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(ID No: RM0623/14)



JULY, 2022


BETI Biotechnology Emerging Technology Institute

CEC Cation Exchange Capacity
CSA Central statistical Authority
DAE Days After Emergence
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
HARC Holetta Agricultural Research Center
ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
JUCAVM Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
LSD Least Significant Difference
MOA Ministry of Agriculture
No. Number
NPT Non-productive tiller
OANRB Oromia Agricultural and Natural Resource Bureau)
OARI Oromia Agricultural Research Center
SARC Sinana Agricultural Research Center
SL Spike length
SNPPR Southern, Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region
SPS Seed per spike
TNTPP Total number of tiller per plant
USDA United States Department of Agriculture


1.1. Background of the study........................................................................................................4

1.2. Statements of the problem..................................................................................................5

1.3. Objective of the study...........................................................................................................7

1.3.1. General objective............................................................................................................7

1.3.2. Specific objective...........................................................................................................7

2. LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................8

2.1. Barley crop production overview, importance and constraints.....................................8

2.2. Description and Biology of barley shoot fly, Delia flavibasis Stein.................................9

2.3. Life cycle of barley shoot fly, Delia flavibasis Stein.........................................................9

2.4. Infestation and Incidence level of barley shoot fly.........................................................10

2.5. Host of barley shoot fly.....................................................................................................11

2.6. Management of barley shoot fly D. flavibasis Stein.......................................................11

2.6.1. Chemical control..........................................................................................................11

2.6.2. Sowing date..................................................................................................................11

2.6.3. Host plant resistance.....................................................................................................12

3. MATERIALS AND METHODS............................................................................................13

3.1. Experimental Site..............................................................................................................13

3.2. Genetic materials.................................................................................................................14

3.3. Experimental field layout and management of treatments...........................................15

3.4. Data to be collected...........................................................................................................15

3.4.1. Shoot fly damage parameters.......................................................................................15

3.4.2. Mechanisms of resistance to barley against D. flavibasis Stein...................................17

3.4.3. The yield and yield components data...........................................................................17

3.4.4. Data analysis....................................................................................................................19

4. WORKING PLAN AND ACTIVITIES TO BE DONE...........................................................20

5. BUDGET SUMMARY.............................................................................................................21


List of table

List of figures

List of abbreviations


1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

3. Conclusion and Recommendation

4. References


First of all, I would like to thank GOD for his grace and immeasurable love, giving me strength
and patience to bring me out his humble piece of work in to light. Next, I would like to express
my sincere and deepest gratitude of my major advisor Dr.Chemeda Abedeta Jimma University
school of Horticulture and plant science for his Supervision, comment, suggestion and critical
correction of this manuscript to the final version.

List of Tables


List of figures

Figure 1……………………………………..
List of abbreviation



1.1. Background of the study

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is one of the main cereal crops produced in the world. It ranks
fourth in the world in production after wheat, maize and rice (FAO, 2013). Global barley
production is estimated about 160.53 million tons (USDA, 2022). The major barley producers
worldwide in 2021/22 were European Union, Russia, Australia, Ukraine, Canada, Argentina,
Turkey ,Morocco, Iran, United states, Kazakhstan, Ethiopia, India, Algeria and others with an
estimated production of 52.75, 17.5, 13, 10.2, 6.95, 4.8, 4.5, 2.78, 2.7, 2.56, 2.5, 2.35, 1.67, 1.6
and 11.99 in million metric tons, respectively and among African continent, Morocco, Ethiopia,
Algeria, Tunisia and south Africa were the top five largest barley producers for the year 2021/22
with estimated production of approximately 2.78 million tones, 2.35 million tones, 0.95 million
tones, 0.43 million tones and 0.33 million metric tons respectively. Among this Ethiopia is
located the second barley producer country next to Morocco (USDA, 2022).

In Ethiopia barley is the fifth important cereal crop next to teff, maize, sorghum and wheat with
a domestic production with total area coverage of 959,273.36 hectares and total annual
production of about 2.03 million tons in main season, the mean barley productivity was 2.1 tons
ha-1 (CSA, 2019). Barley grain in Ethiopia is mostly used as feed for animals, malt and food for
human consumption, and sold for cash. Traditionally barley is used for making local recipes and
drinks and other types of food and its straw is a good source of animal feed (Yosef GH, Kebede
T, Senayt W, 2011). Barley including both food and malt barley species is cultivated in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia produces mostly food barley, with its share estimated to be 90% while that of malt
barley having a share of 10% (Alemu D, Kelemu K and Lakew B, 2015).

