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Make our schools the Act with discipline

Take ownership for
Do the right thing Behave with care best choice for parents to sustain our
the success of our
always and students academic success
and financial

Living this value means: Living this value means: Living this value means: Living this value means: Living this value means:

• We are STUDENT- • We act with INTEGRITY by • We show RESPECT for each • We embrace COMPETITION for • We take PERSONAL
FOCUSED and make every other by demonstrating NHA as it drives our personal OWNERSHIP for the
never compromising our
decision based on what is honesty, authenticity, encouragement, gratitude, best. financial viability of NHA
best for students. humility, and self-worth. compassion, grace, and and treat company
forgiveness. • We SEEK TO UNDERSTAND resources as if they are
• We take PERSONAL • We have the COURAGE to the needs and expectations of our own.
RESPONSIBILITY for the be honest about our • We SUPPORT our students, our families and strive to meet • We adopt an
success of our students, and circumstances, engage in our families and each other in or exceed them. INVESTMENT
if our students aren’t making difficult conversations and tangible and meaningful ways. APPROACH by asking,
progress, we must change resist short term gains at the • We ensure a physically and “How will this expense
our approach. expense of doing what is • We take time to intentionally emotionally SAFE improve student learning,
morally right. BUILD RELATIONSHIPS by ENVIRONMENT for our and what is the impact on
• We intentionally MEASURE seeking first to understand students, staff, and families. our long term financial
PROGRESS to understand • We embrace then to be understood. sustainability?” prior to
where we currently are and ACCOUNTABILITY by • We provide a CULTURE that
• We believe FEEDBACK is making financial
determine what we need to holding ourselves and others is warm, nurturing and inviting
do next. to high standards, taking essential to reach our fullest while maintaining high
responsibility for our actions, potential so we regularly seek academic and behavioral • We ESTABLISH
• We demonstrate a following through on our and provide opportunities for expectations. ACADEMIC AND
GROWTH MINDSET where commitments and admitting feedback and growth. FINANCIAL GOALS, and
people believe that their when we are wrong. actively create and
most basic abilities can be execute plans to achieve
developed through them.
dedication and hard work— • We frequently
brains and talent are just the EVALUATE ACADEMIC
starting point. This view AND FINANCIAL
creates a love of learning OUTCOMES to ensure
and a resilience that is we are delivering on our
essential for great promise to parents and
accomplishment. being good stewards of
our resources.

DRAFT—v.5.0 February 2016

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