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Name: Heng Rithy

ID: 59062

Laws are necessary for a smoothly functioning society and to prevent chaos. When people
choose to break laws, they are accountable to the community. Understanding our legal rights is
important because ignorance of the law is not an excuse. People may disobey the law for
various reasons, such as growing up in a disadvantaged environment without learning societal
rules, not realizing they were committing an offense, acting out of anger, perceiving the offense
as unimportant despite knowing it was wrong, feeling a moral obligation to disregard the law,
or committing the crime for personal gain.
1. What happen to people when they break the law?
When a person is accused of a crime, they appear before a magistrate in the Local Court for
committal proceedings to determine if there is enough evidence for a trial. The seriousness of
the offense determines whether the case is heard in a Magistrate's Court, District Court, or
Supreme Court. In the latter two, a jury decides the accused person's innocence. Everyone
charged with an offense has the right to fair treatment and justice under the law. When fairness
is lacking, whether in legal proceedings or any other situation, it is considered discrimination.
2. The purpose of punishment
The primary purpose of punishment in modern society is to deter individuals from committing
crimes and discourage others from doing the same. The nature and severity of punishments
change as society's perspectives evolve. For example, in nineteenth century Britain, stealing
bread could result in a life sentence in Australia. The definition of criminal offenses varies
based on the time, environment, society, and culture in which they occur. In Australia today,
there are various correctional procedures available for the treatment of offenders.
3. What can the community do about the law breakers?
Addressing the complex issue of crime prevention requires considering various factors:
1. Society should examine its values and the methods used to promote community adherence
to those values.
2. The appropriateness of punishments in relation to specific crimes should be evaluated.
3. The legal system and government should be responsive to societal changes.
4. The effectiveness of deterrents in preventing crime needs to be assessed.
5. Identifying the most effective methods of rehabilitating offenders is crucial.
In summary, finding solutions to prevent crime involves analyzing societal values, evaluating
punishment adequacy, adapting to societal changes, assessing deterrent effectiveness, and
determining effective rehabilitation approaches.
4. Crime rates and modern society
Two factors contributing to increased crime rates in modern society are the breakdown of
traditional values due to rapid societal change and the diminished significance of traditional
agents of social control, like the family and the neighborhood. Highly urbanized societies
experiencing rapid change, such as the United States and Australia, are particularly affected
by rising crime rates. Urbanization and change alone do not directly cause higher crime rates
but are associated with a breakdown in societal values that can arise from these factors.

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