. way the neurophysiological substratum which
(A) The positive surface potential did not have enough caused them? This is quite evidently a fundamen-
time for development of its complete amplitude. Volleys tal question of the nature of slow elec~ rical activ-
of impulses along the other ascending pathways came to ity of the cortex.
the plexiform layer while the positive potential was yet
Recent experiments, conducted it, our labo-
(B) The second volley of impulses to the apical dendrite ratory, in which polarizing direct current was
area in the plexiform layer was either blocked at the level applied, have confronted us with ver~ paradoxi-
of the subcortical nuclei, or the initial message was not cal phenomena, which we shall certainly elab-
strong enough. The positive phase bad sufficient time orate further. The evoked potential was regis-
for maximal development of its amplitude. The amplitude
of the negative phase is partly obscured. tered from two points in the brain w'th the aid
(C) The volley in the specific pathways (axonal discharge) of two separate electrodes. The first s'as at the
is followed by the volley of impulses along the fine point of maximal activity of the evo~.ed poten-
ascending pathways. The positive phase of the surface tial in the sensori-motor field, the see,rod in the
potential is not developed because of the small interval
between volleys,a: Arrival of volleys at the cerebral cortex specific thalamic nucleus through which passed
along the specific thalamic pathway, b: Arrival of axo- the stream of excitations caused by stirr, ttlation of
apical excitation, possibly along the thalamo-reticular the sciatic nerve. As we know, well c~<fined, or-
pathways, a-b: Interval between development of post- dinary biphasic potentials are, in this t use, regis-
synaptic potentials from two ascending volleys. tered at both levels, in the specific thalamic
nucleus the recording bipolar electrode was in
the waves of excitation following ascending a co-axial metal cover which served f,,r the po-
routes as far as the pleximorphic layer may enter larization of this point of the brain a ith direct
the cortex at different intervals from the excita- current.
tion wave proceeding through the specific thal- The experiment showed that, by applying pos-
amus. Depending on the nature of this interval, itive direct current (anode)through the thalam-
we can have a different expression of the positive ic electrode, we can observe the sharp growth
phase o f the evoked potential. If pleximorphic of the thalamic evoked potential whose ampli-
Electroenceph. c/in. Neurophysiol., 1964, 16:27-43

tude, especially in the anodic component, grows tion not subject to the influence of polarization.
two and a half times. But the cortical evoked po- But a control experiment excludes the possibility
tential does not change in intensity. The oppo- of such a hypothesis. If we make the polarizing
site experiment can be made by changing the electrode coagulating, thereby destroying the
direction of the current and making the polari- brain tissue at the point of conduction, the cor-
zation in the thalamic nucleus cathodic. In re- tical evoked potential disappears; entirely.
sponse to this polarization, the evoked potential All the experiments described above lead us to
of the thalamic nucleus reduces its amplitude think that the oscillations of the type of evoked
considerably. At the same time the amplitude of potentials can easily be neutralized by applying
the evoked potential in the cortex does not un- polarizing currents of different sign, whereas the
dergo any noticeable change (Fig. 7). truly neurophysiological process develops in the
thalamic nucleus and reaches tile cortex inde-
N + pendently of that change in the general aspect
of electric sign.
I am glad to note here that i~ the last two or
three years the study of evoked potentials, as the
2oo,,,v most outstanding phenomenon ~n the electrical
activity of the cortex, has entered on a new phase,
I' in which the neurophysiological :mbstratum and
"IT the processes developing in it have begun to be
~, i~ ,~/~--x [ 2oo~,v
~d considered as the central factor, determining the
configuration and external expression of the
I 1 2oo,,,,v electrical indices or the central ~ervous system.

