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1. 概述

2. 触摸按键设计指导

3. 触摸屏设计指导

4. Lens Touch Panel 设计指导

5. 电容式 Lens Touch Panel

6. 附录:Psoc 触摸按键问答
1. 概述


2. 触摸按键设计指导

2.1 触摸按键的功能与原理

2.1.1 触摸按键的功能
触摸按键起 keypad 的作用。与 keypad 不同的是,keypad 通过开关或 metaldome 的通断发挥作用,

2.1.2 触摸按键的原理
电性质、极板的大小与导电性质、极板周围是否存在导电物质等有关。PCB 板(或者 FPC)之间两
块露铜区域就是电容的两个极板,等于一个电容器。当人体的手指接近 PCB 时,由于人体的导电性,

CSensor = CBackgnd CBackgn CSensor= CBackgnd


在触摸按键 PCB 上,存在电容极板、地、走线、隔离区等,组成触摸按键的电容环境,如下图所示。

2.1.3 触摸按键的按键形式
z 单个按键
z 条状按键(包括环状按键)
z 块状按键


条状按键 块状按键

2.1.4 触摸按键的电气原理图如下:

在 PCB 板上的露铜区域组成电容器,即触摸按键传感器。传感器的信号输入芯片,芯片经过检测并

2.2 触摸按键的尺寸设计


通常在按键的中间挖空,使 PCB 下方的光线可以通过挖空导到 PCB 上方,照亮 LENS 上的字符。

根据 ADI 公司的推荐,按键大小尺寸如下表:


2.3 触摸按键的结构设计指导

2.3.1 LENS 的材料、厚度与表面处理

LENS 的材料可以是塑料和玻璃等非导电物质,最常用的是 PMMA。但是上面不能有金属。按键正

上方 1mm 以内不能有金属。触摸按键 50mm 以内的金属必须接地,否则,金属会影响按键的灵敏

(1) PMMA, PC, 玻璃等 lens 材料的电镀性都不好,所以不会采用电镀工艺。
(2) 蒸镀/溅镀(VM): 由于蒸镀/溅镀具有金属属性,它们对触摸按键灵敏度有影响。在采用蒸
镀/溅镀工艺时,必须注意触摸按键的正上方 1mm 以内不能镀。
注意这有可能会影响 ID 效果。需要在 ID 与触摸按键之间平衡。
(3) NCVM 不影响触摸按键。这是经过实验检查的结果,所以 NCVM 可以用在触摸按键的
LENS 上不受任何限制。
(4) 丝印/移印:如果丝印/移印具有 Mirror 效果的油墨,这种油墨中都含有金属离子,具有金
属属性,所以这种油墨会影响触摸按键的灵敏度。这种情况与 VM 类似,必须注意触摸按
键的正上方 1mm 以内不能印刷。

Lens 的厚度不超过 2mm,1.5mm 以内更好。根据触摸按键的工作原理,lens 的厚度是越薄越好。由

于触摸按键的 LENS 位于手机表面,需要承受外力作用。厚度太薄,强度会不够。所以触摸按键的
LENS 厚度在 1.0~1.5mm 之间。

2.3.2 双面胶

触摸按键 PCB 与 lens 通过双面胶粘接。双面胶的厚度取 0.1~0.15mm 比较合适,多个公司推荐采用

3M 468MP,其厚度 0.13mm.
双面胶与 PCB 板采用两个孔定位。孔比定位销直径
大 0.1mm。为保证双面胶平整,可以再增加两个定位

双 面 胶 的 开 孔 尺 寸 比 PCB 开 孔 尺 寸 大
0~0.1mm。如果 PCB 开孔比 lens 字符大
0 1mm 以上,取 0 值。反之,取 0 1。

要求 PCB 与 LENS 间没有空气。因为空气的介电系数为 1,与 LENS 的介电系数 4 相差很大。空气

会对触摸按键的灵敏度影响很大。所以双面胶与 lens,双面胶与 PCB 粘接,都是触摸按键生产装配
(1) 首先 PCB 与双面胶粘接,如上图所示,要用定位夹具完成装配,装配完成后,要人
(2) 在 PCB 带双面胶与 LENS 装配时,要求有定位装置,可以是夹具或者手机自身的限

