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So many people struggle when it comes communication in dating and building attraction.
This is a guide with three simple texts that
will make people more likely to respond
and meet up with you. You will learn how
to be engaging through fun and interesting
conversations via text. If use the techniques
in this book you will see an increase in how
people want to spend time with you.

In today’s world so many people send bor-

ing messages like “hi” or “what’s up.”
Messages like this are especially common
to see in online dating or as an initial text.
This is one of the many reasons so many
people struggle with online dating or tex-
These messages make women cringe ting.

The truth is…

There is so much bad advice out there on this subject, it’s not surprising that so many peo-
ple are struggling. I have seen so much horrible advice come from “gurus” that only bring
negative results. “Treat them mean to keep them keen” and other similar phrases are a per-
fect example of this. Unfortunately people take this kind of advice and continue to fail. It’s
easy to find yourself overthinking about the right thing to say. While you waste time over-
thinking, thye're already talking to other people. The opportunity to be fun and enjoyable is
gone for the sake of "playing it cool.”

It's likely that you have already read up on dating and attraction. If not, you've at least
watched some videos on Youtube.
Finding the same old cookie cutter
tactics that don’t change a thing for
your current situation. Then when the
time comes to try out those tactics
they usually fail. This is because there
is no prescriptive line or golden
nugget that works for everything. For
you, this book is different. This book
offers more than simple lines that
work. It offers positive mindsets that Keep reading if you want to learn how send
transform the way you interact.

Stressing over what the right message to send is a nightmare. Nobody wants to be the per-
son that struggles with what to say. Nobody wants to be the one who is in fear of saying the
wrong thing no matter where they are. Nobody wants to deal with the stress of texting that
keeps them up late at night. Thinking about it on their lunch, while in transit, or even while
they’re sitting on the toilet. It is safe to assume that
we can all agree this is not a place anyone would
want to be.

Having a clear head will help you improve your

dating prospects. It allows you to understand what
you need to do and say. Not only do you need to
know what to do and say, but when to do it as well.
Most people don’t realize how important it is to
know what you plan to achieve through your mes-
sages. Crafting a great text message becomes so
easy once you know how to combine all these as- This doesn’t have to be you

There are two types of people in the world. Those that have uncontrollable egos and those
that want to learn. If you have a big ego and already think you are on top of your dating life
then you are in the wrong place. If you believe you know what's up. That you're already an
expert when it comes to attraction and dating, then don't waste any more of your time.
Close out this book, delete it, and get on with your life.

This book is for the other type of person. The type of person that wants to have a better
understanding about dating and attraction. They don’t want to trick someone into dating
them, or pretend to be someone they're not. The right person for this book is curious about
how attraction works and the best way to use it. Attraction can be learned and used like any
other skill. Understanding this will give you the dating life you've always wanted.

There are countless examples to support this claim. An obvious one that comes to mind is
makeup tutorials. A lot of people who could be seen
as “unattractive” go through beauty programs. They
learn techniques and ways to unlock their beauty po-
tential. Not only does their attraction go up, but they
are helping others become more attractive as well!
The reality is, beauty techniques are learned the same
as other attraction techniques.

You need to know how to sound attractive too. Some

great examples of this are stand up comedians. As
they develop their comedic skill they continue to
grow and become more appealing. As they learn how
Anyone can learn how to be attractive
to become more appealing, the skill grows with ex-
perience. This is evidence that people who are not
funny or charming can level up. They become so funny and entertaining that people are
naturally attracted to them. This is simply because they know how to talk and be social.

This works exactly the same with you. You too can learn how to be funny, interesting, en-
gaging and attractive all around. Whether you are talking or sending messages, it works!

If you are serious about learning this skill then this is the right book for you….
My name is Adam Lyons and I've been one of
the world's leading dating coaches for the last
15 years. I’ve been featured on the Megyn
Kelly Today Show, This Morning (UK),and
Steve Harvey. I have also appeared in count-
less news productions, and documentaries.

I’ve helped hundreds of thousands of people

just like you improve their dating lives. Be-
lieve me when I say, my dating life wasn't al-
ways great…
Adam and his two girlfriends on Steve HarveyI was voted “the least likely to ever get a girl-
friend” by the rest of my classmates when I
was in high school. That stung. It stung so much that it sat with me for an entire decade.
For ten years I was single, alone, and struggling. Sometimes I would find myself in a rela-
tionship with somebody, but it rarely lasted. It almost always ended with them cheating on
me, dumping me, and leaving me. I felt like a sad, lonely, loser all alone wondering if I
would ever meet somebody that truly loves me. That's when I decided that I was going to
turn my life around.