A special neurophysiologica approach has

appeared in recent years in rese~irch on the elec-
trical activity of the cortex, naHely, the use of
pharmacological drugs in analys~s of the natule
of electric potentials. Reference.: to the works
Fig. 7 of E. King (1956), Bradley (1958), Killam and
WiIh polarization of nucleus ventralis postero-lateralis Killam (1958), Rothballer (1957) and other
a n d c h a n g e of potentials in this nucleus, evoked poten- authors is sufficient to understated the enormous
tials of the cerebral cortex remained u n c h a n g e d . Below
are given inter-relations between areas of recording a n d benefit which the analysis of c.)rtical electriea!
areas o f polarization. N - - evoked potentials before activity can derive from the use (,f this approach.
polarization of nVPL. I: the first area o f s e n s o r i - m o t o r The principal reason for usitg various phar-
cortex. 11 : the second area o f s e n s o r i - m o t o r cortex. 11I : macological substances in nearophysiological
nucleus ventralis postero-lateralis; stimulation of the
analysis is that all these subst~nces, especially
radial nerve.
anaesthetics, have a specific selective influence on
A paradoxical situation is thus created. It definite nervous structures. Frc,m the point of
would seem that the cortical evoked potential view of modern biology this selective faculty must
is the direct result of the evoked potential in the consist in the given substance, peculiar from a
specific thalamus and so must its components be, chemical standpoint, finding in ..ome complicat-
but the considerable changes of amplitude in ed protoplasmic complex a sensitive receptor
the thalamic evoked potential are in no way re- i'0r its influence. In short, in order to influence
flected in the amplitude of the cortical evoked points in some nervous formation, the given
potential. One might think that the cortical po- chemical substance must ente~" into chemical
tential is determined by some collateral excita- reaction with them.
Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysioi, 1964, 16:27-43

Thanks to this mechanism of diverse phar- that their influence spreads in the first place to
macological substances, we are now able to the subcortical formations with a generalized
affirm that there is an exceptional variety of action (activation, secondary discharges, recruit-
chemically specific metabolisms in the subcorti- ing). This is the role of pharmacological sub-
cal field, especially in the hypothalamus and stances in the analysis of the neurophysiological
reticular formation. We may think, and there are basis of slow electrical activity of the cortex.
already experimental reasons for it, that classi- I have frequently had occasion to point out
fication of anaesthetics, for example, according that different narcotic substances, Nembutal and
to the same criterion - - sleep, is founded on the urethane for instance, block in different ways the
influence exercised by these different substances subcortical mechanisms that exercise a constant
on the structures of the reticular formation ascending influence on the cortex (Anokhin
which determine the state of wakefulness. From 1958). Just now 1 should like to examine two

a ~ I

5 s~c"

t ~ . ~ / k a ~ l ~ "


Fig. 8
(a) Action of a nociceptive stimulus under urethane anaesthesia. The stimulus evokes remarkable
generalized desynchronization of electrical activity of the cerebral cortex. (b) The same stimulus does
not cause desynchronization in the cortex after injection of chlorpromazine (Aminazine).

a neurophysiological point of view this means examples which convince us that the "narco-
that the given group of substances has the ca- tized" animal, sunk in deep sleep, is always found
pacity of selectively suppressing the metabolism to be, from a neurophysiological point of view,
of the nervous elements which constantly exer- a peculiar animal, depending on the type of narco-
cise an activating influence on the cortex, thus tic which has been applied.
determining the state of wakefulness. For example, urethane, given in a definite
But each of these substances also has a sup- dose, sends the animal to sleep, arid we know
plementary spectrum of chemical action on that that sleep corresponds to narcotic sleep in
other subcortical formations. Thus, the sum of all its symptoms. But, if a painful stimulus is
both these effects characterizes the given nar- applied to such a rabbit, the cortex will immedi-
cotic as a unique chemical substance. ately respond to it by sharp desynchronization,
The use of substances belonging to the group no weaker than in ordinary conditions of wake-
of narcotics and the group of tranquillizers shows fulness (Fig. 8). On the contrary, under the same
Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., 1964, 16:27-43
38 P . K . ANOKHIN

~1, (a)


0.2 mY -

60 m sec
Fig. 9A
After coagulation of the rostral part of the reticular formation the Forbes secondary discharge under
pentobarbitat disappears. In this example, urethane is given instead of pentobarbital, and one can
see that the marked "secondary urethane discharge" appears.

