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Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer Rates on Vegetative Growth and, Yield
Components of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) at Fitche, Central Highlands of Ethiopia.

A senior research proposal submitted to Department of Horticulture, in partial fulfillment of the

Course Senior Research Proposal project I for requirement of Bachelor of Science (BSc) Degree
in Horticulture Science (HORT 3152).

Elias Gaisa
(Id no: AGR/1934/10)

Group Members ID No
1. Almaz Meku AGR/1806/10
2. Yesewuzer Mamaru AGR/2259/10
3. Mintamer Mulugeta AGR/2105/10
4. Getane Mulugeta AGR/1983/10
5. Ateref Getnet AGR/1839/10
6. Belaynesh Agegn AGR/1861/10

Advisor: Mr. Mesfin Nigussie (MSc)

Fitche, Ethiopia
January, 2019
First of all, we would like to thank almighty God who gives us patience to pass the ups and down
during our everyday life. While we done this senior research by our genuine appreciation advisor
Mr. Mesfin Nigussie (MSc) for his constructive comments, guidance encouragement and by his
polite behavior. We would like to thank Salale University College of Agriculture and Natural
Resource Department of Horticulture for the financial support provided to undertake this paper.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................ii
List of Abbreviations......................................................................................................................iv
List of tables....................................................................................................................................v
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................1
1.1. Back Ground Information.........................................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of problem................................................................................................................1
1.3. Significance of the study..........................................................................................................2
1.4. Objectives of the Study.............................................................................................................2
1.4.1. General objective...................................................................................................................2
1.4.2. Specific objectives.................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................3
2. LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................3
2.1. Origin and Distribution of potato.............................................................................................3
2.2. Morphology of Potato...............................................................................................................3
2.3. Ecology of potato......................................................................................................................4
2.3.1. Climatic and growth requirements of potato.........................................................................4
2.3.2. Soil Requirements..................................................................................................................4
2.3.3. Fertilizer application in potato production............................................................................4
3. Materials and methods.................................................................................................................5
3.1. Description of the Study Area..................................................................................................5
3.2. Experimental Material..............................................................................................................5
3.4. Experimental Design and Treatment........................................................................................6
3.4.1. Experimental design..............................................................................................................6
3.4.2. Treatments.............................................................................................................................7
3.4.3. Experimental Procedures.......................................................................................................8
3.5. Data collection..........................................................................................................................8
3.5.1. Growth parameters.................................................................................................................8

3.5.2. Yield parameters....................................................................................................................9
3.6. Data Analysis............................................................................................................................9
3.7. Expected out come..................................................................................................................10
3.8. Beneficiaries...........................................................................................................................10
4. Work plan..................................................................................................................................10
5. Budget breakdown.....................................................................................................................11
6. References..................................................................................................................................12

List of Abbreviations
ANOVA Analysis of variance
DAP Di Ammonium phosphate
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization
LSD Least significance difference
RCBD Randomized complete block design
SAS Statistical Analysis Software
MoA Ministry of Agriculture
IAR Institute of Agricultural researches
EIAR Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
CSA Central Statistical Agency
FAOSTAT Food and Agriculture Organization Data of Statistics

List of tables
Table 3: Labor cost
Table 4: Equipment and supplies
Table 5: Stationary costs
Table 6: Budget summary

1.1. Back Ground Information
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a crop of the world’s major economic importance and number
one non-grain food commodity (Rykaczewska, 2013 (). . American Journal Of Plant Sciences,
04, –. doi:). It contains practically all essential dietary constituents like carbohydrates, essential
nutrients, protein, vitamins, and minerals (Sriom et al., 2017, , , , , & (). . International Journal
Of Current Microbiology And Applied Sciences, 6, –. doi:,). Even though the productivity of
potato could reach up to 30 t ha−1 attainable yield (Haverkort et al., 2012, , , , , & (). Potato
prospects for Ethiopia: On the road to value addition. .), its productivity in Ethiopia is very low
which is below 11.88 t/ha (CSA, 2016 CSA. (). Agricultural sample survey. Report on . In Ed.,
Agricultural sample survey. 125p. : .). There are many complicated reasons for this low actual
yield of potato in the country. Soil fertility, lack of good quality seed, unbalanced mineral
nutrition, inadequate application of fertilizers, pests and disease, irregularity of water supply and
traditional irrigation schemes and schedules are the main reason which accounts for the low
productivity of potato (Bezabih and Mengistu, 2011, & (). Potato value chain analysis and
development in Ethiopia. Addis Abeba, Ethiopia.). Plants require a variety of elements for the
growth and development of which N and P are the most important of the essential nutrients to
plants because they are required in large quantities. Potato is a high yielding and exhaustive crop,
thus requiring a variety of balanced plant nutrients for growth and development.
Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) are among the most important elements that are essential for
potato productivity (Pervez et al., 2013). According to FAOSTAT, (2008) about 70% of
cultivated agricultural land of Ethiopia is suitable for potato production due to the availability of
diverse climate and soil conditions. In relation to climate, for example, there are long frost free
periods, which allow production during both the rainy and off seasons. A good supply of
nitrogen stimulates root growth and development as well as the uptake of other nutrients (Brady
and Weil, 2008). Adequate phosphorus nutrition enhances many aspects of plant physiology,
including the fundamental processes of photosynthesis, root growth particularly the development
of lateral roots and fibrous rootlets (Brady and Weil, 2008).

