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Harsh Joshi

February 28, 2019


I have initiated research on Bhrigu Saral Paddhati. It is something which is very different from
traditional jyotish but gives stupendous results. I have tried these principles in almost 50
charts and it has worked awesome on all the charts. Its a research and is at very early stage. I
request all the learned members to look few charts (20-30) from their database (make sure
you are completely aware about the events of the person's life: Better to use close friends,
family members and self charts) and share the findings here. One need to understand that it is
completely related to pending karma. So in rare of the rarest charts, you may find these
principles not working!! But as i said it is rare of rarest!!

BSP Verse 1
Wherever Saturn sits he creates Ups & Down in the 4th house from it, in minimum any one
signification of that house. This becomes his Karmic House called as Shani’s Previous Lives
House. He will first create up & then down in the significations of the house or at times even
the reverse, basically he will create Fluctuations.

BSP Verse 2
Wherever Jupiter sits he creates Ups & Down in the 10th & 6th house from it, in at least one
significations of that house. This becomes his Karmic House called as Jupiter’s Previous Lives
House. He will first create Up & Down in the significations of the house which means
fluctuations. He will destroy at least one signification of that house.

BSP Verse 3
Wherever Saturn sits, he becomes Judge Dread or Emperor and he shouts ‘I Am the Law’.
It is that house where
a) Karma is unfinished & you ‘Need’ to finish it.
b) You will or can make mistakes concerning significations of that house
c) You will be judged for your mistakes – there is no 99% in this.
If the Universal Law is not followed in that house, Saturn will destroy that house as He is the

BSP Verse 4
BSP Verse 4
Wherever Saturn sits he spoils/destroys/activates, one of the significations of the 2nd house
from it: That He passes on the judgment of this house (where he is placed) on to the 2nd
house from it.

BSP Verse 5
When Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct in any house, at least one signification of the sign of
Aries, whichever house it occupies, will be spoiled/activated/destroyed or for the prosperity of
that house to manifest, lots of efforts need to be put in.

BSP Verse 6
Wherever Mars sits in the natal chart, it implements itself in the tenth house from itself in the
27th year of the native.

BSP Verse 7
Rahu implements itself in the 6th from itself in the 38th year of a native.

BSP Verse 8
Ketu implements itself in the 12th from itself in the 24th year of a native’s life.

BSP Verse 9
Jupiter’s 9th aspect rule – 40th year:
a) Jupiter will implement its 9th aspect in the 9th house from the place it is located in the 40th
year of a native’s life.
b) Jupiter will implement itself in the house where he is located in the 40th year of a native’s

BSP Verse 10
Jupiter 5th aspect rule in 32nd year:
a) Jupiter will implement its 5th aspect in the 5th house from the place it is located in the 32nd
year of a native’s life.
b) At ‘Times’ it has been observed that this 32nd year implementation also can happen in the
same house.
c) Jupiter’s 5th aspect has a Special ‘Unlocking’ characteristic & a ‘Purva Puniac Characteristic’
(Previous Life Results). This must not be ignored.
d) The 3rd house from this 5th house (aspect) of Jupiter i.e. 7th house from Jupiter, will
‘Control’ or ‘Influence’ the results of this 5th aspect. In effect one can say that Jupiter’s 7th
aspect can also be implemented in the 32nd year.
e) Jupiter is karaka for children, prosperity (Vriddhi) is to be kept in mind & also can be the
worst malefic at times irrespective of lordships
worst malefic at times irrespective of lordships.

BSP Verse 11
Jupiter will implement itself in the 9th house from the place it is located in a chart and/or the

house where it is located in the 40th year of a native’s life.

BSP Verse 12
Saturn’s 3rd aspect implements itself in the 20th year


BSP Verse 13
The house where I am given shelter or the lord I conjoin with or the lord of the house I
represent will show where I can, I repeat I can & not will (100 %) contribute to the
a) Medical expenses or Diseases
b) At times Death
c) Peeda (Dramatic Troubles)
If I am in mood then the 12th from where I am placed could be hit by me & you would be
forced to get the Sanjeevani (Miracle Herb) Bhuti for the problem but if my blessings are not
there then you would not get it. All the above results will no doubt depend on other conditions
but still would affect it out at least mildly irrespective of the conditions.
a) Observe the position house of Venus or the Lord it combines with and that lord’s house
ownership or the house Venus is lord of.
b) This Venus will indicate the diseases or medical expenses that you would spend in this life.
c) At times it can also indicate the nature of death.
d) At times it can also indicate the ‘Dramatic Troubles - Peeda’ that you would face in your life.
e) Irrespective of the sign it is placed in whether of friend or enemy or exaltation or dispositor
well or ill placed or Nakshatra lord well or ill placed still this Venus can give results if it wishes.
f) Venus can also afflict the 12th from it.
g) Karakas in both cases of Venus and/or the conjoining lord must be used effectively.