为了保证 PCB 板与 LENS 之间没有空气,需要在双面胶上开孔和排气槽,并且 PCB 上开孔配合。

就像 Dome 上开排气槽一样。

设计双面胶压紧夹具时,重点压触摸按键的部位,确保 Sensor 部位没有空气。


2.3.3 触摸按键 PCB 板与 FPC

从理论上,触摸按键无论做在 PCB 板还是 FPC 上都能工作。事实上也有多个触摸按键做在 FPC 上

的例子。首选的方案是 PCB 板,如果因为结构限制,PCB 板实在困难,不得已才采用 FPC。即使采
用 FPC,与触摸按键芯片配合的地方必须是平面,因为芯片不能弯曲与扭曲。如下图鼠标按键所示。
FPC 与曲面粘胶配合,实际加工装配中不如 PCB 与平面粘胶配合可靠,故导致触摸按键的可靠性降

触摸按键与芯片在 FPC 上,手机键盘, Cypress Psoc 方案

触摸按键与芯片在 FPC 上,鼠标按键, Sypnatics 方案

对于弧面的 lens,为了能够使用使用触摸按键 PCB 而不是 FPC,要将与触摸按键 PCB 配合的部位设
计为平面。如下图,为一个翻盖机 sublens 的背面,sublens 上有触摸按键。ID 坚持要在背面丝印,
所以必须保证背面非常光滑,否则丝印质量无法保证。为了能够使用 PCB 而不是 FPC,在与触摸按
与 PCB 配合。

2.3.4 触摸按键 PCB 开口设计

首先 PCB 板的开空尺寸确定。
PCB 开孔尺寸必须根据 LENS 上字符的大小决定。
如图所示,PCB 开孔尺寸比字符周边大 0.1~0.3mm。

物体,即 PCB 板的绿色。这样会产生非常不好的视觉效果,给人以设计粗糙、产品低档的感觉。

2.3.5 触摸按键背光设计

(1). LED + 反光膜

LED + 反光纸

LED 的光线照到反光纸上,反光穿过 PCB 切口,照亮 LENS 上的字符。泡棉起两个作用,一个

作用是密封作用,灰尘不会进入 LENS 赃污字符;另一个作用是支撑作用,支撑 PCB 紧贴着 lens,
防止 PCB 从 LENS 脱落。

(2). LED + 导光膜

导光膜是一种透明导光的薄膜材料,厚度在 0.1~0.2mm 之间。在按键的位置,印刷有特殊的透
如下图所示,导光膜紧贴于 PCB 背面。在 PCB 背面布置 2 个以上侧发光 LED 灯,LED 的光线
如果 LED+导光膜方案的背光亮度不够,可以在导光膜的背面再加一层反光纸。

LED + 导光膜

如果透过 lens 的光线太强,感觉光线刺眼。硬件上可以通过调节 LED 的电流调节等的亮度。结构上
可以通过半透效果使光线变得柔和。Tinted 的程度(遮光率)在 30%~60%之间。太高则可视性差,
太低则效果不明显。60% tinted 意味 60%的光线被挡住了,只有 40%的光线可以透过。
1)采用 tinted lens。由于 lens 本身具有半透的效果,穿过 lens 的光线减少,降低光的强度。同
时透过 lens,看手机内面的物体的清晰度也降低。
2)在字符上加印一层半透油墨。字符处效果与上同,lens 其它地方的透光率不变。等于局部 tinted。

要特别注意,透过 LENS 直接看到 LED,就会刺眼。所以设计时,要注意这点。

2.4. 触摸按键供应商

2) Synaptics.
3) ADI.
4) Quantum,

另外,STMicroelectronics 购买了 ATlab 和 Quantum 的技术,也能制造触摸按键芯片。

3. 触摸屏设计指导

3.1 触摸屏的功能

于大型的公共机台、资讯机、POS/POI 等产品为主。随着通讯技术的发展,触摸屏在手机的应用越
来越广泛。在手机上,它是与传统 Keypad 完全不同的输入方式。更加人性化的人机交互界面与操作
方式,可以灵活多变的按键布局与菜单使它超过 Keypad,代表着手机的发展方向。特别是电容式触

