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ANGIOSPERMS    Male parts of Angiosperms
>> it has the ​stamen
>> flowering plants
>> diverse plants
​ anther
>> all plants that produce ​fruit

develops from an ovary of a

plant (not all fruits are sweet/edible)

>> has ​flowers​ (reproductive structures)

Stamen ​- a pollen-producing reproductive organ
of a flower.
Filament ​- a stalk that supports the anther
Anther ​- fluffy structure that produces pollen
↳ contain both female and male parts
Female parts of Angiosperms 
>> it has the ​pistil​ (made of three major parts)
← ​stigma

↳ contains only male or female parts ← ​style

__________________________ ← ​ovary

Pistil​- contains the potential seeds; or ovules

Stigma​ - “​ sticky stigma”
↳ ​because pollen is supposed to stick
onto this sticky structure.
Style​ - the stalk that supports the stigma.
Ovary​ (base of the structure)
- this is where fertilization will occur inside and
  seeds are formed within it.
OTHER PLANT PARTS   Double Fertilization of
of Angiosperms  Angiosperms
(NEITHER MALE NOR FEMALE) >> male reproductive (male gametophyte)
>> ​Sepals >> female reproductive (female gametophyte)
↳ ​protect a developing flower bud. >> the ovule contains one reproductive cell
- often as support for the petals when in bloom.
known as the ​megaspore (mother cell)​.

>> ​Petals
a diploid cell that undergoes meiosis
↳ ​modified leaves that surround the reproductive
producing ​four haploid megaspores​.
parts of flowers
- fancy structures that help attract pollinators.
>> In the majority of species, three of the
megaspores degenerate leaving only
Angiosperms Reproduction  one surviving megaspore​.
(this process is going to help the plant develop seeds.)
↳ ​this expands & undergoes three rounds of mitosis to
>> ​Pollinators
produce eight haploid nuclei. (share the same
↳ ​include many types of organisms cytoplasm)

>> ​Pollen​ - contains amino acids >>the complete structure is known as the ​embryo sac
that some pollinators may feed on

>> ​Nectar​ - another great attracting factor for ​chalazal end

many pollinators.
- a sugary sweet substance produced by
many flowering plants & it is a great
source of carbohydrates (great source of
energy) polar nuclei (central cell)

“Pollen (from another angiosperm carried by a synergids

pollinator) can be brushed from a pollinator onto

egg cell
the sticky stigma - the flower is pollinated”
​ ​micropylar end

>> within the embryo sac 2 sperm cells → target an ​ovule​ (borne in the
- cell walls begin to form between most of ovary) then enters.
the nuclei ​-​ ​there can be multiple ovules inside an ovary
- three cells (antipodal cells) form opposite - each ovule has the potential to develop into
of the ​opening of the ovule a seed (if fertilized)

↳ ​micropyle
- another three cells form above the - one of the sperm cells fertilizes the egg
the diploid cell will form a ​zygote​ ​(fertilized egg)
micropyle; ​two are synergids & the other
which will become the embryo ↲
is the egg cell
- the other sperm cell joins the 2 polar nuclei
- the two remaining nuclei in the center
the triploid cell will develop into an ​endosperm
remain together in one large cell​ (polar
full of nutrients for a developing baby plant, ​↲
nuclei) serves as the embryo’s food supply during early
>> egg cell & polar nuclei development
- part of the double fertilization event
Because the 2 sperm cells join two different
>> ​male gametes (sperm)​ travel from the anther things (egg cell & 2 polar nuclei), we call this
to the embryo sac within the female reproductive DOUBLE FERTILIZATION
organ. - an important event in angiosperms

The surrounding ovary will ripen and develop into a

>> ​Pollen grains​ (mature) - consists of two types fruit that can help seeds travel far from the parent
of cells. plant.
1. Tube cell - bulk of the pollen grain
2. Generative cell - sperm

- ​Pollen grain (male gametophytes)​ once landing onto NONEDIBLE FRUITS 

the stigma uses the ​tube cell​ to burrow down a pollen >> some have the ability to stick to animal fur
tube from the stigma through the style, to the inside >> or be carried by wind or water
area of the ovary. (the tube cell forms into a pollen
>> when an animal eats them, the seeds may pass
- The ​generative cell​ travels behind the tube cell through the digestive system unharmed
down the tube and will divide to form ​two haploid
sperm cells ​once near the ovary.

- the pollen tube reaches the micropyle & releases the

sperm cells into the embryo sac.

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