The major barley producing regions in Ethiopia are Oromia, Amhara, Tigray and southern
nation nationality and Regional State, and they accounted for about 99.94% of the total national
barley production (BARLEY: Post-Harvest Operations). Barley is grown mainly in Arsi, Bale,
Shoa, Welo, Gojam and Gonder, Ethiopia (Zohary D, Hopf M (2000)).

Barley grows well at altitudes of 1500–3500 m.a.s.l. and is predominantly grown at 2000–3000
m.a.s.l. (MoA, 1998). So that, highland parts of Bale zone is also found within the suited agro-
ecological range for barley crop production. Farmers in the area are usually producing barley as
major crop for home consumption as well as for cash generating.

However, the production and productivity of the crop remains low (1.548 ton ha-1) as relation to
the national (2.11ton ha-1) and regional (2.41 ton ha-1) productivity (CSA, 2017). This may be
due to several production constraints like in insect pest, low soil fertility, diseases, lack of
improved varieties and etc. From these constraints, barley shoot fly (Delia flavibasis Stein) is
one of the major barley production problems in Bale, South Eastern highlands of Ethiopia.

A survey of Barley shoot fly incidence and damage level conducted in 2003 and 2004 indicated
that barley shoot fly (Delia flavibasis Stein) is high infestation which can cause high yield loss
in barley production. Based on this survey, different management practices were done by
different researchers; includes screening barley genotype, host plant resistance, early planting,
different chemicals screening and finally using integrated pest management are used to control
barley shoot fly in barley. Therefore, the aim of this paper is review of different management
methods of barley shoot fly (Delia flavibasis stein).

1.2. Objective of this paper review

ü To identify or review the different management methods of barley shoot fly (Delia
flavibasis stein).

2.1. Barley crop production overview, importance and constraints

Barley (Hordeum vulgare), a member of the grass family, is a major cereal grain grown in
temperate climates globally. It was one of the first cultivated grains, particularly in Eurasia as
early as 10,000 years ago (Zohary D, Hopf M (2000)). Globally 70% of barley production is
used as animal fodder (BARLEY: Post-Harvest Operations).while 30% as a source of
fermentable material for beer and certain distilled beverages, and as a component of various
foods. It is used in soups and stews, and in barley bread of various cultures. Barley grains are
commonly made into malt in a traditional and ancient method of preparation. In 2017, barley was
ranked fourth among grains in quantity produced (149 million tonnes or 330 billion pounds)
behind maize, rice and wheat ("Crops/Regions/World List/Production Quantity for Barley,

Barley grain in Ethiopia is mostly used as feed for animals, malt and food for human
consumption. Traditionally barley is used for making local recipes and drinks and other types of
food. Its straw is a good source of animal feed (Yosef GH, Kebede T, Senayt W, 2011) and it is
also used for thatching of roots. Barley grain is used for human food, animal feed, and malt

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L) which includes both food and malt barley species is cultivated in
Ethiopia. Barley grain is mostly used as feed for animals, malt, and food for human
consumption. Traditionally barley is used for making local recipes and drinks such as ‘dabo’,
‘kolo’, ‘ganfo’, ‘kinche’, 'baso,' tela', 'borde' and other types of food. Its straw is a good source of
animal feed (Yosef et al., 2011) and it is also used for thatching of roofs.

Malt barley, at the present time, is considered as one of the cash crops and its demand by malt
factory has increased due to its increased capacity of malt barley processing and the expansion of
breweries and beer consumption levels in the country (AMF, 2012). Beer and bread are some of
the industrial products produced from and food barley, respectively.