(a ) 1_ (c )

Fig. 9B
Dependence of the "secondary urethane discharge" (a and c) on the ascending influences of the
subthalamus and hypothalamus. Coagulation of hypothalamus (b and d) leads to elimination of the
"secondary urethane discharge" but fully preserves the primary discharge. (The negative component
of the primary discharge is known to be blocked by urethane.)
Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol.~ 1964, 16:27-43

conditions of sleep induced by another narcotic, thalamus. Here is a clear indication that the use
Nembutal for instance, there will be no desyn- of different narcotics is a decisive factor, giving
chronization in the cortex. In the case of a rab- free passage to the cortex of the given complex
bit under the influence of urethane, desynchroni- of ascending excitations and, on the contrary,
zation in response to painful irritation disap- blocking the other set of excitations (Fig. 9).
pears as soon as a small dose of chlorpromazine Aside from the methodological importance
is given to it. of these facts, warning us against an absolute
In order to understand these different effects neuro-physiological estimation of the slow elec-
of painful irritation on cortical electrical activ- trical phenomena observed in the cortex, we may
ity, we must imagine that individual complexes, point out that comparison of different anaesthet-
such as the complex of reaction of the whole or- ics leads to a deeper understanding er the con-
ganism to pain, have components that are indi- stitution of slow electrical activity of ~he cortex.
vidually sensitive to different chemical substan- For example, in response to stimulation of the
ces. As we know, chlorpromazine, given in this sciatic nerve under Nembutal narc,)sis, both
dose, does not send the animal to sleep, but con- phases of the evoked potential are definitely
siderably reduces the animal's reaction to con- seen, i.e., the positive and the negatiw:. (Fig. 10).
ditioned painful stimulus. On the contrary, under urethane narcosis, in the
After comparing these very limited facts, we same conditions of experiment, we get the posi-
may therefore say that the final effect, i.e., the tive phase only.
effect on behaviour, of any substance depends on
its highly selective influence on the subcortical (a) (b)
structures. Every pharmacological substance of
a narcotic or tranquillizing nature exercises a
fractional dissociation in the subcortical nuclei,
letting some influences reach the cortex, while
it blocks other influences. From this point of
view every chemical substance of this kind is a [ . J
peculiar filter, which changes the complex of
Fig. 10
ascending influences passing through it into the
T w o cortical surface evoked potentials ( , ; n s o r i - m o t o r
cortex. area) : (a) u n d e r N e m b u t a l anaesthesia, (b) after changing
The selective action of this ascending influ- N e m b u t a l to u r e t h a n e anaesthesia. It is see~ that in the
ence and, consequently, the influence on the second case the negative c o m p o n e n t disappeared.
general aspect of slow electrical activity of the
cortex, was noted very precisely in the experi- Imagine for a minute that the only narcotic
ments of our colleague, Liu-Chang Hui. He at our disposal is urethane; then the factual re-
showed that, as a generalizing influence of the sults of our research on the evoked potential of
subcortex on the cortex, the well known "For- the cortex would be completely different and so
bes secondary discharge" is a direct result of the would naturally be our conceptions ef the neuro-
narcotic substance applied in the given case. physiological nature of the potential. All these
This secondary discharge can manifest itself es- arguments make us realize the necesdty of spe-
pecially well under Nembutal narcosis. But if cial research on the individual role c,f every nar-
urethane is used, this secondary discharge, pro- cotic in the formation of cortical electrical activ-
duced by the rostral part of the reticular forma- ity.
tion, disappears and a secondary discharge
appears in the region of the hypothalamus. It
is interesting that the Forbes secondary discharge
is eliminated by the destruction of the rostral Until recently there were several examples of
part of the reticular formation, while the "ure- humoral influences on the reticular formation,
thane secondary discharge" is eliminated by the leading to an activated condition. We must first
destruction of the posterior wall o? *he hypo- mention the role of adrenalin which, through a
Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., 1964, 16:27--43