BSP Verse 14
The house where I am given shelter where I can, I repeat I can & not will (100 %) contribute to
the following
a) Marriage life of ‘One’ of the relative represented by that house will be spoilt or challenged or
difficulty in getting married.
b) Dowry taken or given by that relative or used as a tool to score points/revenge.
c) Some evil done in respect to money by that relative i.e. tax evaded or unethical means of
money possession.
d) Some aspect of that house will be hidden and possibility of it to come out in the open later
e) That relative can also have sexual disfunctionality/abnormality/obsession.
f) Chronic diseases or bad end to life
f) Chronic diseases or bad end to life.

Of course all this will depend and heightened/modified if I am in my friend’s house or enemies
house and if I am under influence (aspect) of enemies or krura (harsh) graha or position in


BSP Verse 15
BSP rule is where Rahu sits it gives effects more in the 37th year of one’s life for that house (at
times) and its 9th aspect implements itself in the 37th year.

BSP Verse 16
BSP rule is where Jupiter sits it also gives effects in the 69th year of one’s life for that house.

BSP Verse 17
BSP rule is where Jupiter sits its 9th aspect gives effects in the 22nd year of one’s life

BSP Verse 18
Where Mercury sits
a) The 5th from it, Mercury will create ‘Ups & Downs or Obstacle or Supreme Troubles’ in
minimum one signification of that house
b) Mostly it will be Downs

c) Mercury in the 5th from itself will cause a lot of free will and at the same time separation,
travel or fights.
d) It will also at times show the bad karma of free will that was exercised depending upon the
aspects and signs.

BSP Verse 19
Rahu’s 5th aspect implements itself in the 22nd year.

BSP Verse 20
Saturn implements its energy in the 6th house from itself in the 28th year.


If Jupiter is exalted, then it implements its sensitive strongest energy in the sign of Aquarius &
it might even destroy one of the significations of the house hosted by Aquarius.

a) Jupiter in Cancer implements its strongest energy in the mooltrikona Rasi of Saturn that is
a) Jupiter in Cancer implements its strongest energy in the mooltrikona Rasi of Saturn that is
b) It sometimes ends up destroying very badly one of the significations of the house
represented by Aquarius Rasi.

Bhrigu Saral Paddhati part 1

General BSP — A Snapshot Prediction Method (also mentioned in BPHS):

Each house starting from the Ascendant represents one year in the life of an individual. This
goes in a cyclical manner with a 12-year period after which the cycle repeats itself from the

Divide the ongoing age by 12. Note the remainder obtained. Things related to the house whose
rank is equal to remainder (see 12th house if remainder is zero) are likely to happen at that
age. This consideration is made irrespective of the planets or signs in the house. For example,
1st house related event "Birth" happens at age 1. Similarly, speech training and early learning
occur at age 2. 12th house i.e. Loss of self (Puberty) takes place commonly at age 12. College
education (5th house) begins usually at age 17 (Remainder 5).

Additionally, note the placement of the lord of the relevant house. The significations of the
planet and the house occupied by it will also contribute the event. Also note the houses in
which those signs are placed in the natural zodiac.

For example, in 28th year, 4th house related results are expected. Now, for a Cancer Asc chart,
in 28th year, 4th house has sign Libra whose lord is Venus. Libra is 7th house in natural zodiac.
So marriage can occur in the 28th year. Foreign travel can take place since 7th house also
implies travel abroad. One can become mother at 28th year as 4th house is mother.

Specific BSP Techniques: (always refer to the running age) (count in the usual zodiacal
direction; don't go reverse for nodes or retrograde planets)

(Follow the procedure described above to synthesize the results; predict multiple results if
realized and applicable)
  i. At age 10, results related to 6th house from Natal Sun should be expected.

  ii. At age 18, results related to 1st house from Natal Moon should be expected.

  In his 18th year in 2006, the scribe went on a trip to Darjeeling-Gangtok (hill station). The
native's Moon is in Leo (mountains) aspected by 9th lord Mercury.

  In his 18th year, the scribe fell in love. Moon is in 11th house in Leo aspected by 12th lord
Mercury in 5th house. It was an imaginary romance.

  iii. At age 20, results related to 3rd house from Natal Saturn should be expected.

  In his 20th year, the scribe began his college education. The native's Saturn is in 3rd house,
3rd house from which is 5th house which is occupied by Mercury.

  iii*. At age 21, results related to 4th house from Natal Saturn should be expected.

  In his 21st year, the scribe's brother began his college education. The native's Saturn is in 2nd
house, 4th house from which is 5th house which is occupied by Jupiter.