1.2. Statement of problem
Many researchers have been revealed that lack of appropriate level NP fertilizer practice on
potato has been a limited factor to obtain the potential yield. Knowing the effect of different NP
fertilizer is very important because most of the time producers of potato do not consider about
the effect of NP fertilizer rate. The rates of NP fertilizer have different effect on the growth
performance yield of potato. Therefore, this study will be undertaken to identify the best rate of
NP fertilizer for potato; Salale University.

1.3. Significance of the study

The outcome of this study will have the following significances:
 It will be used to guide different institutions as a source of information.
 It will be as source of information for agricultural researchers and students who will be
interested to conduct similar researches in the area.

1.4. Objectives of the Study

1.4.1. General objective
 To investigate the effect of different rate of NP fertilizer on growth performance and
yield component of potato.

1.4.2. Specific objectives

 To determine the effect of NP fertilizer on growth performance of potato.
 To determine the effect of NP fertilizer on yield component of potato.
 To determine the optimum rate of NP fertilizer in the growth performance and
development of potato.

Ho: NP fertilizer has no effect on growth and yield component of potato.
H1: NP fertilizer has effect on growth and yield component of potato.

2.1. Origin and Distribution of potato
The plant potato was first domesticated in the area around Lake Titicaca, which is located 3800
meters above sea level on the border of modern-day, Bolivia and Peru, in the Andes mountain
range of South America (Hielke et al., 2011) and today it is cultivated in 158 Countries in the
tropical, subtropical and temperate zones of the world (FAO, 2010; FAOSTAT, 2014). Western
South America is the primary center of the origin and diversity of the potato crop and its wild
relatives. The genetic diversity of landraces and wild relatives has been and continues to be an
extremely valuable source of variation for genetic enhancement, crop improvement, and
understanding of chemical variability (Osman et al., 1978; Hanneman, 1989; Brown et al., 2007;
Väänänen, 2007; Jansky et al., 2013).

2.2. Morphology of Potato

Cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) belongs to the Solanaceae family together with other
crops like tomato and peppers. It has pinnately compound pattern alternate leaves on its above
ground stem and specialized underground storage stems or tubers (Decoteou, 2005). Potato has a
relatively shallow, fibrous root system with the majority of the roots in the surface 30 cm depth.
The root system develops rapidly during early growth and achieves maximum development by
mid-season. Thereafter, root length, density and root mass decrease as the plant matures (i.e.
foods are mostly transferred to tuber part). Rooting depths of 1.2m or more have been reported
for potato under favorable soil conditions (Tanner et al., 1982).

2.3. Ecology of potato
2.3.1. Climatic and growth requirements of potato
Potato prefers a cool climate for growth and development. Best suited altitudes ranged between
1500-2800m.a.s.l. However, for healthy tuber production, particularly for planting purpose, it
should strictly cultivate in high altitude areas. For high yields, the total crop water requirements
about 500 to 700 mm (MOA, 2011). A temperature ranged between 15-25 0C is ideal for potato
tuber development (Mondal and Chatterjee, 1993).
At higher temperatures the plant fails to initiate tuber formation and at low temperatures
vegetative growth is restricted by frost (Horton, 1987). The number of tubers produced per plant
is higher at lower than at higher temperature.

