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Crime, Vandalism

Presented to
McDonald Kyte
Professional Communications
Lambton College

Prepared by
Group 6
Anish Manne 776535
Kiran Krishna Chavatapalli 778308
Narasimha Murthy Palli 789909
Sindhoora Chandran 776505
Shikha Patel 783585

04 December 2020

Executive Summary

Purpose and method of this report

The purpose of this report is to throw light on various factors contributing to crime
and vandalism and the measures that help to minimize them. It also creates awareness that
committing a crime is wrong and educates people that any crime or vandalism, small or big,
has its consequences with punishments, penalties or imprisonment.

Findings and conclusions

This report presents the reasons behind people's involvement in crime and
vandalism and the increase in crime rate over the globe. It briefs about the various types of
crimes and their punishments.

It is concluded from the report that educating and employing youth play a major role
in reducing the crime rate in any place.

Governments approach to reduce repeated crimes and educating the people about
the consequences they face for such atrocities are keenly observed. It’s not about the
government or any other organization which should be wholly responsible for these aspects,
but every individual has to take responsibility for gaining a crime free society. Yes, it’s
possible for you and me because change should begin somewhere, and why can’t we be
that change.

Table of contents

Executive Summary................................................................................................................................. 2
Purpose and method of this report .................................................................................................... 2
Findings and conclusions .................................................................................................................... 2
Recommendations .............................................................................................................................. 2
Table of contents .................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Recommendations .................................................................................................................................. 6
Findings and Discussions......................................................................................................................... 7
1. Detail about Crime: ......................................................................................................................... 7
2. Types of crimes: .............................................................................................................................. 7
3. Punishments and charges for crime: .............................................................................................. 8
4. Detail about Vandalism: .................................................................................................................. 8
5. Types of Vandalism: ........................................................................................................................ 9
6. Punishments and charges for vandalism: ..................................................................................... 10
7. Role of Family background and behavior for committing crime, vandalism: ............................... 10
8. Protesting against crime through vandalism ................................................................................ 11
9. Authority responsible for prevention of crime: ............................................................................ 12
References ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 14
List of figures ..................................................................................................................................... 14


Crime is defined as any behavior that is prohibited by law as it is considered harmful

or offensive. There are various types of crimes, out of which the major categories are
mentioned. Many more specific and subcategories are included in these categories. Also,
detailing about the charges and punishments for committing a crime is a major outcome of
the report.

Vandalism is understood that it includes various behaviors such as destroying or

defacing other's property. Vandalism also includes graffiti, which is writing/ drawing or
spraying on properties.

There can be various reasons for people committing the crime. While some criminals
suffer from behavioral or psychological problems, most do not. Certain characteristics like
poverty, grudges, differences in races; religions; ethnicity are also few causes for people
committing crimes. Some people vandalize properties for fun, while others use it to support
a national issue and demand justice.

The punishments for crime and vandalism differ from country to country, ranging
from simple fines to major punishments such as imprisonment. In Canada, the National
Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC) strives to reduce crime by concentrating on 2 activities:
majorly supporting targeted crime prevention practices and secondly by building and
sharing practical knowledge.


Crime is any action or offense that defies a state or country and is punishable by law.
It is easy to classify crime in many disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, and
criminology, and each of these explains why people commit a crime.

Vandalism is the intentional or vengeful destruction, injury, or defacement of any

public or private property without the owner’s consent. Smashed mailboxes, graffiti,
automobiles, broken windows, and similar crimes are not just an eyesore. It is one of the
property crimes which charge schools, businesses, youth, and others billions of dollars each

We’ve discovered that crimes can be categorized as violent crimes, organized crimes,
white-collar crimes, and property crimes, mostly vandalism. Every day, charges are pressed
around the world against different crimes. Based on our statistics, violent crimes are
becoming frequent, whereas, in property crimes, public places and facilities are the areas
that are most frequently vandalized as they are free to the public and do not have too many
restrictions. We suggest stricter policies and rules with broader and more dreadful
consequences which will stop vandals and make them think before committing such
atrocious acts.

After thoroughly analyzing, we have concluded that the laws to ensure the
prevention of crime and vandalism should have strict enforcement. The concerned
authorities should take rapid action against criminals and vandals to restrain such activities.
An immediate crime and vandalism helpline can be made to reach out to the masses. The
youth can play an influential role in educating people and creating awareness.


The Government must protect public safety by providing the required resources for
strict law enforcement on crimes. The major root cause must be known for the reduction of
crime and vandalism. The social structure of society should be addressed to counter crime.
Crimes can be decreased by creating awareness through media coverage. Strong penalties
and fines must be enforced based on the state of damage.

Creating model programs prevent bad behaviour and bring positive change in youth.
Various science based strategies and prevention programs are useful for reducing violence.
Harsh punishments must be quickly implemented on criminals without delay. The judicial
system must be changed to stop repeated crimes.