  In his 21st love, the scribe's brother fell in love. The native's Saturn is in 2nd house, 4th house
from which is 5th house which is occupied by 7th lord Jupiter.

  iv. At age 22, results related to 9th house from Natal Jupiter should be expected.

  In his 22nd year, the scribe's brother went on a trip to Darjeeling-Gangtok (hill station). The
native's Jupiter is in 5th house, 9th house from which is 9th house.

  v. At age 22, results related to 5th house from Natal Rāhu should be expected.

  In his 22nd year, the scribe's brother went on a trip to Darjeeling-Gangtok (hill station). The
native's Rāhu is in Aries, 5th house from which is Leo (mountains).

  vi. At age 24, results related to 12th house from Natal Ketu should be expected.

 vii. At age 24, results related to 4th house from Natal Saturn should be expected.

 viii. At age 24, results related to 10th house from Natal Mercury should be expected.

ix At age 25 results related to 1st house from Natal Sun should be expected
 ix. At age 25, results related to 1st house from Natal Sun should be expected.

  x. At age 27, results related to 10th house from Natal Mars should be expected.

  In his 27th year, the scribe suffered acute sprain in his left foot. The native's Mars is in 8th
house, 10th house from which is 5th house which is occupied by 12th lord Mercury aspected
by Saturn.

Bhrigu Saral Paddhati part 2

xi. At age 28, results related to 6th house from Natal Saturn should be expected.

xii. At age 28, results related to 5th house from Natal Mercury should be expected.

xiii. At age 30, results related to 1st house from Natal Rāhu should be expected.

xiv. At age 32, results related to 2nd house from Natal Moon should be expected.

xv. At age 32, results related to 1st house or 10th house from Natal Saturn should be expected.

xvi. At age 32, results related to 5th house (sometimes 1st and 7th houses) from Natal Jupiter
should be expected.

xvii. At age 32, results related to 4th house from Natal Mars should be expected.

xviii. At age 32, results related to 1st house from Natal Sun should be expected.

xix. At age 35, results related to 1st house and (25% of 5th house) from Natal Jupiter should
be expected.

xx. At age 36, results related to 8th house from Natal Mars should be expected.

xxi. At age 37, results related to 1st and 9th houses from Natal Rāhu should be expected.

xxii. At age 37, results related to 1st house from Natal Jupiter should be expected.

xxiii. At age 38, results related to 6th house from Natal Rāhu should be expected.

xxiv. At age 40, results related to 1st and 9th houses from Natal Jupiter should be expected.

xxv. At age 40, results related to 7th house from Natal Mercury should be expected.
xxvi. At age 48, results related to 4th house from Natal Saturn should be expected.

xxvii. At age 51, results related to 1st house and (25% of 3rd house) from Natal Saturn should

be expected.

xxviii. At age 66, results related to 1st house from Natal Saturn should be expected.

xxix. At age 69, results related to 1st house from Natal Jupiter should be expected.


SUN’s Transit over the following Natal planets

Natal Sun        : Success, vitality

Natal Moon      : Travel to Father, Father gets blame

Natal Mar         : Blood defect for the native, Hindrance to the brothers

Natal Mer         : Father’s  gain in lands, Success in commercial field , meetings with


Natal Jup         : Status,  contact with noble person, cooperation from cultured persons

Natal Ven         : Marriage, fond of sex, wife suggestion, ill-health, financial difficulties to


Natal Sat         : Lack of confidence, financial difficulties, unnecessary blame

Natal Ra          : Gain in speculation, laziness to father

Natal Ke          : worry through children, native’s father will have divine thoughts
MOON’s transit over the following natal planets

Natal Sun        : Change of residence, good for operation, travel to father

Natal Moon      : Opposite to sex relations

Natal Mar         : Mental unrest , Mother will become stubborn, travel for native brother     

  and if the native is  Female, travel for husband.

Natal Mer         : Lady uterine trouble, monitory loss in the field of commerce, unnecessary

  blame  to the native

Natal Jup         : Travel, desire for learning, contract with women, happy celebrations

Natal Ven         : Debts,  ill health to wife

Natal Sat         : Change of place, love with old people, unnecessary blame, unnecessary

  expenditure of money, no mental peace.