mechanism so far unknown, exercises an activat- experiment showed that, after the "feeding" pro-
ing influence on the cortex through the blood cess given under narcosis, desynchronization in
(Dell and Bonvallet 1954). Although Italian work- the frontal parts of the cortex is almost immedi-
ers have shown that, in this case, there can be ately transformed into the slow rhythm character-
no question of a direct influence of adrenalin on istic of sleep. It is interesting t~lat maximal ef-
the activating substratum of the reticular for- fect is produced only by the two t'actors together,
mation, it remains nevertheless certain that i.e., injection of glucose into the blood and milk
adrenalin, injected into the blood, proves an given through the mouth into the stomach (Suda-
activating factor for cortical electrical activity. kov 1961).
Carbon dioxide is another natural factor caus- Analysis of this interesting paenomenon has
ing the excitation of the activating mechanisms shown that desynchronization of the frontal
of the reticular formation. It is known, also from regions of the cortex can also be switched to
experiments conducted in Dell's laboratory, that slow rhythm by cutting the spinal cord at the
increased concentration of CO2 in the blood level of the third thoracic seg1~aent, and both
leads to the activation of cortical electrical activ- vagus nerves. It was thus provec' that the desyn-
ity. Recent experiments in our laboratory, in chronizing influence proceeds in 1his way through
which highly concentrated CO2 was used on the intestinal tract and, together ,~'ith the exciting
newborn rabbits, showed that, at the moment of influence of starved blood, leacIs to the imme-
birth, the reticular formation proves to be highly diate activation of the frontal section of the
sensitive to the influence of an increased content cortex.
of carbon dioxide in the air breathed by the Perhaps the most interesting feature of these
animal, which reacts to it by the appearance of experiments is the fact that the i afluences affect-
the stress rhythm already known to us. It is ing the composition of the electrical activity of
interesting that this reaction to carbon dioxide the cortex are not only ascendi~g and blocking
is much more strongly expressed than the reac- but, evidently, many of them ar~ initially due to
tion to painful stimulation of the rabbit's hind humoral factors circulating in tie blood of the
limb. animal.
One form of natural humoral influence on the These experiments naturally r .rise very impor-
activating mechanisms of the brain was discov- tant questions; in the first plat:e, the question
ered in our laboratory in recent years. It was that the influence of the narcotic, and the narco-
shown, for example, that a cat which has received tic condition of the animal itselF, are not at all
no food for two days before the experiment mani- universal blocking factors for a l the ascending
fests a definite desynehronization of electrical excitations from the subcortical field to the cor-
activity in the frontal areas of the cortex, even tex. There is probably also a covsiderable quan-
under narcosis. All the remaining parts of the tity of ascending activation tl~at escapes the
brain remain in the condition of slow electrical influence of the narcotic. We act lally have many
activity characteristic of sleep. It is quite evident kinds of generalized effect whica can very well
that we have here a case where the "starved be ascertained under narcosis (secondary dis-
blood", exciting the hypothalamic structure charges, urethane, painful de~,ynchronization,
(Andersson 1959) of the feeding centre, trans- associative responses, "recruitil~g" etc.).
fers this excitation to the activation of the frontal On the basis of this materitl, we may say
section of the cortex. that study of the nature ofcortic;~ Lelectrical activ-
This surmise should be controlled in special ity and its relations to the ne~rophysiological
experiments. We decided to satiate th'e animal substratum of nervous function must include, as
under narcosis and follow the evolution of elec- a most important line, classifica~~ion of ascending
trical activity of the cortex. Artificial feeding was influences from the point of view ~f their capacity
accomplished by two methods: by the intra- to "escape" the blocking influence of anaesthetics
venous injection of glucose and by introducing and tranquillizers. It seems to me that this line
milk through the natural tract, i.e., through the of research on electrical phenomena can also be
mouth and oesophagus into the stomach. The of great importance in wide clinical practice.
Electroeneeph. elin. Neurophysiol, 1964, 16:27-43

