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Centro Educacional Souza Amorim

Jardim Escola Gente Sabida

Sistema de Ensino PH – Vila da Penha

Ensino Médio – 2° ANO Turma: 2002

TESTE – 2° bimestre de 2017

Nome do (a) Aluno (a): _______________________________________________________ Aproveitamento: ___________

Professor (a): _______________________________________ DISCIPLINA: LÍNGUA INGLESA

Antes de iniciar a avaliação, leia atentamente todas as questões, inclusive as observações abaixo:

 Verifique se a prova que você está recebendo é referente à sua série e turma;
 Preencha corretamente o cabeçalho;
 Responda às questões utilizando caneta esferográfica azul ou preta;

Não será aceita a questão de múltipla escolha com rasura;

Since the 1950s, the term gender has been increasingly used to distinguish a social role (gender role) and/or
personal identity (gender identity) from biological sex. Sexologist John Money wrote in 1955, “the term gender role
is used to signify all those things that a person says or does to disclose himself or herself as having the status of
boy or man, girl or woman, respectively. Elements of such a role include clothing, speech patterns, movement and
other factors not solely limited to biological sex.

Many societies categorize all individuals as either male or female – however, this is not universal. Some societies
recognize a third gender – for instance, the Two-Spirit people of some indigenous American peoples, and hijras of
India and Pakistan – or even a fourth or fifth. Such categories may be an intermediate state between male and
female, a state of sexlessness, or a distinct gender not dependent on male and female gender roles. Joan
Roughgarden argues that in some non-human animal species, there can also be said to be more than two genders,
in that there might be multiple templates for behavior available to individual organisms with a given biological sex.

There is debate over to what extent gender is a social construct and to what extent it is a biological construct. One
point of view in the debate is social constructionism, which suggests that gender is entirely a social construct.
Contrary to social constructionism is essentialism, which suggests that it is entirely a biological construct. Others’
opinions on the subject lie somewhere in between.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 12 set. 2007. [Adaptado].

1st Question

In the first paragraph, gender role is defined as distinct from biological sex. Which of the following statements refers
to biological sex rather than gender role?

A) “Women can become pregnant”.

B) “Women wear dresses and skirts”.
C) “Women take care of their children”.
D) “Women support their families”.

2nd Question

Com base nos conceitos discutidos no terceiro parágrafo do texto, o construto gênero expresso na frase de
Simone de Beauvoir, “One is not born a woman, one becomes one”, é

A) social
B) filosófico
C) universal
D) biológico
3rd Question

O objetivo do segundo parágrafo é evidenciar que

A) Os papéis de gênero se diferem do sexo biológico na espécie humana e em algumas espécies de
animais não humanas.
B) A sexualidade e o comportamento de um indivíduo em diferentes sociedades são determinados pelo
sexo biológico.
C) Os indivíduos são categorizados como homem e mulher conforme as crenças religiosas de cada
grupo social.
D) em algumas espécies animais não-humanas há exemplos de indivíduos que sofrem mutação sexual.

4th Question

Sobre o terceiro gênero:

A) A ciência aprova
B) È uma abominação
C) Algumas sociedades reconhecem
D) Politicos é quem devem resolver isso

5th Question

The teacher said, “we are going to have a test tomorrow”

A expressão apresentada no discurso indireto ficará de que forma:

A) The teacher says we are go to have a test tomorrow.

B) The teacher said that they were are going to have a test. the next day.
C) The teacher said that they go to do a text tomorrow.
D) The teacher says that we had had gone to have a test the next day.


Is it a bird? Is it an airplane? No! It’s Superman. Superman landed on our planet in 1938. Still a baby, Jor-
El and Lara’s baby was sent to space on an unmanned spaceship before their planet, Krypton, exploded. The
spaceship landed on Earth close to the Kents’ home. The Kents found the baby and decided to raise him and call
him Clark, Clark Kent.
This story is well-known to all of us. Superman’s adventures were followed by almost everyone in the
comics, in action cartoons, on the radio, on TV, and in the movies – each one telling a different part of Superman’s
story. The first comic strip was printed in Action Comics in 1938. It included the appearance of Louis Lane, and the
paper they worked for was The Daily Star.
Superman’s worst enemy, Lex Luthor, only appeared in Action Comics #23. It was on the radio, not in the
comics that kryptonite, Superman’s famous weakness, carne into the story. The figures around Superman are
impressive. The comic book published in 1940 in which Superman asked Louis Lane to marry him (and she
accepted) was sold out in a few days. The hero’s death was published in Superman # 75 (November 1992). It is
the best seller of the series: 6million copies sold.

6th Question

Where did the spaceship land?

(A) It landed on Earth near the Kent’s house (B) It landed on mars.
(C) It landed on moon. (D) It landed on sun.
7th Question

Who is Superman’s worst enemy?

(A) Lara’s baby
(B) Lex Luthor
(C) Lois Lane
(D) Superman

8th Question

What are Superman’s parents’ names?

(A) Jor-El and Lara.

(B) Lex Luthor and Clark Kent
(C) Louis Lane and Lex Luthor
(D) Jor-El, Lara and Lex Luthor

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