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Kayla Marie Cago BSEd 3A ELT 206

Learning Activities

Task 2: Break the Code

1. Literature
2. Poetry
3. Form
4. Prose
5. Genre
6. Fiction
7. Drama
8. Non- Fiction
9. Rhythm
10. Language

Task 3: I Remember

Title and Author: Phenomenal Women by Maya Angelou

Message and Content: The message of the poem is about women in general.
A woman who is proud of who she is and not having
to bow down to others opinion. A style and grace and
respect that makes a phenomenal woman. There’s no
need the approval of other person.

Things I like about the poem: I like the poem because it promotes women
empowerment. As a woman I really admire the
content of the poem. It made me realize that I am
enough as a woman. Whatever race you are, everyone
is capable of being “phenomenal”. We don’t have to
be fit in social standards set by society. We just must
make sure that we have respect and love for

Task 4: Writers’ Banquet

“People Behind the Works”

A well- known hero for Filipino

Wrote Noli Me Tangere and El Filibuterismo

The one and only Jose Rizal

Died martyr but his love is unconditional.

With only pen and paper in his hands,

Inspired us all to fight

Defend for what is right

And that lead us to light.

There’s one author that close to my heart.

His novels are work of art.

William Shakespeare, everyone.

Whose work is remarkable one.

“Romeo and Juliet”, a star-crossed lover.

One of my favorite movies I watch over and over.

Though their story ended tragic,

There’s no doubt it’s majestic.

Task 5: Choose and Analyze

Africa by David Diop

Africa my Africa Africa, tell me Africa

Africa of proud warriors in ancestral savannahs Is this your back that is unbent

Africa of whom my grandmother sings This back that never breaks under the weight of
On the banks of the distant river
This back trembling with red scars
I have never known you
And saying no to the whip under the midday
But your blood flows in my veins
Your beautiful black blood that irrigates the
But a grave voice answers me
Impetuous child that tree, young and strong
The blood of your sweat
That tree over there
The sweat of your work
Splendidly alone amidst white and faded
The work of your slavery
That is your Africa springing up anew The bitter taste of liberty.

springing up patiently, obstinately

Whose fruit bit by bit acquires

EN12Lit-le-28: Discuss how different contexts enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the reader’s

In my chosen literary work, there are a lots of text meaning that will help to enhance the
learner’s understanding. Since the poem “Africa” is written from a writer in Africa, that means they have
different culture and history. The poem inspired by the real struggle of African people just to have their
freedom back. In the first stanza, he is patronizing his homeland even though he is distant. I can feel the
emotion rushing within, the weigh of its word “Africa, my Africa”. The lines “The blood of your sweat,
the sweat of you work, the work of your slavery”, shows how African people suffered. In history, White
people colonized the Black people, which means during that time White people enslave them. Knowing
the time and place which poem originated, you’d better understood what’s the writer is trying to say. It
will enrich the understanding of the students because they can connect and relate to its content. It will
be easier for them to understand the context of literary works and its text meaning.


1. What makes fiction different from non- fiction texts?

Fiction texts are created from imagination, there’s no such thing that exists and they’re
far from reality. It makes your imagination run wild that makes you excite. The texts
may include using of simile and metaphors. The examples are short stories, fables, and
fairytales. While non- fiction texts are all factual and existent. It must be credible. Two
examples are biography and essays.
2. What are the salient features of prose, poetry, and drama as forms of literature and art?
The salient feature of prose as forms of literature and art are its strict rules and
organization. The thoughts are grammatically organized. It also enjoyable to read
because there is rhyming, meters, and number of verses. While poetry is
straightforward in way that its easy to read and understand to whoever is reading. It
doesn’t have verses but its expressive. And drama is full story and has lot of characters.
It is performed and characters portray its role, you can see the emotion on their faces.
3. For you, what image will best represent literature as a significant human experience? Explain
your answer.
For me, the image that best represent literature
as a significant human experience is the river. I
choose river because human experience has full
of ups and downs. There’s uncertainty along the
way just like the river, the water faces a lot of
obstacle before it reached in the ocean.

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