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Watch Jose, an illegal immigrant in the US, then answer the questions below:

1. Is being an illegal breadwinner in America an easy task? Justify your arguments.

- The US has tough immigration laws
- Fees of 66% for citizenship applications
- No medical treatment if immigrants get sick unless if they are arrested
- They are treated like criminals
- They feel powerless
- They do enormous work for a very little money
- They live in fear and can’t go out

2. When did Jose appeal to Pathos? Justify your answer.

- He is ready to wash the animal stalls full of excrement with his bare hands. He is also ready
to insert his hand up to his arm
- He described the sacrifices that his work imposes
- He lives in continuous fear

3. Is “throwing the immigrants out” posing a threat to the American economy? Justify your answer.

Yes, it is posing a threat to the American economy because Americans can’t replace or fill
immigrants and Hispanic jobs for only a 100$.

4. Sneaking into a country doesn't make you an "immigrant" any more than breaking into my house
makes you "part of my family". For the next debate, provide one argument why you agree or
disagree with this tweeted quote?

“You should not illegally immigrate because this would make you nothing but an intruder”

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