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NUMBER ID STUDENT : 1706030038

TASK 4: Fill in the gaps in this table with the helpof the text.

Date invention applications in the home

early 20th century invenion of Diswashers

the transistor

Date in 1947 Microprocessor Central heating systems

1958 Telephones use automatic wasing-machines ,


Future Video recorders system and the entertainment

And CD and computer controlled robots

(Compact Disc) are developed.

TASK 8: Describe the value of these components :

1. R2 = Resistancefor resistor connected parallel the AF amplifier.

2. C1 = C1 is as a current storage capacitor.
3. R3 = R3 here is the resistance (Ohm) in the circuit.
4. C3 = C3 is as a source of electric current in this circuit.
5. P1 = Regulating resistor electric current and electric voltage.
6. L1 = Electirc current through R2,C1 and P1.
Looking no at the basic units of the circuit, we can describe the volume
control like this.

TASK 9 : Fill in the gaps in this description of the tuned circuit shown in Fig.2.Each gap
represents one word.

The circuit diagram using electrinic symbols of a four hundred and seventy kilo
Ohm inductor which is connected in parallel with a connected in the series wich a
five-kilo Ohm (pot) capacitor.The volume control can be varied between five and
sixty-five.The aerials is circuit to the top end of the tuner.It is also connected to
the positive terminal of the composed of in the detector.The bottom end of the
tuner is connected to earth via the zero voltage suplly rail.

TASK 11: With the help of the diagram, fill in the gaps in the description on page 12.

Each gap represents one word.The description should answer these questions :

1. What is the diagram of ?

2. What does it consist of in therm of block ?
3. How are the blocks connected ?
4. What is the function of each block ?

Answer :

1. Diagram of the describes detailed corections between components or items in

equipment, and in some coses the route of those connections.
2. Consists of RF oscilator RF corriors-modulator-RF power amplifier-Af signal.
3. Blocks connected when electric current is supplical to the series.
4. The function of each block is to run an elecric current in the circuit on the radio.

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