2.3.2. Soil Requirements

Potatoes can be grown on all soil types, except heavy water-logged clays, but for optimum yields
need a well-drained loam or sandy loam, relatively free from stones. Better tuber yields have
been obtained from potatoes grown at soil reaction ranging P H 5.0 to 7.0 (AGRISNET, 2010).
Very shallow planting of seed tubers may result in inadequate soil moisture around the seed
piece and in production of tubers so close to the soil surface that greening caused by exposure to
light is a problem. On the other hand, planting too deep will slow tubers to emerge and may be
more subject to attack by various diseases. As a result planting ought to be deeper on lighter soils
than on heavy soils (Alexander et al., 2001).

2.3.3. Fertilizer application in potato production

Nitrogen (N) is the motor of plant growth. It makes up 1–4% of dry matter of the plant. It is
taken up from the soil in the form of nitrate (NO3−) or ammonium (NH4+). In the plant, it
combines with compounds produced by carbohydrate metabolism to form amino acids and
proteins. A good supply of nitrogen stimulates root growth and development as well as the
uptake of other nutrients (Brady and Weil, 2002). Effective fertility management is critical to
profitable production of potatoes. Optimum use of N by plant decreases leaching of nitrogen and
improves tuber germination and steady leaf area. Excess nitrogen at the last stage of growth
causes development of stem and leaves instead of tubers. Consequently, nitrogen fertilizer plays
an important role in canopy development especially on the shoots` dry matter, and the plant

height (Najm et al., 2010). Phosphorus is claimed to be the second most often limiting plant
nutrient. Some specific growth factors that have been associated with phosphorus are: stimulated
root development, increased stalk and stem strength, improved flower formation and seed
production, more uniform and earlier crop maturity (Mosaic, 2016). The interaction of nitrogen
and phosphorus was significantly affected the marketable tuber yield per hectare (Birtukan,

3. Materials and methods

3.1. Description of the Study Area
The study will be conducted at Salale University General Tadesa Biru Campus, College of
Agriculture and Natural Resource Department of Horticulture in 2019/20. Fitche is located north
of 112km away from Addis Ababa with 9° 48' 0'' N latitude and 38° 42' 0'' E longitude on the
altitude of 2750 meter above sea level. The amount of rain fall that the areas received 1150 mm
annually. Fitche district is characterized by a highland agro-ecological zone which has a cold
condition with annual average temperature of 16.5◦c. The dominant soil type is clay with pH
range from 6.2-6.4.

3.2. Experimental Material

Local potato variety will be obtained from the Salale University Department of Horticulture, and
used in the experiment as an experimental material. The treatments consisted of four levels of
nitrogen (0, 56, 112 and 168 kg N ha-1) and blanket recommended phosphorus fertilizer rate of
(40Kg P ha-1) will be used. For the field activities hoe, ruler, pencil, note book, string, rake, fork
meter, Water cane, peg and pen will be used in the experiment.

3.4. Experimental Design and Treatment
3.4.1. Experimental design
A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four (4) treatments and three (3)
replications will be used. The four treatments, were included, (0 kg N/ha, 56 kg N/ha, 112kg
N/ha, and 168 kg N/ha), is assigned to each block. Phosphorus fertilizer (40Kg P ha -1) will be
applied to each plot as control treatment. Urea (46% N), and Triple Super Phosphate, TSP (46%
P2O5), will be used as fertilizer sources for nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively. The national
fertilizer recommendation for potato production (110 kg N ha-1 and 90 kg P2O5 or 40 kg P ha-1)
will be used as a benchmark in the experiment (Birtukan Belachew, 2016). The method of
application is band and NP fertilizer is applied at the time of seed sowing. Total experimental
area will be 11mx13.5m= 148.5m2.
The experimental area is divided into three homogenous blocks and each replication contains
complete set of treatment. Treatments will be assigned to each plot randomly. Each plot is
comprise of 3mx3m= 9m2 area and the space between rows and between plants is 75cm and
30cm respectively as recommended by EIAR (2007). The space between blocks and between
plots will be 1m and 0.5m, respectively. Plots consist of four (4) rows with 10 plants each, which
made up a total of forty (40) plants per plot.