触摸的位置(以坐标形式)由触摸屏控制器检测,并通过接口(如 RS-232 串行口)送到 CPU,从而确定
(卡)的主要作用是从触摸点检测装置上接收触摸信息,并将它转换成触点坐标,再送给 CPU,它同
时能接收 CPU 发来的命令并加以执行。

3.2 触摸屏的分类与工作原理

3.2.1 触摸屏的分类
z 电阻式触摸屏
z 电容式触摸屏
z 红外式触摸屏
z 表面声波式触摸屏

z 电容式:穩定性高、透光度佳、表面硬度強,但價格也相對高昂。
z 電阻式:構造簡易,但是透光度差、表面硬度在特性限制上不易提升,成本低廉。
开始应用到手机中,以 Iphone 的出现为代表。

3.2.2 触摸屏的供应商状况
z 日本厂商---电阻式
z 美国厂商---电容式、红外式、表面声波式
日本厂商中,以 Panasonic 产能最大。台湾厂商很多能够生产电阻式触摸屏。
美国厂商中以 3M 产能最大,但主要是大尺寸的,还不能用在手机中。

3.2.3 电阻式触摸屏的工作原理



3.3 常规电阻触摸屏的一般规格

触摸屏的厚度在 1.0~1.2mm。
触摸屏的透光率在 80%左右。
表面硬度 3H。

3.4 常规电阻触摸屏的结构设计

3.4.1 触摸屏的 FPC 联接

最常用的是 4 线式电阻触摸屏,也有 5 线式、8 线式。FPC 与手机电路的连接有两种方式。
1) 触摸屏 FPC 与 LCD 连接。可以 FPC 焊接到 LCD 的 FPC 上,也可以在 LCD 的 FPC 上焊接 4 pin
connector,触摸屏的 FPC 插入联接器。
2) 触摸屏 FPC 与 PCB 连接。可以 FPC 焊接到 PCB 板上,也可以在 PCB 上焊接 4 pin connector,
触摸屏的 FPC 插入联接器。

3.4.2 触摸屏的 AA 区、壳体开口与泡棉的设计

1) 触摸屏 AA 区比 LCD AA 区大 0.3mm
2) 触摸屏 AA 区与壳体开口平齐,空间紧张时,开口可以比 AA 区大 0.3~0.5,因为触摸笔的半径
为 0.8mm 左右。
3) 泡棉要压在绝缘框架上,否则会损坏触摸屏。即图示的不定区域不能受压。
4) 壳体到触摸屏顶面的距离(泡棉压缩后厚度)取 0.2~0.3mm。太大影响外观,太小会压着从而

触摸屏受压区域应该在 AA 区以内


4.Lens Touch Panel

4.1 Lens Touch Panel 的概念

常规的 Touch panel 比壳体凹下去,如下图所示。因为 Touch panel 与 LCD 粘在一起,他们需要壳体


Lens touch panel 具有 lens 和 touch panel 的功能。如下图所示:

在厚度上,lens touch panel 的手机比常规 touch panel 薄。如下图所示:

Lens touch panel 相对常规 touch panel,有如下优点:

z 手机厚度薄
z 手机外形光滑美观。常规 touch panel 手机中 touch panel 必须凹于壳体中。

4.2 Lens Touch Panel 的组成

Lens touch panel 的组成如下图。

Lens touch panel 与常规 touch panel 的透光率相同,数据如下:

Lens touch panel 与常规 touch panel 的耐磨强度相同,数据如下:

4.3 Lens Touch Panel 的设计

4.3.1 Lens Touch Panel 的尺寸

4.3.2 Lens Touch Panel 的厚度
Lens Touch Panel 的厚度在 1.0~1.5mm 之间,主要取决于衬底材料的厚度。而衬底材料的厚度的选择
取决于手机中 Lens Touch Panel 的受力情况,和 Lens Touch Panel 的大小。对于大尺寸的 Lens Touch

4.3.3 Lens Touch Panel 设计的注意点

1) Lens Touch panel 要是平的,不能是 3D 的形状,也不能是弧面。
2) 衬底材料现在只能是塑料,不能是玻璃。
3) 设计中要满足 Lens Touch panel 平面的尺寸和厚度尺寸要求
4) 图案是印在上层膜的内面,工艺为 IMD。
5) Lens Touch panel 在 AA 区和粘胶区之间的区域磨擦寿命低。这与常规 touch panel 的不确定