2.2. Description and Biology of barley shoot fly, Delia flavibasis Stein
There are many species of barley shoot fly and still now only two species are studied. The first
one is Delia arambourgi Seguy; studied by Davidson in 1969 at Holeta Agricultural Research
Center (HARC) and the second is Delia flavibasis stein studied by Tafa Jobie in 2003 at Sinana
Agricultural Research Center (SARC). Both of them are known to occur inflicting considerable
yield losses in Ethiopia. Both species belong to the order Diptera and family Anthomyiidae.
Delia flavibasis has recently been recorded from Ethiopia (Tafa et al. 2004). Delia flavibasis is
reported as a major pest of barley (Horedum vulgare L.) in Ethiopia and Kenya (Macharia and
Mueke 1986; Tafa 2003)

The eggs of D. flavibasis are white and elongate-ovoid in shape, resembling grains of rice. They
have longitudinal ridges or strips when looked at under a microscope. As observed in the
laboratory and in the field, eggs may be found to be laid singly or in groups. Shoot fly has
complete metamorphosis (Goftishu, M., Tefera, T. & Getu, E, 2009).

2.3. Life cycle of barley shoot fly, Delia flavibasis Stein

Figure 1.Life cycle of shoot fly

The life cycle of barley shoot fly was shorter on susceptible than resistance barley varieties. For
example; the researcher uses one variety of susceptible Holker and two variety of resistance
Harbu and Dinsho varieties of barley. The significant difference at (P<0.05, DF=2, F
value=5.79) was observed in the time needed for egg hatching between the varieties in the
laboratory experiment. There was a shorter interval from egg to larval stage on the variety
‘Holker’ than for ‘Dinsho’ and ‘Harbu’. The number of days required for the development of
larvae significantly (P<0.05, DF=2, F value=12.18) varied between the varieties. Larvae were
quicker to enter the pre-pupal stage on the susceptible variety compared with the resistant
varieties, under both laboratory and field conditions. The number of days required for pre-pupal
and pupal stages on ‘Holker’ was greater (2.26 days) than on ‘Harbu’ and ‘Dinsho’ under
laboratory conditions. However, in the field, significantly fewer days were required for the
pupal stage on ‘Holker’ than on ‘Harbu’ and ‘Dinsho’. There were no differences between
varieties in pupal weight under both laboratory and field conditions (Goftishu, M., Tefera, T. &
Getu, E, 2009).

The newly formed pupa is light brown in color and slowly changes to dark brown with age.
Pupation took place in the soil within a depth of 1–3 cm among the roots. This is similar to D.
arambourgi (Bullock, 1965). Observations under field conditions showed that, in rare cases,
pupation also took place inside the basal stalk of barley seedlings. In the present study, no
evidence of diapause was obtained; all larvae and pupae that were reared in the laboratory
completed their cycle rapidly without interruption, indicating that D. flavibasis did not diapause
in immature stages. Previous observations also revealed that barley planted on the experimental
plots was attacked at all times of the year, including during the off-seasons (SARC, 2004).

2.4. Infestation and Incidence level of barley shoot fly

Barley shoot fly causes significant yield loss and is becoming an important constraint in barley-
growing districts of the Bale highlands of Ethiopia, where all the improved varieties are highly
susceptible to the pest (Amare Andargie, 1993; Tafa Jobie, Tadesse Gebremedhin and Sakhuja,
2004). Infestation levels of barley shoot fly in the Bale highlands frequently reach 100% on
susceptible varieties such as HB 42, Ardu-10-9-60B, ‘Shege’, ‘Beka’, ‘Holker’ and HB 120; the
Bale highlands have become a hot spot for this pest (Amare Andargie, 1993; Tafa Jobie, 2003). 

Because of its devastating effects, especially on improved and exotic germplasm of malt barley,
the pest is considered to be a major constraint to barley cultivation. At the Sinana on station or
Sinana Agricultural Research Centre (SARC), heavy infestation usually results in the failure of
several trials, particularly those with malt barley and exotic genotypes .In contrast, farmers who
grow the local barley cultivar, ‘Aruso’, often experience low infestation of barley shoot fly in
their barley fields, perhaps because the variety has co-existed with the pest for many
years (SARC, 2004).

2.5. Host of barley shoot fly

The main hosts of barley shoot fly are the grass family, like maize (Zea mays), wheat (Triticum
spp.), bluish millet (Pennisetum americanum) and few grasses (Hill 1987). Host preference
study of D. flavibasis conducted at the Sinana Agricultural Research Center (SARC) with
barley, teff, wheat, oat and maize revealed that barley and teff were the most preferred (SARC

2.6. Management of barley shoot fly D. flavibasis Stein

There are many studies have been conducted regarding the management of barley shoot fly,
including cultural control like genotypes screening, host plant resistance, chemical control,
sowing date and others (Thewodros, Mesfin, 1982; Hussien, Melde and Wetzel, 1993; Breanne
Lakew, Hailu Gebere and Fekadu Alemayehu, 1996; SARC, 2004).