V. "REBOUND ACTIVATION" AS ONE OF THE ITEMS types of influences and interactions. This circum-
OF SLOW ELECTRICAL ACTIVITY OF THE stance is a stumbling-block in the explanation of
CORTEX the neurophysiological bases of cortical elec-
trical phenomena.
As we have seen from the previous state- We have elaborated in our laboratory the
ments, the cortex receives numerous ascending model of an experiment enabling us to under-
influences and relays them in the postsynaptic stand the degree of this type of reverse activa-
potentials of definite systems of connections, tion, or reverse influence on the cortex. By
where their final synthesis takes place. There is application of paper soaked in strychnine on
one more form of influence, called by us "re- a definite spot of the cortex, we ca~ evoke a
bound activation", which can be included in the very interesting phenomenon. After 10-15 rain
number of these ascending influences. we can observe throughout the corte:~ paroxys-
Until now we have spoken of ascending in- mal and epileptiform discharges, occurring with
fluences that are initiated somewhere on the the same latency independently of their distance
periphery, transformed at the subcortical level from the initial point on which strychnine was
and spread through the cortex with some degree used. These generalized influences are ~aotexclud-
of selection. At the same time, experimental work ed by cutting the corpus callosum, although the
has long ago shown the existence of a whole series strychnine was applied on one hemisphere only.
of cortico-fugal influences, i.e., influences from Analysis of the phenomenon has convinced
the cortex to subcortical formations. us that strychnine excitation, at first highly local-
The usual analysis of these cortico-fugal in- ized, produces powerful excitation of the cor-
fluences stops at their significance for the condi- tico-fugal type in the subcortical sy;tems, and
tion of subcortical cells. These can be cells of the this excitation in turn exercises a generalized
hypothalamus, thalamus and reticular forma- reverse influence on the cortex. If this initial
tion. But the study of the reverse influences of strychnine point is refrigerated after a certain
these subcortical conditions has not been system- time, for example, an hour after application of
atically conducted, as far as ! know. strychnine, and all electrical activity is stopped
I can only mention the case of reverberation in that spot, paroxysmal discharges will still
in thalamo-cortical interrelations, which involves occur in other parts of the brain (Shelikhov 1960).
highly localized cyclic interactions of excitation, We obtained the same phenome~on in an-
and not generalized ascending influences. other experimental form. If 5 or 6 fine needles
! propose to set here the question of another are joined together and the cortex is slightly
form of interrelation which, it seems to me, pricked with this packet of needles, with a slight
contributes considerably to the general electrical abrasion of the cortical tissue, the ~hole cortex
activity of the cortex. There is no doubt that, in will immediately be desynchronized As in the
natural conditions, the activity of the cortex first case, cutting the corpus callosum does not
is not limited to the reception of ascending influ- exclude these generalized changes ol the cortex,
ences. This refers to cases where the synthetic although irritation by means of the needles is
process, for example, of recognition ends with applied to one hemisphere only. The effect is elim-
the inclusion of powerful emotional subcortical inated on the non-irritated hemi,,phere and
complexes, ensuring entirety of behaviour. In retained on the irritated hemisphere ~tfter cutting
this case the process of excitation, in its very the commissural fibres in the region of non-
substance highly selective, has a double direc- specific thalamic formations (Rogacheva 1962).
tion: at first it is cortical, afterwards it excites, in In comparing and estimating these two types
a cortico-fugal direction, a certain complex of the of reverse activation, we can note that these arti-
subcortical formations and these produce a reverse ficially obtained reverse influences o~1 the cortex
generalized ascending influence on the cortex. undoubtedly occur in natural conditions also, in
It follows from these considerations that the integration of the entire behaviour. It follows that
observable cortical electrical activity of a normal this "reverse" activation Ls, besides olhers, a com-
animal is always a complicated interlacing of all ponent of the slow electrical activity of the cortex.
Electroenceph, clin. Neurophysiol., 1964, 16:27-43

CONCLUSION by its separate substratum (Ata-Muradova 1960).