6) Lens Touch panel 与 touch panel 一样,都没有手感。可以通过软件设置,加上 Beep 提示音,

Lens touch panel 的核心技术 ITO 膜的印刷制造掌握在 Nissha 等少数厂家手中,所以供应商都要受


4.4 Lens Touch Panel 例子

Moto V8 就是电阻式 lens touch panel 的例子。

5. Capacity Lens Touch Panel

通过电容式原理实现的 lens touch panel 称为 Capacity Lens Touch Panel。它相对电阻式的 lens touch
panel 有如下特点:
z 可靠性高。因为是通过非接触式感应,可靠性比电阻式可靠,不受用力大小的影响。
z 透光性好,可以达到 95%以上
z 耐磨性好,可以达到莫氏硬度 7,电阻式只能达到莫氏硬度 3
z 寿命长。
z 缺点是价格贵。
现在上市的 Capacity Lens Touch Panel 的手机只有俩个:
1) Iphone
2) Prada, design by LG

5.1 Iphone

如下图所示,Iphone 的 lens 占据了整个手机的正面,除了窄窄的一圈前壳,是粘接 lens 所必须的。

Capacity Lens Touch Panel 完全取代了 keypad。由于采用电容式触摸屏,所以手机也不用配触摸笔。

TPK Optical Solutions (Xiamen) Inc. (TPK)

此为德国 Balda 与台湾 TPK Solutions 合资的公司,代工 Iphone 的触摸屏。此产品价格为 27$,占

8Gbyte Iphone 成本的 10.8%。比 Epson 的 3.5” LCD 显示屏 24.5$ 还要贵。
Optera Techinology Xiamen Co.Ltd.(OTX)

是由美国 Optera Inc. (Optera) 和 TPK Optical Solutions (Xiamen) Inc. (TPK)宸鸿科技(厦门)有限公司
在厦门投资兴建的专业从事玻璃系列产品加工合资企业。Optera 是专业从事精密玻璃制品和玻璃 ITO
的公司。厦门工厂生产的 ITO 玻璃制品与 TPK 配套,最后成为电容式触摸屏出货。

5.2 Prada

如下图 Prada 的手机,也是采用电容式触摸屏。它是直板机,除了触摸屏以外,只有 3 个按键。也


电容式触摸屏将是未来的发展重点,随着 Apple 推出 Iphone,LG 推出 Prada 后,可以预料,2008


附录: 触摸按键设计问答

Q: What are the critical factors for CTS design?

A: The four critical factors in a CapSense design are:

ƒ Thickness of overlay (thinner is better)
ƒ Pad/switch size (bigger is better)
ƒ Board thickness (thicker is better)
ƒ Trace Length (shorter is better)
All of these factors impact the sensitivity of the PSoC for detection of sensor pad activation.

Q: What are some general guidelines for the PCB design and layout?

A: PCB Thickness: Thicker boards are better (0.2mm thickness is a minimum).

Overlay Thickness: Thinner overlays are better (1mm max for slider, 4mm max for buttons) – ABS,
acrylic, or glass are all acceptable overlays. Dielectrics between 3.5 and 5.5 work well. Higher
dielectric allow for greater overlay material thickness.

Sensor Pad Size: Bigger pads are better (5mm diameter min) and allow PSoC to sense through thicker

Trace Length and treatment: Trace length should be kept to a minimum and treatment of all CapSense
traces should be as similar as possible. Avoid running parallel to communication lines. Locate PSoC
as close to sensor area as possible.

Q: How large/small do the buttons have to be?

A: The size limits are determined by the thickness and dielectric of the material though which the PSoC
is sensing. The thicker the material, the larger the buttons have to be. This is true to a point. A finger
only has so much area. This means that it can only couple with the sensor pad over so much area.
This would be a de facto upper limit. There are a great many variables in a design that make it difficult
to give concrete numbers for maxima and minima.

Q: How close together can the buttons be?

A: The buttons can be as close as the designer needs them to be. However, it is more difficult to
distinguish between buttons when the material through which the PSoC is sensing is thicker. For
sliders, where the buttons are right next to each other, we advise our customers not to exceed 1mm.
For discrete buttons, such as those in the Front Panel Display demo, we can sense and isolate through
roughly 4mm of both glass and plastic.
Q: Can the PSoC solution sense through a metal door (like on a car)?