I realized that if people didn't want to date me, then the problem had to be me. I read every
single dating book I could get my hands on.
Every day I would test every dating technique
possible out on the streets of London. I went
through everything in “Dating for Dummies”
and every other dating book. I got so good
that I actually became internet famous. People
knew me for having a relationship with two
women at the same time for eight years.

In fact, we got so big they even made one of

those funny Taiwanese cartoon videos about
my family.
The Taiwanese cartoon of Adam and his two


Along with enjoying life with my family, my children. I love doing what I can to ensure
that people like you don't have to go through the same pains I did. There are many mistakes
that people make in communication. This is especially true with written communication
like text messages and online dating. Before we get started on the right things to say, I’d
like to help you avoid these common mistakes.
Here are three bad myths I commonly hear among the dating community…


The first bad myth is that messages have to be short.

A lot of people will tell you that you need to keep your messages short and to the point.
Some reasons are that long texts are unappealing to read. Others say it shows neediness. In
reality, when you write a shorter message you struggle to get your intentions across. We’ve
found that people are much more likely to ignore these types of messages.

Your messages need to be as long as necessary to get across the point you intended. To do
this you can add emojis or gifs so that the messages aren’t drawn out with unnecessary in-

Short boring messages go unread


Another bad myth is that you have to wait three to seven days before sending a text.

This is such a common belief in today's world. It's common to see others follow this myth
after they had gotten someone’s contact info. In the current age of communication with dat-
ing apps and constant connection. There are so many different opportunities. If you try and
make somebody wait, chances are they'll move on and start talking to somebody else.

It is much better to message people when it's convenient for you.

I often recommend to have a set amount of times throughout the day where you sit down
and respond to text messages. Anytime that works best for you. This can be once every
couple of hours, on your work breaks, or even while you’re in the restroom. By having a
set time to respond to everybody's messages it means that nobody waits longer than a few
hours. Also you're not hooked on your phone waiting for somebody to reply.

Who doesn’t hate being ignored for some “game”?


This third myth is terrible for texting. It will mess up so many great dating opportunities.

They believe that it doesn't matter what you say.

If you're good at generating attraction, you can say anything and it won't make a difference.
That will often end up with a situation going stagnant. If you want to make sure that you
have a good interaction with somebody, you need to text them with intentions. The whole
point of this is to move forward, spend time together, and take things to the next step.

Every texting interaction should have a clear ending

There are three areas that will make ANYBODY naturally attractive. If you develop each
of these, you will become somebody that others want to chase and be with.

These three areas are abundance, confidence, and escalation…


Abundance is where you are surrounded

by people that you’d be interested in
dating. While you're not necessarily dat-
ing any or them. They could want to
date you. Now instead of having to run
around and chase people, they are right
there and want you. Anybody who’s
naturally attractive will have this quali-

Abundance has options


Someone who is naturally attractive is confident. They have the confidence to say exactly
what they think to the people that
they care about.

They're able to take things to the next

level with someone they’re attracted
to. Confidence plus abundance will
allow these kinds of interactions
within your group of friends. These
people are able to have real conver-
sations about relationships. They can
discuss what it might look like and
how to go about taking the steps to
make that happen. People that are
naturally attractive almost always
have this core confidence. Confidence allows fun conversations

The last quality that makes somebody naturally attractive is the ability to escalate. What I
mean by escalate is the ability to get somebody turned on and aroused. Let’s say that you
have a lot of friends that are attracted to you. You have the confidence to talk to them but
you never push into that barrier where you make things intimate. This is how you end up
with a lot of friends that like you, but none of them actually think of you as someone they
could date.


If you can combine all three parts of the ACE Formula then you will discover a brand new
lifestyle. A life where
your potential partners are
chasing you. They want
to be with you. Best of
all, you are able to get
into an intimate relation-
ship with them. If you
miss any one of the three
ACE elements, you'll of-
ten find that you struggle
to get the dating life that
you want. Develop all
three elements into your
lifestyle. Once you in-
grain the ACE Formula,
dating and attracting part-
ners will become easy.
Properly escalating will allow you to take things sexual
You will find a lot of
people naturally attracted
to you and chasing you.

If you're unhappy with your love life, chances are you're missing one of the ACE compo-
nents. In a detailed four part video training series I break down all three parts. You can gain
free access to these videos by joining my private group on Facebook. It's called confiden-
tial dating advice for professionals. Click the link and answer the basic entry questions to
gain access to this exclusive group.