3.4.2. Treatments
Table 1: Treatment numbers
Number of treatments Treatments
T1 0Kg N ha-1
T2 56Kg N ha-1
T3 112Kg N ha-1
T4 168Kg N ha-1






3.4.3. Experimental Procedures
The experimental site will be selected and all unwanted materials such as stones, straw weed,
and plant remain and other substances will be removed. The selected site will be prepared by
plough at least three times using human labor. Then, the layout of the experimental area will be
sketched using 3m x 4m x 5m triangular system. Potato tuber will be bought from Fitche market.
The potato tuber will be planted. Application of phosphorus fertilizer at different rate of P 2O5 ha-1
were done by banding the granules of DAP (Di-ammonium phosphate) at the depth of 10 cm
below and around the seed tuber at planting. Nitrogen at the rates of (56 kg N/ha, 112kg N/ha,
and 168 kg N/ha) will be applied in the form of urea in three splits [(1/3 rd at planting, 1/3rd at
mid-stage of (at about 45 days after planting), and 1/3 rd at the initiation of tubers (start of
flowering)]. Watering will be continued with the recommended rate of watering (day to day)
until potato finished its growth and development. Other cultural practices like weeding,
cultivation and plant protection methods will be done uniformly for all experimental plots as
recommended by EIAR (2007). Weeding the plot (bed) with the interval of a week. Data will be
collected accordingly with growth.

3.5. Data collection

Data will be collected mainly on vegetative growth parameters. Data on the following traits will
be recorded and analyzed from randomly selected plants. The data will be collected by sampling
techniques from the middle two rows. Five plants are taken as sampling unit from each plot.

3.5.1. Growth parameters

Plant Height: Five plants will be taken at 2 month after sowing with a ruler, measuring will
have done from the base of the plant to the apex of the longest leaf.

Number of leaves per plant: It will be taken by counting all leaves on randomly selected the
plant and the values recorded.

Number of stems per hill: Number of stems per hill will be taken by counting all stems per hill
on randomly selected the plant and the values recorded.

3.5.2. Yield parameters
Marketable tuber number per hill: Mean number of tubers produced from ten plants of middle
rows. It will be counted at harvest and those tubers which are healthy, large sized and greater
than 50g were considered as marketable tubers.

Unmarketable tuber number per hill: It will be recorded by counting average number of
tubers of ten plants, and rotten, diseased, insect infected, and green tubers and those with less
than 50g, weight will regarded as unmarketable tuber.

Total tuber number per hill: Mean number of tubers produced from the middle rows, will be
counted at harvest and expressed as number of tubers per hill.

Marketable tuber yield (t ha -1)

Mean weight of marketable tubers produced from the middle rows, will be recorded at harvest by
weighing tubers which were healthy and greater than 50g.

Unmarketable tuber yield (t ha-1)

Mean weight of unmarketable tubers produced from middle rows will be recorded at harvest and
those rotten, turned green and less than 50g were considered to determine unmarketable tuber

Total tuber yield (t ha-1)

It will be recorded as the sum of both marketable and unmarketable tuber yields. The total tuber
yield (kg/plot) will be weighed and converted to tones per hectare t ha-1.

3.6. Data Analysis

The data for the experiment will be analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) for RCBD;
using statistical appropriate software. Mean comparison will be done using least significance
difference (LSD) 5% probability level statistically. All the statistical analysis was carried out
using SAS statistical software.

3.7. Expected out come
From this experiment NP fertilizer which enhance good growth and yield component potato
will be identified.

3.8. Beneficiaries
From this research we believe that the following bodies who are interested in conducting
research on this crop will be benefited: farmer, researcher, students, horticulturalist, and
development agent.

4. Work plan
Table 2: A six month research plan

Activities December January February March April May

Title selection X
Literature review X
Proposal writing X
Proposal submission X
Proposal presentation X
Site selection X
Site preparation X
Planting X
Watering X X
Fertilization X X X
Data collection X X X
Data analysis X
Report writing X
Final draft submission X
Report defense X

5. Budget breakdown
Table 3: Labor cost
Number Qualification Duration Quantity Payment Total
1 Field assistant 3 Months 1 150 150
2 Daily labors 6 days 3 100 600
Total 3.6 Months 4 250 750

Table 4: Equipment and supplies

Item Unit Quantity Unit cost in birr Total
Potato tuber seed Kg 8 20 160
Watering can Number 3
Tape meter m 1
Fork spade Number 2
Rope m 1
Hoe Number 2

Table 5: Stationary costs

No Item Unit Quantity Individual Total
1 Paper (A4) Ream/Pack 1 180 180
2 Pen Number 4 10 40
3 Note book Number 1 15 15
4 Pencil Number 4 5 20
5 Flash Number 1 180 180
6 Internet Hours 48 3 144
7 Report printing Number 20 2 40
8 Report duplication Number 60 1 60
9 Report binding Number 3 10 30
Tota 241 406 709

Table 6: Budget summary

Item Amount
Labor cost 750birr
Equipment supplies
Stationary cost 709birr

Budget source: Salale University

6. References
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