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Leo Cardenas

Project Report


Global Warming and Climate Change

This project will provide more needed attention toward Global Warming and Climate Change
cases that the world is experiencing every day. These two worldwide issues have continually
increased more in the last 20 years than it ever has. Global Warming and Climate Change are
present challenges that all humans are facing and fighting in this present day. In the last 50
years, the global average as a whole has increased at a very rapid rate than it ever has. Global
Warming and Climate Change is caused when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse
gasses get trapped into the earth’s atmosphere which then starts to deteriorate.
This project is the creation of a website that will allow users to learn more about said issues,
read articles relating to the topic, and will help initiate action.

Interface design: Making the website's design look simple and relaxing was a key goal in the
website creating process. When searching for topics related to things about the earth, most
people tend to be welcomed by soft welcoming colors, as well as with pictures that help them
understand better. This design allows people to feel this type of welcoming sensation and
quickly helps the users engage with the interface.

User requirements:

 Personas- The users that will stumble to the website are those who either what to learn
more about Global Warming and Climate Change, those who are already informed but
want to educate and read more about the topics, or people who want to learn where
they can participate in an event that helps the causes. 

 Scenarios/use cases- 
o Jimmy- Jimmy is a student that has been given a homework task of learning
more about Global Warming and Climate Change. With this in mind, Jimmy
initiates his search online and encounters this project's website that is perfect
for teaching him everything he needs to know about the issues. 
o Cassandra- Cassandra is an environmental science major and needs more
information and resources to help her be more knowledgeable in her field of
study. With that in mind, she encounters this project's website which provides
her with lots of information and a huge list of articles where she can read even
more about issues. 
o Michaela- After watching an environmental documentary that relates to Global
Warming and Climate Change, she wants to see where she can make her mark
and do her part with an event, she can participate in. After encountering this
project website, she goes to the local events page where she sees all the events
she can participate in and make a difference. 
 User requirements- This project's website requires people who are devoted to Global
Warming and Climate Change or people who just want to learn more about the
subjects. These issues are not going to leave us anytime soon which will lead more users
towards the project’s website. 
 Technological constraints- To be able to access any type of website you will need a
device that allows users to access the internet.
 Design motifs/aspects- The motivation for this project's design was to make a simplistic
design that is welcoming and eye-appealing for all. Aspects include a light peaceful color
pallet, a mixture of text and images to portrait the situation perfectly.

Screen images:

Info page

Info page
Info page

Articles page

Events page

Account Creation

This project is sure to promote attention towards Global Warming and Climate Change and
encourage action.

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