The messages I have crafted for you use principles from the ACE Formula.

This is why they work so well…

Here are three text messages designed to help you with each area in the ACE formula.
These messages will give you a boost towards developing abundance, confidence, and es-
calation. These messages work best if you understand the concept behind them. You will
have the ability to create your own messages, respond, and keep the conversation going. I
explain these concepts in my video series which is why it's vital that you watch it.

Let’s start with the abundance text message…


“I’m about to start a monthly event to watch a new movie release on the first week of
each month with some chill friends of mine. Would you want to join in?”

This is a simple message that you can send to every single person you know. It doesn’t mat-
ter if they’re attractive, the same age group as you,
or what gender they are. Send this to men and
women in your social circle. This gives you a great
opportunity to create an event to run once a month.
You stay sharp on new movie releases, and keep it
low pressure by allowing your friends to bring
friends. Send this message out to every potential
friend and even family members that you know.
Now you're developing a social circle of friends
that develops abundance. This gives you the oppor-
tunity to allow others to invite friends who may be
attracted to you. By doing this and going out with
people on a regular basis being social becomes
Do you have an abundance of friends? easy.

You will meet people in a natural way. Through

friends introducing you. Since you're the leader of the group this will elevate your level of
attraction. It becomes easy for you to have conversations with new people, as well as peo-
ple that you might be interested in.

I recommend copying this message and sending it out to at least 20 people that you know.
You want a good amount of people coming out with you to your events. Within a couple of
months you'll find that you’re naturally more social. It will become easier to communicate
with people and develop abundance. This will make you more attractive.

Of course there are other ways to develop abundance. There are so many amazing tech-
niques to ensure these work. You can learn all of them and it starts with the four part video
series. I strongly recommend you click the blue link and learn more.

This next message helps you develop your confidence. This is how it goes…


“I just had a thought… It would be fun for us to go on a no pressure date. Just a fun
evening of some cool activities and maybe a meal. Assuming you were open to it,
would you lean more towards sushi and a comedy show or go-karting and steak?”

This is the kind of message that you'd send to somebody who might have considered you as
a friend. You've spent a little bit of time hanging out
together but you've never been intimate or thought of

This message proves that you're confident enough to

ask somebody out on a date. By mentioning that it’s
a “no pressure date” we remove all the implications
of actually dating. The expectations of things hap-
pening in the future are gone. Now your time spent
together is focused on having fun. Another great
perk about this message is that it outlines what the
idea of the date would be. Some cool activities and
maybe a meal.
Be in the moment and have confidence
The next part great for showing confidence. You
write "assuming you were open to it” and remove the
opportunity for them to say “no.” When you state something this way it shows that you’re
confident enough to assume that they're going say “yes.” Then we give them an option of
what the two dates could be; either sushi and a comedy show, or go-karting and steak.

While you might be thinking dinner and a movie should be up there. Our research has
shown that dinner and a movie is one of the worst date ideas. We explain a lot more about
that in the ACE formula. The dates in the message are fun and low pressure activities.
What's great about this is that we remove the question of “yes or no, do you want to go on a
date with me?” And we replace it with “would you rather go to sushi and a comedy show,
or go-karting and steak?” You assume the yes, and give them a justified reason. This makes
it easy for somebody to accept your invite.

This message shows confidence and gives a great opportunity to go on a date!

The last text message in this book helps you develop the ability to escalate. It’s designed to
move the conversation from platonic to intimate. This is a great message to send somebody
that you almost dated, but nothing came from it. Or you could send this after a date that
was good but didn’t turn intimate. This will help move things towards a relationship or
sexual encounter.

The message goes like this…


“I was just chatting with a friend and a unique conversation came up. This made me
want to ask some other people the same question…When was the most awkward first
kiss you've ever had and what made it awkward?”

What's great about this is the justification for sending the message. This question isn't com-
ing out of the blue. We start with “I was just chatting to a friend” and then mentioned that
“it's a unique conversation.” It's understood that this isn't the kind of conversation they
would normally have. Then you explain that “I'm going to ask a few other people.” This
doesn't make them feel awkward that you're only messaging them.

Then we move into an intimate question.

We ask about an awkward first kiss and
what made it awkward. The second part of
that question, "what made it awkward” will
ensure that you don't get a short response.
Now they can talk about their past relation-
ships. This topic is almost always something
people talk about with someone they are dat-
ing. This should move your conversations
towards being a little bit more intimate.