The same fact is excellently proved in the report
All the above material shows the great variety made by Purpura (1959).
of the components of the phenomenon which we It is quite possible that we shall have to con-
call electrical activity of the cortex. We are prob- sider the existence of a special mechanism in the
ably far from knowing all the forms of influence subcortical regions, which can include wide areas
jointly determining this extremely variable elec- of the brain in the same regime~ of slow electri-
trical activity. The complication is so great that it cal activity, as we see in the exampleofthegener-
would seem as if it must lead us to a very pessi- alized stress rhythm. The existe3~.ce of this mech-
mistic opinion about the chances of success in its anism is now almost proved, ~,o that it only
study. remains for us to solve the problem of the inter-
On the other hand the results of gradual ana- relation between it and the gerteral integrative
tomical study of component parts of cortical processes which determine inter-rteuronal and se-
electrical activity give us reason to hope for suc- lective interrelations.
cessful results in our research work. The most difficult problem for lhe understand-
if we take it that the cortical electrical activity ing of slow electrical activity ol the cortex, ob-
of an animal in a wakeful condition is the result served by us with the aid of the electroencepha-
of a great number of ascending influences, the lograph, is the evident interactim and mutual
question involuntarily arises as to the way in suppression of individual electri,~:al phenomena,
which these influences are synthesized and where independently of observable ir~eractions on a
the formation of the final resultant of all these neurophysiological level.
nervous influences takes place. If we take it that the electrical ighenomenon of
It seems to me that the overwhelming ma- cortical activity is always only an epiphenornenon,
jority of the experimental results, especially i.e., an unavoidable physical rest~lt of the neuro-
those presented at this meeting, are evidence that chemical process already developed before it, we
the electrical activity observed by us in the cortex are faced with a very sad prospect in the estima-
cannot be the result of the summation of impulse tion of the general role of slow ele,.'trical phenom-
discharges in individual cells. There are many ena in integral nervous activity.
more reasons for holding that the resting elec- These electrical epiphenomer~:., developing in
trical activity of the cortex is an integrated result such volumetric electrolytic cot:ductors as the
of electrotonic conditions. The latter can be due brain mass, can enter in the m o , t diverse inter-
not only to working nervous impulses but, which relations, whose final form depen Js only on their
is particularly important, to certain specific as- electrical signs, formed as the re,~tdt of either sub-
cending influences which, because of their physio- traction, or addition, or compk'te mutual neu-
logical nature, are capable of changing the elec- tralization.
trotonic conditions of the whole mass of the brain. Given this premise, the neJrophysiological
We can point to the fact of generalized hy- processes and real inter-relation ; between neu-
persynchronizations, which have been well elabo- rons could never be adequately reflected in the
rated in the laboratory of Moruzzi, who has EEG seen by us. At least this is ti,e conclusion to
proved the existence of special centres in the which we are led by the above f~ zts of the inde-
lower part of the reticular formation. pendence of form of the potential; induced in the
Ontogenetic research shows likewise that, in cortex in cases of sudden chanb'~s of the inter-
a definite stage of ontogenesis, directly after mediate potentials in the speciti: nuclei of the
birth, painful stimulation of the rabbit's hind thalamus (Agafonov, Duriny'. n). However,
leg with hot water produces only large ampli- these problems are only just ap:)earing on the
tude slow activity instead of the desynchroni- horizon of our research inteests and the
zatio~, usual for an adult animal. It follows that immediate future must show just low correct are
the mechanism of high voltage slow activity all our suppositions regarding li'~e interrelatior~
matures heterochronically in relation to the mech- between slow electrical activity a~-td the real pro-
anism of desynchronization, which is proved cesses of nervous activity.
Electroenceph. c/in. Neurophysiol.. 1964, 16:27-43

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