Natal Ra          : Women play vital role in life, change to mother mental hallucination for

  the native

Natal Ke          : Difference of opinion with parents, ill health to mother

MAR’s transit over the following natal planets

Natal Sun        : Fever, mental tension, stubbornness, son gets wounded, problems due

to anger harassment by enemies in career and the native is found

  to anger, harassment by enemies in career and the native is found,

  husband’s behavior is egoistic manner

Natal Moon      : Mothers ill health, operation, travel , prospects for brother, mental

  anxiety, haste and fickle mindedness

Natal Mar         : Accidents, increased energy

Natal Mer         : Trouble by enemies – unrest, lack of mental peace, dispute with blood

  relatives, friends, husband meets his intimate friends

Natal Jup         : B.P, excess heat, danger from fire, stubbornness, hastiness, good time

   for husband

Natal Ven         : Husbands financial gain, contacts with blood relations and intimate


Natal Sat         : Accidents, harrassment to the native from enemies and financial loss

Natal Ra          : Over sex, death of brother

Natal Ke          : Desire for power

MERCURY’s transit over the following natal planets

Natal Sun        : Friends help to father

Natal Moon      : Blames, uneasiness through women or girl friend, travel

Natal Mar         : Dispute with brothers, friends, skin ailments, bone disorder, dispute with

  father-in-law and maternal uncle.  If the native is female husband meets


Natal Mer         : Strengthen all matters at birth

Natal Ven         : Gain of treasure, property, conduct with intimate friends,  happiness and

  celebrations at home

Natal Sat         : Gain in business, gain of lands, cooperation from friends

Natal Ra          : Good talent in communication, skin ailments

Natal Ke          : Unfavourable time

JUPITER’s transit over the following natal planets

Natal Sun        : Promotion, cooperation

Natal Moon      : Change of residence, ill health due to cold

Natal Mar         : Houses, staus

Natal Mer         : Houses, gain of land, new knowledge

Natal Jup         : Name and fame, birth of son

Natal Venus     : Marriage, wealth, birth of daughter

Natal Sat         : Gets job, promotion , smooth going period in carrier

Natal Rah        : Operation, discontinuation of studies, death, abortion.

Natal Ket         : Gives divine knowledge to the native, ill health to native


VENUS’s transit over the following natal planets

Natal Sun : Financial gain to father

Natal  Sun       : Financial gain to father

Natal Moon      : Loss of money, ill health to wife or daughter, mental unrest , financial 

  dispute among the female inmates of the house

Natal Mar         : Gain to brother , residence to native , wife may become pregnant,

marriage if the native is a female she will get cooperation from husband,  

financial gain to husband, hindrance to the native’s financial propsects

Natal Mer         : Treasure, gain of landed property

Natal Jup         : Financial gain, misunderstanding in the family, acquiring luxurious goods,  

  happiness and celebrations at home

Natal Ven         : Fortune

Natal Sat         : Celebration at home, financial gain

Natal Rah        : Marriage, hard time to wife

Natal Ket         : Separation.

SATURN’s transit over to the following natal planets

Natal Sun        : Ill health to father, dispute between father and son, trouble by Govt.

Natal Moon      : Astrology, unnecessary blame to the native, ill health to mother,

  unnecessary expenditure, mental unrest

Natal Mars       : Trouble by enemies, unrest, gain of landed property

Natal Mer         : Gain of land, good time for education,

Natal Jup : Change of profession gets job or promotion gastric trouble

Natal Jup         : Change of profession, gets job or promotion, gastric trouble

Natal Ven         : Marriage, acquiring property

Natal Sat         : Troubles,

Natal Rah        : Death in the house

Natal Ket         : Litigation, dispute, aimlessness, visiting holy places, financial loss

RAHU’s transit  over the following natal planets

Natal Sun        : Ill health problem to son,

Natal Moon      : Danger to mother , fear complex to native

Natal Mar         : Accidents, blood defects, operation (surgery)

Natal Mer         : Skin diseases, purchase of new vehicle, fear complex to native

Natal Jup         : Accident,  death in the family, black mark develops on the face,

Natal Venus     : Break in income, ill health to wife, hidden treasury

Natal Sat         : Performing lost rites , purchase of vehicle , laziness

Natal Rah        : Stomach disorder

Natal Ketu       : Obstruction in good deeds

KETU’s transit over the following natal planets:

Natal Sun        : Meeting holy persons

Natal Moon      : Divine contemplation, ill health to mother, blood pressure

Natal Mars : Worries to brothers blood pressure nerves debility to brother

Natal Mars       : Worries to brothers, blood pressure, nerves debility to brother

Natal Mer         : Dispute with girl friend/boy friend, litigation, poor memory

Natal Jup         : Divine contemplation, nerves debility, ill health

Natal Ven         : The native becomes victim to a lady

Natal Sat         : Litigation, dispute, aimlessness and quitting the job

Natal Rah        : Loose motions

Natal Ketu       : Misunderstanding in family.

Unknown January 12, 2020 at 10:11 AM

Transit of sun over natal planets it refer to that planet place in birth
chart or planet s own house naturally?


MvnWorld May 9, 2020 at 12:47 AM

There is no mention of Transit of Mercury over natal Jupiter.


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