You can easily take things to the next step

Escalation is more than just “going for it”
once you fully understand the ACE formula.
There are so many other ways to escalate
and take things to the next level. By the time you learn half of them, you will never strug-
gle again!
The examples in this book are there to give you insight and knowledge on how to message
somebody. To really get the most out of this you need to understand the ACE formula. The
best way to do that is to watch the four part video series.

Solely watching online videos will rarely answer every question that you have. So at the
end of the series we are going to give you
an AMAZING opportunity...

Click the link and complete the free video

training series. After you watch all four
videos you gain access to a free one-time
only phone consultation! This call is only
available after you've completed the four
part training series.

Along with watching the training videos, I

recommend that you join the Facebook
group. This community has a great vibe and
amazing people that can help you with any
questions you have. I can’t stress enough
A community of growth and support how great this opportunity is, and it’s all
completely free!

If you are somebody who doesn’t use Facebook and hates social media, we have a solution
for you. Here is a direct link to the training course, simply click on this link.

This book, the support of the Facebook group, and the training videos will bring results.
But you'll need more than a few simple templates if you want true success. The kind of
success where you can date anyone you choose and live the life you want. I want to help
you have the dating life of your dreams the same way I got mine. I can say with confidence
that my dating life is EXACTLY where I want it to be…

There is no good reason that you can’t have an amazing dating life.

I can help you get there…

It starts with understanding how to develop all three elements of the ACE formula. Once
you understand these elements I can show you how to maximize each of them. It won’t be
long until your ideal partner is begging for your attention!

Imagine a life with abundance. Surrounded by every kind of person that you are naturally
attracted to. Every one them wants to spend time with you. Not only that, but you are the
leader of the events they go to.

When you put yourself in a leadership role you are guaranteed to spark attraction in others.
What if you had the confidence to talk to those people who showed you interest? You are
able to show that you are in the moment, fun, and can have interesting conversations. Once
you have this confidence you draw people towards you in a natural way. People will want
to talk to you and spend more time with you.

The moment comes where you have abun-

dance. You can be confident and show at-
tractive traits. You have reached the point
where someone you like is praying for you
to pick them.

Do you know how to move things forward

with success?

This is where escalation comes in. Without

Adam has helped thousands turn their lives around
the ability to escalate you are merely just a
cool friend that gets along with other people. For some that might be okay. But if you have
made it this far into the book I think you have other plans for your sex life. Escalation is the
final part of the ACE formula because it is the moment you have built up to.

I can teach you how to never let that moment pass by again. You can have the ability to
arouse and tease someone throughout the entire interaction. When the moment of intimacy
comes, they can’t wait to rip your clothes off and get you into bed with you.

That future version of you is possible…

I have helped countless people achieve their ideal dating life. If you are serious about hav-
ing the lifestyle you want, let me ask you to do something. Take a second, ask your future
self if they are living your dream life….

What actions did they take to get there?

Did they close this book and forget about the life changing opportunity to learn the ACE

Did they ignore the chance for a free consultation with the team behind the man voted the
#1 dating coach in the world?

Would this version of you demand taking action

to have the life you want?

Would they tell you to watch the four video

lessons, join the Facebook group, and jump on a
call that literally costs you nothing?

You have an opportunity that will lead to a dating

life that you have always wanted and there is no

Don’t just take my word for it…

Here are a few people who actually did the
ACE formula course. They were once in
the same exact position as you. I know that
with proper guidance, you can also write
messages like this.

You have only scratched the surface of

what it takes to become attractive. The fact
that you have read this far into the book
means that you understand something. You
can see what the ACE formula does for
people like you.

Now is the time to do your duty and dig a

little bit deeper. Here is the link to the first
of the four part video course to teach you
more about the ACE Formula.

These videos will put you on a course that

will shape the rest of your life! Thousands
of people have taken their dating lives to
the next level with my guidance. My style
of dating is as effective as it gets…

Don’t let this opportunity slip by!

If you are the type of person that I de-

scribed at the beginning of this book. That
person who wants to grow and develop
themselves with countless romantic oppor-
tunities. Then I look forward to seeing you
in the facebook group where I am an active

I want to thank you for taking the time to

read through this book. The knowledge I
have provided you in this book will serve
you well. Use it, continue to develop and
understand the concepts behind it. Every-
thing you need to get to the next level is in
this book for you.

I want you to take full advantage of this

opportunity and become another success

Adam Lyons

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