A: No. PSoC cannot sense through a metal (conductive) object. This will be true for all capacitive
sensing techniques. The same holds true for sensing through an LCD. To work a touch pad, the
sensor pattern would be printed on the surface of the LCD in a clear material (ITO) and connected to the
PCB with the PSoC on it.

Q: What are the desired characteristics of the overlay material?

A: Overlay material should be insulating and non-conductive. Metal overlay do not work with
CapSense. Using the minimum thickness possible for the mechanicals of the design is also a good
practice. Overlay materials should have dielectrics greater that 4.0. While 3.5-5.5 is accomplished
easily, it is good to have high dielectrics. Higher dielectrics allow for thicker material overlays.

Maximum overlay thickness for discrete buttons is 4mm. This assumes that button size and material
overlay are normal.

Maximum overlay thickness for sliders is 1mm. This assumes that slider size and material overlay are

Maximum overlay thickness for touch pads is 0.8mm

Q: How should customers mount the overlay material to the PCB? What happens if there is an air gap?

A: The material overlay must be mounted directly to the PCB. It is important for there to be constant
contact between the material overlay and the CapSense PCB. An air gap between the PCB and the
material overlay will decrease the sensitivity of the switch greatly. Air has a dielectric of 1, too low for
long-range capacitive detection.

Q: What kind of adhesive materials are recommended?

A: A recommended adhesive is 3M 467 or 3M 468. These adhesives come in sheet that the customer
or contract manufacturer cuts to fit the design.

Spray adhesive is not reliable through the shipping process for some materials. This leads to
intermittent contact between the PCB and material overlay, which negatively affects performance.
Tape, like that used in offices, can hold a charge and will impair the ability of the PSoC to sense the
sensor pad.

Q: What is the effect of the trace distance between the IC and the touch pad?

A: If the traces from the PSoC to the sensor pad are more than 5cm in length, it may be necessary to
slow the sampling rate to maintain sensitivity. Sensor pads traces have been made 25cm long, however
the rate at which the pads were polled was slow to maintain the sensitivity of the design.

Q: How thick should the traces from the PSoC to the sensor pads be?

A: 0.2mm (narrower traces are better)

Q: How many pins are necessary to create a slider?

A: It depends on the area needed to cover, the resolution, and whether diplexing is used. The greater
the area covered by the sensing elements, the more pads (and pins) are needed. To get higher
resolution, it is also helpful to have more pads (pins). To get around some of the physical limitations as
far as I/O is concerned, it is possible to have two pads associate with 1 PSoC pin (diplexing). The
minimum pins that can be used for diplexing, however, is six (twelve pads).

Q: What is the usual method for production quality guarantee in PSoC and in a CapSense module?

A: Traditional PSoC device: quality is very documented in characterization reports and data shown in
datasheets and quality reports (available on line).

CP/Module solution: Together, Cypress and the customer can develop test criteria and qualification
that is agreed to by both parties. Cypress will then test chips to meet specification. The module
approach also requires an agreed to statement of partnership with NRE or some number of parts
purchased by some date.

Q: What is the noise immunity level of CTS? Any technical data or measurement data from Cypress?

A: Cypress is testing PSoC CapSense according to two specifications:

ƒ Radiated Emissions: 55011
ƒ Radiated Susceptibility: 61000-4-X
Data is not yet available.

Q: What is the usual ESD test method for CTS to guarantee the ESD quality?

A: All PSoC and all Cypress parts are tested to 2kV. Cypress CapSense has passed 8kV with an
insulator (0.2-0.256mm) over switch area. Greater ESD immunity can be accomplished with thicker
material overlays.

Real-life Example: Four designs qualified, production in 2 of them. Passed all consumer tests.

Q: What are PSoC’s power consumption numbers?

A: For a design using 20 PSoC pins for sensing, the current consumption numbers are typical:
ƒ Sleep = 25uA
ƒ Active = 2mA
ƒ Idle = 38uA
Sleep is when the PSoC is not sensing buttons.
Active is when the PSoC is sensing buttons.
Idle is when the PSoC is sensing buttons at a diminished rate (8Hz, for example).