Community involvement is a necessary step in crime prevention. Reporting local

offences to local law enforcement and massive violations to the Department of Justice must
be followed. One of the wisest decisions is to work with your faith community, choose a
park, street, or any spot, and keep an eye on things by regularly checking the place, clearing
away the garbage, and planting more trees and bushes.

Findings and Discussions

The findings of the study are as follows:

1. Detail about Crime

2. Types of crime
3. Punishments and charges for crime
4. Detail about Vandalism
5. Types of vandalism
6. Punishments and charges for vandalism
7. Role of Family background and behavior for committing crime, vandalism
8. Protesting against crime through vandalism
9. Authority responsible for reducing crime

1. Detail about Crime:

Crime is very dangerous and harmful, and hence it is prohibited by criminal law.
Crime is a type of deviance which means social disapproval and violating norms. The book
shows that crime had been increasing year by year, and many of the crimes were not
reported. Many surveys also suggest that the public was concerned by thefts and being
attacked. Different crimes occur in different situations. Homicide is a very dangerous crime
because it involves loss of life (Barkan, Steven E., 2020).

2. Types of crimes:
There are several types of crimes, such as violent crime, property crime, white-collar
crime, organized crime, victimless crime. Burglary and motor vehicle theft are some of the
most common property crimes. Violent crimes such as homicide, aggravated assault are also
increasing day by day. Assaults have been a common concern of women, which created a
fear that men would victimize them. Property crime had been decreasing year by year.
Amateur offenders are mostly involved in property crimes. Corporate financial crimes are
the other crimes which incurred billions of losses (Barkan, Steven E., 2020).

The government’s efforts, such as arrest and prosecution, were done to control crimes. Poor
people mostly commit crimes than wealthier people. Urban areas have more crime rate
when compared to rural areas. The offending rates are very high in late teens than in other
age groups.

The present world is trending with rape and sexual assaults, and a graph below
shows the detail about how they i.e. women or men worry about being sexually assaulted.

Figure 1 - 2011 Gallup poll about the gender and worry about being sexually assaulted. (Barkan, Steven E.,

The percentage is about the poll results in which the worry is frequently or

3. Punishments and charges for crime:

According to the crime committed by an individual, there are wide ranges of
punishments and charges like imposing heavy fines, imprisonment for a few months or
years, life-time imprisonment, and sentencing to death.

4. Detail about Vandalism:

Vandalism is any act that is purposefully done to damage, destroy, or deface public
or private property without permission. People commit vandalism out of revenge,
frustrations, or psychological disorders. It is an unfortunate reality for the government and
property owners to deal with vandalism. Limiting the sale of spray paints or other defacement
devices for property harm may reduce vandalism rates. From breaking windows to spray painting
walls, it is easy to classify vandalism in many ways (Authors and editors of Afterdisaster).

5. Types of Vandalism:


The public walls, toilets, train doors, sides of buildings, under highways are few
familiar places where we could find graffiti. It can be spray paint tags or graffiti. It is tough to
remove this, and sometimes it even requires pressure washers or sandblasters to remove
the paint, which can further damage a wall.

Figure 2 - Photograph of graffiti vandalism (Authors and editors of Afterdisaster)

Property Damage

Broken windows, destroyed fence poles, and torn seats are the most common
examples of property damage. Property damage usually happens when you are the target of
someone’s revenge or hatred.

Street Signs and Billboards

These are the most common targets of vandals, and they use paints, spray paints,
and markers to ruin them. At times they are pulled out of the ground and are stolen away.
Damaged street signs and billboards deface the image of streets and towns (Authors and
editors of Afterdisaster).

Other offensive vandalism’s include Scorn wrongdoings and stripping a congregation or

place of worship, composing racial or misogynist spray painting on public and private
properties, or carving an emblem in a vehicle (FindLaw's team of legal writers and editors,

6. Punishments and charges for vandalism:

Considering the individual state and estimation of the property hurt punishments
such as imposing fines, province prison control or sometimes both.

As compensation for their offence, an individual sentenced for defacement is forced

to wash, re-establish or remake the harmed property. Also, they are asked to participate in
spray painting clean-up programs and other defacing types (FindLaw's team of legal writers
and editors, 2019).

7. Role of Family background and behavior for committing crime, vandalism:

In his book, Behavioral Forensics Using Applied Behavior Analysis in Psychological

Court Evaluations, Ruben explains different types of vandalism worldwide and offers a
functional redefinition of destruction. He also tried to discuss what triggers the act of
destruction through Samantha's case study, a 17-year-old daughter of a divorced couple.
Analysis of Samantha's interbehavioral matrix shows a different perspective of her criminal
intentions and the chances for committing future crimes (Douglas Ruben, 2020).