2.6.1. Chemical control

There are different insecticides that used to control barley shoot fly were verified and released
at SARC like imidacloprid (Gaucho), tubuconazole (Gaucho Raxil), thiamethoxam (Apron
star) and Savera 30FS and others. An insecticide trial conducted at SARC with imidacloprid
(Gaucho), tubuconazole (Gaucho Raxil), thiamethoxam (Apronstar) and heterahabditis
(Cruiser) showed that heterahabditis (at 50, 75 and 100), thiamethoxam (at 250 and 375) and
imidacloprid at 250 g per 100 kg seed were effective as seed dressing against D. flavibasis.
Imidacloprid reduced infestation and also resulted in excellent control of barley shoot fly
(SARC, 2001).

2.6.2. Sowing date

Planting dates are important to determine the effect of barley shoot fly and early planting is
important to reduce the infestation of it. The effect of sowing date on infestation by barley shoot
fly, D. flavibasis Stein, was investigate in 2001, 2002 and 2003 in the Bona season at Sinana.
Four sowing dates, using two barley genotypes (‘Aruso’ and ‘Holker’), were evaluated for their
effect on infestation and yield. Infestation varied significantly among years, with the heaviest
level recorded in 2003. Infestation was significantly higher in the improved variety (‘Holker’)
than in the farmer variety (‘Aruso’). Significant differences were observed among the four
sowing dates for two infestation scores and grain yield. ‘Aruso’ gave a lower yield in the early
sowing dates of 2001 and 2003, but had higher yields than ‘Holker’ in 2002, when there was
severe moisture stress. It was also relatively more stable in yield over years and sowing dates.
Yield of both the varieties was negatively correlated with infestation. Generally, early sowing
significantly minimized infestation and resulted in higher yields than late sowing. Hence, early
sowing, extending from late July to early August, and planting the resistant local cultivar
(‘Aruso’), could be recommended as potential components of an integrated barley shoot fly
management program for the Bale highlands(SARC,2001,2002 and 2003).

2.6.3. Host plant resistance

Plants have resistance mechanisms in their body like antixenosis; antibiotics and tolerance.
These mechanisms are important to identify resistance or susceptible host plants. Antixenosis
refers to non-preference or the response of the insect to the characteristics of the host plant
which make it unattractive to the insect for feeding; whereas the tolerance mechanisms refer to
the ability of the host plant to with stand an insect population sufficient(Tafa Jobie, 2003).

The remarkable differences between susceptible barley genotypes HB 42 and the resistant
barley genotypes Arusso for the number of dead seedlings, crop recovery growth and yield
suggest that HB 42 is less tolerant compared with resistant genotypes when exposed on early
equal levels of barley shoot fly infestation in the field. This confirms that the resistance of
barley genotypes to barley shoot fly is mainly due to tolerance (Tafa Jobie, 2003).

Agroecology is important to consider the effect of barley shoot fly; due to the barley genotypes
stayed in farmer (Landraces) is important to control than exotic, improved variety and malt
barley genotypes. Many Ethiopian barley landraces have been reported to possess relative
resistance to D. flavibasis (SARC, 2001; Tafa Jobie, 2003). Exotic genotypes and malt barley
are, in contrast, highly susceptible to the pest. A number of improved barley varieties that were
released in the past for the Arsi and Bale areas (Hailu Gebere, 1997) were tested for their
response to barley shoofly infestation at SARC, and were found to be highly susceptible, with
infestations of 85–100% (Amare Andargie, 1993; Tesfaye Getachew, Mulugeta Amsalu and
Kassahun Tesfaye, 1997). As a result, the breeding and host plant screening strategy was shifted
from working with exotic germplasm to the utilization of indigenous germplasm, particularly
local and race collections from Bale.

Between 1994 and 2006, almost 6000 Ethiopian barley land races were screened at Sinana for
their resistance to D. flavibasis, and many relatively resistant genotypes were promoted to yield
trials for the release of improved varieties. Therefore, host resistance is one of the principal
components in integrated barley shoot fly management practices.

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