Q: How do we handle false positives? For example, putting a cell phone in your pocket or pressing the

number pad up against your cheek?

A: If fibers are non-conductive, this is not an issue. False positives can also be handled in the
application software. Simple data processing with regard to large areas of a touch pad or groups of
buttons activated at the same time can signal accidental touch. Lock-out functions such as on a flip
phone (mechanical) or double-touch (software) can prevent false positives as well.

Q: How would a customer emulate tactile feedback?

A: While CTS cannot reproduce tactile feedback, auditory or visual feedback such as beeps, clicks, or
LEDs can provide the end user with appropriate indication of button activation. An example of this is
in microwaves, which have been “beeping” for years.

Q: Are there any patent implications for the CapSense technique?

A: Cypress CapSense does not use the technique described in the Quantum (Qprox) or Fingerworks
patents. The Relaxation Oscillator method that Cypress uses is a 30-year-old technology and is not
covered by any active patents. Cypress is currently filing a number of patents using the relaxation
oscillator. These patents include layout considerations as well as data processing techniques.

Q: What are the benefits of PSoC CapSense with regard to Synaptics?

A: Much lower sleep current.

ƒ Synaptics = 60-70uA
ƒ Cypress = 25-40uA

Faster scan rate.

ƒ Synaptics = 1ms per button,
ƒ Cypress = 200us per button (Cypress is 5 times as fast)

Lower price. Cypress total BOM cost is roughly 50% Synaptics

Flexibility. Cypress has its own fab, which allows us to drive down costs while maintaining flexibility.
The flexibility of PSoC allows designers to change schematic, layout, or sensitivity to meet changing
design requirement or adapt to different but similar design platforms quickly and easily.

Q: What are the differences between the PSoC and Synaptics approaches to CTS?

A: Synaptics sells completed modules. This is beneficial for customer who are unwilling to do any of
their own design work. However, the service comes at a premium. The PSoC solution has come in at
roughly 50% the cost of the Synaptics solution when total BOM cost is considered. Additionally,
Synaptics uses fixed-function ROM based ASICs that are not easily changes as the specification
changes with marketing requirement or on subsequent revisions/builds of a product. PSoC provides
flexibility through out the life of a product, though the design revisions, and into other device families.
Synaptics requires a rather nasty communication protocol for many of is modules. PSoC and
communicate easily over I2C or SPI. This has also shown to be a very attractive feature and has
already won us business away from Synaptics.

Q: Does the PSoC solution allow for double-touch and click and track capabilities?

A: These features are implemented by the host with the X- and Y-position data sent by the PSoC.

Q: Can more than one button be pressed at the same time?

A: Yes. The PSoC signals that a button is pressed. It can then execute functions based on the
multiple button status, or send the button status to the host, where more functions can be executed.

Q: Can CapSense detect larger finger only? Such as in a child-safe stove-top.

A: Theoretically this is possible, although we have not started the analysis of the technology in this
application or begun to work on the firmware. It is possible to have a certain tap sequence or timing
activate the on/off button to make the device child safe. This capability is an easy addition is software.

Q: What are the advantages of CapSense over using existing technologies like Resistive Film?

A: Resistive film has the feature of only requiring a 4-wire interface. However, the sensing elements
are not very durable as the plates must move to come in contact with one another. Also, in order to
get a precise position, a fine point (like that on a stylus pen) must be used. CapSense does not
require any moving parts and hence the material overlay is much more durable. Also, with the
centroid calculation algorithm, much broader elements can be used (such as a finger instead of a stylus

Q: What is the die size of CapSense solution PSoC device?

A: Die between 5 and 25 square mm, depending on what PSoC resources are needed.

Q: Can the PSoC CapSense solution be implemented in a non-21x34 or -24x94 device?

A: The CapSense solution requires the use of the Analog MUX bus, which is exclusive to the 21x34 and
24x94 families (this will be available in the high-voltage PSoC, CY8C42xxx). The AMUX provides the
current source for the buttons. (It is possible to implement up to 8 buttons using the analog I/O pins
without using the AMUX bus, however, an external resistor is required for each pin and the solution is not
exclusive to Cypress -- hence we are not describing, promoting, or supporting designs that use
non-21x34 or -24x94 PSoC devices).


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