Samantha is the older of two children, and her parents separated when she was
seven years old. While her father's temper flares at times, her mother was more considerate
of her emotions. She and her sibling had to stay at each parent's house, alternatively under
the shared custodial agreement. In the beginning, Samantha was an occasional drinker, and
very soon, she became an alcoholic. She also experimented with cannabis at the age of
sixteen (Douglas Ruben, 2020).

The wrongdoing being referred to, happening over the range of one night, including
a company of four companions, headed by a brighter companion, falsely named "Tara." Tara
and her friends were intoxicated after each devoured 6 to 7 beers for a few hours, and they
were strolling aimlessly in a remote region. Tara took a splash jar of red paint from
someone's garage and continued to shower racial slurs on arbitrary private family garages.
The garages' owners were strangers to Tara, so there was no intention for revenge or in
path meriting the whimsical racial spray painting composed on their carports. Samantha was
an observer seeing the showering of spray painting, but she never mediated, communicated

complaints, or left the wrongdoing scene in dissent of the unlawful practices. All things
being equal, Samantha reflectively clarified her optics in viewing the wrongdoing as "strange
or unreal, nearly film-like." At that point, she got the splash can and kept in touch with her
own racial slurs on carport entryways and windows. She even painted a model portraying a
noose around a human neck, with poisonous and disparaging language composed
underneath the shameful picture. Police captured Samantha with paint on her hands
(Douglas Ruben, 2020).

Analysis of the interbehavioral matrix through a series of counselling steps

concluded that her uncontrolled social drinking is a higher predictor for her reckless
behavior, which resulted in committing crimes (Douglas Ruben, 2020).

8. Protesting against crime through vandalism

“The Black lives matter incident”

Police brutality in this discussion is part of a crime and is not a new topic, but the
recent shooting of young black men name George Floyd by cops in united America has
turned it into a hot topic. After this incident, numerous riots and protests have taken place,
and a new social movement was formed and entitled Black Lives Matter. Many past
incidents have been placed in this context of fatal police violence as a crime. The violence
utilized by civil obedience was a crime that has no right to make laws in hand. In this recent
incident, people have violated social norms, including vandalism (Authors of Times of India,

Figure 3 - A road crossing is painted in the protest for black lives matter

Also, the destruction of property as a crime has had a major effect on the people and
left a big impact on our communities. Respondents have engaged themselves by expressing
their outrage and sorrows through unauthorized spraying, painting, or scratching of words
and images on roads, buildings, and streets, which are considered an offensive effect, as
shown in figure 1. Therefore, Graffiti is unambiguously a social problem that is threatening
and should be prevented and dealt with because it would cause fear more than crime
(Authors of Times of India, 2020).

Moreover, increasing crime has descended into nights of unrest, with people's
shooting and vandalism reports. None of the things should happen as it is not the right way
to destruct the government's property and do illegal acts (Authors of Times of India, 2020).

9. Authority responsible for prevention of crime:

The National Crime Prevention Centre’s (NCPC) is an organization which wholly

works with a single aim ‘Prevention of crime’. This authority is successful in finding different
ways to support the poor and help them changing their mind set from committing crimes.
There are few cost-effective ways which can be put in to action to reduce crime rate
(Authority of National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC), 2008).

NCPC is a department of Public Safety Canada which is responsible for national

security and the safety of Canadians. They released a book titled as “PROMISING AND MODEL
CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAMS”. This book published by NCPC covered every aspect of crime
prevention programs, and the information in this book is highly useful for NCPC Program
Officers and community groups in the development and implementation of local crime
prevention initiatives (Authority of National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC), 2008).


Authority of National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC). (2008, October). Public Safety
Canada. Retrieved from Crime prevention:

Authors and editors of Afterdisaster. (n.d.). The 3 most common types of vandalism.
Retrieved from Afterdisaster of charlotte:

Authors of Times of India. (2020, July 19). 'Black Lives' mural outside Trump Tower defaced
for 3rd time. Black lives matter.

Barkan, Steven E. (2020). Crime and criminal justice. In S. E. Barkan, Social Problems:
Continuity and Change (p. Chapter 8). Boston, MA: Faculty and staff monograph

Douglas Ruben. (2020). Behavioral Forensics. In D. Ruben, Behavioral Forensics: Using

Applied Behavior Analysis in Psychological Court Evaluations (pp. 171-180). London:
Academic press.

FindLaw's team of legal writers and editors. (2019, April 05). FindLaw. Retrieved from
Vandalism - FindLaw:


List of figures

Figure 1 - 2011 Gallup poll about the gender and worry about being sexually assaulted. ....... 8
Figure 2 - Photograph of graffiti vandalism ............................................................................... 9
Figure 3 - A road crossing is painted in the protest for black lives matter .............................. 11


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